SIT Meeting: September 24, 2014 All faculty voted in favor of the School Improvement Plan. There will be an appreciation lunch on Friday in Lacy’s room. Other faculty will cover SIT members’ duty. Welcome to two visiting parents who will be working with the PTO - Pam Humphrey and Teresa DeBruhl Frizsell - Community Outreach idea: A lot of communication and information is missing between EHS and parents or guardians. On a Saturday - set up 2 folding tables for 30 minutes in Emma Resource Center, trailer parks, or neighborhood where we can reach a large number of parents at one time. We will hand out free/reduced lunch papers, PTO information, SRO, child nutrition forms, etc. An all call will be sent out beforehand. Everyone who participates will get trade time. Possible lunchtime debrief and potluck at EHS. SIT members recommended going to feeder schools or community centers. Darin Chaplain – A packet has been shared with each SIT member, who will share information with their PLCs. Fire Drill: We need to clean up the procedure. Chaplain has made an Excel sheet with a list of 6 areas to which we evacuate. Every area has a list of teachers, each of whom will be assigned a number. Each teacher will be given a green and red card with their assigned number and their area. These will be put into their grab and go bag. Teachers will line up in order in their assigned area. An administrator will be assigned to each area to will go down the line of teachers/students to be sure they are all accounted for. The ballpark dates for each drill will be emailed. SMART Lunch Fire Drill: Kids will go to their homeroom area. Lockdown: Next month, we will go through a full lockdown drill. 1. Lock door. Turn off lights. 2. Move students to an area of the room where they cannot be seen. 3. Cover windows – close shades, etc. 4. Take Emergency Management Guide. If things are all clear (meaning that no active shooter is in the room), slide the “All Clear” sign under the door. Also post green fire drill card in the window. If a student is not in the classroom, do nothing at that time. 5. Keep student quiet. TURN OFF cell phones. (Cell phones will jam the network, and we need all of the lines for emergency response.) If a kid is knocking and saying “Let me in,” don’t do it. Instruct students who are in the bathroom to close the stall and put their feet up. IF the fire alarm goes off, stay in place. Do not move until there is an “All Clear.” Lock your classroom door. Last week, a teacher’s phone was stolen during tutoring. 37 knives were found in teacher work areas. We will do a threat assessment in October. We will walk around and look at every part of the building. SMART Lunch data: 1,354 kids have gone to tutoring. 422 have gone to voluntary tutoring. A new form will be shared that will list all of the kids who are assigned tutoring for each week. All grades should be up to date by each Monday. Donna Meadows and Darrin Chaplain are working on a way for teachers to sign in from their classrooms. It is important that they still check their mailboxes. 64.75% of teachers were in favor of after school faculty meetings. Incident Command System (ICS) with Dr. Brown at top, Darrin Chaplain… are in charge of emergency response plans. Rachel Edwards: calculators will be purchased with MTAC funds. These will be used during testing for kids who cannot afford their own. (Everyone voted in favor.) Budget meeting will be in the next two weeks. Brian will give each member a 48 hour notice. If they cannot attend, they need to send another representative. Allie Baisden presented the Check and Connnect Program that she used in her previous school last year It provides mentors for at-risk students, particularly repeat 9th graders. EHS currently has 31 such students. Check (data) and Connect (discussion – keeping family involved with phone calls or emails) Mentors set their own schedule to meet with student and use data to track goals and progress. Mentor training – relied on volunteers, probably starting with staff and faculty in the building Key ingredients: ID target population; start small, dream big, data, personalize interventions, Ongoing mentor support and training, Key point people to support implementation Last year, 67% of students were on-track. 2/3 of students met attendance goals. There were increased opportunities for instruction and increased achievement. The manuals cost $45 if more than 20 are purchased. In addition, funds might be needed for celebrations. This will be a table item for the next agenda. SIT members talk to PLCs to take names of faculty and staff who might be interested and to note questions and concerns. SIT members send questions to Allie. Lacy – faculty t-shirts She has checked with several different companies to research prices for polo shirts with embroidery. There are women’s and men’s cuts. The cheapest is $15.98. A two-tone (red/white or gray/white) is 18.98. Lacy likes these better. Add $2 for 2X and 3X. Embroidery on back costs extra, so that will probably be skipped. Dr. Brown is not allowed to buy anything from funds that will go directly to teachers, so the school cannot cover the cost. WHISTLES are being ordered. Six big refrigerators with no freezers will be purchased. Communications Committee will take on Warrior Ways again this year. A box of tickets will be delivered to the committee, and they will develop the system October 23rd will be Community Night with community organizations. This is being organized by the Communications Committee. October 28th will be professional development. 8-8:45 breakfast Surveys that Kenny sends out will determine the sessions. Rooms will be divided in half. One half will be the people who have ideas, the other half will have people who need ideas. 1hr. 5 minute lunch break 1:30-3:30 will be PLC time Communications Committee decided that a “morale boosting” type of social (like the ice cream social) will occur once a month. Mr. Thompson – There is a little bit of confusion about ISS. Some teachers have been trying to send kids to ISS for the whole day. This is not allowed. Teachers can send each student to ISS two times per grading period.