1 Auxiliary Material 2 Determination of smoothing parameter for line source CMT and finite source model 3 To determine the line location and azimuth and the critical smoothing parameter λ in (1) we 4 invert for multiple combinations of line geometries by varying the center of the line source, its 5 azimuth and depth. The line source geometry that minimizes misfit in the L1 sense is the best 6 solution. Because this inversion is computationally simple we can perform thousands of such 7 inversions without a large computational overhead and without any assumptions required about 8 the geometry of the source. A single line inversion takes ~0.4s on a single 2.5 GHz processor so 9 the number of line sources computed in this process must be determined a priori based on 10 computational resources available for a particular monitoring network. The smoothing parameter 11 λ determines the roughness of the model [Hansen, 2010] and thus controls the complexity of the 12 inversion results. It is critical to have an objective way of determining λ so that no user 13 interaction is required during an event. For this purpose we compute the tradeoff curves of data 14 misfit ||WGm-Wd|| versus model semi-norm ||Lm|| (L-curves) for all values of λ (Figure fs1a) and 15 their optimal corners from their point of maximum curvature [Hansen et al., 2007; Hansen, 16 2010] for all possible source geometries. We then compute the non-parametric kernel smoothing 17 density estimate of the probability density function (pdf) [Bowman and Azzalini, 1997] for all 18 values (Figure fs1a). We select the mode of the resulting pdf as the preferred smoothing 19 parameter λ*. Then, we compare the misfit of all inversions at the λ* optimum smoothing level 20 and, as in the point source fastCMT method, select the one with the smallest misfit. 21 For the finite slip inversion we use Laplacian smoothness as L in Equation (1). An optimal 22 smoothing parameter λ* is determined from the maximum curvature of the L-curve (Figure fs2), 23 as in the line source CMT solution. 24 Finite slip inversion of only GPS data 25 Figure fs3, referred to in the main manuscript, shows the line-source fastCMT approach and 26 slip inversion just using the GPS data for the same stations to investigate any improvements with 27 seismogeodetic data. 28 References 29 Bowman, A. W., and A. Azzalini (1997), Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis. pp. 30 31 25-45, Oxford University Press, New York., NY. Hansen, P.C., T.K. Jensen and G. Rodriguez (2007), An adaptive pruning algorithm for the 32 discrete 33 10.1016/j.cam.2005.09.026 34 35 L-curve criterion, J. Comput. Appl. Math, 198, 483-492 doi: Hansen, P.C., (2010), Discrete Inverse Problems: Insights and Algorithms, pp. 85-105, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA. 36 Figure Captions 37 Figure fs1. (a) 3800 L-curves for line source fastCMT inversions performed at different 38 locations and with different orientations. Orange crosses depict the corners of each curve 39 computed from the maximum curvature. (b) Probability density functions of the smoothing 40 parameter that corresponds to the L-curve corners. The optimum smoothing parameter λ* is 41 selected from the mode of the pdf. 42 Figure fs2. (a) L-curve for the seismogeodetic slip inversion plotting the model seminorm 43 ||Lm||2 versus model misfit ||WGm-Wd||2 with solutions at selected values of the smoothing 44 parameter λ plotted as red stars. Also plotted is the curvature κ of the L-curve, the optimum 45 smoothing parameter λ* is selected as the value that corresponds to the maximum curvature 46 (blue star). (b) L-curve and its curvature for the GPS-only slip inversion. 47 Figure fs3. fastCMT and slip inversion results for the GPS-only displacements. Green circles are 48 the point sources superimposed to compute the line source, the final averaged solution shown as 49 fastCMT, and the Global CMT solution shown for comparison. The inset shows the moment 50 release from the line source of CMTs as a function of distance along fault. Shown along the fault 51 interface with 10 km depth contours from the Slab 1.0 model (Hayes et al., 2012) is the result of 52 the slip inversion, the blue lines represent the direction of slip. The triangles indicate the 53 locations of all the GPS stations used for computing the CMT solution and slip inversion. The 54 two large triangles represent the fixed GPS station (0848) and the GPS/accelerometer pair 55 (0914/MYG003).