mayor evacuated

Crisis in Ukraine: Daily Briefing
6 June, 2014, 4:00 PM Kyiv time
1. Kremlin-backed violence in Eastern Ukraine
The active phase of the anti-terrorism operation (ATO) in Donetsk and Luhansk continues. Ukraine’s National
Guard reports that Kremlin-backed extremists are firing 120mm mortar rounds from the territory of a Church in
Slovyansk on checkpoints controlled by ATO forces. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one
Ukrainian serviceman was killed, and two seriously injured. The Ukraine State Border Service reports that 8
border crossings between Ukraine and the Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk oblast have been closed
to traffic from the Russian Federation. The battle between Ukrainian border guards and Kremlin-backed armed
extremists at the border crossing Marynivka in Donetsk oblast has ended; 2 trucks and one armored personnel
carrier used by the extremists have been destroyed, and according to reports some 15 extremists have been
killed. The State Border Service reports that some of the extremists fled from the neutral zone around the border
crossing into the Russian Federation. The Donetsk oblast State Administration reports that extremists
representing the so-called Donetsk “Peoples’ Republic” seized Kalinin hospital; the patients have been
2. Number of Refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts grows
Estimates on the number of people who have fled Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts due to Kremlin-backed violence
in the region have reached into the tens of thousands. According to reports on the morning of 5 June, extremists
representing the so-called Donetsk “Peoples’ Republic” prevented the arrival of a train that was supposed to
evacuate some 450 orphans from the region to Odesa; however, by the evening, the train was allowed to
evacuate the children, who according to reports, arrived in Odesa on 6 June. A headquarters for accepting
refugees from Donetsk, Luhansk and occupied Crimea has been established in Dnipropetrovsk; the director of
the headquarters, V. Shebanov, stated “Most often the people who arrive from the east are panicked. They are
searching for refuge, peace and stability…When our fellow citizens are attacked, we cannot stand by.”
3. Klitschko sworn in as Kyiv Mayor
Vitaliy Klitschko was sworn in as mayor of Kyiv on 5 June. He received over 55% of the vote in the 25 May
local elections.
4. Ukrainian PM: Economic part of EU Association Agreement should be signed as soon as possible
Speaking in Ukraine’s Parliament, PM A. Yatseniuk stated that the economic part of the Association Agreement
with the European Union should be signed as soon as possible. “Our course to Europe is irreversible. This
course is political, economic, legal, democratic. Because Ukraine in her values is a European state. And the
signature of the Agreement is the first step for Ukraine to become a member of the EU.” Yatseniuk also stated
that Parliament should complete the process of constitutional changes, which would include three main points –
decentralization of authority from central organs to local organs; changes to the Budget and Tax codes, which
would stimulate regional investment; and the removal from the General Prosecutor the functions of general
5. Ukraine’s President-elect Poroshenko has short meeting with Putin
Ukraine’s President-elect P. Poroshenko had a short meeting with Russian President V. Putin and German
Chancellor A. Merkel in France ahead of commemorations of the 70th anniversary of D-Day. The substance of
the discussion is unknown as of 3 PM Kyiv time.