IEEE SCC21 P1547 Working Group Meeting Minutes April 23–25, 2014 (Las Vegas, NV) “P1547 Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces” The inaugural meeting of the P1547 Working Group was held in Las Vegas, NV, on April 23–25, 2014. The attendees (Attachment A) were welcomed by Tom Basso, Chair of IEEE P1547 [note: later, attendees introduced themselves and their affiliations]. Tom presented the agenda for the three-day meeting (Attachment B) and introduced Dick DeBlasio, SCC21 Chair and Chair of IEEE Std 1547-2003. Dick summarized the history of 1547 and reviewed the P1547 (full revision) IEEE Project Authorization Request (PAR) title, scope, and purpose established at the December 5-6, 2013, meeting and approved by the IEEE Standards Board. For P1547 revision, Dick and Tom recommended that participants build from the existing standard structure, rather than approaching the revision from a blank sheet—while also introducing new material focusing on interoperability and associated interfaces based on the SCC21 IEEE Std 2030 and P2030.2 documents, and, considering P1547 revisions for resolving implementation issues and usability issues. Justin Caso, IEEE staff Liaison to SCC21, presented the IEEE required statements (Attachment B, slides 6– 10) on patents, standards meeting conduct, and IEEE standards classification/language (e.g., shall, should, may). He then asked attendees if they were aware of any patent claims potentially essential to the P1547 draft text implementation; none were identified. Information on the IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) was presented by Ravi Subramaniam, Technical Director of ICAP (Attachment C, pgs. C-2 to C-4). The 1547 revision could be a candidate for ICAP consideration of a formal IEEE standards conformance program. Ravi will further discuss potential future ICAP meeting(s) for a potential IEEE 1547 conformance program. Questions were raised related to the potential need for another program, e.g., beyond the “Nationally Recognized Testing Labs (NRTL)” activities; it was stated that this is a prime consideration for future discussions. Tom Basso provided an overview of the SCC21 family of standards. Starting with 1547 (distributed resources interconnection), he quickly summarized the 1547.1 to P1547.8 standards, recommended practices, and guides, and, the IEEE Std 2030 (Smart Grid interoperability) and P2030.2 (Energy Storage Systems Interoperability guide) - Attachment B, slides 14–51. Tom then gave an overview of industry suggestions for changes to 1547, including topics of 1547a (amendment 1 of 1547)—4.1.1., 4.2.3 (voltage ride-through), and 4.2.4 (frequency ride-through)—as well as the 36 topics compiled by attendees of the May 2012 meeting (Attachment B, slides 51–57). Presentations were then given by nine people who earlier responded to the December 2013 workshop call for potential interest and availability to volunteer greater time for this P1547 revision effort. Attachment C (pgs. C-5 to C-19) has the slides presented by these nine: Jeff Newmiller (DNV GL), Jim Daley (Facilities Electrical Consulting Services), Mark Siira (ComRent International), John Berdner (Enphase Energy), Babak Enayati (National Grid), Tom McDermott (University of Pittsburgh), Sudipta Chakraborty (National Renewable Energy Laboratory [NREL]), John Moura (North American Electric Reliability Corporation [NERC]), and Abe Ellis (Sandia National Laboratories). Discussion ensued related to topics raised by these presenters. Tom Basso summarized the primary constellation of topics as the following: (1) ride-through, (2) penetration, (3) intermittency and Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, April 23–25, 2014 Page 1 variability of renewable energy technologies, (4) interactive effects, including distribution-transmission interactive effects, or system-wide effects, (5) communications/interoperability, and (6) testing requirements. No absolute/mandatory approaches for P1547 revisions were established. On the second day, April 24, Mark Siira, Chair of P2030.2, announced that the P2030.2 Guide, Draft 7, had been submitted to IEEE and that the ballot pool is still open. Tom Basso re-introduced Tom McDermott, who facilitated a conversation on a draft of proposed P1547 revisions that he and several others had developed the previous night in an after-meeting ad-hoc session. The proposed text included revisions to existing clauses of P1547a, namely, 4.1.1 (Voltage regulation), 4.2.3 (Voltage), and 4.2.4 (Frequency), and, new proposed P1547 subclauses 5.1.7 (Shortcircuit behavior test) and 5.1.8 (Loss of load behavior test). There was considerable discussion on ridethrough and on the time and frequency values and ranges on the proposed tables in the revised 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 clauses, e.g., Table 1 (Interconnection system default response to abnormal voltages), Table 2 (Default voltage ride-through times), Table 3 (Interconnection system default response to abnormal frequencies), and Table 4 (Default frequency ride-through times). Philippe Venne volunteered to provide text on high-voltage ride-through from Hydro-Quebec. Additionally, Marcelo Algrain introduced draft text proposed for clause 1.3 (Limitations). After discussion, it was agreed that the concepts of that draft text did not belong in clause 1.3, but that Marcelo would reconsider his proposed concepts potentially for consideration elsewhere in P1547; Jim Daley volunteered to work with Marcelo on such revised text. [Note: this information will be posted on the P1547 password-protected web page (IEEE copyrighted material) in coming weeks with the username and password made available to attendees.] Next, Tom Basso focused group discussion on other major topics: penetration, intermittency of renewable energy technologies, interactive effects of functionalities, testing requirements, “considerations beyond the point of common coupling/system-wide effects,” interfaces, and interoperability. Discussion on penetration resulted in a majority of attendees agreeing that penetration should not be pursued in P1547. Discussions on monitoring and information exchange led to Steve Evans volunteering to draft straw man discussion points to be considered at the next meeting; a couple of individuals also volunteered to contribute to that. Points of consideration were to change the size limits in 1547 clause 4.1.6 (Monitoring) and to address aspects of “communications/control” in the P1547 revision. The day ended with a discussion on the size limitation in 1547 (10 MVA), with some people promoting raising the number to 20 MVA and others for eliminating the value. A straw man vote was overwhelmingly in favor of eliminating the number entirely, with the understanding that P1547 will establish a clarified “distribution” level description/definition as the P1547 demarcation setting it apart and not establishing “transmission” level requirements in P1547. On the third and final day, Robert Cummings (NERC) discussed the definition of terms such as distribution system, transmission system, bulk electricity system, and bulk power system. General agreement was that the term “distribution system(s)” will be clarified in P1547. Attendees then moved into further discussion of other issues such as modeling. David Lovelady volunteered to draft some text on “modeling” for consideration in P1547. Additionally, there was discussion and general agreement on keeping P1547 text as technology-neutral as practical. Also, points were raised that P1547 should not be mandating how the utility operates its electric power system equipment and that P1547 should not be written as a white paper, policy document, or research thesis. Mark Siira promoted that P1547 needs to consider that security should be discussed within 1547. Tom Basso stated that P2030.2 information on security (9 pages) would be made available for consideration as text to be revised for potential P1547 discussion on security. [Note: this information will also be posted on the P1547 Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, April 23–25, 2014 Page 2 password-protected web page (IEEE copyrighted material) in coming weeks with the username and password made available to attendees.] Tom Basso spent the last portion of the meeting on the logistics for future work on 1547 (Attachment B, slides 58–61), highlighting future in-person and virtual meetings, use of the website (e.g., listserv, password-protected page for drafts), and qualifications to be a Working Group member. Tom and Justin Caso then facilitated a discussion on how many working group in-person meetings to have each year, and when and where to have them. The consensus of the group was to have two meetings a year and that each meeting would last 3.5 days. Next actions The second P1547 Working Group meeting will be June 26 (8 am–5 pm) to June 27 (8 am–noon), preceded by the P1547.1a (testing procedures Amendment 1) meeting on June 24 (8 am–5 pm) to June 25 (8 am–noon) in Las Vegas, NV (most likely at the Planet Hollywood Hotel). The third 1547 Working Group meeting will be the week of November 4, at NERC HQ in Atlanta, GA. Need to line up additional officers (e.g., Vice Chair(s), Secretary) and subgroup leaders for P1547. If you are interested and available to commit more time to P1547 development, please send an email to Dick DeBlasio ( and Tom Basso ( for consideration/discussion. The meeting was adjourned around 12:00 noon. Respectfully submitted, Tom Basso, P1547 Chair; Dick DeBlasio, SCC21 Chair; and Don Gwinner, Recorder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Attachment A – Attendees Attachment B – (separate file) Agenda and Background Information Attachment C – (separate file) Presentations at April 23–25, 2014 Meeting Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, April 23–25, 2014 Page 3 Attachment A – Attendees: P1547 Working Group Meeting April 23–25, 2014 IEEE P1547 Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces (Chair: Thomas Basso) Sponsored by IEEE-SASB Coordinating Committees/SCC21 - Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage (SASB/SCC21) First Name Meir Marcelo Daniel Venkat Tom David John David Richard Michael Jason Justin Sudipta Frances Mike Nancy Robert James Herbert Richard Paul Jonathan Abraham Babak Brian J. Steve Terry David Darrell Colin Sigifredo Robin Craig Jason Last Name Adest Algrain Arjona Banunarayanan Basso Beach Berdner Bosack Bravo Brigandi Byerly Caso Chakraborty Cleveland Coddington Connelly Cummings Daley Daugherty DeBlasio Dolloff Ehlmann Ellis Enayati Escott Evans Fix Forrest Furlong Gault Gonzalez Gray Groeling Gunawardena Company Name SolarEdge Technologies CAT Idaho Power Department of Energy – SunShot NREL Portland General Electric Enphase Energy Northeast Utilities Service Co. Southern California Edison NSTAR American Electric Power IEEE-SA NREL Xanthus NREL Duke Energy NERC Facilities Electrical Consulting Services Electrical Generating Systems Assoc. NREL East Kentucky Power SolarBridge Sandia National Laboratories National Grid ASCO - Emerson Network Power ASCO Dominion ISO New England Gridco Systems Smarter Grid Solutions Inc. Sandia National laboratories Con Edison of NY Xcel Energy Salt River Project Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, April 23–25, 2014 Page 4 First Name Don Robert Patrick Taylor Aminul James Chinedu Ruben Gerald John C. John Kandice Eddy Haiwen (Howard) David Brian Leo Tom Jonathan Zarin Lyman John Rohit Jeffrey John Catherine PRASAD Robert Jim John Roger Janette Karl Rich Harish Ronald Robert Jaspreet Mark Mark Last Name Gwinner Harris Healey Hollis Huque Hurtt Igbokwe Inzunza Johnson Klingel Kotula Kubojiri Lim Liu Lovelady Lydic Martinez McDermott Meyer Mirza Morikawa Moura Nair Newmiller Nunneley O'Brien PMSVVSV Preus Reilly Ruddock Salas Sandberg Schoder Scroggins Sharma Shipman Siciliano Singh Siira Smith Company Name NREL National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. United Illuminating Company Schneider Electric Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Florida Power and Light Solectria Renewables' LLC TMEIC Basler Electric Kato Engineering Dominion Virginia Power Hawaii Electric Light Co. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Intertek Siemens PTI Fronius USA Consumers Energy University of Pittsburgh Idaho Power Company Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation Morikawa & Associates, LLC NERC PacifiCorp DNV GL SunSpec Alliance Salt River Project Bloom Energy National Renewable Energy Lab Reilly Associates Deep Sea Electronics PLC SCE Portland General Electric CAPS @ FSU Cummins Southern Company Oncor Electric Delivery Emerson / ASCO Power Power-One/ABB ComRent AEP Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, April 23–25, 2014 Page 5 First Name Jim Steve James Ravi Chase Le Sylvester Phil Philippe Reigh Robert Joseph Stephen Tim Fred Z. Last Name Sprecher Steffel Stice Subramaniam Sun Tang Toe Undercuffler Venne Walling White Wolete Yee Zgonena Zhu Company Name Sunverge Energy Pepco Holdings, Inc. Austin Energy IEEE-SA PG&E ABB Georgia Power Company Outback Power Hydro-Quebec Distribution Walling Energy Systems Consulting, LLC Power-One/ABB Pepco Holdings Inc. Trimark Associates UL LLC TUV Rheinland Minutes—P1547 Meeting, Las Vegas, April 23–25, 2014 Page 6