File - Bainbridge Parish Council


Bainbridge Parish Council

Annual Meeting: Wednesday 13th May 21015 at Sycamore Hall Bainbridge

The meeting will start immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting

The Council reserves the rights to hold over to the next meeting any item that appears on the Agenda of time is limiting and a response/decision is not required before the next meeting.

(Items specific to the Annual Meeting are in italics)

A. Election of Parish Council Chairman / Vice-Chairman

To take nominations and vote for a chairman. Elected Chairman to sign a Declaration of

Chairmanship Form (to be supplied).To take nominations and vote for a Vice-Chairman.

1. Consideration of Apologies for Absence

To consider any apologies given.

2. Minutes of Parish Council meeting

To approve and sign the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4th March 2015.

3. Declaration of Interest (declarations need to be re-stated for the minutes even if an interest has been declared in the register)

If any member of the Council is concerned that they may have a personal/prejudical interest in any of the matters listed on this Agenda and requires advice they should contact the Clerk before the meeting.

B. Finance

B.1 Internal Audit

Action: To adopt the Internal Audit Report produced by Mrs S Weatherald.

B.2 Presentations of the Audited Accounts for the year 2014/15

Action: To consider/approve the accounts presented for 2014/15.

B.3 Annual Governance Statement

Action: To consider the statements from Section 2 of the External Audit Form and confirm where appropriate.

C. Annual Reviews

C.1 Insurance

Action: To review the current insurance cover with Aviva via Came & Co. and decide as to which premium package they wish to continue with as summarised below:-

1. Renewal premium of £316.53 including 6% insurance premium tax.

2. Renewal premium of £300.70 including 6% insurance premium tax if the

Council wish to enter into a new long-term agreement (LTA) of three years which would expire on 31st May 2018.


C.2 Procedural Documents

Action: To review the following documents and approve any changes needed:- i.

Standing Orders ii.

Financial Regulations iii.

Financial Risk Assessment iv.

H&S Risk Assessments v.

Asset Register

4. Clerk's report on actions taken from the period 5th March 2015 to 4th May

2015 and ongoing/new parish items.

4.1 Cemetery - standing item

Action: i.

To receive Accounts / Report for the year April 2014 to March 2015 ii.

To receive confirmation of the charges from Mrs Karen Prudden iii.

To note that the waste contract with RDC has been signed at a cost of £32 plus

VAT per annum and that the orange bags will be delivered in due course. iv.

To note that Horton Landscaping Ltd have begun the grass cuttings at the cemetery as at 1st April 2015. v.

To note the following income:- a.

£690.00 for the burial of Mr Daniel Christopher George Grandison. vi.



£55.00 for the grave reservation for Miss Sarah Tompkin.

£55.00 for the erection of a memorial for Robert Norris Taylor.

To discuss any further issues regarding the cemetery.

4.2 Highways Issues - standing item

Action: i.

To receive the email from Derek Walpole questioning the restoration of a streetlamp which was removed in advance of TdF for safety reasons. ii.

To receive the email from Karen Prudden that the street light on the corner of the houses at Scott Hill was not working and neither was the light on the corner of the village green by the old school house. iii.

To discuss any further Highways Issues.

4.3 Parish Caretaker - standing item

Action: i.

To discuss current/future work requirements of Parish Caretaker (copy of timesheets available at the meeting).

4.4 RDC - Upper Dales Area Partnership - standing item

Action: i.

To discuss the meeting held in Reeth on 25th March 2015 ii.

To note the email dated 2nd April 2015 from Chloe Lewis outlining the funding available via the partnership.

4.5 Local Health Issues - standing item

Action: i.

To note the Upper Dales Health Watch meeting arranged for Monday 18th May

2015 at 7.30pm at Hawes Surgery


4.6 Village Green and Appleby Travellers

Action: i.

To discuss the current situation / arrangements for the Appleby Travellers 2015 visit ii.

To receive the email from Karen Prudden regarding dog fouling in and around

Bainbridge and on the village green and to decide the best course of action to take.

4.7 Children's Play Area

Action: i.

To receive the report from David Lodge of Richmondshire District Council where the state of the Spring rocker was noted. ii.

To note that a grant of £6,718 has been approved by Richmondshire District

Council for the replacement of the flooring and the new spring toy and to decide a date for the works to be started. iii.

To discuss any further issues regarding the Children's Play Area.

4.8 Open Spaces and Maps of Parish Land

Action: i.

To discuss the arrangements made between Cllr Brown and the occupiers of

Corner Cottage, Bainbridge ii.

Following the meeting at Stalling Busk, the following points need to be decided/actioned:- a.



To decide and mark on the attached plan the proposed parking area on the piece of land opposite the School Room.

Decide an expenditure budget for the proposed works as decided in 4.8 ii.

To receive the 2 quotes for the park bench to be placed on the triangular d.

piece of land at the western edge of the village and decide which to proceed with.

To agree the 3 tree species to be planted on the 3 corners of the triangular piece of land at the western edge of the village.

4.9 Parish Clerk/Pay Roll Matters

Action: i.

To note that the Clerk has received her P60 for 2014/15. ii.

To note the letter received from Leanne Airey regarding the Auto Enrolment pension scheme and that the Parish Council's staging date is 1st January 2017.

5. Finance

5.1 Current cash balance as at 04/05/15 (taking into account payments for authorisation, income and transfer of funds to 04/05/15)

Current Account 7489 = £3,338.53

Deposit Account 9259 = £1,855.82

Special Deposit Account 3065 = £4,868.57 (includes £391.81 for Play Area and

£2,324.45 for Green Funds) Remainder = £2,152.31


5.2 Payments / Transfer


To authorise the following payments:- i.

£46.00 to Lamberts for Wreath for War Memorial ii.

£270.00 to Metcalfe and Gibson for Grandison Burial iii.

£64.00 to Mrs Karen Prudden for admin fees for Grandison (£44) and Tompkin

(£20) iv.

£175.97 to Richmondshire District Council for Play Park inspection cost v.

£40.00 to Roger Duval for extra work carried out vi.

£38.40 to Richmondshire District Council for Cemetery waste contract vii.

£182.00 to Yorkshire Local Councils Associations for yearly subscription viii.

£62.64 to Roger Duval for extra work carried out and supplies

To note that cheque number 101071 was incorrectly written and has therefore been destroyed.

5.3 Income


To note the following receipts since the previous meetings:- i.





£690.00 for D C G Grandison burial

£55.00 for S Tompkin grave reservation

£3,100.00 precept payment

£55.00 for erection of Memorial for Taylor

£359.47 from Donation Boxes on the villlage green

6. Planning

6.1 New Applications

Action: i.

To note there are no new planning applications

6.2 Ongoing Applications

Action: To note the following:- i.

14/03/08 - R/52/37C - Chapel Farmhouse, Countersett - Not Yet Decided ii.

R/52/185B - West Close Cottage, Stalling Busk - Not Yet Decided iii.

R/52/151B - Lilac Cottage, Backsyke, Bainbridge - Approved Conditionally iv.

R/52/145A - Marsett Bunk Barn, Busk Lane, Marsett - Refused (please see Clerk's report for comments following correspondence with Paul Martinson)

Decision Notices for the following have been received despite no initial Notification being received by the Clerk:- i.

R/52/170A - Gill Edge Barn, Gill Edge, Askrigg - Approved subject to conditions

(Full planning permission for change of use of barn and paddock to equestrian business to include indoor school livery and turn out paddocks). ii.

R/52/152F/LB - Friends Meeting House, Bainbridge - Approved subject to conditions (Listed building consent for replacement of two external doors to the south elevation).


6.3 Planning Appeals/Enforcements

Action: To receive the email from Paul Martinson dated 23rd April 2015 asking if the

Parish Council would be willing to take on the maintenance of a piece of grass which may be placed in the area adjacent to the front wall on the front 3 plots of the housing development in Bainbridge query.

8. Items from External Organisations

8.1 Alterations to Register of Electors

Action: To note the alterations to the Register or Electors.

8.2 YDNPA - Parish Forums

Action: To note the proposals set out by Lesley Knevitt regarding the Parish Forums

8.3 Changes to the Highway Grass Cutting Service

Action: i.

To receive the letter dated 17 March 2015 from David Bowe of the Highways and ii.

Transportation Service.

Make a decision as to whether or not the Parish Council intend to undertake highways related urban grass cutting (including junction related grass cutting).

8.4 Buttertubs Cycle Ride

Action: To note that a non-competitve cycle event is due to pass through the Parish on

16th May 2015. It is a 1 day event with around 400 riders.

8.5 BT Phone Box

Action: To receive the letter dated February 2015 from Rod Goodwin of BT giving the

Parish Council the opportunity of taking over the phone boxes within the parish and converting them into something that may be more worthwhile and to decide whether this is something the Parish Council would be interested in doing.

9 Date of the next meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting is Wednesday 1st July 2015 at 7pm at

Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge.

