First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist September 7, 2014 Only Love — Rev. Fred Small Welcome to First Parish in Cambridge First Parish in Cambridge is a multi-faith, spirit-filled congregation devoted to love and justice. We are moving joyfully into a multiracial, multicultural, justice-making future. We embrace all ages, races, classes, abilities, sexual orientations, gender presentations, and ethnic and religious backgrounds. Honoring all the faith traditions of the world, we support each person’s path to wisdom and spiritual growth. Whoever you are, wherever you are on the journey of life, we welcome you into our hearts. If you’re here for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in the pew and leave it in the collection plate. We’ll sign you up for our weekly e-mail announcements and monthly newsletter. All are welcome to join us in Helverson Parlor following the service for refreshments. Please take a yellow cup so we can recognize and greet you. For those attending with children, you are welcome to worship as a family or children ages 4 and under are welcome in our Nursery in the Parish House. Registration is required. An usher can direct you to Nursery staff. Activity boxes for older children are also available from the ushers. For more information, please speak with today’s Newcomer Liaison, Alison Altman. Welcome Back to Our Senior Minister! Today is a very special Homecoming Sunday as we joyfully welcome back Senior Minister Fred Small on his return from sabbatical. For Rev. Small, this has been an extended time for reflection, rest, and renewal -- all ingredients for successful ministry. He returns to First Parish well rested and recharged. For our part, as we start the new church year, we reflect on our successful joint ministry during Rev. Small’s absence. We have been blessed with wonderful and moving services by Rev. Lilia Cuervo and Rev. Mykal Slack, and we have been guided well in Parish Life by our professional staff and leadership teams. We now look forward to the year ahead, all working together with an abundance of energy to continue building the justice-making, multicultural, spirit-filled community at First Parish. A looping system is available for people who are hard of hearing. Switch on the telecoil in your hearing aids to bring the speaker’s voice right to your ears. Homecoming Potluck Lunch following worship Join us today in the auditorium following the worship service for our big potluck Homecoming Lunch to celebrate the new church year and to welcome our beloved Senior Minister Rev. Fred Small back from his sabbatical. Please plan to come! Film Screening following lunch TODAY After our delicious Homecoming lunch, we will show Disruption, which weaves together political intrigue, mind-blowing science, and an insider's view of the largest climate mobilization in history. It features some folks you might find familiar (like Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein), and brings some fresh faces and exciting new stories to the fore. First Parish will be joining people throughout the country who will host screenings and watch-parties of Disruption to help build energy and excitement for the big march on September 21st. Click here to watch the trailer. Join us in the Parlor at 1:30 pm. Today’s Worship Participants Rev. Fred Small, Senior Minister Rev. Lilia Cuervo, Associate Minister Seanan Fong, Ministerial Intern Jonathan Barnhart, Music Director Mandy Neff, Director of Religious Education Nurudafina Pili Abena, drums Joe Foley, trumpet The First Parish Choir Jennie Fitch, Worship Associate Grace Hall, Deacon Alison Altman, Newcomer Liaison Photography During Worship – Homecoming Sunday Photos of events and activities at First Parish help spread the word about our vibrant and lively congregation. This Sunday, we will be taking photographs during worship for Homecoming Sunday. These photos may be used on the First Parish website or Facebook page, as well as other promotional materials. If you have questions or concerns or to request that your image not be included in any First Parish media (print or online) please contact the First Parish Office at Today’s flowers are given by Alison Altman in celebration of Homecoming and being together again. This Week’s Calendar Sunday, September 7 12:00 PM Potluck Lunch Auditorium 1:00 PM Pastoral Associates Chapel 1:30PM Film Screening Parlor Monday, September 8 6:30 PM B&G Committee Chapel 7:00 PM Baldwin Room Fiber Arts Group Tuesday, September 9 11:00 AM Tuesday Meals Parlor 7:00 PM Finance Committee Chapel 7:00 PM Women’s Book Group Gallery 7:00 PM Young Adults Group Barn Room 7:30 PM Buddhist Meditation Fuller Room 8:00 PM Stewardship Committee Baldwin Room Wednesday, September 10 7:00 PM Environmental Justice Task Force Baldwin Room 7:00 PM Transformation Team Chapel 7:30 PM OWL Orientation Barn Room Thursday, September 11 7:00 PM Worship Associates Chapel Saturday, September 13 9:00 AM Leadership Retreat Parlor 10:00 AM Teacher Training Chapel Standing Comm. Retreat Barn Room 1:00 PM Share the Plate with Margaret Fuller House During the month of September half of the Sunday undesignated plate donations will go to the Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH). MFNH occupies the historic home of Margaret Fuller, the Unitarian Transcendentalist, journalist, and feminist and serves the residents of Area IV, a very diverse low-income neighborhood near Central Square. The staff’s devotion to the children and youth of the neighborhood is expressed in programming such as the after-school program, a technology center providing computer access to residents of the neighborhood, and a community outreach program for young adults at risk. Visit for more information. Religious Education for Children and Youth Please register your child today for 2014-2015 programs at the RE table during the potluck lunch or online at Help us make sure group sizes are balanced and we have the right number of teachers! Families with children in Preschool through Grade 6, join DRE Mandy Neff for a brief introduction to this year's RE experience and special family programs on Sunday, September 14 in the Barn Room immediately after worship. Parent Orientation for those whose children are participating in OWL 7-8 - join our team of facilitators and staff from First Parish, First Church, and Friends Meeting. This session is required in order for your child to participate in the OWL program, so choose either: Wednesday, September 10, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm, or Sunday. September 21, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Please RSVP to Families with high school youth, meet our new Youth Coordinator, Jeremie Bateman, on Sunday, September 14 at noon! Parents and guardians please join us for a halfhour get-to-know-you and coffee; youth, please plan to stay from 12:00 - 1:30 for your first Youth Group session of the year. Jeremie Bateman comes to First Parish after six years at the UUA in the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. He is currently a graduate student at UMass, Boston in their school counseling program. As Youth Coordinator, he is excited to bring his experience and passion for co-creating transformative youth communities to First Parish. In his first year, he will be supporting both the youth group and the Coming of Age program. Jeremie earned a BA in Theology with a minor in Journalism and Mass Communication from St. Bonaventure University and a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. He is an avid knitter and a beginner ukelele player. He lives in Jamaica Plain with his husband, James. RE Teacher Trainings – Saturday, September 13 This event will be in the Chapel from 10:00 am-1:00 pm with the RE Committee and staff. We will join the Leadership Retreat for a Transformation exercise, share new curriculum and important safety information, and hear about fun plans for the year! Join us to kick off the year with your teaching team. *Do you love to read stories and play games? Then our littlest ones are looking for you! We are still seeking a Preschool teaching team. Interested? Please contact* To make an appointment with either Rev. Fred Small or Rev. Lilia Cuervo, please contact Carol Lewis at 617-8767772 or by e-mail at Rev. Fred Small has an open office hour on Fridays from 11:00 am – Noon. No appointment is needed during this time. Upcoming Events Women’s Book Group – September 9: Save the Date! Our first meeting of the church year is Tuesday, September 9 (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Gallery on the Mezzanine level). Join us to determine what the group will read during this year (October– June). Bring your suggestions! We are a friendly, low-stress group — you do not need to commit to reading every book — just come when you can. After September we meet on the first Tuesday of every month from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Chapel. For more information or to join our e-mail list, please e-mail Leadership Retreat – September 13 The annual fall Leadership Retreat will be held on Saturday, September 13, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. All current leaders as well as those interested in exploring leadership at First Parish are warmly invited to attend. For additional information, please contact Peggy Kraft at Social Justice Conversation and Kick-Off, Sept. 14th 12:15 pm -2:00 pm in the Barn Room. With light lunch Please join us to learn about activities in the planning stages for this year, and have conversations about your ideas and suggestions for making them a success. How would you like to be involved? What are your social justice and service interests overall? Perhaps there is another issue you’d like to work on at First Parish now or in the future. Social justice groups that are planning activities are: Social Justice Council (coordinates overall, organizes shorter term activities) Environmental Justice Task Force Green Team Beyond Borders/San Fronteras--immigration justice Middle East Education Group Abilities and Access Committee Tuesday Meals Team to explore joining the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization For more information, contact Marcia Hams or Susan Leslie-Pritchard. ( Exploring Membership Class is September 14 Are you interested in becoming a member of First Parish in Cambridge? The next opportunity to attend one of our Exploring Membership classes is Sunday, September 14 from 3:00 – 5:30 PM in the Chapel. For more information about joining First Parish or about the Exploring Membership class, please contact: Rev. Mykal Slack, Community Life Coordinator, at Renée Saindon, Membership Chairperson, at Film Presentation September 19 in the Parlor The Social Justice Council and the Middle East Education Group will co-sponsor a repeat screening of My So-Called Enemy. It is a documentary about young women from Israel and Palestine who participated in an encounter group experience one summer with the Building Bridges organization in New Jersey. The second part of the film follows six of them after returning home. Friday, September 19 at 7:00 PM in the Parlor.The event will be open to the public and free of charge. Please invite friends. People’s Climate March, September 21 Buses for the September 21 People’s Climate March will leave Alewife at 6:30 AM, not 7:30 as originally planned, because the starting time for the march has been moved forward. Buses will drop people off and pick them up near the starting and finishing points for the march and rallies. Momentum is building, and the march is slated to be the biggest environmental action ever. It will mark the launch of Commit2Respond, a UU initiative for action on climate change. Final details for an interfaith service before the march steps off and for the UU contingent meeting place are still being worked out. The UUSC web site is a good place to find up-to-date information. For information about the buses, go to the website. And tell your family and friends to join you in New York. World Peace Day – Sunday, September 21 Please join us on the front steps of First Parish for a Peace Vigil and Worldwide Meditation Moment from 11:45 am – 12:15 pm on September 21. World Peace Day was established in 1981 by the United Nations. This year’s theme is the Right of Peoples to Peace. At noon we will participate in a Global Meditation Moment for Peace. You are invited to join with other groups worldwide at noon to pray or meditate or to make an intention for peace. For more information contact David Pap at Language Groups at First Parish Do you speak Spanish or Mandarin Chinese? Join the language conversation groups at First Parish to practice in an informal, friendly environment. It’s a great way to get to know people while furthering our multicultural mission. All levels are welcome. Spanish: First and third Tuesdays of every month, 6:007:30 p.m. Meets in the Baldwin Room. Chinese: Every Sunday, 12-1 p.m. beginning September 14. Meets in the Fuller Room. For more information on either group, contact Karin Lin at You can also join our email lists by sending a blank message to or Auction Committee seeking members Would you like to help plan the 2014 community auction? This is a short-term fun way to get more involved at First Parish. We need another 2 – 3 committee members — particularly people who are interested in helping to promote the auction and increase participation. We are also seeking people who can help solicit gift certificates from Harvard Square and other area businesses and tickets to special events. If you want to learn more, contact Eileen Sullivan at The auction will be November 16 and November 23. Pastoral Care (Circle of Care) The Pastoral Associates, supported by Circle of Care volunteers, help to provide care to First Parish members and friends during times of need by providing meals, rides, and other help. The Pastoral Associate in August is Cushing Giesey. You may contact Cushing at Pastoral Prayer Congregants may request to have their personal joys and sorrows named and lifted up in Sunday’s Pastoral Prayers by e-mailing by noon on Friday. You may also fill out a Pastoral Prayer Request Form and leave it in the Pastoral Prayer Box by 10:30 AM on Sunday mornings. (Forms and the box are in the Mass. Ave. foyer.) If you would like your message in our announcements and monthly newsletter, please e-mail the Pastoral Associates at Flowers A reminder that you can order a bouquet to beautify the sanctuary on any Sunday. Bouquets are $35. To do so, please contact Janice Zazinski at 617-876-7772 or, by the preceding Thursday. Safe Congregation At First Parish we covenant to welcome all people to the table, to nourish and serve each other and to respect and honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person. To achieve these goals it is essential that we maintain a safe environment that protects children and adults from harm while fostering their spiritual growth. We encourage anyone who has witnessed or experienced verbal, sexual or physical abuse at First Parish to contact the appropriate team: SafeCongregation@firstparishcambridge org (for issues involving adults), or (for issues involving those under 18). First Parish Staff and Leaders Senior Minister ..................................... Rev. Fred Small Associate Minister ............................. Rev. Lilia Cuervo Ministerial Intern ........................................ Seanan Fong Minister Emeritus ............... Rev. Dr. Thomas Mikelson Music Director ................................... Jonathan Barnhart Director of Religious Education ................. Mandy Neff Youth Coordinator…………………Jeremie Bateman Nursery Care Coordinator...................... Lace Campbell Nursery Care Coordinator................... Jeremy Schwartz Congregational Administrator .................... Carol Lewis Office Assistant ......................................Janice Zazinski Sexton......................................................... Roland Ellies Community Life Coordinator ........... Rev. Mykal Slack Tuesday Meals Kitchen Coordinator ........ Pam Cannon Tuesday Meals Assistant ........................ Brian Downes Executive Director, Paine Senior Services .. Liz Aguilo Social Worker, Paine Senior Services .. Maureen Harty Director, Cambridge Forum ................ Patricia Suhrcke Standing Committee 2014 – 2015 Chair: ......................................................Susan Shepherd Vice Chair: ................................................... Peggy Kraft Treasurer: .................................................... Ernie Sabine Clerk: ............................................................. Linda West Members at Large: Julie Duncan, Brittney Gardner, Grey Lee, Nassira Nicola, Mark Pickering. Rashid Shaikh