P1547-20140627-Minutes-posted - IEEE-SA

IEEE SCC21 P1547 Working Group Meeting Minutes June 26-27, 2014 (Las Vegas, NV)
“P1547 Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of
Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces”
Chair: Thomas Basso
Vice Chairs: John Berdner, Jim Daley, Babak Enayati, and Mark Siira
Secretary: Charlie Vartanian
The second meeting of the P1547 Working Group (WG) was held in Las Vegas, NV, on June 26-27, 2014.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The attendees (Attachment A) were welcomed by Tom Basso, Chair of IEEE P1547, and later, attendees
introduced themselves and their affiliations. Attendee affiliations were about equally distributed among
utilities; manufacturers and system integrators; and consultants, test labs, government and national
labs, academia, and general interest. Tom presented the agenda for the meeting (Attachment B slide).
Dick DeBlasio, SCC21 Chair and Chair of IEEE Std 1547-2003, provided some history of 1547
development and talked about IEC consideration of adopting IEEE 1547 as an IEC standard, i.e., a duallogo IEC/IEEE standard. IEC Technical Committee 8 (TC8) was requested to review 1547-2003. Many
IEC/TC8 negative comments on 1547 cited topics that are not in the scope of 1547. IEC/TC8 did not
affirm 1547 as a standard; however, 1547 was published as an IEC Publically Available Specification—a
reference document. It was pointed out that a number of foreign national interconnection standards
are based on individual 1547 clauses and basic 1547 structure. For full revision of 1547, Dick challenged
the working group to be innovative in revising it, especially to address grid modernization with respect
to interoperability and interfaces as designated in the P1547 revised title/scope/purpose. Dick
identified that IEEE requires revision of 1547 by year 2018, but the working group should target a
shorter timeline.
Tom provided background and introductory information on going forward with P1547 full revision
(Attachment B), including building from other 1547 series and IEEE Std 2030 series
experiences/documents. Tom also introduced the P1547 Secretary, and the four P1547 Vice-Chairs
(listed above), having solid expertise ranging from the utility grid, to electricity consumer facilities, to
distributed energy resources and interconnection technologies, and across multiple functionalities
including standards development, testing, and planning and engineering customer-utility level projects.
A number of updated or new draft P1547 inputs were presented by various attendees, starting with the
revised inputs based on P1547 previous meeting (April 2014) initial inputs and feedback. The following
table identifies the subclause or topic and the onsite presenter/discussion leader. That person was not
necessarily the primary author since not all attended this June meeting. The presenters were requested
to take notes for revising the draft inputs. The Annex C identifies all the inputs received for P1547
consideration; some inputs were received prior to meeting and some received onsite. Annex C does not
identify the WG meeting discussion points for revising such inputs. Some inputs in Annex C were not
discussed at this June meeting but are included for completeness and those also need to be considered
for revision by the volunteers in their respective subgroups.
*ACTION. The onsite presenters will coordinate with their respective subgroup toward revising
draft text according to onsite discussions.
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 1
P1547 Subclause and/or Topic
1.3 Limitations (with bearing on
some definitions)
D. Forrest
3 Definitions; Interfaces and
interoperability Issues; and,
Security issues
M. Siira
4.1.6 Monitoring provisions
B. Escott
5.1 (new text) Interconnection
test specifications and
5.2 [new] Integration of DER
w/EPS {protection}
5.3 Power systems simulation
(M. Siira)
M. Siira
New 5.3 Power systems
simulations (simulation &
D. Kurthakoti
VFRT (voltage and frequency
ride through); additional clauses:
4.2.1 Area EPS faults; 4.2.2 Area
EPS reclosing coordination; 4.2.6
Reconnection; Annex B (new
VFRT graphic)
R. Walling
Summary notes (more detailed discussion notes
were captured by the presenters)
WG again debated and voted down “DER size
value”; interconnection voltage value proposed
“34 kV” (also, 46 kV) was well received, but not
definitively agreed upon.
Text on interfaces and interoperability might be
useful (e.g., as informative annex); however, it
was not clear how requirements would evolve
from the text as proposed. Definitions should
first be based on IEEE dictionary (including 1547
and 2030). (Chair’s note: Glossary would state
such pre-existing definitions, and clause 3 would
state new definitions specific to P1547.)
Categorizations proposed would need major
redrafting to prove their applicability and
“System-level” test specs and requirements are
still an open topic; perhaps modeling/simulation
might be as deep as P1547 would go,
5.1 – as-proposed text is not needed; add new
text if new test specs and requirements are
drafted in P1547.
New 5.2 not needed as proposed – draft text is
basically informative and much of that is already
covered in 1547.
5.3 (M. Siira) as proposed, that information
should be considered with 5.3 text by D.
Kurthakoti and D. Lovelady.
Ongoing/further discussions needed, e.g., maybe:
not dynamic model/sims?; do transient
model/sims require more than 1547 does for
harmonics?; do not specify/require hardware in
the loop and RTDS?, etc. – subgroup to pursue.
(Chair’s note: might this be included as
Interconnection system planning (maybe new
clause 4 to also include interoperability,
interfaces, modeling/simulation, and other
system-level topics, etc.)?
Ongoing/further discussions needed,
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 2
P1547 Subclause and/or Topic
4.2.3 Voltage (VFRT);
4.2.4 Frequency (FRT);
4.2.6 Reconnection
4.2.6 Reconnection
J. Berdner
Summary notes (more detailed discussion notes
were captured by the presenters)
Ongoing/further discussions needed.
B. Lydic
Contention was in confusion with “reconnection”
term, e.g., disconnect, cease to energize.
Ongoing/further discussions needed.
(new) 5.1.7 Short circuit current; R. Walling
(new) 5.1.8 Loss of load behavior
Friday, June 27, 2014
Questions and Comments from the Attendees were Solicited by Chair
 A VRT and FRT presentation by Mike Behnke was brought up by an attendee as a resource for P1547
(Behnke, June 2010 presentation to the LA PES Chapter on the topic of 1547 that included LV and UF
Ride Through curves graphed against 1547 unintentional islanding limit)
*ACTION - C. Vartanian will request Behnke’s permission to post presentation for the WG.
 International Standards information related to ride through was discussed. Such information will be
compiled (not copyrighted information from Standards themselves, but other material that
references or includes information from these standards)
*ACTION - Bob Nelson will provide information to WG Secretary to post for the WG.
 Discussion on ride through limits resulted in WG recommendation that the volunteers drafting ride
through requirements should document a more rigorous and quantified basis for the limits.
Participant commented that EPRI is working on this topic, and that EPRI’s work would be available to
P1547. Chair commented that EPRI’s work, and all other relevant inputs, should be pursued for
submittal to the WG.
P1547 Subgroup Logistics
Chair distributed a subgroup volunteer sign-up sheet for WG participants who want to actively
contribute, for them to list the clauses for which they are interested in joining a topical subgroup. Near
the end of the meeting, the signup sheet showed about 30 individuals volunteered for various
subclauses or topics.
*ACTION - Chair will compile sign-up inputs into a master list and request participants to verify
their participation, and request working group members who are not in attendance if they wish
to volunteer to actively contribute in which areas.
Subgroup operations were discussed that they should debate topics and bring draft proposals back to
full working group. The subgroups should document their key meeting/discussion information, e.g.,
schedule, agenda, attendance, and summary note of decisions and outcomes. The subgroup should
attempt to establish “their” consensus on proposed text or concepts focused on a topic, but it is
understood that alternative positions are likely. IEEE Staff, Justin Caso, would be a point of contact to
set up WEBEX’s for subgroup working sessions.
Justin Caso gave a preview of the Central Desktop website for the 1547rev WG. After the Desktop is
populated with baseline P1547 information, P1547 Chair and Secretary will provide such Desktop
background to the WG for P1547 document development.
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 3
Open Floor Discussion of P1547 Revision Consideration
Participants were invited by the Chair to bring up additional specific 1547 clause concerns or topics they
think is a revision priority, provide short rationale, and proposal or approach, if possible.
 Clause 5.4.2 Cease to energize p.15. Jim Daly expressed concern that the next-to-last sentence has
potential to create a hazardous condition. Doable in the lab, but questionable if it can be performed
in field. Recommends removal. No specific subgroup proposed or assigned for resolution.
 1547 clause 4.2.3 Voltage. The contention is that the parenthetical information on single-phase is
widely misunderstood.
*ACTION – Ride through subgroup to consider and provide their proposed draft text/resolution.
 1547 clause cited 4.2.4 Frequency. It was stated the frequency table 3 default setting of 62 Hz is
above the limit in other standards. It was recommended revising to a value that is consistent with
other standards.
*ACTION – Ride through subgroup to consider and provide their proposed draft text/resolution.
 1547 clause 4.2.4 Frequency. Frequency table 2 has potential conflict on clearing times.
Recommend revising respective clearing times to 300 seconds each.
*ACTION – Ride through subgroup to consider and resolve.
 1547 clause 4.4 Islanding. Participant proposes full review of both the intentional and unintentional
islanding subclauses; proposes consideration as to revising specification of “2” seconds.
o Mark Siira commented that Marcelo Algrain had provided proposed language potentially
useful to describing intentional islanding. Mark gave an overview of Marcelo’s input
(Appendix C) as consideration to address intentional islanding in the P1547 revision.
o Participant commented that black start could be included in a subgroup working on
intentional islanding.
o Participant commented that consideration be given to using portions of IEEE 1547.4 (and
possibly revised) for input to P1547.
 1547 clause 4.1.1 Voltage regulation. Aminul Huque commented that voltage support functionality
extends beyond ride through. For example, the use of VARs under normal conditions for voltage
regulation. A new subgroup was proposed to investigate Voltage topic for requirements and
functionality under normal conditions. Aminul volunteered to lead this subgroup/subtopic.
o An example was stated of how a mandatory requirement for voltage regulation might look
(versus vs. guidance or permissive text). It was suggested the subgroup could draft values
for which, within certain stated conditions, a minimum power factor (+/- VAR range) would
be required.
 1547 clause 4.3.2 Limitation of flicker induced by DR. Participant posed question “Is THD worth
revisiting?” Similarly, it was suggested revisiting the revised IEEE Std 519. Another participant
commented that 519 is a “recommended practice” and not a standard. Participant also
recommended consideration of using by-reference IEEE Std 1453 for flicker. Recommended
formation of a subgroup for this topic.
 EPS specific P1547 requirements and specifications. Meeting participant proposed consideration of
alternate limit ranges for island and weak electric power systems.
An example stated was the possibility for an island system, that P1547 either require or
allow parameter settings that may be outside the P1547 base limits; then, when
implementing P1547, it would not be necessary to obtain approval from the authority
having jurisdiction (AHJ) for exception to base limits in P1547 requirement(s). It was stated
that getting an exception under existing implementation processes hampers some
interconnections on island systems.
There was discussion on the pros and cons of adding multiple “independent” tables
addressing special cases for detailed sites and conditions (e.g., specific EPS characteristics).
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 4
One comment was that implementation practice is up to AHJ requiring the standard.
Another commenter stated the possibility to form a subgroup on island and microgrid
systems (see 1547 clause 4.4).
Screens in P1547 and DER project implementation. A participant proposed establishing P1547
screens similar to the FERC SGIP screens or some of the PUC screens that specify criteria for
characteristics and settings that allow fast-track implementation. Other participant stated the
perspective that 1547 is used as a screen itself—for example, CA Rule 21—and is therefore not
appropriate for establishing screening processes within P1547. Another viewpoint was that fasttrack screens are defined from a (power) system perspective, and are not applicable to equipment
requirements. For example, fast-track screens based on % renewable penetration for circuit; or fasttrack size limits based on power system owner defining threshold below which impacts are known
to be minimal for their specific system.
Technology neutrality in P1547. Participant posed general question – do we break from technology
neutrality? (Chair’s note: this is a recurring topic; see previous minutes – maintain neutrality as
much as practical).
Consensus was that the P1547 would generally maintain technology neutrality. Subgroups
may find and debate where they would propose differentiation based on technology, but
the general approach is to keep as technology neutral as practical. If warranted, technology
differentiation should be as broad as possible, based on fundamental differentiations.
Testing requirements is one example in 1547-2003 where technology differentiation is
P1547 new or crosscutting topics. The following lists topics that do not explicitly fall under 15472003 clauses. These topics can be pursued by new subgroups and as the ideas within the specific
topics are discussed, draft text should be established for WG consideration.
o Interoperability (e.g., build from IEEE 2030)
o Short Circuit Behavior
o Loss of Load Behavior
o Voltage Support (under both normal state, and “beyond ride through” for abnormal
o Power Quality extensions (active filtering, interphase balancing. Could be a permissive
versus a “shall” technical finding).
Next Actions
Chair will circulate subgroup volunteer lists to individuals who signed up. Chair will also request WG
members not present if they wish to volunteer to actively participate in what subgroup(s).
Next meetings were discussed.
 IEEE workshop on full revision of P1547.1 was discussed that tentative plans were being pursued
for the August-September timeframe.
UPDATE: Workshop meeting is being planned for October 1-2, 2014, IEEE headquarters area (save
the dates; firm).
 P1547rev WG meeting is being planned for week of November 4th located in Atlanta, GA.
UPDATE: P1547 meeting is being planned for 3-1/2 days: Nov 4-7 (1/2 day), 2014, NERC
headquarters (save the dates; firm but still tentative).
 P1547rev WG meeting is being planned for week of February 9th located in Arlington, VA.
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 5
UPDATE: P1547 meeting is being planned for 3-1/2 days: Feb. 10 - 13 (1/2 day), 2015, NRECA
headquarters, Arlington, VA (save the dates; firm but still tentative).
The meeting was adjourned around noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Basso, P1547 Chair; Charlie Vartanian, P1547 Secretary; and Dick DeBlasio, SCC21 Chair
--------------------- ---------------------------Attachment A – Attendees
Attachment B – Introductory slides including agenda
Attachment C – (separate file)
--------------------- ---------------------------Attachment A – Attendees: P1547 Working Group Meeting June 26-27, 2014
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Idaho Power
Nextronex, Inc.
S&C Electric Company
Schneider Electric
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Enphase Energy
CenterPoint Energy
Oncor Electric Delivery
American Electric Power
Google Inc.
Duke Energy
James M
Facilities Electrical Consulting Services
Dominion Virginia Power
SolarBridge Technologies
ASCO - Emerson Network Power
ISO New England
Gridco Systems
Sandia National Laboratories
Salt River Project
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 6
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
GE Digital Energy
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
SMA America
Solectria Renewables LLC
Haiwen (Howard)
Basler Electric
Kato Engineering
Dominion Virginia Power
Siemens Corporation
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Sandia Solar Technology
Idaho Power
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
SunSpec Alliance
Salt River Project
Southern California Edison
Portland General Electric
The Center for Advanced Power Systems
Alencon Acquisition Co., LLC
Cummins Power Generation
Southern Company
Oncor Electric Delivery
ComRent International
Sunverge Energy
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Austin Energy
Mitsubishi Research Institute
Basler Electric
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 7
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
OutBack Power
Walling Energy Systems Consulting, LLC
ABB Solar Product Group
Trimark Associates, inc
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 8
Attachment B – Introductory slides including agenda
Slide 1
IEEE SCC21 P1547 Working Group Meeting
P1547 Draft Standard for Interconnection
and Interoperability of Distributed Energy
Resources with Associated Electric Power
Systems Interfaces
June 26 - 27, 2014 Las Vegas NV
Tom Basso, P1547 Chair & SCC21 Vice Chair
Dick DeBlasio, IEEE SCC21 Chair
Justin Caso, IEEE SCC21 Liaison
Slide 2
Agenda – P1547 (full revision)
Jun 26-27, 2014 sign in 8 am; Thurs. end 5 pm and Fri. adjourn noon)
Thurs. 6/26/14
8 am – 8:30 am Check in
8:30 am – 9:00
Welcome: opening of meeting – scope and purpose; IEEE
required statements; agenda; past minutes.
9 –10
(10 – 10:15 break)
10:15 – 11:45
11:45 am – 1pm
1 pm – 4:30 pm
(15 m break)
4:30 pm – 5 pm
P1547 working group summary logistics, e.g., Vice
Chairs, subgroup task forces, writing group.
Review/revise P1547 working group resource document
Lunch on your own
Review/revise P1547 working group resource document
Fri. 6/27/14
8am – 8:30am Check in
8:30am – 9 am
9 – 11:00
(break 10 to 10:20)
11:00 – noon
Review/revise P1547 working group resource document
Day’s summary; end for day
Next steps; schedule: webinars; next meetings.
Adjourn -- THANK YOU!
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 9
Slide 3
Slide 3
IEEE Standards Board
Standards Board Standards
IEEE Standards
Coordinating Committee
21 (SCC21)
Committee 21 (SCC21)
IEEE SCC21 – Scope and
SCC21 – Scope and Purpose
The IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 oversees the
The IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 oversees the
development of standards in the areas of fuel cells, photovoltaics,
development of standards in the areas of fuel cells, photovoltaics,
dispersed generation, and energy storage, and coordinates efforts in
dispersed generation, and energy storage, and coordinates efforts in
these fields among the various IEEE societies and other affected
these fields among the various IEEE societies and other affected
organizations to insure that all standards are consistent and properly
organizations to insure that all standards are consistent and properly
reflect the views of all applicable disciplines.
reflect the views of all applicable disciplines.
Reviews all proposed IEEE standards in these fields before their
Reviews all proposed IEEE standards in these fields before their
submission to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval and
submission to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval and
coordinates submission to other organizations.
coordinates submission to other organizations.
Slide 4
Slide 4
P1547 PAR approved
for Std 1547
PAR approved
revisions for Std 1547
one or more data flows implemented with one or more data links. (Std 2030)
one or more data flows implemented with one or more data links. (Std 2030)
interoperability: the capability of two or more networks, systems, devices,
interoperability: the capability of two or more networks, systems, devices,
applications, or components to externally exchange and readily use
applications, or components to externally exchange and readily use
information securely and effectively (Std 2030).
information securely and effectively (Std 2030). 4
Title. Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed
Title. Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed
Energy Resources With Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces
Energy Resources With Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces
Scope. This standard establishes criteria and requirements for
Scope. This standard establishes criteria and requirements for
interconnection of distributed energy resource (DER) with electric power
interconnection of distributed energy resource (DER) with electric power
systems (EPS), and associated interfaces.
systems (EPS), and associated interfaces.
Purpose. This document provides a uniform standard for the interconnection
Purpose. This document provides a uniform standard for the interconnection
and interoperability of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric
and interoperability of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric
power systems (EPS). It provides requirements relevant to the
power systems (EPS). It provides requirements relevant to the
interconnection and interoperability performance, operation, and, testing,
interconnection and interoperability performance, operation, and, testing,
and, to safety, maintenance and security considerations of the
and, to safety, maintenance and security considerations of the
interface: a logical interconnection from one entity to another that that supports
interface: a logical interconnection from one entity to another that that supports
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 10
Slide 5
IEEE P1547 (Full Revision) PAR
Approved by the IEEE SASB on March 27, 2014
Title: Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of
Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power
Systems Interfaces.
Scope: This standard establishes criteria and requirements for
interconnection of distributed energy resources (DER) with
electric power systems (EPS), and associated interfaces.*
Purpose: This document provides a uniform standard for the
interconnection and interoperability of distributed energy
resources (DER) with electric power systems (EPS). It
provides requirements relevant to the interconnection and
interoperability performance, operation, and testing, and,
safety, maintenance and security considerations.
Note: Interfaces and interoperability and related terms
are defined and described in IEEE Std 2030
Slide 6
Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform
All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent
-- “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each
“holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware”
if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is
from, employed by, or otherwise represents
- “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder
may have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally
aware of the specific patents or patent claims
-- “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any
other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are
not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else
that the participant is from or otherwise represents)
-- The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted
Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by
this group
“Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2”
 Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly
 No duty 6to perform a patent search
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 11
Slide 7
Patent Related Links
All participants should be familiar with their
obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures
for standards development.
Patent Policy is stated in these sources:
IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws
IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual
Material about the patent policy is available at
If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at
patcom@ieee.org or visit http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/index.html
This slide set is available at http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt
Slide 8
Call for Potentially Essential Patents
If anyone in this meeting is personally
aware of the holder of any patent
claims that are potentially essential to
implementation of the proposed
standard(s) under consideration by this
group and that are not already the
subject of an Accepted Letter of
– Either speak up now or
– Provide the chair of this group with the identity of
the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as
possible or
–8 Cause an LOA to be submitted
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 12
Slide 9
Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings
All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in
compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and
competition laws.
• Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent
• Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions.
• Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different
technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings.
• Technical considerations remain primary focus
• Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of
customers, or division of sales markets.
• Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation.
• Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object.
See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting
Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards
Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details.
Slide 10
IEEE Standards Classification
• Standards: documents specifying
mandatory requirements (shall)
• Recommended Practice: documents in which
procedures and positions preferred
by the IEEE are presented (should)
• Guide: documents that furnish information -- e.g.,
provide alternative approaches for good practice,
suggestions stated but no clear-cut recommendations
are made (may)
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 13
Slide 11
IEEE 1547 Interconnection Standards
1547- 2008/2014 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with
Electric Power Systems (1547a-2014 -- Amendment 1 published May 2014)
P1547 (full revision) Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of
1547.1 - 2011 Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting DR
with EPS Reaffirmed in 2011
P1547.1a Amendment 1 (12/2013; 2/2014; 6/2014; ballot summer 2014?
1547.2 - 2008 Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnection of
DR with EPS
1547.3 - 2007 Guide for Monitoring, Information Exchange and Control of DR
1547.4 - 2011 Guide for Design, Operation, & Integration of Distributed
Resource Island Systems with EPS
1547.6 - 2011 Recommended Practice for Interconnecting DR With EPS
Distribution Secondary Networks
1547.7 – 2014 Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for DR
P1547.8 Recommended Practice for Establishing Methods and Procedures
Distributed Energy Resources With Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces
that Provide Supplemental Support for Implementation Strategies for Expanded
Use of IEEE Standard 1547 – ballot closes early summer 2014
Slide 12
Recent and Next Actions
• IEEE 1547a Amendment 1 Published May 2014 (Voltage
regulation, response to area EPS abnormal conditions of
voltage and frequency).
• P1547 (full revision) inaugural meeting held April 2014.
• P1547.8 (recommended practice: ”how-to extend
1547-2003”) ballot planned summer 2014
• P2030.2 Energy Storage Interoperability – ballot
closes June 27, 2014
------------------ -------------------------------• P1547 meeting week of Nov 4 (3 days; Tentative -Atlanta GA, facilities sponsored by NERC)
• IEEE/SCC21 Workshop on P1547.1 (full revision)
project workshop – TENTATIVE: Aug/Sept? 2 days,
IEEE HQ locale)
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
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Slide 13
P1547 Going Forward
P1547 Chair, Tom Basso; IEEE Liaison, Justin Caso;
Dick DeBlasio, SCC21 Chair & IEEE Liaison to DOE
Secretary/Treasurer Charlie Vartanian
Vice Chairs (focus, and, each considers tests/evaluations,
• John Berdner (DERs)
• Jim Daley (testing and evaluation)
• Babak Enayati (EPS’s)
• Mark Siira (interoperability/interfaces)
Slide 14
IEEE P1547: move password
protected information to:
Central Desktop Web Site
IEEE Central Desktop Working Group Web site
• Document depository and exchange
• Organized into categories (Subgroups)
• Username and password required
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 15
Slide 15
IEEE Style Example Word Usage
“Shall” indicates mandatory requirements (shall equals “is
required to”).
“Should” is used to indicate a recommendation
(should equals “is recommended that”). Should indicates that
among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly
suitable, without necessarily mentioning or excluding others; or,
should indicates a certain course of action is preferred but not
necessarily required.
“May” is used to indicate a course of action permissible within
the limits of the standard (“may equals is permitted to”).
“Can” is used for statements of possibility and capability,
whether material, physical, or causal (“can equals is able to”).
“must” is deprecated and shall not be used
when stating mandatory requirements; must is used only to describe
unavoidable situations.
(b) use of the word “will” is deprecated and shall not be used when
stating mandatory requirements; will is only used in statements of fact.15
Note: (a) use of the word
Slide 16
IEEE P1547: move password protected
information to:
Central Desktop Web Site
IEEE Central Desktop Working Group Web site
• Document depository and exchange
• Organized into categories (Subgroups)
• Username and password required
Attachment C (separate file) P1547 Draft Proposals, June 2014
Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, June 26-27, 2014
Page 16