FLS 332 Syllabus
Student Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the semester students will be able to:
Produce paragraph level oral discourse in Spanish by connecting strings of coherent
sentences to create with the language.
Compose coherent academic essays of up to five pages in length, utilizing appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Develop communication strategies to elaborate and circumlocute language.
Refine their use of appropriate listening strategies to aid their understanding of extended discourse in spoken Spanish.
Interpret main ideas and supporting details contained in Spanish language video
segments of up to feature movie length.
Refine their use of appropriate reading strategies to aid their understanding and
appreciation of lengthy Spanish language texts.
Interpret main ideas and supporting details contained in Spanish reading passages from literature, journalism, and other sources.
Discuss literary, cultural and other academic topics in Spanish with grammatical and lexical precision and sophistication reflective of at least the Intermediate High level on the Oral Proficiency Scale of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages ( http://www.actfl.org
The objectives of this class do not include the direct teaching of grammar. Since you have reached this level successfully, it is assumed that you have been taught the grammatical structures. The goal of FLS 332 is to help you refine your abilities to speak and write in Spanish, and to improve your abilities to understand spoken and written Spanish. Therefore, it is expected that you will spend your own time reviewing areas in which you have grammatical deficiencies.
You can find me in 413 Withers. Link to FLL Chass Staff List for office hours.
Email: kltharri@ncsu.edu (24 hour response M-F)
Virtual communication: Google+ (search Karen Tharrington in gmail chat search)
Textos :
Valdes, G., Dvorak, T., and Pagán, T. (2005). Composición: Proceso y síntesis (5th Ed.).
McGraw-Hil (*note: this book can be purchased in an electronic format if you prefer. To purchase eBooks, go online to www.coursesmart.com
and purchase with a credit card.)
eLinguafolio - You will receive an email invite to sign up. http://www.elinguafolio.org/
This is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) classroom. You can check out iPads, laptops, or iPods from the library to bring to class.
Helpful Apps
Word Reference
Optional:Manual de Gramática - any version. 2008 edition ISBN10: 1-4130-3219-2, ISBN13:
978-1-4130-3219-2. Visit www.Cengagebrain.com
to buy or rent directly.
Essays (2) 25
Oral and Written Communicative Expression 30
Project 25
20 Final Exam
Grade Scale (from the Department of FLL)
Demonstrated the highest level of mastery of L2, including the ability to apply these concepts to realistic situations; creative L2 use and accuracy are high
98 - 100 = A+
Demonstrated growth and ability in the L2 and can apply at least some of these concepts; accuracy is developing; creative L2 use
88 – 89.99 = B+
Demonstrated mastery of basic L2 concepts; accuracy issues are present
Demonstrated minimal mastery of L2; little growth shown; poor accuracy
78 – 79.99 = C+
68 – 69.99 = D+
Failed to demonstrate mastery of any topics 0 – 59.99 = F
94 – 97.99 = A
84 – 87.99 = B
74 – 77.99 = C
64 – 67.99 = D
90 – 93.99 = A-
80 - 83.99 = B-
70 – 73.99 = C-
60 – 63.99 = D-
Essays : You will write two (2) essays in class: expository and argumentative. Your goal for each essay is to write between 3-5 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font). You will complete the majority of the work in class. Absences during essay preparation will result in a lower grade.
Communicative assignments:
Oral Expression: It is expected that you will participate actively in class. Expect periodic graded conversations and situations in class, oral presentations/debates, and conversations outside of class with a native speaker. All oral grades are evaluated equally for content and language ability.
Written Expression: Grade will be based on an average of assessments, both formal and informal, that are completed in class and out of class. These may include assignments such as journals, vocabulary, responses to readings and movies, or other writing tasks.
Weekly Homework (tarea semanal) - this will be submitted every Thursday. You will choose one task to complete for the week and will write a short reflection on your experience. Some tasks also require a product that shows the completed task. You may only do a task once and if you miss a week there is no "making up" a task. The purpose is to have fun with the language!
Semester Project: Throughout the semester you will work on a Digital Storytelling project. There will be various checkpoints along the way. This will be due during the final week of the semester.
Final Exam: The final exam will be an oral conversation in pairs.
Conversations: There will be a minimum requirement of 8 conversations outside of class with a native speaker. These will be arranged at the start of the semester and you will need to sign up for each conversation hour. Class evaluations have shown that these conversations are very popular with students as they help increase their oral and aural abilities in a natural, relaxed, setting.
How to Build Language Proficiency
One of the main objectives of the course is to increase oral proficiency based on the ACTFL scale. To do this, you must practice your Spanish in and outside of class. Preparation for this course outside of class is more intense than 100 and 200 level courses, so expect 2 hours of prep work for each class, which is in line with the university policy on credits/seat time/outside work.
ATTENDANCE: See the NC State attendance policy . For this class, ATTENDANCE IS
MANDATORY. More than 3 absences (excused or unexcused) will result in 1 point being deducted from your final grade. Please come to class daily.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students are completely responsible for all work done in class and due the day of the class that they miss. Please do not assume that I will accept an assignment the next
time you come to class after an absence, or allow you to make up a quiz. Any work due on the day of the absence must still be submitted on time – send your work with someone or via email.
Failure to do this will result in a grade penalty. Any graded activities done in class missed due to an absence cannot be made up and you will receive a zero. Notify the instructor in advance of any planned absences, and email the instructor for unplanned ones.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
*A word about online translators: A dictionary is used to find individual words and is a vocabulary tool. Online translators, besides not working very well, blur the line about what is considered "your work." Part of learning the language is learning how to put individual words together to form sentences - translators do not help you develop this skill. We will discuss the appropriate use of technology but blatant misuse of translators for large chunks of words (ie: sentences) for writing assignments will be considered cheating . Please cite all resources used for essays.
Classroom Decorum:
Maintain academic integrity at all times.
Check your email before every class.
Electronics (cell phone, tablet, laptop) may be used for language needs, but checking email, texts, and social media is distracting to your peers and instructor, and does not constitute appropriate use of electronics in class. Misuse will result in loss of privilege. Please turn cell phone to "Do not disturb" mode while in class.
If you want to bring a visitor, you must request permission from the instructor in
Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your instructor.
Check the schedule and make sure you understand what is due and when.
If you have questions or concerns, please talk to me. I can’t read minds and I am an actual human being with feelings. If there are life stressors that are interfering with your abilities in class, let me know. I am available to help you with the coursework, conflicts, or other difficulties that are affecting your ability to succeed in this class.
Students with disabilities : As an instructor at NCSU, I am committed to following the university policy regarding students with disabilities. See http://www.ncsu.edu/dso/ for information about the policy. Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509,
515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation