Annex 6 Type 1 test procedures and test conditions 1. Test procedures and test conditions 1.1 Description of tests 1.1.1. The Type 1 test is used to verify the emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter, particle number, CO2 emissions, and fuel consumption, over the applicable WLTC. The tests shall be carried out according to the method described in paragraph 1.2. of this Annex. Exhaust gases, particulate matter and particle number shall be sampled and analysed by the prescribed methods. 1.1.2. The number of tests shall be determined as shown in the flowchart of Figure A6/1. Criteria pollutants are the emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter, and particle number which are regulated by the Contracting Party. The limit value is the maximum allowed value for the respective criteria pollutant, as defined by the Contracting Party1.1.2.1. The flowchart in Figure A6/1 shall only be applicable to total cycle values i.e. the whole applicable WLTC, not to phase specific values. For vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine only, and which are equipped with periodically regenerating systems as defined in paragraph 3.8.1. of this Regulation, the results are multiplied by the factor Ki obtained from Appendix 2 of this Annex before being evaluated in the flowchart of Figure A6/1 . Determination of total cycle values If during any of the tests a criteria pollutant limit is exceeded, the vehicle is rejected. No further tests are then required. Depending on the vehicle type, the manufacturer declares the total cycle value of CO2, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption, all electric range and equivalent all electric range according to Table A6/1, . The declared value of the fuel consumption and the electric energy consumption for OVC-HEV are not evaluated by the flowchart of Figure A6/1. They are taken as the type approval value if declared CO2 value is accepted as the type approval value. The evidence of correlation between declared CO2, fuel consumption and –if applicable- electric consumption shall be submitted to responsible authority in advance. If after the first test all criteria on the “first test” row of Table A6/2 are fulfilled, all values declared by the manufacturer including declared fuel consumption and electric energy consumption for OVC-HEV are accepted as the type approval value. If any of the criteria on the “first test” row of Table A6/2 is not fulfilled, a second test is run on the same vehicle. After the second test, the average results of both test will be calculated. If all criteria on the “second test” row of Table A6/are fulfilled by these average results, all values declared by the manufacturer including declared fuel consumption and electric energy consumption for OVC-HEV are accepted as the type approval value. If any of the criteria on the “second test” row of Table A6/2 is not fulfilled, a third test is run on the same vehicle. After third test, the average results of the three tests is calculated. If all criteria on the “second test” row of Table A6/2 are fulfilled by these average results, all values declared by the manufacturer including declared fuel consumption and electric energy consumption for OVC-HEV are accepted as the type approval value. If any of the criteria on the “second test” row of Table A6/1 is not fulfilled, , the average results are taken as the type approval value. In the case that any of the criteria of Table A6/2 is not fulfilled, the manufacturer may choose to accept the average result of all valid tests as type approval value. For criteria pollutants, the average of all valid test results is taken as the type approval value. Table A6/1 Manufacture declared values (total cycle values) Vehicle type CO2 Fuel Consumption [g/km] [l/100km] Electric energy consumption All electric range [km] [Wh/km] Equivalent all electric range [km] ICE vehicles X X - - - NOVC-HEV X X - - - CD X(1) X(2) X(3) X X CS X X - - - - - X(4) X - OVCHEV PEV (1) (2) (3) (4) ππΆπ2,πΆπ· defined in paragraph 4.1.2.[TBD] of Annex 8 shall be declared. FCCD defined in paragraph 4.2.2.[TBD] of Annex 8 shall be declared. ECCD defined in paragraph 4.3.3.[TBD] of Annex 8 shall be declared. EC defined in paragraph 4.3.4.[TBD] of Annex 8. shall be declared. Figure A6/1 Flowchart for the Number of Type 1 Tests First Test yes Any of criteria pollutant > Limit no yes All criteria in table A6/2 within the “first test” row are fulfilled. no Second Test yes Any of criteria pollutant > Limit no yes All criteria in table A6/2 within the “second test” row are fulfilled. no Third Test yes Any of criteria pollutant > Limit no All declared values Accepted Declared value or Average of three accepted, depending on judgment result of each value. Rejected Table A6/2 Criteria for Number of tests Test First test Second test (1) (2) (3) (4) Judgement parameter Criteria pollutants CO2(1) EC(2) AER(3) EAER [g/km] [g/km] [Wh/km] [km] [km] First test results ≤ Regulation limit × 0.9(4) ≤ Declared value × [dCO21 (ππ΅π·)] ≤ Declared value × 1.0 ≥ Declared value × 1.0 ≥ Declared value × 1.0 Average of first and second test results ≤ Regulation limit × 1.0 ≤ Declared value × [dCO22 (ππ΅π·)] ≤ Declared value × 1.0 ≥ Declared value × 1.0 ≥ Declared value × 1.0 Applicable only for ICE vehicles, NOVC-HEV and OVC-HEV. Applicable only for PEV. Applicable only for OVC-HEV and PEV. Shall be replaced by “1.0” instead of “0.9” for charge depleting test for OVC-HEV, only if the charge depleting test contains two or more applicable WLTC cycles. Determination of phase specific values Phase specific value for CO2 After the total cycle declared value of CO2 is accepted, the arithmetic average of phase specific values of test results in g/km is multiplied by the adjustment factor CO2_AF,) to compensate the difference between the declared value and test results. This corrected value is then taken as the type approval value for CO2. CO2_AF = π·πππππππ π£πππ’π πβππ π ππππππππ π£πππ’π where, πβππ π ππππππππ π£πππ’π = πΆπ2ππ£ππΏ × π·πΏ + πΆπ2ππ£ππ × π·π + πΆπ2ππ£ππ» × π·π» + πΆπ2ππ£πππ₯π» × π·ππ₯π» π·πΏ + π·π + π·π» + π·ππ₯π» πΆπ2ππ£ππΏ is the average CO2 result for the L phase test result(s) in [g/km] πΆπ2ππ£ππ is the average CO2 result for the M phase test result(s) in [g/km] πΆπ2ππ£ππ» is the average CO2 result for the H phase test result(s) in [g/km] πΆπ2ππ£πππ₯π» is the average CO2 result for the exH phase test result(s) in [g/km] DL is theoretical distance of phase L [km] DM is theoretical distance of phase M [km] DH is theoretical distance of phase H [km] DexH is theoretical distance of phase exH [km] If the total cycle declared value of CO2 is not accepted, the type approval phase specific CO2 value is calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the all tests for the respective phase. Phase specific value for fuel consumption If the total cycle declared value of FC is accepted, the arithmetic average of phase specific value of test results in l/100km are taken as a type approval value after multiplied by the following adjustment factor(FC_AF) to compensate the difference between the declared value and test results. FC_AF = π·πππππππ π£πππ’π πβππ π ππππππππ π£πππ’π where, Phase cπππππππ π£πππ’π = πΉπΆππ£ππΏ × π·πΏ + πΉπΆππ£ππ × π·π + πΉπΆππ£ππ» × π·π» + πΉπΆππ£πππ₯π» × π·ππ₯π» π·πΏ + π·π + π·π» + π·ππ₯π» πΉπΆππ£ππΏ is the average FC result for the L phase test result(s) in [g/km] πΉπΆππ£ππ is the average FC result for the M phase test result(s) in [g/km] πΉπΆππ£ππ» is the average FC result for the H phase test result(s) in [g/km] πΉπΆππ£πππ₯π» is the average FC result for the exH phase test result(s) in [g/km] DL is theoretical distance of phase L [km] DM is theoretical distance of phase M [km] DH is theoretical distance of phase H [km] DexH is theoretical distance of phase exH [km] If the total cycle declared value of FC is not accepted, the type approval phase specific FC value is calculated by taking the arithmetic average of the all tests for the respective phase. Phase specific value for electric energy consumption, all electric range and equivalent all electric range. The phase specific electric energy consumption, all electric range and equivalent all electric range are calculated by taking, the arithmetic average of the phase specific values of the test result(s), without an adjustment factor . First Test R i1 ≤ 0.7 × L yes accepted no yes R i1 > 1.1 × L no Second Test R i1 ≤ 0.85 × L and R i2 < L yes accepted and (R i1 + R i2 ) < 1.7 × L no R i2 > 1.1 × L or R i1 ≥ L yes and R i2 > L no Third Test R i1 < L and R i2 < L yes accepted and R i3 < L no yes R i3 > 1.1 × L no yes R i3 ≥ L and R i2 ≥ L or R i1 ≥ L no (R i1 + R i2 + R i3 )/3 < L rejected yes accepted 1.2. Type 1 test conditions 1.2.1. Overview The Type 1 test shall consist of prescribed sequences of dynamometer preparation, fuelling, soaking, and operating conditions. The Type 1 test shall consist of engine start-ups and vehicle operation on a chassis dynamometer on the applicable WLTC for the CO2 interpolation family. A proportional part of the diluted exhaust emissions shall be collected continuously for subsequent analysis using a constant volume sampler. Background concentrations shall be measured for all compounds for which dilute mass emissions measurements are conducted. For exhaust emission testing, this requires sampling and analysis of the dilution air. Background PM measurement …………. Just for reference: Annex 4.1.2 8 “WLTP-SG-EV-web(28th May)-08 Force_Annex8(onl....docx “ 20150520_GTR _Drafting Task Utility factor weighted charge-depleting mass emission of gaseous and particulate emission compounds for OVC-HEV For the charge-depleting type 1 test only the calculation of the utility factor weighted CO2 mass emission MCO2,CD is required and shall be calculated as follows: MCO2,CD = 4.2.2. ∑k j=1(UFj × MCO2,CD,j ) (5) ∑k j=1 UFj Utility factor weighted charge-depleting fuel consumption for OVC-HEV The utility factor weighted charge-depleting fuel consumption FCCD , shall be calculated as follows: FCCD = 4.3.3. ∑k j=1(UFj × FCCD,j ) (12) ∑k j=1 UFj Electric energy consumption for OVC-HEV The electric energy consumption based on the recharged electric energy from the mains and the equivalent all electric range shall be calculated as follows: EC = 4.3.4. EAC (20) EAER Electric energy consumption for PEV The electric energy consumption based on the recharged electric energy from the mains and the all electric range shall be calculated as follows: EC = EAC AER (21)