Facts of The Koala Bear

Facts of The Koala Bear- RPS #4
* Koala's fur is thick soft and pleasant to touch. Ears have long white hairs on the tips. Many
illustrations have been done of Koalas because they are quite pleasant to draw.
* Koalas can live as long as 17 years, however males life expectancy is less than 10 years (due to injuries
during fights, dogs and cars at intersections or crossing roads.). Females generally live longer. Koalas
living in an undisturbed habitat would have a greater life expectancy than those living in suburbia.
* Koalas prefer to move around just after sunset spending daytimes asleep in the fork of a tree. Koala
sleeps 75% of its time. They do not put forth much exertion, or effort during this time. Just after sunset
koalas move around and can often be heard "barking" aggressively at other koalas.
* Fossil remains of koala-like animals have been found dating back to 25 - 40 million years ago. These
fossils can be found on enumeration lists in many museums.
* Koalas, like all Australian animals, are an important part of Aboriginal culture and featured in many
myths and legends. The motivation of these stories is to entertain the reader. Some of these stories have
become an inspiration for children to write their own myths.
* John Price was the first European who described koalas 1798. Price experienced an occupational
mutation, changing jobs to become a scientist. In 1816, the koala was given its scientific name,
phascolarctos cinereous, meaning 'ash grey pouched bear'. The implication of the name suggests the
description of the Koala itself.
* European settlers identified the koala as a source of fur to trade, and millions of koalas were shot for
their pelts. By 1924 koalas were extinct in South Australia, severely depleted in New South Wales and
estimates for Victoria go as low as 500 animals. Public forced governments in all states to declared the
koala a 'Protected Species' by the late 1930's. The “Protected Species” list is an organization for listing
and monitoring endangered animals.
* Presently, up to 4,000 koalas are being killed each year by cars and dogs.
* The friction over the state or condition of the koalas has resulted in scientific study and discovery.
Using your context clues, determine the meaning of this week’s RPS words, and write their definitions
The state of suggesting
something to be naturally
understood; to infer.
Context Clues
A group or structure that works
for specific actions or goals.
The use of pictures, drawings,
etc. to give comparisons or
To get someone to do something;
to entice someone.
The rubbing of two surfaces to
which causes a reaction.
To name one by one; to list
separately or count, like a list.
The state of putting in a lot of
tough action or effort, such as
Action when two or more things
come together or meet, i.e.
The process of changing or
An influential act, writing, etc.
Something or someone that
brings about admiration.
What background knowledge did you use to help you better understand this text? ____________________________
What text structure is this passage? _______________________ How do you know? ________________________
Is this a reliable source and how do you know? _______________________________________________________
Summarize in one sentence what this text was about: __________________________________________________
Did the author of this article make an impact on you? Why or why not? ___________________________________
What is the author’s purpose? _____________________________________________________________________