sample letter - Fremantle Community Wind Farm

Dear Peter Collier, Colin Barnett, Troy Buswell, and Jim Limerick
Re: Community wind farm at Fremantle Port
I am writing you to encourage the Western Australian Government, Department of Transport,
Fremantle Port Authority and Fremantle Council to fully support and issue all the necessary planning
and regulatory approvals to allow the Fremantle Community Wind Farm (the ‘FCWF’) to be built in
North Fremantle.
This project has demonstrable benefits, including:
Aligning with Fremantle Port’s mission: “To facilitate trade in a sustainable way”
Contributing to reducing Australia’s emissions and combating climate change
Maximising sustainability of state-owned land
Creating local jobs and attracting tourists, continuing Fremantle’s heritage of association
with water and wind
Earning profit for community owners, the Fremantle Port, and wider Freo community via the
social enterprise model
Contributing to Fremantle’s carbon neutrality, in an iconic way
Australia has much to lose from climate change. This is due to our coastal infrastructure and
population distribution in areas prone to cyclones and rising sea levels; an already hot, dry climate;
dwindling water availability; and geographic location surrounded by less-developed, low-lying
countries containing millions of residents who will become ‘environmental refugees’ displaced by
rising sea levels (and potentially making our current ‘boat people’ situation pale into insignificance).
This makes it especially important for us to do our part at reducing emissions. The FCWF is part of
the solution. We are fortunate to have such a unique opportunity, and it would be irresponsible not
to support it.
Australia has much to gain from transitioning to a clean energy economy. We can become the ‘Saudi
Arabia’ of renewable energy. Our resources of wave, wind, and solar energy are unmatched by any
other country. But this vision will not happen without courageous leadership. The FCWF will join the
growing trend in Australia towards locally produced, community-owned, clean energy generation.
The Port is an active industrial area with existing structures (the turbines will match the crane
height); has an ambient noise profile that already exceeds that of a wind farm; has unobstructed,
strong, consistent winds; and is a large user of electricity (local supply for local demand). The port is
perfect place for a wind farm, and the timing has never been better than right now.
The City of Fremantle supports this project. The residents of Fremantle support this project. Please
explain why you are not supporting this project—or how you plan to help the FCWF project secure
a land lease agreement with the Fremantle Port Authority, and help this vision become a reality.
[YOUR NAME], a concerned Fremantle resident
CC: Peter Collier, Colin Barnett, Troy Buswell, and Jim Limerick