.Part One OFFICERS SAVED BY A HELMET: This is a new category of officers different from the officers inthe list below who have been shot in the head and killed or wounded. This new category is officers whose lives were saved by wearing a helmet. The experience of this first officer who was saved by a helmet is described below in this new category: 1. ANNVILLE - Police said an overnight standoff in Lebanon County ended this morning with a 57-year-old man being killed by state troopers. Samuel L. Snyder was fatally wounded at about 9 a.m. outside his residence on Route 934 in North Annville Township. Police said they found a hand grenade near his body. Troopers said Snyder fired 40 to 50 rounds over the course of a standoff that began around 7 p.m. Tuesday. One bullet struck the helmet of a SWAT team member, who was transported from the scene for treatment. State police gave this account at a press conference this morning: Troopers arrived at Snyder's residence Tuesday night to serve an emergency mental health commitment. They had been informed that Snyder was armed and intended to cause harm to police. Snyder was upset over the Feb. 25 suicide of his son and had made statements indicating he would be justified in harming state troopers. Troopers from the Jonestown barracks and the Pennsylvania State Police Special Emergency Response Team surrounded the residence Tuesday night. Snyder indicated he would not leave. At about 10 p.m. Snyder began shooting at state police and Special Emergency Response Team armored vehicles. Troopers continued to attempt negotiations with Snyder for several hours. At about 6 a.m. the emergency team entered the residence. Several troopers were met with gunfire and one was struck in the helmet. Members of the SWAT team then evacuated the residence. The wounded trooper was transported to Hershey Medical Center where he is being treated for a head injury but is expected to make a full recovery. Troopers said Snyder was wearing body armor and that numerous weapons and extra ammunition were found in the residence. 2. An Akron, Ohio, police officer on June 19, 2012, entered a home during a drug raid and was shot in the forehead area with a 357 caliber bullet which struck his ballistic helmet about two inches above the lower edge of the helmet and he was not injured _____________________________________________ I want to thank Lanc.SERT for his compliments on my study and his encouraging remarks that “I am 100% in favor of deploying ballistic helmets and even ballistic face shields at the patrol level.” Considering his reasons for objections against constant wear, it is understandable why there is objection to “constant wear” of such equipment for an entire 8 to 12 hour shift. I will try to address each of your arguments below with a view to everyone on the Board attempting to find solutions to the problems you mention so that the end result will be the saving of lives of police officers from not being shot in the face or neck due to the bullets being deflected by a ballistic face shield and the officers going home at the end of their shifts. You object to constant wear (if officers were required to wear it for the entire shift) because the weight and distribution of the helmet create strain on the neck and back if the officer wore it constantly for 8 to 12 hours. I have not worn the helmet you describe so I am not qualified to really comment on that point. But, in my original research statement I was not suggesting that officers wear the face shield minute after minute, hour after hour up to 12 hours on one shift. A photo of the face shield I have in mind is inserted below. Conceding the facts you state concerning the weight and cumbersomeness of the face shield, I was suggesting that the face shield be placed on the head on stops of vehicles for traffic violations or reasonable suspicion stops, especially when furtive movements indicate armed and dangerous persons are in the car. The frequency of these kinds of stops will vary, if I remember my days as a street patrol cop in Cincinnati, Ohio, (196067) accurately from 2 on the 7am to 3pm shift to 5 or 7 on the other two shifts. This will also vary of course with each officer. But, the point is the face shield will not be worn constantly. Another type of incident in which it would be handy for an officer to have the shield available to him/her is a disturbance call involving a shooting. As the first officer arrives, he hears screaming at the rear of the house. Before getting out of the cruiser, if he/she had a face shield available secured in the front seat area with a quick release device the officer could place it on his/her head and leave the vehicle. As the officer reaches the rear of the house, he hears a shot and instantly a bullet is deflected from the shield which would have otherwise entered the officer’s face, and probably killing him/her. Instead, the officer spots the shooter and returns fire hitting the shooter several times knocking him down. The officer is saved and the other citizen who was in danger is not injured as a result of the officer’s intervention. Hopefully, it would not cause the neck and back strain you mentioned if it was worn only selectively at shooting scenes or at traffic stops involving furtive movements in the car or other reasons to believe the occupants are armed dangerous and field interrogation stops of drug dealers or other persons for whom there is reason to suspect they are armed and dangerous. It is during these kinds of stops that officers are occasionally greeted with front head or neck shots by someone in the vehicle or at the stop. The face shield would stop the bullet. You also state that one bullet hit to the shield would cause it to splinter and obscure the officer’s vision. The person I spoke to at bulletproofme.com stated below that there would be cracks, but that is not a bad trade off for stopping a bullet from entering your face. You may be able to see well enough to return ample fire at the shooter. But, the type of face shield I envision being designed by shield/helmet engineers and designers would be attached to the head in such a manner that the officer could, when it is hit and splinters, instantly, while backing away and drawing his weapon to return fire, in one continuous motion, with his/her hand flick the shield up and away from his face and off his/her head, thus giving the officer the vision needed to make a criminal trial of the shooter unnecessary. The helmet below dose quickly release from the head. With practice at the station, as officers do with releasing their weapon from the holster with lightning speed, I would hope that officers would be able to instantly disengage and discard the face shield to give perfect vision. If the shield were not worn at the time the bullet hits the officer’s face, he/she will probably not have any vision or mental or physical ability with which to return fire. The shield would give the officer those precious few seconds to draw his/her weapon and return fire, that he/she would not otherwise have. And, he/she would go home to his/her family at the end of the shift. Nick, the representative at bulletproofme stated there is not distortion in his company’s face shield. This was confirmed to me by Nick. But, I have researched and found ballistic face shields that the companies that make them state that distortion is minimized and they are made so that they may be quickly discarded with one hand. One can be found at Bulletproofme.com Look for “product” and go to Face shields, and then to Ballistic Face shield Add On Level III A, stops 9 mm and 44 magnum bullets. Lifts up quickly and the straps holding the helmet to the head can be released quickly. The sight of it on the head of an officer can be intimidating from the vantage point of a red light violator (who might also have a handgun in his right hand ready to fire at the officer) or a driver stopped for reasonable suspicion, and maybe armed and dangerous due to seeing furtive movements in the car. The information stated that there is no distortion. The cost is great in the hundreds of dollars, but the value of one officer’s life is priceless. See the photos below and Nick’s email message to me below. You state “criminal masterminds” would attack from the side or behind to take advantage of his compromised visual perception. Hopefully, there will not be that many criminal masterminds. What I envision is walking up to a car and seeing the driver behind the wheel and any passengers sitting in their seats. As the officer gets near, the driver’s window, where he is likely to be shot at from, he/she will be able to see the occupants. If a person in the car gets out, the officer will be aware of that and can take appropriate action before he/she allows him/herself to be put in danger from a side or rear attack. If someone grabs the helmet, some of the helmets I researched are designed with a quick one hand release device so that the helmet may be instantly ejected I a fist fight occurs and the officers needs optimum mobility. This ejection maneuver may be practiced in the station by fellow officers grabbing the helmet and the officer practicing quick ejection of the helmet to “fight”. The helmet shown below has this capability. Once the bad guys find a defense to protection afforded by the shield, additional research can discover better protection to counter the defense, and hopefully the good guys will stay ahead of the bad guys in adequate protection to save one’s life. The one shield I saw stops 9 mm and 44 magnums the web site stated. See the photo below. The American public would not look favorably on the face shield. Nothing can look more menacing than wearing a 9 mm firearm on an officer’s hip, which is capable of killing people. While the face shield may look menacing to the average American, it cannot be more menacing than a 9 mm strapped to the side of an officer. But, most citizens do not feel alarmed by the firearm worn by an officer because they know it is not intended to be used on them but is there for the officer’s protection against deadly force applied to the officer. That is exactly what the face shield is for. When Americans are educated about the high number of officers who are killed with head or neck shots, at my last count there was a total of 466 police officers in the United States shot and killed with head or neck shots 1987 to 2007. See my updated research results on head and neck shots to police officers that are attached this response. The American public, it would seem to me, would understand and accept the face shield as they have the firearm. Moreover, a face shield does not kill or injure people. It prevents police officers from being killed and enables them to survive shot to the head or neck, and, in some cases, this will enable the officer to live to be able to save the life of a citizen being endangered by the shooter. I realize that some of the comments I have made will likely raise some objections, and that is good. Disagreement and good faith discussion leads to the truth. The following article, entitled “Head Hunters are Gunning for You” is written by a police officer and it supports the argument for police officers wearing bullet proof face shields. The Officer is Dean Scoville, and can be found by googling “dean scoville freelance writer” Head Hunters are Gunning for You August 20, 2007 Dean Scoville On July 27, Phoenix police officer George Cortez, Jr. was shot in the eye and killed after being distracted while handcuffing a suspect. On August 13, Broward County Sheriff's detective Maury Hernandez was also shot in the head. His shooter explained the assault by saying that he wanted to avoid going to jail so that he could see the birth of his child—the next in a doubtless line of rewarding progeny. Then while Hernandez was fighting for his life on a ventilator, a fellow Broward County deputy, Sgt. Chris Reyka, was shot in the head and killed while running vehicle tags in a parking lot. His killer remains at large as of this writing. Take note, the bad guys have realized that shooting us center mass is likely to have little effect because of our body armor. Accordingly, they are head hunting. In the Hernandez case, the suspect, David Maldonado, was particularly known for his head shot proficiency, establishing tight patterns on paper targets at a local firing range. As San Francisco Prosecutor Harold Jewett noted during the trial of yet another cop killer earlier this month, "When you shoot at someone's head, you're intending to kill them." What can you and your agencies do to deal with this growing threat? The first thing is to recognize that while cops are not getting killed with the frequency that they were in the early 1970s, it's not been for lack of effort. Suspects have continued to take the fight to us, attacking officers in every manner ranging from spontaneous acts of violence, to deliberate and calculated ambushes. But the succeeding three decades have seen three big changes that have made it more likely for us to survive an attack: The first is the practice of employing improved tactics (some of which have been taught to a broader audience via television shows such as "COPS"); the second is the emergence of the bulletproof vest, and the third is improved emergency medical treatment. Body armor and advanced medical treatment has saved the lives of thousands of assaulted officers. The body armor saves have also led to publicity, which has two results: It has convinced cops to wear their vests and it has informed the violent criminal community that cops are wearing vests. Criminals are adaptive, so their aim has veered north from center mass. And just as they have adapted, perhaps we should further adapt, as well. What are our options? Well, it's worth noting that each of the officers shot were working alone at the time of their shooting. While two-man cars have incurred similar losses, it isn't exactly counter-intuitive to consider the possibility that two-man cars are inherently safer. At least they offer a better chance for officers to get the upper hand on suspects. It'd be nice if more agencies deployed two-man patrol cars. But even if more agencies were able to pony up the money for two-man patrols, the fact remains that one-man cars are and will continue to be a part of policing. And within them are cops who know full-well the risk of such solitary endeavor, but nonetheless engage in proactive police work. Sgt. Reyka was such a man, having been recently honored as Officer of the Month for making a GTA arrest and for identifying and arresting burglary suspects in separate incidents. Simply put, there are some cops who go above and beyond, and routinely place themselves in harm's way, however officer safety conscious they might otherwise be. It's not as though law enforcement is particularly apathetic for its officers' safety. We send them to training, have them fire numerous rounds down range, and familiarize them with a variety of shooting drills. But while it's great for officers to practice double-tapping at the range, it may prove for naught if the suspect gets a lucky first shot at the officer's head. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of solutions to this problem. Because officers must react to the violent action or perceived violent intent of a subject before firing, the bad guys have ample opportunity to make the first move. One possible solution might be to equip patrol officers with ballistic helmets. But I'm not sure that this would have much benefit. Most ballistic helmets I've seen offer low caliber protection against a rear assault or side assault, but the officer's face is open and vulnerable. Law enforcement officials might consider consulting with private industry as well as the scientific community (e.g., MIT, Cal Tech, and other engineering institutions) and ask them to create protection for the heads of officers. Given evolving technology and chemical compositions, I'm sure that some user-friendly ballistic head gear is not only viable, but at least for some cops—given the areas they're working in—necessary. True, even if some company developed excellent head protection for patrol officers, some officers would abstain from wearing it, just as some cops refuse to this day to wear ballistic vests. But shouldn't they at least be able to make that decision on their own, as opposed to having their heads relegated to target duty in the meantime? Before our streets increasingly come to resemble outtakes from "The Departed," it's time for administrators to wrap their minds around something that can wrap around the minds of their officers. Of course, the resulting design of such helmets may end up looking intimidating. But personally, I think an intimidating helmet might be just what we need. Maybe it'll cause some trigger-happy bastard to think twice before taking a shot at a cop. Unfortunately, the same bureaucrats that would install rainbow stickers in patrol car windows and offer up pastel colors on their frames would probably shoot down the idea because it makes the cops look too much like the military. Of course, these folks would not even consider the threat that cops face from head shots before they reject the helmets. You see, they've never worked patrol. T posted @ Monday, August 20, 2007 5:47 PM T End Of Article The following is an updated and revised version of the original research I posted on the Board and the number of officers killed by head or neck shots for the new period of time covered by the revised research is 538 police officers. Revised Research on number of officers killed with head or neck shots in 1975, and from 1982 to 2007 is 576 police officers By Stanley Cohen, Attorney at Law Editor, Pennsylvania Police Criminal Law Bulletin Prepared 2/23/07 Source: The Officers Down Memorial age, Inc., www.odmp.org Federal Bureau of Investigation Reports 1982 to 2007 The following is a list of actual shooting fatalities of police officers by shots to the head or neck of the officers in 1975 and 1986, and from 1982 to 2007 or injured by head shots requiring hospitalization. There is a total of 576 police officers killed by head or neck shots. The purpose of composing the list is to demonstrate the need to equip all police officers on all three shifts immediately with a helmet with a bullet proof shield covering the face and lower neck down to the top of the bullet proof vest and covering the rear of the neck and encouraging all officers to wear them when confronting citizens during traffic stops and field interrogation/investigative stops involving reason to reasonably suspect the persons are armed dangerous and other situations such as shooting incidents in progress where there is a risk of shooting the officer in the face or neck and there is a need for the officer to take immediate action to save someone’s life. Maybe this is a drastic suggestion (to wear a face shield) but one officer’s unnecessary and preventable death is drastically permanent having lifelong pain and suffering for the loved ones of the dead officer. The source of this information was found at the web site www.odmp.org , The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc. and The Federal Bureau of Investigation Reports on Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty HTU UTH 356.From 1989 through 1998 a total of 299 police officers were reported by the FBI killed with shots to the front or rear of the head. 357. For 2000 and 2001`a total of 58 police officers were reported by the FBI killed with shots to the front or rear of the head. 358. Suspect got officer’s gun and shot officer in face. Officer was guarding suspect at a hospital. 359. At TRAFFIC VIOLATION stop officer shot in face. 360. Officer shot in neck while negotiating with armed man. 361. Officer shot in head while walking back to cruiser from traffic VIOLATION STOP 362. Officer shot in face approaching suspect wanted for attempted murder. 363. Shot in face executing a search warrant for drugs. 364. Officer shot in neck approaching robbery scene. 365. Officer shot in face responding to man with gun call. 366. Correctional officer stabbed in neck checking cell. 367. officer shot in head while arresting illegal alien 368. officer shot in head during TRAFFIC STOP. Shot to chest was stopped by vest. 369. Officer shot in head questioning person during a domestic disturbance call. 370. Officer shot above chest which would have been deflected by a shield covering that area above the vest. 371. Officer shot in head at TRAFFIC STOP. 372. Officer shot in head talking to shooting suspect. 373. While responding to a domestic disturbance, officer was shot in the head. 374. While making a traffic stop, officer was shot in the head. 375. While making traffic stop and walking toward driver, officer was shot in the head and neck. 376. Officer knocked on door of home investigating a shooting the day before and the suspect shot him in the head. 377. During traffic stop, suspect shot officer in the head. 378. Officer shot in rear of neck as she went to rear of car after being shot in shoulder. 379. Officer shot in face by arrestee’s stepfather while making arrest for child molestation. 380. While investigating car being driven in a yard officer was shot in head and neck. 381. During domestic disturbance, officer was shot in the head making a forced entry into home of hostage situation. 382. Officer shot in neck attempting to arrest suspect for robbery. 383. While approaching car after breaking up a fight, officer shot in the head. 384. Officer shot in the neck and armpit, following a pursuit. 385. While attempting to arrest a man for a parole violation warrant, suspect shot officer in the head. 386. Officer stopped car for speeding and when officer learned person was wanted for drug possession, we walked over to arrest and was shot in the face. 387. Officer responding to 911 emergency call was shot in chest which was stopped by vest, but was shot in the head and killed. 388. December 24, 2006, San Francisco police officer entered through door to arrest an escaped prison inmate and was hot in the head. 389 through 393. The FBI reported that in 2004, of the 57 officers killed, five were shot in the rear of the head. 394 through 398. The FBI reported that in 2004, of the 57 officers killed, five were shot in the front of the head. 399 through 401. The FBI reported that in 2004, of the 57 officers killed, 3 were shot in the neck or throat 401 through 403. The FBI reported that in 2004, of the 57 officers killed, 3 were shot in the side of the head. 404. 1/7/07 Tennessee State Trooper at traffic stop was shot in face and killed. 406. In 1976 and 1986, two officers from the Anchorage Police Department were Shot in the face and neck. For the year 2002 the Officers memorial Down Page reported 28 police officers killed in the line of duty by had or neck shots for a total of 432, as follows: \ 407. Agent Sanchez, 1/11/02, San Juan, Puerto Police Dept. 408. Agent Colon, 1/15/02, San Juan Puerto Rico PD 409. Officer La Page, 1/19/02 Charlton PD, 410. Officer McNamara, 1/30/02, Upper Darby PA 411. Officer Cooper, 2/2/02 Little Rock, Ark family disturbance 412. Officer Scanlon, 2/12/.02 Detroit Mich traffic stop 413. Sheriff Catron, 4/13/ 02 Pulaski County, KY 414. Officer Reyes, 4/24 02 US Dept of veteran affairs 415. Dep Sheriff March, 4/29/02 LA County 416. Dep Sheriff Betterman , VA. Traffic stop 417. Agent Rmos, 6/6/02 , Puerto Rico PD, robbery 418. Officer Wilson, 7/28/02, Hazel park, Mich, responding to animal complaint 419. Officer Russell, 8/4/02 New Orleans, PD, arrived at robbery and shot in head as he got out of cruiser 420. Officer Stewart, 8/11/02, Detroit Mich as officer5 was arresting suspect for carrying weapon, another man came from behind and shot officer in head. 421. Dep. Sheriff Mauldin, 8/24/02, Pinal County, Ar, died from shot to head received 9 years earlier trying to arrest felon 422. Officer Beall, 8/25/02, Dayton Oh, as officer tried to negotiate with armed man, he shot her in neck 423. Sgt. Arnnaud, 8/29/02, Prince George County, MD one officer was shot in head trying to serve psychiatric petition, and other officer was wounded by shot in neck 424. Dep Sheriff Taylor, 9/14/02, Douglas County, Oregon responding to men performing lewd acts in motel. Officer shot in head approaching motel, was wearing vest, but no ballistic face shield 425. Agent Sepulveda, 9/26/02 Puerto Rico PD raid on narcotic suspects, shot in back of head as he existed cruiser 426. Trooper Sepp, 11/10/02 Pa State Police, after DUI stop and pursuit, suspect existed his car and shot officer in head 427. Officer Green 11/13/02 Tallahassee Fla respond to robbery, approached suspicious car, and shot five times, once in back of head 428. Officer Wood, 11/18/02 West Jordan, Utah during foot chase of 16 year old for robbery and knowing he had a gun, boy shot officer in head 429.Officer Johnstown 11/22/02 El Monte, CA responding to male trying to cash forged check, officer was shot in neck by suspect 430.Officer Jupin, 11/29/02 Westminster, Mass shot in face investigating suspicious man 431. Chief Dep Sheriff Barnes, 1`2/10/02, Dent County, while investigating double murder, suspect shot from his house hitting Barnes in head 432.Officer McGarry, 12/29/02 ,Myrtle beach, SC, while speaking with suspicious person, person shot officer in head. For the year 2003, the Officers Down memorial Page listed 12 officers killed in line of duty by head or neck shots, for a total of 444, as follows: 433.Lt. Hicks, 2/20/03Avery County NC, responding to report of mentally ill patient, who heard it on scanner and ambushed officer, suspect wounded one officer with buckshot to the neck and killed the Lt with buckshot to his face. 434.Officer Clark 4/3/03, Houston TX responding to silent alarm at check cashing store 435. Officer Blount, Fulton County, GA stopped car for erratic driving and while officer still in his car, suspect exited his car and shot officer in head 436. Officer Zeppetella 6/13/03 Oceanside, CA Vehicle stop of suspicious car, shot in neck while walking back to cruiser. 437. Officer Wendell 7/30/03 Richmond, VA responding to suspected drug dealer, while patting down suspect, felt gun, suspect pulled and shot officer in neck and head 438.Chief LeMaster 8/15/03 Grant Ala respond to recover stolen gun, juvenile suspects shot chief in face 439. Dep Sheriff 8/17/03 Greenville County, S.C, stopped person on street, shot in face, 440. Patn Woods 8/27/03 Memphis, Tenn respond to domestic disturbance, shot twice in head 441. Sgt. Pratt 9/19/03 Omaha, Neb searching for person who ran from stopped vehicle, shot in face 442. Dep Sheriff Williams 10/19/03 Green Lake County Wisc responding to domestic disturbance shot in neck 443.Trooper Patrick 12/22 03 Indiana State Police Going to help stranded motorist, and not knowing suspect on parole for selling crack, shot in neck 444. Officer Watson, 12/25/03 Kenai, Alaska looking for car wanted, located suspect took officer’s weapon and fired one shot at back which was deflected by vest, and one shot to back of head killing the officer. (This incident seems to argue most strongly for officers to wear a ballistic face shield in dangerous situations which would cover rear of neck) (The following 11 officers were killed by head or neck shots in 1988 bringing the Total to 455) 445.Sgt. Defner 1/21/88 Sacramento County, CA, looking for armed robbery suspect, officer peered over side of roof and was shot in face. 446. Officer Chase 1/23/88 Dallas TX Off. Was issuing traffic ticket, homeless person grabbed his service revolver and shot him in the face when a 447. Officer Hartless 1/31/88 San Diego, CA Officer saw wanted gang member and chased him when suspect turned and shot officer in forehead 448.Officer Griffith 2/18/88 Boston MA shot in head as he and officers entered apartment while serving search warrant for drugs 449. Officer Byre 2/26/88 Nye, Nye PD officer was witness in drug case, sitting in his cruiser, one person knocked on passenger window to distract him, another person shot officer in head 450.Dep Sheriff Heiman 3/21/88 Fort bend County TX trying to arrest burglary suspect who pulled gun from potato chip bag 451. Officer Willams 8/28/88 Dallas TX during a disturbance investigation he was ambushed from behind and shot in head 452. Off Kahre 10/11/88 Las Vegas Nev Following a shooting suspect, suspect stopped his car and shot officer in head 453. Corp Simmons 11/21/88 East Baton LA shot in eye when he entered hotel room to save life of confidential informant in drug operation 454.Trooper Edrington 12/21/88 Ky State PD shot in head at traffic stop 455. Off Watson 12/25/88 Kenai , Alaska Looking for car wanted by police located suspect took officer’s gun and fired at his back which was deflected by vest , then once in back of officer’s head killing him (The following 7 officers were killed in 1987 by head-neck shots bringing total to 462.) 456.Trooper Cochran 1/15/87 VA State PD 457.Sgt. Koeller, Jr. 1/28//87 Jennings, MO PD 458. Sgt. Cameron 2/6/87 Atlanta GA Sgt asked man to leave a store and man shot him in the face 459. Dep. Sheriff – 3/14/87 Lancaster County Neb knowing back up would not arrive soon enough, officer confronted man with gun in wife’s back and shot officer in face 460. Officer George 4/16/87 Cincinnati Ohio (Stan’s former Department) responding to domestic disturbance, suspect got officer’s gun and shot him in neck and head 461.Patn Wier 6/3/87 Denver Colo respond to men with gun, officer shot in head 462.Patn Holbert 10/27/87 Cleveland Oh attempting to arrest drunk man, man shot officer in head (The following 8 officers were killed in 1986 by head or neck shots bringing the total to 470) 463.Patn Toller Jr. 3/5/86 New Mex PD At traffic stop, suspect grabbed officer’s gun and shot him in face 464.Corp. Blair 3/20/86 Dallas TX traffic stop, two men got out and got off’s gun and shot him in face 465. Officer Keller 4/1/786 Torrence, Ca responding to armed robbery, suspect grazed officers head, then shot him in heart 466. Corp. Grass 5/8/86 Hancock County, Ind shot in head confronting extortion suspect 467.Off Gleason 6/5/86 Phil Pa Responding to vandalism report, suspect shot officer in face three times 468. Officer Hanson 7/17/86 Anchorage Alaska While searching for shooting suspect, suspect shot officer in neck 469. Officer Williams 7/20/86 Detroit Mich attempting to serve warrant for carrying concealed weapon, suspect shot officer in head as he stepped onto suspect’s porch. 470. Officer Pollock 12/12/86 Denver CO chasing armed robbery suspect, suspect ambushed and shot officer in head. (The following 12 officers were killed in 1985 by head or neck shots bringing the total from 1985 to 2007 to 482) 471.Off Nollmeyer 1/24/85 Tacoma WA arrived at domestic disturbance and was shot in head 472.Off Powlett 3/15/Plainfield NJ Shot in head 473. Off Eggers 4/23 Seattle, WA shot be robber 474. Off Bunch 7/29 San Jose CA shot in head by DUI suspect 475. Dep Sheriff Cisneros 8/25 Solano County CA at traffic stop for littering, shot in head 476. Off Heinrich 3/3 El Paso TX stopped man to talk, man shot off in head 477.Trooper Hutchins 8/30 Michigan Shot in head 478. Off Roberts 9/21 Paris TX stopped car for armed robbery shot in head while sitting in his cruiser checking on suspects in stopped car 479. Investigator Ridges 10/17 Cook County Ill stopped suspects for vandalism, suspect shot him in head 480. Off Beaugard 11/12/ Springfield, Mass approach veh wanted for warrant, shot in head 481. Off Smith 11/26 Essez County NJ stopped veh suspect shot him in head\ 482. Off Walters 12/28 Meridian Miss Shot in neck investigating domestic disturbance (Officer Holly, Glendale Ariz shot in head Feb 19, 2007, brings total to 483) 483.Auxil Officer Marshalik 3/14/07 NY PD officer was chasing shooting suspect when suspect turned on officer and shot him in the head. 484.Auxil Off Pekearo 3/14/07 was chasing shooting suspect when suspect turned on officer and shot him in the head. 485. Police Officer Marcus Stiles, 26, of the Moncks, South Carolina, police Department, was killed on March 25, 2007, when he responded to a 911 call about a couple arguing and he was shot in the head by a suspect. 486. Police Officer Daniel C. Martinez, 33, of the Fort Smith, Arkansas, Police Department, was shot in the head by a suspect when he went with a lady to help her get back her child from an ex boyfriend. 487. Senior Cpl. Mark Timothy Nix, 33, of the Dallas, Texas, Police Department, was shot in the neck by a suspect, on March 23, 2007, when his cruiser was being driven next to the murder suspect’s car in attempting to arrest the man, when the man shot the officer in the neck. The following officers were killed in 1984 by head and neck shots. The total for that year was 12 which brings the overall total from 487 to 499 from 1984 to present. 488.Officer Kramer 2/25/Miami beach, Fla officer chased homeless man when the man shot the officer in the head. 489.Officer Bowen 3/11 Columbus GA responding to burglary chased suspect and shot in forehead. 490. Deputy Sher Rice 6/1 Lyon County Nev shot in head by barricaded man 491. Officer Andino 6/15 NY, Ny while questioning suspect for theft of eyeglasses, shot in head with own weapon 492. Deputy Rogers 6/16 Terre Haute Ind shot in head by man threatening patrons in bar 493. Officer Holguin 9/5 La County Sheriff shot in face by heroin addict 494. Trooper Mihalik 9/9 Michigan state police shot in chin by man he as trying to arrest leaving a gas station without paying. Man took officer’s weapon and officer returned fire with his back up weapon. 495. Officer Ruopp 9/14 San Diego CA while questioning male re contributing to delinquency of minor, officer shot in head by suspect 496. Officer Lozada 9/21 NY City Transit shot in head with own weapon by person she saw snatch a piece of jewelry 497. Trooper Nalley 10/27 Oklahoma Trooper made traffic stop and after he learned car was stolen, he was shot in head twice 498.Patn Stellman 11/8 Henrica VA officer chased suspect he did not know had just assaulted a lady and shot in head with his own weapon 499. Wildlife Officer park 12/13 Florida shot in back of head by her own weapon by suspect. 500. Police Officer Sean Clark 4/1/07 Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC was shot in the head by a suspect. 501. Police Officer Jeff Shelton, 35, 4/1/07 Charlotte-Mecklenburg NC was shot in the head by a suspect. In 1983 the total number of police officers killed by head and neck shots in the line of duty was 11, raising the overall total from 1983 to present to 513 502.Officer Vincent 1/14 Chicago Shot in face by burglary suspect 503.Officer Pasco 1/16/Dallas chasing man for shooting gun when man turned and shot him in the head 504. Trooper Nash 2/4/ Miss Hwy Patrol stopped speeding car and was shot in head 505. Sgt. Smith 4/16/ LA County Sheriff Shot in head while entering window during drug raid 506. Officer McMaster 4/25/ Montrose Colo responded to disturbance at bar and man at bar turned quickly and shot officer in head 507.Aux, Sgt. Foley 7/16/ Will County Sheriff Ill stopped to help motorist and was shot in the neck 508. Patn Bertholomew 7/18 Kissimmee Fla responded to disturbance and when he tried to save a hostage the suspect shot him in the head 509. Det. Orchard 7/20 Spokane WA approaching car of theft suspects, suspect shot him in head 510.Off Parker 9/5 Port Auth NY shot in neck during car hi jack attempt 511. Corp. Witmer 11/13 Shamokin City Pa answering mutual aid call shot in neck 512. Officer Quituagua 11/28 Northern Marian Islands, North Marina Island attempting to arrest 2 felony suspects he was shot in head. 513. Trooper David Brinkerhoff, New York State Police, 4/26/07, was shot in head by suspect wanted for shooting a police officer. 514. Deputy Frank Fabiano,Jr. 5/16/07 Kenosha County, Wisc. Shot in head during routine traffic stop. In 1982 the number of officers killed by head and neck shots was 9, bringing the total to 524 officers from 1982 to present. 515.Lt. Oyler 1/2/1982 Buena VistaVA respond to shots fired and shot in neck while getting out of cruiser 516. Officer davis 1/3/ Phil Housing Authority PA shot in head arresting two robbery suspects 517. Dep Sheriff La County shot in head facing armed suspect 518.Off Gilmore 1/20 Clintons after dispersing loud party shot in face as he sat in cruiser. 519. Officer Doyle 2/5 Chicago, Ill removing robbery suspect from bus, shot in face 520. Officer Fahey 2/9 Chicago Ill at traffic stop red light violation SHOT IN HEAD 521. Officer Matthews 4/26 East baton Rouge respond to suspicious person, looked into window and shot in face 522.Tpr. Benck 10/5 Oklahoma During traffic stop shot in head 523. Officer Sykes 12/31 Memphis Tenn trying to stop erratic driver, not knowing wanted for robbery shot in neck when car turn around and headed for officer 524. Officer Jason West, 5/29/07, Cleveland Heights. Ohio, Police Dept. shot in face when responding to a street fight as he was getting out of his cruiser. In 1981 14 officers were killed by head or neck shots bringing the total from 1981 to present to 538. 525.Dep Morris 1/ 2 Marion County Indiana Respond to robbery was shot in throat 526.Officer Welch 1/12 New York City shot in head during robbery 527.Off Griffin 1/30 Grundy County Wisc responded to apt to question man re disturbance as officer followed him into his apt. a second man shot officer in face 528. Off McCarthy 2/25 Dallas TX saw 2 partially clothed people parked by lake, told them to leave, as off returned to cruiser, he was shot in head by one of them 529.Patn McCall 3/5 Frostproof Fla Responded to silent alarm at bank with history of false alarms, shot in head as he exited cruiser. 530. Patrolwoman Garcia 3/28 Denver Co sitting in patrol car in front of her home, shot in the head 531. Off Scarangella 5/1 NY, NY during traffic stop of car wanted for burglary, suspects exited their car and shot officer in head before he could exit his car 532. Off Szafranski 5/24 Jacksonville Fla shot in head as sat in cruiser by high powered rifle 533. Off Rice 7/12 Waterloo, Iowa responded to noise complaint 2 nd time, suspect hit off in head and shot him P P 534. Chief Carrington 9/25 Lexington Ky Chief entered home to rescue hostage and at suspect’s request he removed his firearm and when he faced the suspect he was shot in face 535. Off Martinez 10/2 Calif highway Patrol while clearing debris from road suspect wanted for robbery thought he was being stopped and shot off in neck 536. Dep Darnell 12/7 Warren County Ill whiles attempting to arrest theft suspects one ambushed off and shot him in head 537. Off Faulkner 12/9 while making traffic stop shot in back and in face 538. Off Harmon 12/14 Huntington, W. Va investigarting burglary, suspect hit him in head and shot him. The following three officers were killed with head shots which brings the total to 541 from 1981 to present. 539.Chief Lacy, 55, 6/13, 2007, Clay City, KY, shot in back of head by prisoner sitting in back seat of police car under arrest for DUI. 540.Officer Kozminski, 29, 7/8/07, Grand rapids, MI, responding to domestic disturbance by man threatening to shoot other, officer went to back of house and was shot in head by ambush by suspect. 541. Dep. Sheriff Page, 34. 6/30, 2007, Bowie County, TX, saw man running from scene of accident, and suspect took officer’s service weapon and hit him in the head with it and shot him in the shoulder and he died later at the hospital. 542. Officer Russel Timoshenko, 7/9/07, 23, of the New York Police department stopped a stolen car and as he and his partner approached from both sides of the car a suspect shot him in the face. His partner was shot in the chest and survived because he was saved by his vest which he was wearing. The suspects were arrested in Pennsylvania. 543. Chief Dep. Martin, 59, 7/17/07, Douglas County, Ill., while investigating a home burglary and murder, he stopped two suspect cars, and before he could exit his cruiser, the suspects left their car n approached the officer’s cruiser and shot him in the face and chest. 544. Police Officer George Cortez, Jr., 23, Phoenix, Ar., was shot in the face while attempting to arrest a suspect for trying to cash a bad check at a store. Two suspects were arrested. 545. Deputy Reyka, 51, Broward County, FL. 8/ 10/07, was shot in the head by a suspect when he stopped his cruiser next to two cars in a parking lot to investigate, and as he got out of his cruiser, one suspect got out of one of the cars and immediately opened fire. 546. Tpr. Peterson , 5/31/79. NC Highway Patrol, attempting to stop speeder, not knowing he had just murdered tow police officers, suspect shot officer in head. 547. Deputy Sher. Huskey, 5/31/1979, Rutheford County Sheriff, NC, responding to domestic dispute, shot in head by suspect as he got out of his cruiser. 548. Deputy Sher Messersmith, 5/31/1979, Rutheford County Sheriff, NC, shot in head by suspect while responding to domestic dispute. 549. Corp. Gardner, 30, 9/8/07, Odessa, Tex, while responding to a domestic dispute call, husband hit wife, was shot in the face by suspect. 550. Corp. Jones, 48, a 23 year police veteran, Odessa, Tex, while responding to a domestic dispute call, was shot in the face by the suspect while trying to gain entry to the home by the rear door. 551. Police Officer Nick Erfle, 33, 9/18/07, Phoenix PD, was shot in the face after he and his partner approached three people for jaywalking and obstructing traffic. The suspect shot him in the face as he was trying to arrest him on a misdemeanor warrant. The suspect was shot and killed by police later. 552. Detective Mario Moreno, 37, San Antonio PD, Tex, 9/21/07, went to an apartment to serve a arrest warrant on a man for shooting a person the previous day and when the suspect fled, the detective chased the suspect and the suspect turned and shot the detective in the face killing him. \ 553.Police Officer Daniel Talbot, 30, 9/29/07 Revere PD, MA was shot and killed while participating in an anti-gang operation. He was shot once in the head by the suspect in the parking lot of a high school. 554.Reserve Dep Sheriff, Joe Westbrook, 43, Harris county, TEX, 7/1/79/ was shot in the back of the head while working as a security guard at a restaurant. 555. Police Officer Ted Donald, 32, New York City Housing PD, 6/15/79/ while responding to a burglary in progress, entered the burglarized apartment and was shot in the head and killed. 556.Town MaRSHALL Jim Trest, Leake County Sheriff Dept., Miss, while investigating a burglary/assault, was shot in the head twice with his own service weapon. 557.Deputy Sheriff Millard Messsersmith, Rutherford County Sheriff Dept. NC, 5/31/79, while responding to domestic dispute was shot in the head by the suspect. His fellow officer was shot in the head and killed also. A third officer was also shot in the head and killed by the suspect. 558.Deputy Sheriff. Roy Huskey, Rutherford County Sher. Dept., NC, 5/31/79/, was shot in the head by the suspect responding to a domestic dispute. 559. Trooper Robert Peterson, NC Highway Patrol, 5/31/79, was shot in the head by the suspect while responding to a domestic dispute. 560. Officer David Crowther, 27, Portland PD, Or, 12/27/79, while serving a narcotics warrant, was shot in the head when the front door was forced opened. 561. Officer Charles Cassidy, 54, Philadelphia Police dept., 11/1/07, walked into a coffee shop to buy a cup of coffee during a robbery in progress and the robber turned and shot the officer in the head. 562. Det. Salazar Jr., 11/16/78, San Antonio PD, while serving a search warrant for narcotics suspect fired shots through front door hitting the officer in the head. 563. Police Officer Robert W. Mandel, 26, 4/23, 1977, New York City Police Department, responded to drug sales and was shot in the face by a suspect. T TT 564. Officer Wasmer, 36, 8/18/77 Bosque farms, New Mex, invested a hit and run accident, and was shot in face by suspect he previously arrested for DUI. 565. Officer Hill, 30, Des Moines, Iowa, 8/28/77, responded to shots fired call, and as he pulled up to the scene, he was shot in head by suspect hiding in bushes. 566.Dep Sheriff Massey, 59, Laurens County, S.C., 9/20/77, attempting to serve warrant re domestic disturbance, he was shot in the throat. 567. Officer Melear, 29, Atlanta, GA, 9/23, 77, while searching three suspect re breaking into auto, shot officer in face. 568. Officer Chiaramonte, 32, New York City Housing Authority, NY, while patrolling shot in head. 569.Lt. Etchison, Sr., 26, Monroe, GA, 10/11/77, after high speed chase, shot in head by suspect. 570.Dep Sheriif, Douglas County, Neb, 41, 12/6/77, shot in face stopping man from stealing from delivery truck. 571.Officer Wilson, 27, Metropolitan Police, Dis Of Columbia, 4/26/07, found shot in head. 572. Marshal Richie, 49, Magazine, Ark., 6/29/77, stopped car suspected of escaping from prison, shot in head. 573. Pat Officer Huckeba, 26, Baltimore, MD, 7/6/77., responded to domestic disturbance, shot in face. 574. Officer Hill, 30, Des Moinses, Iowa, 8/28/77, responding to shots fired call, Shot in face by suspect hiding nearby. 575.Officer Crawford, 25, Thomasville PD, N.C., 1/8/77, responding to disturbance call, shot officer in throat. 576.Officer Spinnett, 28, Thomasville PD, N.C. 1/8/77, responding to disturbance call, shot the officer in the head. 577. Officer McLeod, 29, New Rochelle, NY, 2/14/77, responding to man with a gun, shot in head as he left cruiser. 578. Ranger Doherty, 41, Texas Dept of Public safwety, TEX, 2/20/1978, while attempting to arrest narcotic suspect, shot in head as he kicked door in. 579. Officer Hughes, 33, Oakland, CA, 4/22/78, responding to bar fight, kicked in face. 580. Game Warden, 47, Vermont Fish and Wildlife, Vermont, 4/27/78, hit in head with flashlight. 581. Officer Schlatt, 30, Atlanta, GA, 5/13/78, responding to burglary, shot in face. 582. Officer Eric Freeman, 36, Huntsville, Alabama, 12/17/07, was shot in the head as he responded to an auto accident by the suspect who was sitting on the curb was about to be arrested for DUI. 583. Deputy Sheriff Vu Nguyen, 37, Sacramento County, CA, was killed in the line of duty 12/19/07, while on gang patrol, when he saw a suspect run from a house and he chased the person and was shot in the neck. 584. Officer Edward Tarkington, 22, Metro Nashvill, Tenn, 12/17/78, responding to burglary, shot in neck by suspect he had arrested twice before. 585. Officer Roy Blecher, 50, Calif Highway patrol, CA, 12/22/78, and his partner, were killed after a traffic stop, he was shot in the head. 586. Officxer Nelso, Bell, 29, Baltimore PD< MD, 12/27/78, responding to shots fired at officers, shot in head. 587. Dete. Bernabe Salazar, San Antonia, TEX, 11/16/78, while serving narcotics search warrant, suspect fired shots through front door hitting Det in the head.. 588. Officer Jimmie Chadwell, 45, ForthWorth, Kan, 12/11/78, while serving a warrant with three other officers, shot in face by suspect as he entered a room. 589. Officer Julius Courville, Henderson, LA, 8/26/78, while he and his partner tried to deal with domestic dispute,, shoit in head by suspect. 590. Officer Steven Pinkelton, 30, Metro Nashville PD, 7/26, 78. shot in back of head in restaurant during a robbery by suspect. 591. Lt. Albert Wilkens, 50, Harris County Constable, Tex, 1/6/78, shot in head by a robber while he begged for his life. 592. Police Officer Carl Hauck, 7/29/1907, Cincinnati, Oh PD, while patrolling came across a crowd of men in an alley and was shot in the head in an ambush. 593. Police Chaplin Willia, Paris, Detroit, Mi, 52, 1976, shot in head while negotiating with suspect. 594.Det. Lames Compton, 29, Indianpolis, Indiana, 3/16/1976, attempting to serve warrant, shot in head by suspect. 595. Capt. James Daly, 43, Montgomer County, MD, 3/28/1976, attempting to arrest man for robbery, shot in head. 596. Corp. John Frontczak, Montgomery County, MD, 32, 3/28/76, shot in face by robbery suspect. 597. Police Officer Thomas Hodges, 4/1/1976, Metro dade PD, Fla, shot in face by stolen car suspect. 598. Police Officer William Mullins, 35, YorktownPolice Dept. 7/11/76, shot in heat by DUI suspect. 599.Agebt Robert Hurtchings, 33, Utah Highway Patrol, 1976, while participating in narcotics operation, while serving a warrant, shot in neck. 600.Sheriff Park Richards, 62, Calhoun County, W. VA, while serving a lunacy warrant, shot in neck by suspect. 601. Policve Officer Jameson Longworth, Greely PD, nov 22, 1976, responding to domestic disturbance, shot in neck by suspect. 602. Police Officer David Hancock, 41, Montgomery Twp, Pa, 12/11/1976, shot in head by suspect he was transporting. 603. Sgt. Alfred Sellick, 48, 1/12/76, Montclair, NJ, shot in face during robbery by suspect. 604. Police Officer Geoerge Rojas, 30, Houston, TEX, 1/28/76, slashed in neck with knife by suspect trying to break up fight. 605. Sgt. William Biggs, Kirkwood, Missouri PD, 2/7/08, was in a parking lot across from city hall when the suspect approached him, asked what time the city council meeting started, then pulled out a handgun and shot the officer in the head killing him. 606. Police Officer Tom Ballman, Kirkwood, Missouri, PD, 2/7/08, was in city hall when a suspect who had just killed a police officer across the street, walked up to the officer and shot him in the head. The suspect was killed by other officers. The following officers were killed by head or neck shots in 1975. 607. Sgt. Willam Prochazka, 41, Bedford Heights, Oh, 11/10/75, when shot in neck when he walked in and interrupted a robbery in progress. 607.Sgt. Frerderick Greene, 27, US Military Police, 12/6/75, while investigsitng a burglary, suspects ran from house and shot officer in the head. 608.Sgt. Charles Handorf, 49, Cinti, Oh PD, 12/8/75, was in the head by a barricaded person in a house. (I served with this Officer when I was an officer with that Department). 609. Special Agent Larry Wallace, 31, US Dept of Justice, was shot in the head by a suspect. 610. Reserve Deputy Thomas Dunigan, 35, Morgan County Sheriff, Indiana, 12/5/75, while tryoi ng to stop a bank robbery was shot in the head by the suspect. 611. Deputy Sheriff Steven Lindblom, 26, Madera County, Calif., 8/16/75, at a hostage situation, he was shot in the head by the suspect who was barricaded in the house. 612.Officer Alvin Hallum, 29, Dallas, TX, 8/21/75, when he stopped a car with his partner in an extortion crime, shot the officer in the head. 613. Aux. Sgt. David Freed, 20, New York City, NY, 8/31/75, hit on the head with his own nightstick by the suspect. 614. Patn. Guy Davis, JR, North Carolina Highway Patrol, 9/2/75. when he stopped a car for a red light violation, he did not know they had robbed a bank, was shot in the face when he leaned down to talk to the driver. 615. Patrol Officer Johnathon Flora, 32, Anchorage, Alaska, 9/8/,75, responding to a burglary, was shot in the head as he climbed through a broken window. 616. Dep. Marshall Ronald Parker, 27, St. Augiustine Beach, FLA, 1/12/75, while responding to a vehicle incident, shot in the neck by the suspect. 617. Lt. Rufus Looper III, Greenville County Sheeriff, SC, 1/13/75, while investigating suspeciious person was shot in head by the suspect. 618.Patn. William Sheehan, 63, Westwood, MA. 2/11/75, while walking toward a car stopped in traffic, not knowing it was wanted for a murder, and the suspect shot him in the head. 619. Special Agen James Bostick, 48, Illionois Central Gulf railroad Police, Ill, 3/2/75, interrupted persons breaking into a box car and was shot in the head. 620.Officer Jodseph Cali, 31, Chicago Pd, Ill, 5/20/75, while writing a traffic citation on illegally parked car, he was shot in head by a snmiper across the street. 621. Officer Mark DeCuypere, 22, Hampton, VA, 5/22/75, while esponding to a domestic dispute was shot by ambush by the man who had just killed his wife. Suspect shot officer in the head. 622. Dep Sheriff Randal Richter, 23, Montgomer County, Oh, 5/22/75, while investigating a suspicious vehicle, suspect shot him in the head. 623. Officer Tom White, 64, Wolf City, TX, 7/8/75, was shot in ambush in the head. 624. Officer Randy Simmons, 51, of the LAPD, CA, was killed in the line of duty when he was shot in the neck as he entered a home to arrest a man who had killed several persons.\ 625. Officer G. White, Atlanta GA, 7/15, 1974, was shot in the head when he went into a store while it was being robbed. 626. Deputy Sheriff E. Potter, 23, Kershaw Coutny, S.C. 2/23/74, the officer and his partner stopped to investigate two men hitchhiking, a third man cvame from behind and held them at gunpoint and shot them both in the head, killing one and wounding the other.Officer G. Rogers, Canton PD, NC, reseponding to a domestic, approached the house, and was shot at, took cover behind his cruiser, but was shot in the head. 627. Officer B. Garrison, 29, Chicago PD, Ill, 2/27/74, while he and partner were arresting a fugitive, entered a tavern but the lighting was bad, and the suspect shot thy officers in the head. 628. Officer Willaim Marsek, 29, Chicago, Ill, 2/27/74, was shot in the head with partner by wanted fugitive in badly lit bar. 629. Det Sgt. William Motimer, 44, Dayton PD, Oh, while tryomgt to arrest robbery suspects, was shot in the face by a suspect as the officer tried to push two girls into safe area. 630.Deputy Emery Mabry, 57, Carroll County, VA, 4/22/74, while making a traffic stop, for a burglkary suspect who walked up to the officer’s car and shot him in the head. 631. Deuty Sheriff Joe Smith, 32, Cumberland County, NC, 1/5/74, officer was sitting in his cruiser giving directions to a trucker who picked up a hitchhiker, the hitchhiker got out walked to officer in his cruiser and shot him in the head. 632. Deputy Edd Williams, 35, Harris County, Texas, 1/12/74 during a robbery was shot in head by a suspect. 633. Officer David Jack, 21, Calif State Police, 10/21/74, was ambushed while patroilling and shot in the head, his weapon still holstered. 634. Officer Larry Walters, 31, Riverside PD, CA, 11/13/74, making a TRAFFICS TOP, shot in head as he walked to car. 635. Sgt. Stephen Liezbinski, 39, Philadelphia Police Department, was killed in the line of duty on May 4, 2008 when he stopped robbery suspects and was shot in the face and abdomen by the suspects. His last words after being shot “Tell my wife I love her.” 636. Deputy Sheriff William Howell Jr., 46, Orangeburg County, S.C., was shot and killed in the line of duty on May 3, 2008, while responding to a domestic dispute to help a lady remove her clothes, the suspect shot the Deputy in the neck. 637. Police officer Erik Hite, 43, Tucsan Police Dept. AR, was killed in the line of duty on 6/2/08, when he was pursuing a suspect wanted for shooting another officers and firing a rifle into several homes, and when he turned down a street the suspect opened fire hitting the officer in the head. 638.. Police Officer Todd Allen Bahr, 40, of the Fredericksburg, PA Police Department was shot and murdered June 6, 2008, when he responded to an apartment complex where residents reported he had brandishing a gun, and he had threatened his ex-girlfriend, and the suspect left the scene in a truck, and officers caught up with him and while searching for him on foot, the suspect shot the officer in the head. The suspect committed suicide. 639. Police Officer Richard Francis, 60, Chicago, Ill Police Department was killed in line of duty July 2, 2008, when the officer noticed a lady in a disturbance and stopped to investigate, a struggle ensued, And the lady got the officer’s service weapon, and shot him in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 640. A 45-year-old deputy constable from the Smith County Constable’s Office was shot and killed during a tactical situation in Tyler on June 7 at 11 a.m. 2006, A woman had placed a 911 call from her neighbor’s house reporting her husband had beaten and threatened to kill her and himself, as well as any law enforcement officers who came to the scene. Two deputies from the Smith County Sheriff’s Office responded to the call and initially arrived at the neighbor’s house, where the 911 call had been placed, thinking that it was the suspect’s house. The two deputies then Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2006 U.S. Department of Justice—Federal Bureau of Investigation Released October 2007 proceeded to the suspect’s residence where they noticed a rifle barrel sticking out of a window in the front of the house. Simultaneously, the deputies noticed the person with a rifle was targeting the Smith County deputy constable, a 21-year veteran of law enforcement, who had arrived on the scene in his unmarked vehicle as backup. The two deputies shouted to the deputy constable to take cover and that he was being targeted by a person in the house with a rifle. The deputy constable, who was wearing body armor, managed to obtain his rifle from his vehicle and fired three rounds at the front of the house. He moved to the rear of his vehicle to take cover; however, the offender fired one shot from his .30-06-caliber semiautomatic rifle with a scope, striking the victim deputy constable in front of the head and killing him instantly. 641. Corp. Eric Sutphin, 40, Montgomery County Sheriff Office, 8/21/2006, while hunting for an escaped prisoner who shot a security guard, the deputy was shot in the head by the suspect. 642. Police Officer Michael Garbino, 53, Fairfax County Police, VA, 5/17/06, was shot in the head by a car jacking suspect. 643. Deputy Sheriff William B. Jones, 53, Roane County, Tenn, 5/11/06, was ambushed by two men who had a grudge against police in the area, and shot him in the head when he pulled up to a house to serve felony warrants for aggravated assault. 644. Deputy Sheriff James F. McGrane, 38, Bernalillo County, New Mex, 3/22/06, made a traffic stop of a person wanted for a murder in 2005 that the officer did not know about. As he approached the vehicle hew as shot in the head. 645. Sgt. Henry Prendes, 37, Las Vegas, Nev., 2/1/06, responded to a domestic violence call, of a man beating a woman with a stick, breaking car windows, and when the officer approached the door of the house the man was in the suspect shot the officer in the back of the head. 646. Police Officer Thomas T. Wood, 37, Maywood PD, Ill., 10, 23, 06, a canine officer was shot in the throat and back of his head as he sat in his cruiser. 647. Police Officer Thomas A. Cook, 43, Metro PD, Ill, 9/27/06, was sitting in his cruiser watching a business which had been involved in recent armed robberies, and she was shot in the back of his head. 648. Police Officer Bryan D. Tuvera, 28, San Francisco, CA, 12/23/06, was chasing an escaped convict who was considered armed and dangerous, when the suspect shot him in the head as he entered a garage the suspect had entered. 649. Police Officer Richard Allan May Jr., 38, East Palo Alto, CA, 1/7/06, responded to a disturbance call, and saw men fighting when he arrived, and when he chased one, the suspect turned and shot the officer in the head. 650. Police Officer Mary Freeman Smith, 48, Fairfield, Ala, 10.23,06, was checking a suspicious car and was shot in the neck and throat by a suspect who approached her. 651. Deputy Sheriff Vernon Matthew Williams, 39, Polk County, Fla, and his canine partner, Diogi, were shot and killed while chasing a suspect who fled on foot during a traffic stop by another deputy for a traffic violation. 652. Constable Daniel Tessier, Laval, Quebec, Canada, PD, 3/2/07, was shot in the head during a drug raid while entering a house. 653. Police Officer Thomas Robert, Mishawaka PD, 12/16/03, South bend, responded to a home where shots had been fired, and was murdered when he tried to tackle the suspect the suspect who shot the officer in the head. 654. Police Officer Joshua Miktarian,, 33, Twinsburg Police Dept., Ohio, was murdered in the line of duty July 16, 2008, when he left his patrol car to check the ownership of a car he pulled over. He called for another officer to respond. A neighbor called to report shots were fired. The driver of the car shot the officer four times in the head killing him. The officer’s gun was still holstered.. The suspect was arrested. 655. Police Officer Andrew Widman, 30, Fort Myers Fla Police Dept., 7/18/08, respeonded to a domestic dispute wit several other officers outside a restaurant where a man was waving a gun, when the suspect shot the officer in the face at close range. The suspect was killed by return fire. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time he was shot. 656. Officer Monte Ruby, of the Cox Department of Public safety, was murdered on Aug. 6, 2008, when he was kicked in the neck by a prisoner he was trying to control. 657. Sheriff W.W. Wright, Nevada County, Calif, 11/3/1856, while trying to capture three escaped convicts, the suspects hot him in the face. 658. Deputy Johnm McClain, 38. Coulsa County, Calif, 9/17/1870, went to a residence to serve writ of restitution, when one occupant shot the deputy in the face. 659. City marshall Charles C. Wilson, 28, Oceanside PD, 7/4/1889, while patrolling he heard shots and he was shot in the face by a suspect. 660. Officer A. Grant, San Fransico, Cal, 9/11/1891, had arrested a suspect and the suspect shot the officer in the head. 661. Deputy J. Buzzell, San Joaquin, Calif, 11/28/1895, while trying to remove trespassers, a suspect shot him in the head. 662. Capt. Walter Auble, 47, LA PD, Calif, 9/9/1908, while trying to arrest two men for burglary a suspect shot the officer in the throat. 663. City marshall Putnam, 45, Allen PD, Okla, while standing in a store, a suspect shot him in the neck. 664. Nigh Marshall Shipley, 60, Flora PD, Ill. While enforecing local liquor laws, when he arrived at a disturbance a suspect shot him in the neck. 665. Capt. Tim Hassett, 46, Oleao PD, NY, 2/21/1909, while trying to arres a burglar, the suspect shot him in the head. 666. Patn Conner, Jefferson County, Ky, 5/22/1909, while responding to a fight at a tavern, a suspect shot the officer in the head. 667. Deputy Sherif T. Pearson, 43, McIntosh Coutny,Okla, 6/13/1909, while trying to arrest a man on a warrant, the suspect shot the officer in the head. 668. Oficer W. Campbell, 30, Forth Worth, Tex, 8/12/1909, was ambushed and was shot by someone in the back of the head. 669. Dep. Sheri J, Sykes, 41, Norfolk County, VA, 8/29/1909, when he tried to question three suspicious men on a road, the officer was shot by a siuspect in the neck. 670. Town Marshall P. Hatton, 38, Caroll PD, Iowa, 11/2/1909, when he tried to arrest two burglarly suspects was shot in the face by a suspect. 671. Special Policeman J. Babb, West Chester PD, PA, 12/31/1909, was shot in thehead by a juvenile suspected of trying to kill persons by putting broken glass in their food. 672. Lt. C. Frank, 63, Ashland , Ky, 6/29/1910, during raid for illegal liquor, officer was shot in the head. 673. Special Deputy H. Lawrence, Cameron County,Texas, 37, 7/31/1910, was shot in the head attempting to arrest a suspect for murder. 674. Ranger Carnes, 26, Texas, 7/31/1910, was shot in the head while attempting to arrest a suspect for murder. 675. Police officer Rude, Seattle, WA, 9/24/1910, was hit in the head with a pick by a suspect who he was guarding. 676. Deputy Sheriff W. Lucy, Shelby County, Tenn, 2/25/1910, while attempting to arrest a man for larceny. After asking for the warrant to be read, he asked for permission to get his hat from his cabin, Not suspecting trouble the officers consented, and the suspect came out and shot th officer in the head. 677. Officer Hezekiah Hires, 37, Jacksonvile, Flor, PD, while responding to assist other officer, during the arrest the foirst officer shot and killed the suspect, and as Officer Hires arrived, the dead man’s son shot the officer in the back of the head at close range. 678. Officer Timothy Abernethy, 43, Houston TX PD, 12/06/08, stopped suspect for traffic violation, suspect ran and his behind a corner of house waiting for the officer, and when he rounded corner, he shot officer in head and then stood over him and pointed the gun and tried to shoot him again. 679. Officer L. Henderson, 22, Jacksonville PD, 1/26/1911, interrupted a burglary, stopped a suspect and failed to find a gun in his pocket, and the man pulled the gun and shot the officer in the face. 680. Deputy Sheriff T. Blair, 35, Monroe County, 1/29/1911, broke up a disturbance in tavern, he went inside and one of the men shot him in the head. 681. Deputy Sher. George Mumford, 41, Wilson County, NC, 2/3/1911 was serving warrant for burglary when a suspect wounded him and then shot him in the head three times. 682. Agent O’Connor, US Treasury Dept. 1/30/1911, was invesitigating several suspicious men when one shot him in the mouth. 683. Police Officer Mason Samborski, 28, Oak Park, Mi PD was killed in the line of duty 12/29/08, when he was shot in the head by a youth suspect he was taking to a complex to be identified in connection with an investigation. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 684. Patn R. Gallivan, 35, Boston MA PD, 2/8/11, shot in neck responding to burglary. 685. Deputy E. Birt, 34, Etawah County, Ind, 2/14/11, shot in back of head by suspect who was in dispute with officer. 686. Patn V. Kirkman, 3/4/11, Alexandria Indiana PD, shot in head responding to robbery. 687. Asst Chief J. Southall, Greenville PD, 10/6/1914, trying to arrest intoxicated man firing a pistol, officer was shot in head 688. Det. James Arnold, 26, tryimg to arrest man for larcenty, located him in nhius home, and allowed man to change clothes, and when he reached for pants, he grabbed a revolver and shot the officer in the head. 689. Chief W. Kersetter, 46, Sunbury PD, Pa, 2/12/1913, while transporting a mental patient, the patient’s father asked Chief’s help in taking man to hospital and shot officer in the head, neck shoulder. 690. Senior Cpl. Norman Smith, 43, Dallas Texas PD, 1/6/09, a gang unit officer, was serving a felony warrant when he knocked on the door at 6:15 pm he came under fire immediately and was shot in the head. He went to the door with two other officers, knocked and when he used a fake name, someone opened the door and when Smith yelled Police, the person tried to close the door and when Smith pushed against the door he was shot in the head by the suspect. "This was a high-risk situation," Police Chief David Kunkle said. "The officers were tactically well-positioned, but they were immediately met with gunfire." 691. Police officer Greg Jonas, 58, Centerville, Illinois, Police Department, was killed in the line of duty on June 2, 2009, when he was shot in the back of the head near a housing complex. 692. Police officer Alejandro Valadez, 27, Chicago, Ill, PD, was talking to persons on a stret about an earlier shooting, when a person drove by and shot the officer in the head. 693. Trooper Joshua Miller, 34, Pennsylvania State Police, was enagaged in a chase of a suspect June 7, 2009, who kidnapped his son at gun point. A police car bumped the suspect’s car causing it to crash and when Trooper Miller went to the driver’s side of the car, the suspect fired at the officer striking him in the neck. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time he was shot 694. Deputy Marshal Parker, 27, St. Augustine, FL, PD, on 1/12/1975, responded to a report of a man driving off a pier, and when the officer confronted the man, the man shot the officer in the neck killing him.. 695. Lt. Rufus Looper, Greenville County Sherif Office, SC, 2/1/1975, investigating a suspicious person in a garage and as the officer entered the building, he wsas shot in the head and killed. 696. Patn Wm Sheehan, 63, Westwood PD, Mass, 2/11/1975, stopped his cruiser to investigsater csr stopped in traffic, not knowing the man had just committed a murder, and the man got out and approached the officer and shot him in the eye killing him. 697. Dep. Sher. Jesse Blevins, 32, Monroe County, W VA., 2/21/1975, was leaving a grocery store when a man he had arrested a week before shot him in the week before shot him in the head. 698. Deputy Shane Detwiler, 31, Chambers County, Texas, was killed in the line of duty on July 13, 2009, when he responded to a report of a man who had fired shots at a water company meter reader who was trying to turn off the suspect’s water. The Deputy and other officers entered the suspect’s mobile home and when they got to a bedroom the suspect fired and hit the Deputy in the head twice killing him. The Deputy was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 699. Police Officer Marc DiNardo, 37, Jersey City, NJ, PD on July 16, 2009, and other officers were entering an apartment to arrest a man who had shot an officer earlier when the man shot the officer in the face killing him. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 700. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas, 30, on July 23, 2009, responded alone to a suspected border incursion and was shot in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield 701. Sgt. Alfred Sellick, 48, Montclair PD, NJ, 1/12/1976, was shot in the face trying to disarm a gunman. 702. Chaplin William Paris,52, Detroit PD, 3/1/1976, agreed to negotiate with armed suspect when the suepct shot him in the head as he approached. 703. Capt. James Daly, 43, Montgomery County PD, MD, 3/28/1976, was shot in the face when he tried to arrest a robbery supect. 704. Corp. John Frontczak, 32, Montgomery County PD, 3/28/1976. was shot in the face when he tried to arrest a robbery suspect with a shotgun. A ballistic face shield would probably have deflected the shots. 705. Police Officer Clark Curlette, Metro Dad PD, Fla, while investigating a stolen car incident knocked on a door and the suspect shot through the door hitting the officer in the face with a shotgun. Not wearing a ballistic face shield. 706. Police Officer Frank D’Azevedo, while investigating a stolen car incident knocked on a door and the suspect shot through the door hitting the officer in the face with a shotgun. Not wearing a ballistic face shield. 707. Patrol Officer Willaim Mullins, 35, Yorktown PD, Texas, 7/11/1976, Was chasing a man he had stopped for some reason and when the man reached his house he turned and shot th officer in the head. Not wearing a ballistic face shield. 708. Agent Robert Hutchings, 33, Utah Highway Patrol, 7/20/1976. while trying to serve warrant on a drug suspect he was shot in the neck. 709. Patn Earl Ashton, 23, Osburn PD, 8/17/1976, stopped a vehicle for a traffic offense, and when he walked up to the car the man pointed a rifle out the window and and when the officer trtied to push the barrel away the round hit him in the neck just qbove his vest. 710. Sheriff Park Richards, 62, Calhoun County Sheriff Dept., 11/18/1976, was shot in the throat while serving a lunacy warrant. 711. Patn David Hancock, 41, Montgomery Twp PD, PA, 12/11/1976, after arresting a burglary suspect was shot in the ehad by the suspect. 712. Patn Robert Crawford, 25, Thomasville PD, N.C., 1/8/1977, confronted two men responding to a disturbance call and when he and another officer followed them inside a house a struggle ensued and one suspect got the officer’s gun and shot him in the throat. The other officer was hot in the head. Neither was wearing a ballistic face shield. 713. Patn Dennis Spinnett, 28, Thomasville, PD. N.C. confronted two men responding to a disturbance call and when he and another officer followed them inside a house a struggle ensued and one suspect got the officer’s gun and shot him in the head The other officer was shot in the throat.. Neither was wearing a ballistic face shield. 714. Pat. Allen McLeod, 29, New Rochelle PD, 2/14/1977, responded to call of a man with a fiream. The suspect shot the officer in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 715. Policeofficer Bruce Wilson, 27, Metropolitan Police Dept., Dist of Columbia, 4/26/09, while working vice, became separated from his partner and was found with a bullet wound to his head at close range. 716. Marshall Marvin Richie, 49, Magazine PD, 6/29/09, was shot in the head by prison escapees. 717. Patn Charles Huckeba, 26, Baltimore County PD, MD, 7/6/1977, responded to a domestic disturbance and while approaching the house he was shot in the face. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 718 Agent Jorge Santiago, 37, Puerto Rico Polie Dept. August 16, 2009, was transporting a prisoner when the prisoner was somehow able to obtain one of the officers’ weapons and shot the officer once in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 718. Police Officer Chad Spicer, 29, Georgetown PD< DE, on September 1, 2009, responded to a report of shots fired at a restaurant, and chased the suspected vehicle, when the suspects left the vehicle and ran, one of the suspects immediately opened fire and shot the officer in the face before he was even able to exit his patrol car. His partner was also shot and wounded in the neck. 719. Officer Dennis Hill, 30, Des Moines PD, 8/28/1977, responded to a shots fired dispatch, the suspect fired at the officer and hit him in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield, 720. Police Officer Marc DiNardo, 37, Jersey City, NJ, PD on July 16, 2009 was watching a car suspected in a robbery and when a person walked toward the car, officers moved in and the suspect fired hitting the officer in the face. He died after undergoing surgery. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time he was shot in the face. \ 721. Deputy Sherman Massey, Laurens County Sherrif Dept, S.C., 9/20/1977, while tring to serve warrant for domestivc disturbance, suspect was holding a gun, convinced the man to put gun in his belt, and he did, but then he suddenly grabbed the gun andshot the officer in the throat. Officer was no wearing a ballistic face shield. 722. Police Officer Barry Melear, 29, 9/23/1977, Atlanta, GA, approached three suspects he caught breaking into an automobile working a car theft detail, and while searching them the last man pulled a gun and shot the officer in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 723. Police Officer Vito Chiaramonte, 32, New York Housing Authority, 9/26/77, was patrolling on foot was shot in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 724. Lt. Michael Etchison, Monrroe , GA, PD, 10/11/77. after a high sped chase, After the chase, suspect shot officer in the head. Officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 725. Ranger Bobby Doherty,41, Texas Dept Public Safety, 2/20/78, trying to arrest narcotics suspect, kicked open a door and was shot in the head. Her was not wearing a ballistic a face shield. 726. PoliceOfficer Frank Schlatt, 30, Atlanta Ga PD, 5/13/1978, was responding to a burglary and as he entered the store, he was shot in the face. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 727. Officer Steven Pinkelton,30, was off duty in uniform staninf in line in a restaurant when armed robber entered and shot him in the back of his head. 728. Patn. Julius Courville, Henderson PD, LA, 8/26/1978. while trying to settle a domestic dispute, he was shot in the head. 729. Police Officer Nelson Bell, 29, Baltimore, MD, PD, 10/27/1978, responded to a bus station where shots had been fired at police, was shot in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 730. Detective Bernable Salazar, San Antonio, TX PD, 11/16/78, was serving a search warrant for narcotics when a suspect fired shots through the door and hit the officer in the head. 731. Sgt. Mickey Hitchens,50, Winston salem NC PD, died 10/12, 2009, from a gunshot to the head sustained days earlier. He and another officer responded to a domestic dispute and had probably been informed that the male suspect had a gun. The two officers found and chased the suspect and the suspect shot the Sgt. In the face. The Sgt. Was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 732. Police Officer Jimmie Chadwell, 45, Fort Worth TX PD, 12/11/1978, while trying to serve a warrant, he entered the front of the home, and the suspect was hiding in a shower in the bathroom and when he enetered, the suspect shot him in the face. Had he had a ballistic face shield on he would probably have survived. 733. Police Officer Edward Tarkington, 22, Metro Nashville, TN, PD, 12/17/1978, responded to a burglary and while talking to the vitim, a neighbor who he had arrested before for gambling, shot the officer in the neck. Had he had a ballistic face shield on he would probably have survived. 734. Police Officer Roy Blecher, 50, Calif Highway patrol, 12/22/1978, was found with a shot to the head after a traffic stop. 735. Officer William Freeman, 32, Calif Highway Patrol, 12/22/1978., was found shot in the head after a traffic stop. 736. Patn Charles Snider, 53, Charleston SC PD, 3/2/1979, was walking his beat when he was told by a bystander that a store manager was trying to arrest a man for stealing an item worth $15 and the man was challenger to fight him, and when the officer tried to arrest the man, the man got the officer’s gun and shot him in the head. 737. Police Officer Robert Seiffert, 31, Cincinnati Police Division, 3/6/79, during traffic stop for aggravated robbery warrant, suspect shot officer in the head. 738. Police Officer Timothy Brenton, 39, Seattle, WA, Police Department, November 2, 2009, was sitting in his cruiser in the passenger seat with a trainee police officer sitting in the driver’s seat, when a car drove alongside and shot the officer in the head and wounded the trainee officer. 739. Metro Transit police officer, Washington, DC, 6/14/01, was shot in the head by a suspect he tried to stop for failing to pay a fare. 740. Police Officer Joyce Carnegie, 38, Orange, NJ, Police Department, April 9, 1999, was investigating an armed robbery, that occurred in her city, and she approached a man fitting the description of the suspect. Before she could question him, he fired two shots at her at around 7:30 p.m. HITTING HER IN THE HEAD. SHE WAS NOT WEARING A BALLISITC FACE SHIELD AT THE TIME. 741. Police Officer Tina Griswold, 40, Lakewood Wa PD, 11/29/09, was sitting in a coffee shop with three other officers working on lap top computers preparing to go on their shifts, when a man entered and shot her and the other officers in the head killing them. 742. Police officer Ronald Owens, 37, Lakewood WA PD, 11/29/09, was sitting in a coffee shop with three other officers working on lap top computers preparing to go on their shifts, when a man entered and shot her and the other officers in the head killing them. 743. Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39, Lakewood WA PD, 11/29/09, was sitting in a coffee shop with three other officers working on lap top computers preparing to go on their shifts, when a man entered and shot her and the other officers in the head killing them. 744. Police Officer Greg Richards, 42, Lakewood WA PD, 11/29/09, was sitting in a coffee shop with three other officers working on lap top computers preparing to go on their shifts, when a man entered and shot her and the other officers in the head killing them. 745. Police Officer Michael Crenshaw, 32, Penn Hills Police Department, on December 6, 2009, responding to a call on a domestic dispute, he had been the first officer to arrive on the scene and had parked several houses away to wait for backup. As he waited he reported to dispatchers that he heard gunfire from inside the home and he then unholstered his weapon. Moments later a suspect exited the home and immediately opened fire with an AK-47, fatally striking Officer Crawshaw several times, one in the head, as he was still sitting in his patrol car. 746. Police Officer Patrick McDonald , 26, New York PD, was shot in the head March 16, 1994, was guarding a building to prevent people from entering it when he saw activity in a nearby store. He entered and interrupted a robbery in progress, he was wearing a bullet proff vest but none of the bullets hit him there. One bullet hit him in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 747. Police Sergeant Mickey Hutchens, 50, on October 8, 2009, responded with another officer to a call about a man harassing his ex-wife. One witness told the dispatcher the suspect had been armed in the past, but did not know if he was presently armed. The man ran from the officers when told to stop and they chased him. At some point the man turned and shot Sergeant Hutchens several times, once in the head and wounded the other officer bu shooting him in the neck, before the man was shot and killed by wounded officer. The suspect shot both officers with a handgun. Neither officer was wearing a ballistic face shield when shot. 748. Sheriff Deputy Kent Mundell, 44, Pierce County, WA, was shot in the head and died December 29, 2009, by a suspect when the Deputy responded to a domestic dispute. Another Deputy at the scene was shout in the neck. Neither officer was wearing a ballistic face shield. 749. Deputy Shane Detwiler, 31, Chambers County, July 13, 2009, while searching a home at the scene of a shooting, the suspect shot the deputy in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 750. Deputy Josie Fox, 38, Millard County, Utah, January 5, 2009, was pursuing a suspect in a car theft. After she called for back up, she was found shot in the neck. She was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 751. Police Officer Donald Martin, 29, Cincinnati, PH, PD, March 11, 1961, Donald Martin was patrolling a car dealership when he encountered a man attempting to steal a car battery. A violent struggle ensued and the suspect gained control of Patrolman Martin’s revolver and shot Patrolman Martin in the chest. Patrolman Martin turned and ran with the suspect in pursuit, firing into Martin?s back. The suspect then shot him once in the back of the head after the officer fell. (Editor’s Note: I was on the same shift as Donald and was actively involved in searching the area for his killer, without success, unfortunately. 752. Capt. Chad Reed, 33, Dixie County,Fla., on January 14, 2010, was pursuing a suspect wanted for murdering several persons, when the suspect stopped at a gas station and shot the Capt in the face. The Capt was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 753. Trooper Paul Richey, 40, Pennsylvania State Police, responded to a domestic with information that the suspect had threatened to kill his wife, and when the officer approached the house, not wearing a ballistic face shield, he was shot in the neck by the suspect who aimed his shot in an ambush fashion. 753. Lt. Eric Shuhandler, Gilbert AR PD, on January 28, 2010, was shot in head at traffic stop for obstructed license plates. 754. Police officer Sgt. Tonya Gillikin, 30, Enfield, stopped a car for a checxk re a robbery and she was shot in the head by the suspect as she and her partner tried to handcuff the suspect. 755. Police Officer John Finis Weed, 44, Seattle, WA, Police Department, July 24, 1916, Officer Weed, on a report from a citizen that a man had just shot at him in an alley, left his cruiser and went to the alley with a fellow officer, and when he saw a man in the alley, Officer Weed identified himself as a police officer, and man, who was a watchman for an illegal whiskey operation in a near by warehouse, shot Officer Weed in the mouth. (Neither ballistic face shields nor vests existed in those days, so there was a good excuse for the officer not putting one on before proceeding to the alley to investigate.) 756. Police Officer Robert Heinle, 47, Missoula PD, on October 21, 1998, he responded to a bank report of a man trying to cash a forged check, and the officer chased the man, and the man shot the officer in the neck. The officer died from complications from the wound on February 12, 2009. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the moment the bullet hit him. 757. Constable Elijah Chenault, Alexandria PD, VA, 8/4/1823, was hit over the head with a stick while attempting to seize property from a woman who had failed to pay a debt. 758. Texas Ranger Edward Blakey, Texas, Rangers, February 25, 1839, was pursuing Indians who were raiding communities, when he was shot in the head. 759. Texas Ranger John Walters, 24, Texas Rangers, February 25, 1839, was pursuing Indians who were raiding communities, when he was shot in the head. 760. Captain Burleson, Texas Rangers, February 25, 1839, was pursuing Indians who were raiding communities, when he was shot in the head. 761. Texas Ranger James Gilleland, 40, February 25, 1839, was pursuing Indians who were raiding communities, when he was shot in the head. 762. Texas Ranger First Sergeant William Weaver, was pursuing Indians who were raiding communities, when he was shot in the head. 763. Constable John Holton, 42, Augusta PD, KY, nov 24, 1845, was attempting to serve a warrant when the suspect cut his throat. 764. Patn Thomas Lynch, New York, NY< PD, 7/22/1848, was hot in the head 11 times with an iron pipe responding to an assault and large dispute. 765. Patn William Helms, New York, Ny, PD, 10/9/1849, responded to a fire, and during crowd control, standing on his post his skull was fracrtured when a wall collapsed on him. 766. Texas Ranger Private D.C. Sullisvan, Texas Rangers, 8/20/1850, was attacked by Indians and shot in the head by one of the Indians. 767. Capt. Chin Chi Kee, US Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1/10/1852, while trying to arrest whiskey smugglers, armed only with a knife, stabbed three suspects to death, and one suspect shot him in the head. 768. Watchman Willaim T> Pullan, 52, Providence City Watch, RI, 5/18/1852, while trying to arrest a person for disturbing the peace, was attacked by a suspect and hit in the head with a club. 769. Police Officer Thomas Trench, 43, Philadelphia Pa PD, 5/28/1985, was found sitting behind the steering wheel of his cruiser at 3:00 a.m., with a bullet wound in the face and back of the neck, both fired at close range. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet at the time he was shot. 770. Police Officer Javier Bejar, 28, Reedley CA PD, 2/28/10 was backing up other officers serving a warrant for arsons and shootings, and concealing himself behind his cruiser for cover when the suspect, using a scope, shot him in the head from 80 yards with a high powered rifle. A ballistic face visor probably would not have seved him from the high powered rifle bullet, but he would have probably survived had he been shot with a less powerful firearm. The officers responding including Officer Bejar were aware that the suspect was involved in arsons and shootings in the area, yet were not wearing ballistic face visors in a high risk situation. 771. Cpl. J. R. Searcy, 33, Quachita Parish Sheriff Department, LA., March 4, 2010, was off duty responding to a radio report of a man trying to run people over with his vehicle, when he confronted the man, not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet, and told the man to put his hands behind his head, the man pulled a gun and shot the officer twice in the head. Another officer shot and killed the suspect. 772. Police Officer James Kerstetter, 43, Elyria, Ohio, PD, March 15, 2010, responded to a neighbor dispute in which the suspect kicked a door in, and had exposed himself to a child, called to the suspect to stop, but the suspect fired on the officer and shot him in the head and killed him. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet. He leaves a wife and three children. 773. Police Officer Ray P. Gallimore, Chesapeake PD., 11/30/74, came upon a traffic accident, the driver got out and gsained controlof the officer’s service weapon, and shot the officer in the head. The suspect shot himself in the head. 774. Police officer Gary J. Buro, Chesterfield County PD., 5/4/2006, was dispayched to a domestic assault in which a gun was reported to be involved, the officer went to the front door and was admitted, and he went to a bedroom where the shooter was talking with his wife (he told her the first officer who walks through the door is going to be shot) and when the officer entered the bedroom without a ballistic face shield on his head the shooter shot him in the forehead killing the officer. Another officer was shot and wounded but the officer was able to shoot and kill the shooter. (Note by Stan: Officer Buro would probably be alive today had he been wearing a ballistic face shield when he entered the bedroom. as a corrections officer and probably aimed at the head knowing the vest would stop the bullet) 20 officers were killed by head shots in 2005 bringing the total to 794 The names of these officers will be added later. Source ODMP.org The percentage of officers who were killed by gun fire with head shots from 2005 through 2010 is 50 percent. In 1999, the following 14 officers were murdered by head shots and not included in the previous count. Knight 1/9/99, Bishop 1/20, Aschton 1/23, Camp 3/9, Atkinson 3/26, Weatherly 4/15, Hicks 5/22, Clement 6/3, Whitfield 8/13, Balcomb 8/21, Kolb 10,2, Levy 10/21, Timbrook 10, 30, Gatewood 12/9, Baileey 12/30Thus the total is now 808 officers have been murdered by head shots since 1974 to present and counting. In 2001 14 officers were killed by head shots and not included in the previous count. Naim, Garza, Morales, Strause, Infantes, Gurr, Estes, Hunter, Kuredjian, Schwartz, Fontana, Roelle, Thus the total is now 822 have been murdered by head shots since 1974 and still counting. 822 police officers have been murdered by head shots since 1974 and still counting. None of the officers was wearing a ballistic face shields at the time. 823. Police Officer Phillip Davis, 33, Pelham Police Department, December 4, 2009, stopped a driver for speeding, left to write a ticket, returned and driver said my brother is a police officer, and officer said, why didn’t you tell me this before, let me have his name and phone number and I will call him and tell him what happened. Unprovoked andwithout another word, the driver fired one shot hitting the officer in the face and murdered him. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. This was the first officer to be killed in this Department. The driver was arrested. 824. Officer Craig Shaw, 37, Dallas PD, was shot in the head responding to a shooting and was not wearing a ballistic face shield. This brings to total to 824 officers shot in the head. Officers 825 – 829 were accidentally deleted from the list and could not be retrieved. 830. The number increased to 830 with this incident: 830. Sgt. Joseph Bergeron, 49, Maplewood PD, Minn, May 1, 2010, located 2 men wanted for carjacking, and as he was getting out of his cruiser, oen of them shot the officer in the head, while he was not wearing a ballistic face shield. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 831 and 832. The number increased to 832 police officers murdered by head shots while not wearing ballistic face shields with the following two Tampa Fla police officers being shot in the head June 29, 2010, at a traffic stop as they appaoched the passenger side. The officers were Jeff Kocab and Dave Curtis. Both officers, who were not wearing ballistic face shields, would probably be alive had they been wearing the shields. The stop was initially for a missing tag, but a passenger was wanted on a worthless check. Backup was called. A check on the passenger’s, the shooter, identity would have disclosed he had a record for Attempted first degree murder, and other violent crimes. This was a high risk situation in my opinion and justified placing ballistic face shields on the officier’s heads before they approached the car. They had body vests on but to no avail. Bad guys, knowing the vests are worn, and wanting to kill the officers, are probably aiming for the head. Let us pray to God for Officers Cutis and Kocab and their families and brother and sister police officers. Stayalert safe, Stan Police Chiefs should realize by now that every police officer under his/her command is in immediate danger of being shot in the head and killed or maimed on any incident, but especially during high risk situations which the officers know or should know about in advance prior to getting involved in the situation (there is usually time to put the ballistic face shield on in such situations). One Chief who recognized this danger and did something about it is Chief Paul Nanfito, Red Bluff, CA PD. He applied for and obtained money from the Federal Home Security Agency and bought ballistic face shields and helmets for his police officers. He told me that interested chiefs may call him at 530-527-3131 for information. I have one question: why does one more officer have to die by a head shot before ballistic face shields are made immediately available to all police officers for high risk situations? 833. A Chicago, Ill PD officer, Thor O. Soderberg, on 7/7/10, was walking toward a parking lot from a police station when a man grabbed the officer’s weapon and shot him in the head. The officer was on a detail concerning youth violence. 834. On December 12, 2005, State Trooper Joseph Pokorny, Pennsylvania State Police, at 2:08 a.m. was in pursuit of a vehicle for speeding, after the stop the shooter and two passengers got out of the car and the Trooper told them to put their hands on the car. The shooter refused asking why he had been stopped and when the Trooper began putting handcuffs on the shooter, ther shooter rersisted and was maced by the officer which blew back into the officer’s face the trooper and one suspect engaged in a struggle, another suspect got the Trooper’s side arm and shot him in the chest and then in the head through the ear. An autopsy indictaed that the Trooper was kneeing after the first shot with his hands up in the air in a “surrender typw” position based on the Trooper’s final resting position. The Trooper was not wearing a ballistic face shield or helmet at the time he was shot in the ear. 835. Deputy Chris Dewey, 26, Mahnomen Couty Sheriff Department, February 18, 2009, was shot in the head after he responded to a call and engaged in a fight with two suspects. He died August 9, 2010. 836. Police Officer Glen Agee, 31, Jackson Miss., PD, 8/6/10, arrested a man for aggravated assault and domestic violence and during transport, he escaped. Before leaving his cruiser to pursue, he did not have a ballistic face shield to place over his head. The officer chased him and was found shot a short time later from two shots in his face. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield or helmet at the time he was shot twice in the face. The shield, had it been covering the officer’s face, would probably have prevented him from shot in the face and would have saved his life. 837. Police Oficer William Sheehan, Westwood PD, Mass, 2/11/1975, was on routine patrol when he and his partner saw a vehicle stopped in traffic. They stopped their cruiser in front of the vehicle and began walking toward it not knowing a murderhad just occurred. A suspect met the officer between the vehicle and the cruiser and shot the officer in the eye. Suspect sentenced to prison. Officer not wearing a ballistic face shield. 838. Deputy Sheriff James Blevins Jr., 32, Monroe County Sheriff Dept, 2/21/1975, was shot in the head as he walked from a grocery store by a man he had arrested a week before for being drunk and disruptive at a dance. 839. Special Agen James Bostick, 48, 3/2/1975, Ill. Central Gulf RR Police, interrupted suspect breaking into a baox car. He was shot in the bak of the head not wearing a ballistic face shield/helmet. 840. Chief Deputy Sheriff Albert Cooke, 39, 4/18/1975, a suspect he was taking to jail grabbed his weapon and shot him in the head 6 times. Suspect arrested. 841. Police Officer Joseph Cali, 31, Chicago Ill PD, 5/20/75, while writing a traffic for illegal parking at a bus stop was shot in the head by a sniper nearby. Had he been wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet he probably would not have dies from a shot in the head. He could have written thousands of such tickets in his career without incident, but the one time it happens would , in my opinion, have justified being inconvenienced by the face shield/helmet all those times without incidence. 842. Patn. Mark DeCuypere, 22, Hampton VA PD, 5/22/75, responded to a domestic dispute in which the suspect’s wife had been shot and killed, and when officer arrived, he called dispatch to give his location (in my opinion, he should have first placed a ballistic face shield and helmet on) and when he finished his call, the suspect whom was hiding in a bush next to the officer’s cruiser, shot the officer in the head killing him. (In my opinion, the officer dispatch probably included enough information to inform the officer of a highly risky situation justifying the placement a ballistic face shield/helmet on the moment he arrived and before leaving the cruiser. Had this been done the officer probably would not have been killed by a head shot. The officer would be 57 years old today. ) 843. Detective James Anderson, 39, San Antonio TX PD, 7/1/1975, responded to an officer down call and as he exited his patrol car he was shot in the head by the suspect while not wearing a ballistic face shield. The officer down had responded to a domestic dispute. 844. Lt. Albert Wilkins, 50, Harris County Constables Office, 1/6/68, was shot in the head whe two persons entered a lounge to rob it and shot him in the head. 844. Officer Arthur Snyder, 29, Metropolitan PD, Dist of Columbia, 2/12/80, after he and his partner saw a drug transaction, they approached the suspect, the suspect shot the officer in the head. 845. Police Officer Delma Adams, 33, Raleigh NC PD, 2/3/1980, was making a DUI arrest, put the suspect in the back seat of his car and the suspect produced a handgun and shot the officer in the back of the head. 846. Police Officer Chris Wilson, 50 San Diego CA PD, was assisting other officers in searching for a probation violator in an apartment. After the door was slammed on the officers, they forced their way in and when the door to a bedroom door was kicked down, the suspect shot the officer in the head. Had the officer been wearing a ballistic face shield the bullet would have been deflected and he would have survived, probably. 847. Police Officer Ryan Bonaminio, 27, Riverside, CA, PD, on November 7, 2010, made a traffic stop of a truck, and the driver, one Green, left the cab and began to run. The officer, without first putting on a ballistic face shield, began to pursue on foot. The following are details of what happened given by a police officer privy to the details: I can give a few details. Green was armed with a small metal pole. It is believed from what was found at the scene that Ryan slipped backwards in the mud and fell, or was knocked down by Greet after being hit in the face with the metal pole when Ryan was rounding a corner. Green got on top or hovered over Ryan and struck Ryan several times (at least 3 according to a witness) in the head. He somehow disarmed Ryan, who is believed to have now had his gun in his hand. Green shot Ryan (fired twice) point blank in the face, or back of head. Ryan was heard saying (by the witness), "You don't have to do this." or something to that effect. Ryan may have had time to say something like that twice before Green shot him. 848. WCO Officer David Grove, 31, Pennsylvania Game Commission, 11/11/10, may have been making a vehicle stop. He was shot in the head, ad he was not wearing a ballistic face shield. His vehicle had bullet holes in the door, mirror and running board. 849. Deputy Sheriff Sam Brownlee, 43, West County, CO, on November 23, 2010, was chasing a suspect in a domestic violence case, and when the suspect’s vehicle was stopped, "The suspect was being pulled out of the vehicle and when Deputy Brownlee was removing the suspect, a fight occurred and they were wrestling around on the ground. Somehow, the suspect got the gun away from the deputy. Brownlee warned other officers, 'He's got my gun! He's got my gun!' The suspect then shot the deputy three times -- once in the hand, the second in the chest and a third shot to Brownlee's chest ricocheted off his bullet-proof vest, hitting him the head,. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 850. Police Officer Michael Flisk, 46, Chicago Ill PD, 11/26/10, was shot in the head by a suspect while he was collecting evidence at a car break in at a garage. 851. Trooper David J. DeLaittre, 23, Montana Highway Patrol, 12/1/2010, made a traffic stop for a vehicle which was parked in the middle of the road. During the stop, the suspect fired at th Trooper hitting him in the head and killing him. The Trooper was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 852. Deputy Sheriff Brandon Coates, 27, Orange County, Florida, on December 8, 2010, was assigned to the anti-crime unit, he was patrolling an area known for violent crime, drugs, murder, and he had made many arrests of gang members, and he was patrolling looking for thieves who recently stole Christmas gifts from homes and cars. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time of the stop. A struggle with the killer occurred, the Deputy used his taser on the killer, and the suspect murdered the deputy with two shots to the head, while he was not wearing a ballistic face shield. His Department was aware of the dangerous area he was patrolling and the dangerous duty he was performing and the high potential for being shot, yet did not provided him with a ballistic face shield and helmet. 853. Police Officer Brian Steven Gregg, 46, Newtown Borough, Pennsylvania, Police Department, on September 29, 2005, Officer Gregg and his partner were guarding a suspect who had been arrested earlier in the evening for drunk driving and had been taken to the hospital to undergo blood and urine tests. While in the emergency room, the prisoner began to struggle with Officer Gregg and a second officer. He gained control of the second officer's service weapon and opened fire, striking Officer Gregg in the chest. The prisoner also shot the second officer in the chest, and wounded a hospital technician. The prisoner then walked up to Officer Gregg who was on the ground, and shot him in the head, killing him. 854. Police Officer Bill Crews, 26, Sydney, Australia, Police Department, September 9, 2010, was serving a search warrant for drugs when he was shot in the head, while not wearing a ballistic face shield, by the suspect. 855. Police Officer Alejandro Valadez, 27, December 27, 2010, was responding to a report of shots fired when he was shot in the head by a suspect in a car at the scene. Knowing that shots had been fired, the officer, not having been provided with a ballistic face shield by the Police Department, went to the location not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time the bullet hit his head. He will not see his unborn child. 855. Trooper Chadwick LeCroy, 38, Gerogia State Patrol, December 28, 2010, was making a routine traffic stop for a broken headlight, when the car sped away and the officer pursued. When the suspect’s car crashed, the officer approached and the suspect opened his car door and fired a weapon at the officer hitting him in the face twice. (In my experience as a former police officer and since then when a person being stopped for a minor traffic violation speeds away, the person is involved in criminal activity more serious than the minor traffic violation and the situation then becomes a high risk situation such as the one the Trooper was involved in. Had the Trooper had a ballistic face shield in the front of his cruiser, had he placed it on his head before approaching the crashed suspect’s vehicle, the bullets may have hit the face shield saving the officer’s life and enabling him to return fire. The suspect may have been aiming at the officer’s head knowing the chest is protected by body armor. The face shield and helmet cost one Pennsylvania police officer who bought them from his clothing allowance $570.00. When I was a college professor and former cop 30 years ago, a student came into my office (he was a Pennsylvania police officer) and I asked him if he wore body armor. He said no because if it is his destiny to be killed, then that will happen. Today, 2010, that same officer, now a Pennsylvnaia police chief, told me he will not leave the station without body armor if he is in uniform and that he is a strong supporter of police patrol officers having ballistic face shields nearby in their cruisers.) 856. Deputy Sheriff Suzanne W. Hopper, 40, Clark County, Ohio, January 1, 2011, responded to a call of shots fired at a trailer park, and the police admisnitrators knowing this, allowed her to respond without a ballistic face shield available to her as she was photographing evidence outside a trailer during an investigation, when a male opened the door to his trailer and shot the officer in the head and killed her with a shotgun. This was forseebale since the report was shots fired at the trailer park. She was not wearing a ballistic face shield or helmet. If the ballistic face shield/helmet were worn by officers in high risk situations as they wear a vest, there would be fewer deaths due to head shots. Last year, 2010, 19 police officers were shot and killed by head shots while not wearing a ballistic face shield. 19 people with families. If the average cost of a face shield and helmet is $570.00 , the total cost of saving their lives by face shields and helmets would be $10, 830.00. Somewhere in America that money could have been found to get that equipment to the officers. Neither she nor her husband and two children would have cared that none of the other over 600000 police officers in the US were shot at and killed on January 1, 2011. The only thing that would matter to the five of them is that she was the only officer who was shot an killed by a shot to the head, and had she been wearing a face shield and helmet, she probably would have survived and be alive for herself and her family and fellow officers. Had her Department issued the items to her and mandated that they be worn in the circumstances in which she was shot, she would have been required to wear them and she probably would have survived the shot to the head. She was responding to a call of a window being shot out at a trailer park. The administrators of her Department knew that responding to calls of such a nature involved a risk of taking fire from suspects at the scene. Yet, the administrators failed to provide the equipment to the officer to wear to reduce the risk of what happened to her. Everyone involved will say they did not provide the items because they could not get the money, or they did not see the need for them. In the First World War, generals would order their soldiers to leave the safety of the trench and run in open fields toward machine gun fire as thick as a heavy rain downpour with thousands of soldiers being killed. Today, 2011, on a somewhat smaller scale, commanders are ordering and permitting their police patrol officers (soldiers) to enter situations with a high risk of being shot to the head and killed, (like responding to a trailer park where shots were fired) and not equipping them with ballistic face shields/helmets that could save their lives. Something is not right. 858. Police Officer in England September 9, 2010, officer was shot in head by suspect during execution of warrant fo drugs. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 859. Police Chief Ralph Painter, 55, December 8, 2010, responded to a cal about a man causing a disturbance at a car wash. The Chief engaged in a struggle with the 20 year old suspect, who took the Chief’s weapon and shot him in the head. The Chief was not wearing a ballistic face shield. This incident illustrates the concept that there is no call where a gun is not present: the police officer’s own weapon in its holster is present and can potentially find its way into the hands of a criminal intent on not being arrested and or hating police enough to kill. It argues for the concept that when a police officer responds to a call, however much it may not be a high risk call and no reported weapons are involved, when the officer arrives at the scene, he/she should be required or strongly urged by policy to put on a ballistic face shield before leaving the cruiser, in the same way that many police departments by policy require officers to put on a regular non-ballistic uniform hat. (I was required to put on a non ballistic uniform hat before leaving my cruiser on all calls). So, that if the officer’s gun is somehow taken from the officer and the criminal holding the gun shoots at the officer’s face, the bullet will be stopped enabling the officer to retrieve his back-up firearm and return fire. (For example, my fellow officer from the same district station as me, Patrolman Donald Miller, 30, left his cruiser to investigate a suspicious man in a used car lot in the a.m. and put on his regular non-ballistic uniform hat . The man-cop killer got Donald’s 6 shot revolver from his holster, secured in the 60’s by a mere single snap on strap, and shot him in the back of the head as Donald ran toward his cruiser. Perhaps, had Donald been wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet, the bullet would have been stopped and he would have been able to retrieve his back-up weapon had he had one (we were prohibited from carrying one, but we did anyway concealed) and return fire. Who knows. 860. Police Officer Christopher Matlosz, 27, 1/14/11, Lakewood N.J Police Department, was sitting in his cruiser during a stop of a man. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield during the conversation, underdstandably, because there must not have been any indictation that a firearm or violence would be used toward him. There probably was not a ballistic face shield in his cruiser had there been such an indication and he had had time to put one on. The man stepped back from the cruiser and shot the officer in the head. This is one of those situations in which an officer has no indication there is a danger, so the officer is disarmed by the non-threatening circumstances and not suspecting imminent danger, and not taking any extra precautions to be extra alert and very ready for an armed attack on his person. But this experience with Officer Matlosz reinforces what every officer knows: that there is really never a “routine situation” in which there is no potential for sudden, unexpected violence to be directed against a police officer. The only person who knows that is the person who the officer is talking to. Had the officer, in such a situation, placed a ballistic face shield on during the conversation, and nothing happened, and the man left the scene or peacefully arrested without a problem, the face shield would have not been needed and the officer would have worn it for nothing. But the officer would still be alive and not the worse off for having worn it. However, had the man shot the officer in the face the shield would have stopped the bullet allowing the office an opportunity to return fire. Having worn it, the officer would probably be alive. I realize most police officers would not have put on a face shield in Officer Matlosz’s situation, and they would have a variety of justifications. I can recall when I was in uniform in Cincinnati, persons would come up to me while I sat behind the wheel of my cruiser and they looked innocent and non-threatening and the last thing I expected is that they would draw a firearm and shoot me somewhere on my body. We had no ballistic face shields, but even I had had one, in the 60’s, when police officers were not as frequently shot in their cruisers of heads, I probably would not have put one on in an innocent looking situation. But, knowing what I know now in 2011, many years later and after 860 police officers have been shot in the head, and officers have been shot in the head sitting in their cruiser, like officer in Seattle Washington recently and Officer Matlosz , I would think more seriously about wearing one in my cruiser, at least some of the time, but especially when I was talking to a citizen standing next to me cruiser window. Many officers would rightfully object to doing this partly because it would offend insult citizens. Yes, they would be initially in the beginning until the news media would broadcast the policy and the reasons for it. But, if officers would briefly explain to the citizen who voiced objection the reasons, the citizen would probably feel better about it. 861. Sgt. Pedro Caines, Hialeah Fla PD, 11/19/92 responded to a complaint about a man acarrying a GUN WHO REFUSED TO TURN A RADIO DOWN. He shot the officer in the head. 862. Sheriff Deputy Patrick Behan, on 6.11.91, was doing paperwork in his patrol car when someone shot him in the head through an open window. 863. Broward, Fla., Sheriff Deputy Phillip Billings was shot in the head during a security detail. 864. Police Officer Roger Castillo, Miami Dade Police Dept. 1/20/2011, was serving a warrant for a felon for homicide and he was shot in the head by the suspect through an open door. Non of the officers in the above four incidents was wearing a ballistic face shield at the time they were hit in the head. 865. Police Officer Amenda Haworth, 40, Miami Dade Fla Polixe Depart, 1/20/11, was serving a warrant for a known felon wanted for murder and when she was told by the suspect’s mother the suspect was coming, the suspect entered the room and immediately began firing a firearm, hitting her in the head and Officer Castillo also. 866. Police Officer David Moore, Indianapolis MN PD, 1/24/11, was shot in the face during a traffic stop. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. If had he been wearing a shield he would probably have survived the shot. 867. Police Officer Brian Huff, Detroit Mich PD, May 3, 2010, was shot in the face when he responded to a report of a burglary and entered through a front door of the house. 868. Detective John Falcone, 44, Poughkeepsie City, PD, NY, 2/18/2011, responding to a shots fired call, and when he arrived at the scene he saw a man holding a child, and the man ran and the officer followed. The officer rescued the child and handed the child to another person, and he then he fought with the man, and was shot in the head by the man. In my opinion, all police officers who respond to situations involving shots fired should have ballistic face shields and helmets in the passenger area of the cruiser that they can immediately grab and put on before leaving the cruiser and before confronting the shooter. 869. K9 Officer Jeffrey Yaslowitz, 39, St. Petersnurg PD< Florida, 1/24/11, while serving a warrant on suspect wanted for aggravated battery, he went to the attic where his wife said he was and possibly armed. Officer Yaslowitz, knowing the suspect was possibly armed, and without wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet, climbed up through a hole in the dark attic, exposing his head first, then he climbed all the way in. As he was putting handcuffs on the suspect, the suspect shot Officer Yaslowitz in the head twice, in rapid succession, and probably died instantly. Just before shooting the officer, the suspect told the officers that they had him, and then he shot the officer in the head twice. His wife, Lorainne, was interviewed after the shooting and she said: the 8 year old daughter says, “I want my daddy back. I want to kiss him.” Kellan, the 5 year old son, said he :will miss daddy.” And the Caleb, the oldest son said, “daddy is with Jesud, he’s there..” (Stan speaking, how can anyone not cry after hearing children talk like this about their father?) When the In my opinion, Officer Yaslowitz, would probably be alive today and with his family had he had a ballistic face shield and helmet on because they would have stopped the bullets that hit him in the head, allowing him and his partner, also in the attic, to return fire on the suspect. In my opinion, all police police officers who respond to this kind of incident should have a ballistic face shield and helmet stowed in the passenger area of the cruiser for instant access, and placed on the head before leaving the cruiser (officers have been shot in the head leaving their cruiser) and before confronting the suspect. When a suspect starts shooting, the officer does not have time to go back to the cruiser for the face shield and helmet. If officers train while wearing the helmet and face shield at the target range or at home, the weight of them should be less noticeable in a combat situation. And, in a combat situation, with adrenaline running high, this too should make the weight less noticeable to the officer and not alter his shooting ability. 870. Police Officer Alain Schaberger, 42, New York City PD, 3/13/11, responded to a call of a domestic dispute where a lady told them the suspect had threatened to kill her and there was an order of protection against him. When he tried to put a cuff on the suspect, he resisted and the suspect pushed the officer and the officer fell over a 21 inch railing and he hit the sidewalk below the stoop on his head and broke his neck and died. The suspect had 28 prior arrests and was allegedly the aggressor in 12 previous incidents involving the lady. It is not know by me whether the officer knew of the suspect’s background or these facts. But, in my opinion, this kind of person constitutes a high risk situation and a police officer should wear a ballistic face shield and helmet before attempting to arrest such a person. Had the officer been wearing them, maybe he would not have died from the blow to the head. Not wearing them did not enable the officer to cope better with the suspect to avoid being pushed off the steps. 871. Deputy U.S. Marshall John Perry, 48, March 8, 2011, went to a home to arrest a suspect assault on a law enforcement officer and possession of drugs, when the suspect shot the Marshall in the head. A police officer’s face was grazed by a bullet. Neither the Marshall nor the officer was wearing ballistic face shields or helmets. In my opinion, the facts which were known to police before they attempted to arrest the suspect constituted a high risk situation and the officers should have worn a ballistic face shield and helmet before attempting to arrest the suspect. A football field constitutes an area where there are high risks of sustaining an injury to the head, and football players wear a helmet to protect themselves from head injuries. Where a police officer is about to enter an area where there is a high risk of a head injury from bullets or otherwise, a ballistic face shield and helmet, like a football helmet, should be worn to protect the officer’s head, just like the vest is worn to protect him/her from bullets and other projectiles to that area of the body. 872. Police Officer Arthur Snyder, 29, Metropolitan PD, Dist of Columbia, 2/12/1980, saw a drug transaction, and when the officert approached, the suspect shot him in the vest which stopped the bullet, but then he was shot in the head while not wearin a ballistic face shield. He would probably have lived with a face shield when approaching such a high risk situation. Drug dealers usually have firearms and they do not want to be arrested. 873. Patrol Officer James Bennett , 45, stopped a suspect wanted for stealing a rifle, and when the supect got out of his car, he pointed the rifle at the officer and told him to put his hands up and when he did the suepct shot him in the throat while he was not wearing a ballistic face shield. This was a high rick situation because the suspect was known to have a firearm and he did not want to be arrested. 874. A police officer with the Police Service of Northern Ireland, March 10, 2011, was responding to ma call for help from a member of the public, when he was shot in the head by a suspect. 875. Police Officer Floyd Swartz, 33, Pinole Ca PD, 5/3/1980, was trying to arrest a murder suspect by coaxing him from a hiding spot when the suspect shot the officer in the throat while not wearing a ballisit cface shield. This was a risk incident as the officer was trying to arrest a pwerson who had already killed some and would shoot a police officer to avoid arrest to avoid being executed. 876. Sgt. Tim Chapin, Chattanooga, Tenn, Police Dept., April 2, 2011, responding to a robbery in progress was shot in the head by the suspect who was himself shot numerous times but was saved by a Kelvar vest he was wearing. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield or helmet at the time he was shot in the head. The situation was a high risk situation. The police administration knew these kinds of situations would arise. Ballistic face shields and helmets were not placed in cruisers for officers to wear in such situations that could save their lives. Such situations will arise in other police departments where no ballistic face shields are in the cruisers of police patrol officers. Below are a face shield and helmet that should be in police patrol cruisers: H H FEMA Preparedness Grants & AEL Other Grants H H H H SEL & Integrated Display H SAVER H Other Content H News Archive H H Login Email: Password: Guest? Create an Account UH H H Login Help What am I missing as a H HU H Welcome! Ask An Expert Related DHS Sites H H H H Product Details HTU Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) \ UTH HTU Helmets UTH HT Print Side-by-Side Comparison Add to My Products TH HT TH Ballistic Helmet Level IIIA PST SC650 helmet More Pictures Available Manufacturer: United Shield International Model Number: PST SC650 Part Number: not provided HTU T T T T T T T T T T Description Design T T T T T T UTH HT TH The materials and processes have been improved to increase the content of ballistic material within the shell without increasing the weight. This means that the helmets are not only lighter than their Military counterparts, but are able to defeat a wider range of bullets up to and including NIJ IIIA. T HTTU UTTH T The suspension system has also had a complete make over, with only 4 bolts being required as opposed to the usual 8, and a new mesh crown pad, which gives excellent load distribution in a highly comfortable and cooling design. T T The chin strap has a four point adjustable harness that allows for excellent head retention and balance even when ballistic face shields are used. T T The harness can be adjusted to fit a wide variety of different head sizes and shapes using five basic adjustment points: T T T T T T T T • Velcro adjusted mesh crown pad, to alter helmet height. • Velcro adjusted head band, to alter head size fit. • Plastic Tri Glide buckle on the chin strap, to alter back to front tilt. • Load release clip to release harness under stress • Two Ladder Lock buckles, to alter the chin strap location. • Nape strap to ensure stable secure fit T T T T T T Moreover, once the helmet is fully adjusted to fit, you can remove the helmet by simply releasing the quick release Press Stud on the chin strap. T T The helmet is covered in the latest paint technology not only offering the ability to be tailored to a variety of different IRR requirements but also providing a very tough and durable finish. Features T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T -Standard 4 point fully adjustable suspension system -Four Helmet sizes Small, Medium, Large, Xl fitting sizes 5½through 8½ -Wider cut around ears for use with various communication systems -Full Ballistic coverage -Weight 2.8lbs – 3.2 lbs -Colors: Black, Olive Drab, Desert Tan T T T T Fragmentation Performance: Fragment FSP Weight Grains V50 m/sec (ft/sec) 17 650 (2150) T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Low Velocity Shock Attenuation: T The PST SC650 is designed to offer low velocity impact protection in accordance with EN 397: Striker Shape Striker Mass Drop Height Residual Force 50mm Hemisphere 5.0 kg 1000mm <5.0kN T T Bolts: The bolts are also specially designed to comply with the protection offered to the helmet. T Weight & Sizes: T T The PST SC650 is designed to offer protection in accordance with Mil Std 662 as follows: T T T T T Size Head Sizes: circ Dia in Weight kg lbs XS/Small 19-22 5½ - 6½ 1.30 2.8 Medium 21-23 6 ½- 7 ¼ 1.35 2.8 Large 22-25 7 - 8 1.40 3.0 X-Large 24-26 7½ - 8½ 1.45 3.2 T T T T T Availability: not provided Availability Notes: 30 days on receipt of order MSRP: Call for pricing Product Dimensions: Size Sm, Med, Lge, XL Weight: 2.8 lbs - 3.2 lbs Information Provided By: United Shield International 250 E Front St, 2nd Floor Traverse City, Michigan 49684 UNITED STATES Phone: 231-933-1179 Email: pjbanducci@charter.net Website: www.unitedshield.com T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T TT TT T T T HTTU UTTH TT HTTU T UTTH T T T T T Page Last Updated: July 15, 2009 T HT T T T BACK TO TOP TH Knowledge Links HTU HTU T No third-party certifications in the RKB Related Product(s ) United Shield Helmet Protective Bag and Carry Strap UTH UU UTT TH HTU HTU Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) \ UTH HTU Helmets UTH UTH HT Print Side-by-Side Comparison Add to My Products TH HT TH BALLISTIC FACE SHIELD LEVEL II AND IIIA Ballistic Face Shield Down More Pictures Available Manufacturer: United Shield International Model Number: FSB II AND FSB IIIA Part Number: not provided HTU T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Description Fragmentation Protection: Fragmentation protection STANAG 2920, Model FSB II V50 = 2150 ft/s Model FSB IIIAV50 = 2200 ft/s T T T Weight: Weight FSB II 2.4 lbs Weight FSB IIIA 2.8 lbs T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Design: Improved head stability with 4 point adjustable harness and nape strap T Three adjustment points of wear T Sizes: Size: 6” x 15” Sized to fit all sizes of United Shield International helmets T T Availability: not provided Availability Notes: 30 days a.r.o. MSRP: Contact manufacturer for pricing Product Dimensions: not provided Weight: 2.4 - 2.8 lbs. Information Provided By: United Shield International 250 E Front St, 2nd Floor Traverse City, Michigan 49684 UNITED STATES Phone: 231-933-1179 Email: pjbanducci@charter.net Website: www.unitedshield.com Page Last Updated: July 15, 2009 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T TT TT T HTTU UTTH TT HTTU T UTTH T HT T T T T T UTH T T T T BACK TO TOP TH Knowledge Links HTU T No third-party certifications in the RKB UTH T T T HT TH Sorry there are no Knowledge Links associated with this item. 877. Police Officer Amos Cross, 38, Pensacola PD, 9/12/80, responded to a domestic distrurbance call and was shot in the face by a shot gun when he approached the door. 878. Police Officer Michael Rivers, 32, Hedwig Village PD, 11/2/1980, was chasing a burglary suspect, was shot in the head twice by the suspect while not wearing a ballistic face shield. 879. Police Officer Carl Mertes, North Miami PD, Fl, 11/5/1980, was handcuffing a suspect under arrest when suspect shot the officer in the neck while he was not wearing a ballistic face shield covering the neck , which would have deflected the bullet. 880. Police Officer Gregory Neupert, 23, New Orleans PD, LA, stopped suspect in high narcotic area and as he was searching the suspect one suspect drew a small caliber revolver and shot him in the throat, which a ballistic face shield would probably have deflected. 881. Special Investigator Thomas Neilan, 24, New York State Office of Attorney General, NY, 11/9/1980, was abducted at gun point during a robbery and when the men forced him to another location, he identified himself an fired at a suspect and the suspects shot him in the neck. 882. Police Officer Johnathan Schmidt, 30, Truman, Arkansas PD, 4/12/2011, made a traffic stop, when the officer opened the rear door of the car where the shooter was sitting, the shooter started shooting at the officer, hitting him in the neck. Officer Schmidt has three children 10, 7 and 8. He saved another officer by pushing him out of the way and then returned fire while shot in the neck. The shooter said “Die , expletive)” to the officer he shot. And, the officer pleaded , “Please do not shoot me” twice. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 883. Sgt. Eric Stein, 39m Keokuk Sheriff’s Deputy, Iowa, April 4, 2011, received information about a person who entered and searched a home, and that he had fired shots at another person’s house, and made a threatening phone call to a Health Center, when the Sgt arrived with two other officers, the Sgt. Saw him in a window of his home with a fiearm. The suspect fired at the officers who retreated to the rear of the Sgt’s car. The suspect began shooting at the officers and the Sgt returned fire. The suspect left he house and approached the Sgt’s Car and he fired rounds through the car and shot the Sgt. In the head killing him instantly. Had the Sgt. Been wearing a ballistic face shield the round probably would not have killed him. The Sgt was the 14 th police officer killed by head shots in 2011. Since a total of 25 police officers have been killed by firearms this year, 52 per cent of these officers were killed by head shots while not wearing ballistic faces masks. This seems to corroborate the following opinion by a Pennsylvania police officer: “Stan, P P the criminals know that all police wear vests and that the only areas that are not protected is above the vest line (neck and head areas) and around the upper shoulder area, and my opinion they aim for these areas because there is no protection for officers. If grants are out there maybe departments should attempt to apply for the grants. Stan I have 25 years with Allegheny Co. Sheriffs' as a Deputy Sheriff and six years as a municipal police office before I was a deputy a total of 31 years.” I agree with Sgt. Baker’s opinion. 884. Police Officer Mark Sawyers, Sterling Heights, Mich, PD, in June 2004, was sitting in his cruiser writing a report when a suspect walked up to his cruiser and shot him in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield/helmet. Several officers have been shot in the head while they were writing reports or looking at a computer and not watching their surroundings. While it is not a safe practice, to not watch your surroundings, if it is done, and the officer is not going to watch his surroundings, it would seem that an officer should at least wear a ballistic face shield/helmet, because if a suspect does walk up to the cruiser and without warning fires at the officer’s head, if the face shield/helmet were worn, the bullet could be deflected. I know this is easier said than done because the weight of the shield/helmet would put a strain on the officer’s neck. 885. Police officer Eric Zapata, 35, Kalamazoo, Mich, Public Safety Department, 4/18/11, responded to a report of shots fired, and one officer exchanged gunfire with the suspect, then the suspect fled between two homes and ran into Officer Zapata and shot the officer in the neck and chest, while the officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield, which could have deflected the bullet to the neck. The Chief of Police allowed the officer to respond to a report of shots fired without wearing a ballistic face shield, which indicated someone had a firearm and was firing it, knowing in advance that the officer, and other officers would be likely to be required to respond to such a high risk incidents, with a likelihood the officers would be fired upon, and did not provide the officer with a ballistic face shield to prevent the kind of wound to the neck he suffered. Thus, it could be said, that it was reasonably foreseeable by the Chief and the officer’s city government, that the officer would be probably be killed, in such a high risk situation while not wearing a ballistic face shield, if he was fired upon, yet did nothing to provide the face shield to prevent it. 886. Police Officer Chris Kilcullen, 45, Eugene, Or, PD, April 22, 2011, pulled alongside a driver to stop her for a traffic violation, and the driver shot the officer in the neck while she was in her car and he was in her car. Had he had a ballistic face shield (which would have been difficult because he was on a motorcycle, but if we can go to the moon, we should be able to equip a motor cycle officer with a ballistic face shield to carry) he could have placed it on his head before putting himself in her line of fire, and then the bullet would have been deflected from his head. This could be difficult (putting a face shield on while on a motorcycle, but it would be less difficult if the maneuver was practiced in a police parking lot just as firing on the target range. If the maneuver would allow the traffic violator to drive away, knowing the license plate number would allow the officer to issue a traffic citation to the registered owner of the car by mail (this is already done by cameras at traffic intersections). Either way, as a result of placing the face shield on or issuing a citation by mail, the officer would be alive to go home to his family and work the next shift. Is a traffic citation issued on the spot worth the cost of a human life? The life of the officer is lost forever on earth, the violator will probably go through traffic light and eventually be cited on the spot safely. The violator will be alive, the officer will be alive. The face shield below could probably have saved the officer’s life. BALLISTIC FACE SHIELD LEVEL II AND IIIA 887. Deputy Clifton Taylor, 31, Johnson County Sheriff’s Dept, Texas, April 23, 2011, responded to a domestic disturbance knowing shots had been fired, and when he opened the door of a shed on the property, the suspect shot him in the neck. The Sheriff of the Department knew such high risk incidents would arise and that his deputies would be at risk of being shot in the head and killed. The Sheriff and his County government did not obtain ballistic face shields/helmets for his deputies to wear in high risk situations. The U.S. Homeland Security Program and U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance have money available for grants to buy such equipment for police officers. The face shield below could probably have saved the officer’s life. BALLISTIC FACE SHIELD LEVEL II AND III A 888. Police Officer Daryl Hall, 34, St. Louis PD, Missouri, 4/24/11, was relaxing in a nightclub, when he heard gun shots outside. Being a professional police officer, on duty 24 hours a day, and believing some citizen needed his protection, he left the security of the inside to go outside not thinking of own safety or life, just someone else’s, and confronted two gunmen, and exchanged shots and the suspect shot him in the neck, side and back. Obviously he could not have worn a ballistic face shield, but the information again seems to confirm the bad guys are aiming for the head (he identified himself as a police officer). The need is still there for the thin blue line first responders to put a ballistic face shield on before exposing their bodies in a high risk situation. Maybe, ( some people will laugh at what I am about to propose, and I do not blame them) if Hall knew before going into the nightclub he would respond in the way he did if that situation arose, an officer should carry a box containing a ballistic face shield/helmet (a large box) and put it on before exposing his body to the situation. It would be troublesome to do so, but, in my opinion, considering the alternative of not ever seeing your loved ones by not having it on, the price and inconvenience of doing so seems so very small, compared to the inconvenience of being taken to a morgue and placed on a metal slab. 889. Sgt. Joseph LeClaire, Pennsylvania First Judicial District Warrant Unit, Pa., 3/19/2004, was serving a warrant for failing to appear in court, and when he entered the suspect’s home, the suspect shot him in the head 890. Police Officer Rolando Tirado, 37, 5/1/2011, Buckeye PD, Ar, was providing security at a swap meet dance when he stopped a vehicle drving erratically in a parking lot, the car’s windows were blacked out, Tirado was talking with the driver (he was not watching a passend=ger who got out of the vehicle) when a passenger got out of the vehicle , walked behind Tirado, and shot him in the beack of the head, killing him instantly. Tirado was not wearing a ballistic face shield. (A device should be invented that when attached to a police car will sound to the officer inside that someone is approaching from his rear outside of the vehicle. Such a device may already exist and if not it should be made which we can if we got to the moon and back). Another officer opened fire and shot and killed the shooter of Of 891. Senior Constable Damian Leding, 35, Coomera PD, June 1, 2011, In Australia, was shot in the face by a robber during a holdup of a tavern when he went to the aid of staff and patrons. Pictures of the officer and his family are below. His two year old son said I want my Daddy and he was told Daddy is not coming home. I challenge anyone not to cry. FAMILY TRAGEDY: Damian Leeding and his loving family - his life support will be turned off. Picture: Channel 9 Source: Supplied T TT TT T FAMILY MAN: Shot Gold Coast Senior Constable Damian Leeding with son Hudson. Pic: Channel Nine. Source: Supplied T TT TT T UPDATE 4.13pm: THREE people have been charged with murder after a Queensland cop shot in the head died in hospital today. T T Police say a 37-year-old man, a 38-year-old man and a 37-year-old woman, all from Nerang and who had all been charged with attempted murder, have now been conjointly charged with murder. Detective Senior Constable Damian Leeding died this afternoon after his life support system was turned off. Det Leeding was shot in the face on Sunday as he went to the aid of staff and patrons during an armed robbery at a Gold Coast tavern. Queensland Police media issued a statement this afternoon saying Detective Leeding passed away shortly before 1pm this afternoon. This morning at a media conference, Det-Sen-Constable Leeding's father-in-law Gary O'Brien fought back tears as the family prepared to turn off the officer's life support. Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar. HTU UTH Related Coverage ï‚· HTU Police hunt: Man critical after Footscray shotgun blast UTTU End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar. HTU UTH UTH The Coomera detective was shot in the head at point-blank range during a botched armed robbery at the Pacific Pines Tavern on Sunday night. Mr O'Brien said he and his son-in-law had been having a beer and watching a TV news report about the Gold Coast's armed robbery epidemic only a couple of weeks ago. "He said 'Gaz, we're going to get the bastards' .... that hasn't worked out," he said. Mr O'Brien said Det-Sen-Constable Leeding's two-year-old son Hudson "wants to see his dadda". "We said to him last night that he wouldn't be coming home," he said. "Grace (Det-Sen-Constable Leeding's baby daughter) is ... not really aware of what's going on." The Gold Coast's top cop, Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson, also paid tribute to DetSen-Constable Leeding this morning. Mr Wilson struggled to hold back tears as he spoke of his officer's courage, and the way his police mates had tried to help him. He said police who rushed to the scene performed "beyond the call of duty'' and had tracked down those now charged with the crime. Police Union president Ian Leavers said Det-Sen-Constable Leeding's Coomera CIB colleagues had erected a shrine to their former comrade at his desk, including photos and a bottle of ginger beer to signify his red hair. The union is setting up a fund to provide for his widow Sonya, who is also a police officer, and her two children. Three days after he was shot in the head at point-blank range while foiling an armed robbery at a Gold Coast tavern, relatives, friends and colleagues of Det-Sen-Constable Leeding gathered to say farewell to the much-loved father-of-two. It is understood the family of Det-Sen-Constable Leeding, 35, will donate the superfit triathlete's organs to save other lives. Det-Sen-Constable Leeding's father-in-law Gary O'Brien spoke of the family's grief at what had happened to a dedicated and loving husband and father. "Words just fail me. It's the ultimate sacrifice,'' a tearful Mr O'Brien said. "A great father, just a top bloke. He'd do anything for anybody.'' Mr O'Brien said the family's decision was about what was best for "Damo''. "The injuries he sustained were quite significant. I think we got to the point on what would be the benefit to Damo,'' he said. Det-Sen-Constable Leeding's father is expected to arrive from the United Kingdom tomorrow. Damian Leeding FAMILY TRAGEDY: Damian Leeding and his loving family - his life support will be turned off. Picture: Channel 9 Source: Supplied T T Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson said a funeral service for Sen-Constable Leeding would likely be held next week and has urged the public to purchase blue ribbons to support the state’s police officers, particularly those who had lost their lives in the line of duty. “There is a sad reality about this,’’ Mr Atkinson told morning radio. ”We expect the funeral service to be held sometime next week.’’ The three people charged with Sen-Constable Leeding's attempted murder appeared in Southport Magistrates' Court. Wearing heavy-duty prisoner restraints, Benjamin Ernest Power and Donna Lee McAvoy, both 37, sat in the dock with co-accused Phillip Graeme Abell, 38. All three also face charges of armed robbery and seven counts of depravation of liberty after they allegedly took seven hostages at the Pacific Pines Tavern tavern close to closing time on Sunday night before the tragic shoot-out. One of the hostages was believed to have dialled 000 on a mobile phone during the saga so the operator could listen. Mr Power and Ms McAvoy shared a kiss before being led away. Mr Abell's defence lawyer, Neil Lawler, himself a former police officer, said his client was "shocked and scared" and was carrying wounds from his capture by a police dog. None of the trio applied for bail and all will reappear in the same court on July 14. However, they could re-appear in court as early as today if their charges are upgraded to murder. 892. Deputy Keith Bellar, Dickson County Sherrid Dept., Tenn, 6/6/2011, stopped to help at what he thought was a car accident. A man had run his wife off the road in a domestic dispute. When the officer got out of his cruiser to investigate, thye husband immediately fired at the officer hitting him in the head before he was able to exit his crusier. 893. Deputy Kurt Wyman, 24, Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, New York, June 7, 2011, responded to a domestic dispute, when the suspect fired at the officers, hitting the officer in the neck above the vest he was wearing. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. Had he had one in the passenger compartment of his cruiser, he could have placed it on his head before confronting the suspect, and possibly survived the shot to the neck. 894. Police officer Thomas Lindsey, 32, Utica, NY, PD, 4/12/2007, stopped a car for a “routine” traffic stop, was shot in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 895. Police Officer Joseph D. Corr, New Hartford, Conn, PD, 2/27/2006, was chasing a robber on foot when the robber shot the officer in the neck. 896. Police Officer Timothy Warren, Memphis Tenn. Police Department, on July 3, 2011, was responding to a domestic distrurbance, the report saying that shots were fired, and the officer was climbing stairs when the suspect opened a door to the hotel floor, stepped out and immediately shot the officer in the head and the officer was killed. The dispatcher who radioed the report to the officer knew that shots had been fired and the officer knew this when he was climbing the stairs. But, even knowing this, the officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet. It is not known if the Department had issued face shields to police officer first responders. Had the officer been wearing a face shield, the shield would probably have stopped the bullet and the officer would have survived and been able to return fire. Police first responders in the nation should all be issued ballistic face shields/helmets to prevent officers like Officer Warren from being shot in the head and killed in high risk situations like a “shots fired” domestic disturbance radio dispatch. When such a dispatch is received by an officer, he/she should be readying (or already have it ready for immediate use) his/her face shield and be ready to put it on before getting out of his vehicle (some officers are shot in the head getting out of their cruiser). JUSTIFICATION FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR BALLISTIC FACE SHIELDS AND HELMETS FOR ALL POLICE OFFICERS The following information is submitted to justify purchasing ballistic face shields for all police officers. The information cited is based on actual experience and facts collected and compiled by Stanley Cohen, Police Law Services, 3027 N.W. 66 th St., Seattle, Wa, Editor of THE PENNSYLVANIA POLICE CRIMINAL LAW BULLETIN, stancohen1@comcast.net , 206-782-8766, 412-656-3297. P HTU P UTH POLICE OFFICERS MURDERED BY HEAD SHOTS SINCE 1974 Since 1974 a total of 896 police officers have been murdered by head shots while not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet. The list showing the names of the officers and the circumstances of their murders is attached. 92 officers have been shot in the head and survived while not wearing a ballistic face shield. They are on the same list. POLICE OFFICERS MURDERED BY HEAD SHOTS IN 2011 WHILE NOT WEARING BALLISTIC FACE SHIELDS OR HELMETS This list includes the last names of police officers and the dates of their murders who have been murdered by head shots in 2011 while not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet. These officers are on the attached list 896 police officers who have been murdered by head shots. POLICE WHO CHIEFS HAVE BOUGHT THE BALLISTIC FACE SHIELD/HELMETS Chiefs who are buying or who have bought ballistic face shields/helmets for police officer first responders are as follows: The following Chiefs of Police have either bought or are in the process of buying ballistic face shields/helmets for their police officer first responders to wear in high risk situations so they do not die from a head shot: Chief Frank Monaco, 412-793-7400, fmonaco@plumboro.com , Chief Kevin McCarthy, 717-354-5593, ext 29, mccarthyk@police.co.lancaster.pa.us , Chief Randy Cox, Somerset Borough Pa PD, 717-354-5593, police@somersetborough.com , Sgt/OIC Randy Ruediger, Middlesex Twp. PD, mpd@zoominternet.net , 724-898-3513; Chief Diane Conrad, Ferguson Twp., PA, Police Department, 814-237-1172, dconrad@twp.ferguson.pa.us Chief Jerry Garner, Greeley, Co, PD, Chief Paul Nanfito, 530-527-8282, pnanfito@rbpd.org , T T HTU UTH T T HTU UTH T T HTU T UTH HTU T UT H HTU UTH T HTU T UTH INTERVIEW WITH STANLEY COHEN JUSTIFYING BALLISTIC FACE SHIELDS In the attached interview, Stanley Cohen discusses the reasons which justify police first responders wearing ballistic face shields. Stanley Cohen has been tracking police officers shot in the head and killed since 2005. He was a police officer from 196067, attorney at law, professor of law at Indiana University of Pennsylvania 1967-96, Editor of the Pennsylvania Police Criminal Law Bulletin 1972-present, a friend to every police officer patrolling streets anywhere. 897. Police Officer Brent Long, Terre Haute, Indiana, PD, was shot in the head two times .and killed in the line of duty on July 12, 2011, when he and other officers arrived at a home to serve a felony warrant. When Officer Long walked in the door, the suspect started shooting. The officer fired back at the shooter before he was shot. A fellow officer dragged him from the scene. His canine partner, Shadow was wounded and is expected to recover. The shooter was killed by return fire from other officers. Again, police officers were dispatched to a high risk situation without being provided ballistic face shields and helmets by their Chief and City Government to protect against bullets fired at the head. Such situations and rsik of being shot in the head are reasonably foreseeable. Head shots are preventable by wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet. If the current pace of head shots continues this year, and ballistic face shields are not made available to first responder police officers, another 24 police officers in the U.S. will be shot in the head and killed. So far, 24 police officers have been shot in the head and killed and there have bee 41 firearm deaths of police officers. Thus, 58 per cent of the officers killed by firearms, have been shot in the head because they were not wearing a ballistic face shield. It is likely these 24 officers would have survived the shot to the head if they had been wearing a shield and would be home with their loved ones or at work with their fellow officers. Below are the officers last names who have been shot in the head and killed in 2011. And there are chiefs who have bough or are buying face shields for their officers. POLICE OFFICERS KILLED BY HEAD SHOTS STABS TO THE HEAD BY SHARP INSTRUMENTS IN 2011 BY STANLEY COHEN THE PENNSYLVANIA POLICE CRIMINALLAW BULLETIN 412-656-3297 STANCOHEN1@COMCAST.NET HTU 1. Stein 4/14 2. Schmidt 4/12 3. Chapin 4/2 4. Perry 3/8 5. Falcone 2/18 6. Yaslowitz 1/24 7. Haworth 1/20 8. Castillo 1/20 9. hopper 1/11 10. Painter 1/5 11. Hotsinkiller 2/16 12. Schaberger 3/13 13. Moore 1/26 14. Zapata 4/19 15. Matlosz 1/14 16. Taylor 4/24 17. Kilcullen 4/22 18. Hall 4/24 19. Tirado 5/1 20. Damian 6/1 UTH 21. Bellar 6/6 22. Wyman 6/7 23. Warren 7/11 24. Long 7/12 25. Henwood 8/11 26. Lasso 8/11 27. Kotecki 10/11 28. Dryer 12/11 29. Figoski 12/11 30. Szczerba 9/12 31. Crispin 12/22 32. Richardson 12/22 33. Lewis 12/30 34. Schneider 12/30 OFFICERS WOUNDED BY SHOTS OR STABS WITH SHARP INSTRUMENTS TO THE FACE 35. DelValle 7/18/11 36. Fridlieb 7/18/11 37. Private security guard 7/18/11 38. Police officer in Darlington, England 8/11 39. Slocum 8/23 STATISICS 52 PER CENT OF THE OFFICERS IN 2011 WERE SHOT OR STABBED TO DEATH TO THE HEAD 52 PER CENT OF THE OFFICERS KILLED OR WOUNDED IN 2011 WERE SHOT OR STABBED TO THE HEAD Please buy and wear ballistic face shields/helmets in 2011 and 2012 and beyond so that the deaths and woundings of these officers will not have been in vain and stay alive for yourself, your family (especially the kids), colleagues and officers, and citizens Stan Cohen . Several police officers have said to me that they believe the bad guys are aiming at the heads of police officers because they know they are wearing vests. I agree. These head shot killings seem to corroborate that belief. If it is true, then it can be expected that there will be more officers dying from head shots this year, who would otherwise have been saved had they had ballistic face shields to wear as first responders in high risk situations. Once officers begin to wear ballistic face shields, and the bad guys become aware of this fact, they may tend to lower their shots to the leg area of officers, which, while very serious and potentially life threatening, are not as likely to cause death as head shots. Once the general public is made aware of this information, the general public will be more accepting of police officers wearing ballistic face shields, just as they became more accepting of police officers wearing firearms and bullet proof vests and Tasers. Police Chiefs in Pennsylvania should contact their District Attorney to see if forfeited funds are available to buy ballistic face shields/helmets for police officer first responders to wear in high risk situations. Police Chiefs in Pennsylvania should apply for grants from the United States Bureau of Justice Assistance to buy ballistic face shields/helmets for police officer first responders to wear in high risk situations. _________________________________________ The following Chiefs of Police have either bought or are in the process of buying ballistic face shields/helmets for their police officer first responders to wear in high risk situations so they do not die from a head shot: Chief Frank Monaco, 412-7937400, fmonaco@plumboro.com , Chief Kevin McCarthy, 717-354-5593, ext 29, mccarthyk@police.co.lancaster.pa.us , Chief Randy Cox, Somerset Borough Pa PD, 717-354-5593, police@somersetborough.com , Sgt/OIC Randy Ruediger, Middlesex Twp. PD, mpd@zoominternet.net , 724-898-3513; Question to Randy: “Please tell me if the work I have been doing over the years bringing officer deaths from head shots and the need to wear ballistic face shields/helmets to all officers' attention might have had a little to do with your decision to buy them for your officers? Reply: “I believe so, you are bringing this to light. Although this is going to be a tuff sell, on high risk calls that are received I would like to have face shields/helmets to be available for use. This is becoming a military style policing. If I can get grant monies for purchases of anything I will never pass it up." and,Chief Paul Nanfito, 530-527-8282, pnanfito@rbpd.org , (Chief Nanfito has already bought his officers ballistic face shields and helmets and he personally told me that any police officer who would like information as to how to buy them should contact him). T HTU UTH HTU T T T UTH T T HTU T UTH HTU T UT H T T HTU UTH 898. Deputy Sheriff Aaron Creel, 41, Jackson County, Fla., July 4, 1963, was guarding a prisoner in a hospital. The prisoner was serving a life sentence. The prisoner took one Deputy’s firearm and killed that deputy and went into the enxt room and shot Deputy Creel in the head and killed him.After he excaped from the hospital, a Trooper, 200 yards away, shot the suspect in the chest while he held the deputy’s gun to a teeenager’s head. The teenager picked up the dropped gun and shot the suspect several times. ... ... . . . ... . . . . ..... . . . ... . . . . . ... ... . .. . .... ......... .. . . . . ... . 899. Police Officer Lawrence Pucalik, 33, 11/14/1980, Hammond Indiana, PD, .. .. ... . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . .. ..... . .. . was in a nearby office working an off duty (a police officer is on duty 24 ... . ... . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . .. hours a day as far as his oath of office is concerned) when he heard . .... . . ... .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . .. .a. .. commotion at the fron t desk as several suspects entered and tried to rob . . .. . . . . .... . .. . . . . . .. ..... .. .. . .. . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . ... . ... . the clerk. As the officer came out of the office, with his firearm drawn, . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. ... .. . .. . . . . the suspects shot him in the neck. ... ... . . . ... . . . . .. . . ..... ..... ... ... .. . . .... . . . ... . . . ... . . ..... . . 900. Police Officer Jeremy Henwood, 36, Sandiego Police Department, August . ..... ... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... . .... . .. 6, 2011, was sitting in his cruiser at an intersection in San Diego when a. . . . . .... . .. . . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . .. ... ... . . . .. .. . ... .... .. ... . . . black Audi, that had been involved in. a.. shooting at. 5:22 p.m. in El Cajon, .. .. . .. .. ... . . .. .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . CA, about 20 miles away, pulled up along side of the driver’s side of the . . . . . . . .. ... ... .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .... .. . . . ... .. . .... . cruiser, and someone in the passenger area of the Audi f ired a shotgun at . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . .. . . ... . . .. ... ... ... . . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . the officer hitting him in the head while he was not wearing a ballistic face . . . . . .. .... . . . . . .. ...... . . .. . . . ... . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .... . . . . . . shield and murdered him. He left behind his parents, a sister and a brother . .... . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . ..... .. . .. ... .. . and a lot of police officers who loved him too. .. . .. . ... . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . ... .. . . ... . ..... . .. . . .. . . . What can I say. It is hard to think or talk when y ou are very sad. .. . .... . . .. ..... .. . .. .. . ... .. ... . . . ... ... . .. .. . . ..... . .. . . . . . . . But, emotions do not get in the way of writing as much as they do when talking. ..... . ... . . . ... .. .. .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. So I will write. Let us suppose this scenario, which could have happened, and .. . . .... . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .... . .. . . . ... . . ... . . . .. ... .. . . . which I wished had happened, based on the facts I have gotten about this . . . . . .. ... . . . . ... ...... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . tragedy. Officer Henwood is sitting in his cruiser when he hears the broadcast . .. . .. ... . . . .. .. ... . . . .. ... ....... .. .. .. ... ..... . . .... .. . ... . . of the shooting in El Cajon, and he knows it is is about 20 m iles away from his . . . . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . .... . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. ... . . .. . location. He also heard on the radio that a nother officer chase d the shooter at . ... .. . ... .... .. . .... .. .. . ....... . . . . . .. ... . ... ... . .. .. ... . about 5:25 p.m. in the Audi south on I 15 heading toward San Diego, and he .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . .... . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ...... . . .. . . was ordered to break it off because the Audi’s speeds exceeded 100 miles per ... . ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . ... ...... . . . . . . . . . hour. Being a professional well trained police officer , Henwood visualized .. . .. .... . .... .. . .. ... . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... .... . . . . ... . . . . .... . what he wo uld do if the shooter reached his location and pointed a firearm out . . ... ..... .. ....... . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. .. .. . . .. ... ...... . . . the window at him. He unsnapped his holster to be ready. Henwood then . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .. ... . . .. . . .. . .. ... . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... .... . . .. calculated how long it would take the shooter to reach his location and point a . . . . . ... .. ... .. ... .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. ..... . . .. .... . . ... . . firearm at... him.. if. he.. was driving at... speeds of.. 80 miles and more. That . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... . . .. . . .. .... . .. .... .. . . .. ... calculation would put it at about 13 minutes at 90 mph and 20 minutes at 80 .. . . .. . .... . ... . ... . . .. . .... .... . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... .. ... .. . . .... miles per hour. That means the Audi would reach his location at about 5:40 pm. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... .. ... .. . ....... . . . . .. . . .. ... . .. ... . In fact, it. reached his location at about 5:32 pm. Because that is when it. was . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... . . . . .. . reported that he had been shot. But, back to our scenario . Henwood decided to .. .. . . .. ... . . . . . .. ... .. .. . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . not take any chances and so he picked up his ballistic face shield attached to his . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. ... . . . . .. .... . .. . . . ... . . . ... . .. .. .. ... ... .... .. . . . ballistic helmet and placed it on his head, A total weight of about 5 and one ha lf ..... . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . ... . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . pounds. Since he had been doing the neck exercises that I had sent out , his neck .. .. . . .... ...... .. . .. . .. . ... . .. ... . .. . .. . ..... .. . . .. .... . .. . . . was strong enough to handle the weight well for the 20 minutes it would take . . .... .. .. . . . . . .... .. . . .. ..... .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .... ... . . . .. . the Audi to arrive. And, sure enough, as he had visualized, the Audi pulled up . ... . . . ... .. . .... .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. ... . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. and fired a sh otgun at hi s head before he could fire and the face shield and . . ... .. . ... . .. ... .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. . .... . . . .. ... ... . helmet did what it was dsigned to do: It stop ped the shotgun blast and he was .. .. . . . . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. ... . . .. . .. . . . . .. ..... . . . .. . . ... . not injured, but was able to return fire and kill the driver and whoever else was . .. . .. . . .... . .. ... .. . .. . . . . .. ... . ...... .... . . . . .. . . . . . . .... . .. in the car. At the end of his s hift, he went home and watched televison with a . . . .. . . .. ..... . .. ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . cold drink. He went to work the day and his fellow officers surrounded . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . ..next . .. . .. . . . . . . .. ..... . . .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . him with frien dship and the kind of camaraderie known only by police officers .... .. .. . . .. . . . .. ... . . .. ... .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . who love each other and care about each other as brothers and sisters. . . . ..... .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . .. ... . . .. .. .. ..... . .. th Jeremy was the 25 police officer to be murdered by a head shot in 2011 .. .. .... . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... .... . .... . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . out of 47 officers murdered by firearms. Thus, 53 per cent of the officers .. . . . . . . ... . . . . ..... . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . murdered by firearms were shot in the head. Five more months are left this . . . . . year. . P . P ... ........ . ... . ........ .. ... . . .... . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... .... . . ...... . .... . . ..... Paul Banducci, Sales Manager of United Shield International (USI), has agreed with me as . . . . ... ... .... . ..... . .. .. . .. ..... . . ... . .. ... . ....... . ..... . . ... .. . .. .. . . .. . . ... follows: For every 10 sets of his face shileds/helmets I encourage police to order from USI, he . . . .. . ........ . .... ... . .... . . .. . ... .... . . ...... . .... .. .. . ... ... . .. . .. . . . will give me one free set which I will give to a police department to give to a highly pro .. . . .... . . ... . . . .. . .... .. . .. . .. ...... .. .. ...... .... ................ . . .. ... .. ... . active police officer, most likely to be shot in the head. I get no money compensation. I just get . ... . .... . ... . ... ...... ....... . . .... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . ... ... . .. .... . .... . ... . . the free sets which then go some police patrol officer. USI is. willing to sell. the sets wholesale . .. . ... . ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . .to . . . .... . ... . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. .. . .... . ... . .... ... . ...... . at less than the retail price. P lease forward this information to your buying person and get back to .. .. ..... ..... .. . .... .. . . .. . ... . ........ . ... . .. .. ..... .. .... .. . .. . . me. If you request it, Paul will forward you an estimate of the cost of your order. .... . . . .. . ... ..... . .. ... . ... . .. .. .... .. . ... . ....... . ........ . . ... .... . . .. The following is an actual estimate that Paul prepared and which I submitted to a police .... . .... . ..... ..... . ...... . ... . . .... . . . . . ... ..... . ... . .. . . ........... . . . . . ... .. .. department, w ho . requested an . estimate, containing the wholesale prices and a. description of.. the . ..... . . . .. ... ... . .... .. . . ..... . .... . ... . .. . . .. ..... . .. . ... . . . . .... . .. .. .. . face shield and helmet. He is giving me the wholesale price, and the free sets to donate to you. If . ... . .. .. ...... . . .. ..... . ..... . . . . ... .. ... . .... . ... . ..... .... . ... . .. .. .... . . .. the order is. submitted, would be entitled to two free sets which would mail to . the ... . . ... . . . .... . . .I. . ... . . .. ..... . . .. .. . ... ... ....Paul ..... . . ... . .. ... . . .Police ... .. ... Department along with the purchased sets. I get no money compensation for the sale. Just face .. . . . ....... ... . .. .. .. . . ........ . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. ..... . .. ... ..... . . . ...... ... . shields and helmets that will save a police officer's life. This is a photo of a face shield and helmet . .. .. .. .... . ... . ... . ..... .. .. ... .. ...... .. ..... . . ..... ..... . . . .. .. ..... . .. .. .. .. that that wholesales for $536. It is not the one in.the quote. The face shield in. the quote is in the . . . .. ... . . ....... .. . . . ... . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. ...... ... ... . . .... . .... . . .. .. . . . attachment. 898 dead police officers, 24 of them in 2011 as of August 4, 2011, who were shot in . ......... . .. . .... . ....... . . . ....... .......... . . ... .... the head would probably have survived had they been wearing them. . 5 ...... ... Quotation .... Name ... . ... Address ... . ... . Customer . .. . ..... . ...... . . ...... . .... . Indiana Borough Police Department .. .. Tel : . . .. Item .. ... . Helmet ... Desc ......... . . . .. . .... ... . PST SC650 level IIIA helmet ...... . . . . Face Shield .. . . .. . .... . .. . . . . . Level IIIA Face shield . To ..... . . Notes:.... . ......... .. ...... 1) prices are ex factory MI .... ... 2) Net 30 .... . . ...... .... 3) Delivery 45 days ............. .............. ........ THESE PRODUCTS MAYBE SUBJECT TO US EXPORT ...................................... CONTROLS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING ................... WITH ALL US EXPORT LAWS . U . U .... . ..... . . . ... .. .. .. .... . . .. .. . .. . ... ... . ...... .... ... . ... . . .... . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... . My only condition is that the sets, including the free ones, go to only police patrol officers. I. want .. . . .... . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . ... .... . . ..... . .. . . ... ... . . . . . . . . .. ... . .... .... . .. . ... . . police patrol officer first -. responders, are often the first officer on the scene of a high risk . . . .. . . . . .. .. ..... .. ... ..... .who . . .. . . .. . ... . situation, to be saved when they get hit in the face. . . ... . . . ... . . . stay alert safe, . . .. Stan ... . .. . . .... . . .. ..... . ...... ... .. . ........ . . ... ........... ... ..... .. . 901. Police Officer Robert Lasso, 31, Freemansburg, Pa, PD, on August 11, 2011, at .... .. . ... ... .. ......... ....... . . .. . . . . . ...... ... . .. .. . . . . . ..... .... about 5:06 p.m., responded to a... domestic disturbance of verbal disturbance, . ... . . . .. .. .. .. . . ....... .. ..... . . ..... ..... . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. and the officer went the back of the suspect’s home. The officer’s also . ... ...... .. .to .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .... . . . . ... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .Chief .. .. . ...... . responded at the officer’s request for assistance. ( Before arriving at the house, . ... .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. ... . . .. .......... . .. . ... . ....... . . . ... ........ . . th facts indicate that Officer had previously encountered the suspect, .e.. . ... . . .... . . ..... .. . .Lasso ... ... . . .. ...... . . .. .. . .... . . ... . .. . . . . George Hitcho Jr., and charged him with possession of drug paraphernalia, .. . ... . . .... . ... ... . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... . . .. ... . . ... . . .. ... . .. . . . which Hitcho pleaded guilty to. There is no clear evidence that Officer actually ..... .. .. ..... . . .......... ... . .... .. ... . . . . . ..... .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . knew that it.. was Hitcho who was involved in.. the disturbance. It. is. likely he . did . . .... .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . ... . . ..... . .... ... ...... . . . .. ... . . .. . since he knew that Hitcho lived at the address he was responding. If the officer ..... . . ....... ... . .... .. ... . . . . . ......... .. ....... ........... . . knew Hitcho was involved in... the.disturbance and that he had two dogs capable . .. . . . .. . ... ... ...... . . . ... .. ... . . .. .. . ... ... . .. . ... . . . . ...... of attacking him on command of Hit cho, it would be reasonable for Officer Lasso . ... . . .... .. .. ... . . .. . . ......... ... . ... .. . ...... . .. . . ..... .. .... .. . . to believe that the situation was one in which there was a likelihood that he could ..... .. . .. ......... ... . . .. ......... . .......... .. . . . . ... .. . .. . ... be shot at. In such case, Officer Lasso would have been justified in. placing a .. . . . . . . .. .... . . . . .. .... ... .... . . . .. ... . . . .... .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. ballistic face shield and helmet o n prior to gettin g out of his c ruiser and ... . .... . ... . . ... ..... . .. . . . .. ... . . . .. .. . ... ...... ..... . .... ..... . . approaching Hitcho. App a rently, the officer did not have the equipment and did .. ... .. ... ........ .. ... .. .. .. ....... . .. ........ .. .. ... ..... . . . . not put it on. Had he put it on, it is reasonable to assume that the face shield ... . ...... . ...... .... . . . ......... . ........... . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . would have stopped the bullet and he would have been able to return f ire.) ..... ....... . . ...... ... . . . .. . .. .... . . .. . . .. ... ..... .. ...... .... When two dogs attacked the.. officer, the Chief told him to the dogs. The . . . . .. . .... . . . . . ... . . . . ...... ..... . .. . . .... . . . ... . .shoot .... . .... ... . . ... .. officer was pointing his stun gun at the dogs. Hitcho pulled out a shotgun and fired the . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . ... ... . . . .. .. .. ...... . fatal bullets hitting the officer in the head. . .. . . . .. . .. ......... . . .... . ..... ........ . ............ . . . ... ... . . .. . (Editor Stan: The scenario coul d have, and should have gone as follows: Officer .......... . . .... . .... .. ..... . ......... ...... . ... . ..... .. ...... Lasso knew Hitcho lived at the address he was responding to. , .. and that he was . . .... . .. ... . .... . . ... . . . . . . .... ... .. .... ..... . . .. . ... . . . . . . probably involved in the disturbance, and knew he had arrested him for drug ....... . ... . .. . ... . . ...... . ..... ... . .... .. . .... . . ... . .. .... ........ .. . . possession previously, and persons drugs often are armed. He knew there ........ . ... .. . . . . . .... .. ... . .involved .. .. . . ..in .. .. ... ... . ... ...... . .. . .. ... . .. was some kind disturbance involved. it. may not have been clear cut a high . . ... . . .. . . . . .. .of .. ... . . . . . . .. . .... .. . .Although .... ... . . .. .. .. . ... .. . ... . .. . . . . .. risk situation, it was certainly close to it. Had the officer wanted to play it safe, the . . . . .. ..... . ...... . ....... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ...... ... ... ............. . . officer couold have placed a. ballistic face shie ld and helmet on, because he could . ..... .. . ... . . .... ... . . . . . ... ... . ..... . . .. . ... ... . .. ... .. . .... . . .. . . . .. . reasonably believe the situation invo lved a high risk of being shot at. Had the officer .... . ... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ... .. ..... . .... . .. .... . .. . .... . .......... . ....... had his ballistic face shield on, the shotgun blast would probably have been stopped by . ... .... . . . . .. ... ... . .. ... . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. ... .. . . .. .. .... ..... . .... . th face shield and .e... .. ... . .. . . enable the officer to return fire. It was late in the day and alcohol may be involved. ..... . . .... . . ... ..... . .... ....... ... . .... . ...... ........ ... ... When Hitcho fired the shotgun at Lasso the discharge was topped by the face .. . . . .. . . .. . ........ .. . . . . .. . . ..... . ... .. . .. ... . . .. . ......... ...... .. . . shield allowing Lasso to.return fire and terminate the.. threat. Lasso home to . . . ... .. .... . . . . ... ..... .. . .. . . .. ....... . .... .. .. .went .. . .. . ... . . . .his wife and two children ages 3. and 5. Officer Lasso had the.. honor of ... being. the first .... . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . ..... . . . .. .. . . .... . .. .. ..... . . . . . . . . ... Pennsylvania police officer, or any officer in the U.S, to be saved by a ballistic face .. . . . . . shield. ... ... . . .... . . .. ... . . . .. .. . ...... ... ... . ..... . ... . . ...... . .... . ... . .. . .. . 902. Police Officer Gerald T. DiJoseph, 33, Bridgeport Police Department, 11/28/80, .. . ... . . . . . .. . .. ... .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . made a traffic stop, The suspect gained control of the officer’s service .. . .... ... .. .. ... .. . .. . . . ... .. . . . . . ... ... ... . . . .... . . . . . . . . weapon and shot him in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. ..... . . .... . .. ... ... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . face shield of the type shown below when he got out of his cruiser. ..... . ... . ......... .. .... . .... . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. Knowing what I know now, if I were a police officer again in Cinci nnati ... . ... .. . . ... . . .. . . . . .... ... . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . . . ... . .. ....I would put such a. face shield on if. I sensed an attack during a. stop. Who ..... . . . . . ... . ... .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . ... . . . . ... . . . .... . . . . knows, the shooter may have given some clues Officer DiJoseph missed .. . . . .. . ... . ... . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . during the pull over. Stay alert safe, Stan ... ... . . . ... . . . . . . .... . . . . . ... .. ... ... . . . . ... . . ... .. ... . . . . .. . 903. Acting Detective Constable Angus MacKenzie, Glasgow, in Scotland, .. . . . ..... . . . ... . . . ... . . ... . ... . ... ..... .. . ... . .. . England , Police Department, December 30, 1969, stopped to . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... ...... . .. ... . ... . .. investigate a suspiciously acting man (who had robbed a bank . . . . . . .. ... . .... . . . . . ... ... .... . .. .. . . ... ... .. .. .. . . earlier and the Constable was not aware of it). The man shot the . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . officer in the head. ... ... . . . .... . . . . . ..... . ... . . . . . ... . . ..... . . . ... . . . ... . . .. . 904. Poilce Constable Edward Barnett, Gl asgow Police Department , in .. . . . . .. ... . . . .. ... . ... . ... ..... .. . ... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. Scotland, England, December 30, 1969, stopped to investigate a .. ...... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . ... ...... . . man was acting suspiciously (The officer did not . know the .. .who . . .. . .. . . ... . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . man had a robbed a bank earlier in the day) and the mans shot the . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . officer in the head. . . ... . . . ....... .. .. . . . .. .. ... . .... .. .. . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. ... . . .. . ... . ...... ..... ...... . All Chiefs who want to.. protect the lives of their patrol officers, thin blue line and the backbone of .. . . . .... .. . . ... . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .the . ... .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . a police department, should provide their officers with ballistic face shields/helmets. ... . .. . .......... .. . .. ... ....... . . . ... . ... . . ... . . ...... . .... . ...... . .... ... . 905. Sgt. Joseph Szczerba, 44, New Castle, Delaware, Police Department, on. Sept ember 16, .... .. ... . .. .. . . . ... . . ... .. .. ...... ...... . .. ..... .. . .. . . . ... .. . ... . . ... . . 2011, received information that a. suspect being sought for trying to.. break into cars ..... ... ... . . ...... .. . .. . . . .. ....was . ... . . ... ...... .. .. ... ... .. .. . . .... and had assaulted one of the victims, and the Sgt. Responded to the scene to assist and .... ........ . ...... ... .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . ... .. . .. . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ..... . saw the suspect, and got out of his cruiser without placing a ballist ic face shield on and . .... . ........ ........ . ..... ........ .. . ...... .... . .. .. .......... . . . ... ... the Sgt. Chased the suspect, and the suspect stabbed the Sgt. In the neck and killed him. . ..... . . . .. .. ... . . . ... . . ... .... . .. ... . ... .. . . ... . .... .. .. . . ......... . ...... In.. my opi nion, the information the Sgt. received, attempted car thefts and assault on . . . . ... .. . . . . . .... . .. . . ... .. . .. . . ... .. ... . . .... ...... .. ... . . . .. .. ... . . .. . . .. . .one victim, constituted a high risk (a likelihood the person may shoot the officer to avoid arrest) . . . .. . . ... . ...... . . ... . . . .. ..... .. . . . . ... .... .. ..... . . . .. .. .. . .. . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . situation for any police officer and justified the Sgt or officer . . .. ... . . .. ... ... . . ..... . . . . .... . .. .. . ... ..any .... .. . . in placing a ballistic face shield (of the kind shown below) on before approaching the suspect. .... ... ...... .. ... ..... . . . ... . ..... . . .. ....... . ............. . ...... .... . . . The edge of the f. ace shield extends into the neck and may have blocked the knife . ...lower ..... . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .... ... . .. . ... . .. .. ..area . . .. . .... ... .... ..... . .. . . . .... the suspect thrust into this very good person, Sgt. Szczberba ,. and may saved his life. The ... . . .... . . .. ... .... . . . . ... .. . .. . ... .. . . ... . . . .. .... ... . . . . .have . .. . .. . ... .. .. .... .. cost of buying the face shield and placing it in the cruiser and the effort of placing it on the head .. . . . ... . . . . ... ... . ... . ... . . .. . . ..... . ........... . . ... . ... . ... ...... . ... .. ... ... before entering the high risk situation would have been extremely minimal compared to the loss . .. ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... . ... ... .. .. . . . . . .... . . . .. . . . . ..... . .. ...... ...... . . . ... . . . .. . . of the officer’s life and the amount of life long pain suffered by his loved ones and fellow officers ... . .... . . ..... . . .. . . .... . ... ..... . . .. . . ... . . ... ... . .... . . . .... ....... . .... .. .. everywhere .. Admittedly, having it.. on. while empting to.. gain over and custody of the . .. . . . . ..... .. ..... . . ..... . . . .. ..att ... ...... ..control . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . .... . resisting suspect who stabbed the officer may have caused more difficulties for the Sgt. than not ... . . ... . ... .... . ... ..... ..... . . . ......... ...... . ... . .. .. .... . .......... wearing it, but we not see the scuffle and cannot know for sure if. it... would have been a.... .. . . .... . . . . . . . . ..did .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. ... . . ... ... . .. .. . . .... . . . . . . . serious interfere nce to the Sgt’s efforts to arrest or would have not been a serious interference ...... . . .. .. . ... ........ . . .. . ...... .... . . .. . . .. .......... .... . . .. . . . . and would, instead, have easily blocked the knife thrust and saved the Sgt’s life. . .. . . . .. . .... . .. . . . .. . . .. ... ..... . . . .... .. . .. . . ... .. . . . ... . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . ..... If . officers would train with the face shield on.in practice scuffles with fellow officers , (who ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... ... . . . .. . .... .. .. . . . .. .. ..... .. would wear protective gear while practicing ) the same way officers go to the target range and . . .. . . ...... . . ... .. . ........ ...... .. . .. . ....... . .. ... . .... .. . ... . ... . . .. . . ... . . ... practice their weapon to. save their lives and other person in high risk situations, in my .. . . . .. .shooting . . . . .. . .. .. . .. ... . . . . . . .. .. ... ... . ... . . . ... . . .. .. . . . . .... ... . . .. . . ... . . . . opinion, officers would be better able to engage in scuf fles with resisting suspects without the .. . .. ..... . . . ... . ..... . . .... . . . . . . . ..... .... . . . .. . . .. . . ... .. ... . .... . . . .... .. worn face shield being a serious interference to an officer’s attempt to.. gain control over a. . .. . . . . .... .... . . ..... . .. .. .. ....... .. . .. .... ..... . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . .. .. ... . ... resisting suspect. . I do not feel good about the loss of any officer and this effort to encourage .. . . ... . . . .. . .. .... ... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ... ... . . . . .. ... .. .... ..... . ... ... .... .... . . . .. police officers to wear ballistic face shields is painful to me, (905 times plus the loss of my fellow . . . . .. .. . . . .. ... . ..... . ... . . . .. .. . .. . ... . . ... . . . ... ... . . ... .. .. ... . . .... . ... . . ... . . . .. . brother officer Patn Donald Martin Ohio), but I. will not rest until every police officer . . . . .. ... .... . . .. ... . . .. .....in . .Cincinnati, . .. . .. . . . .. .. .... . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .. .... . .... . . . first responder in the U.S. has one in their cruiser or my effort stops before then due to death. .. . .. ..... . . . ...... ... ... . ..... . .. . .... . ...... . ...... .... . . . .. .. .. . ... . . .. .. . ..... .. .. This face shield and helmet below would probably have stopped the bullet that Officer Slocum the .... . . .. .. .... .. . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... .... . .... . ..... . ... . .. . . . .. .hit ... .. .. . . . .....in . .. ... . neck. It. is made by United Shield International and the wholesale if.. bought through me is $536. . ..... . . . .... . .. . . ... . .... . . .... . . ..(USI) .. .. . ... .. . ..... . .price .... .. . . .. . .... . .. .. .. .. ... If.. I. generate 10.. orders, USI has agreed with me.. to. give me (as my only compensation) one free set of face . . . . .. ... . . .... . . ... .. . .. .... . . ... . . ... .. .. .. . .. . .. ... ... . . ... .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . shield/helmet which I will donate back to the Department that orders the 10 sets. USI will mail the free set . . . .. . . .. .. ...... . .... .. ...... . .. ............ .. ... ... ...... .. .... .. ..... . . . ... . ...... . . directly to.. the Department at.. no.charge. As you can s. ee, the lower edge the USI shield extends well ..... . . ... .... . .... . . ...... . . ... . .. . . ... . ... . . . . .. .. .of . . . .. . . .. .face . . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . ... down into the area and have probably stopped bullet that hit Officer Slocum. .By clicking on . ... . . ... . ..neck .. . . .. . ... .. .would .. . .... ... . .... . . . . .. . ...the ... . . . ... .. . . .. ...... . the link below I tried to get the video showing Officer Slocum getting shot in the neck. I have entered and agreement with United Shield Interenational(USI) that for every 10 sets of ballistic face shields and helmets my efforts result in orders place by a police department with USI through me, they will donate (as my only compensation) one set free to the police department. This free set will be shipped by USI to the police department with the10 sets that are ordered. One set costs wholesale $536. 906. Police Officer David Uribe, Phoenix AR PD, 22 years on the force, May 10, 2005, Officer made a routine traffic stop, he walked up to the car and asked Christopher M. Wilson, a methamphetamine dealer in his mid 20s for his license and registration, and Wilson told him his license was suspended. As the officer was reaching into his shirt pocket for a pen or notepad, Donald Delahanty, an 18 years old friend in the front passenger seat reached in front of him and shot the officer several times in the face and neck with a 380-cal semiautomatic. (Had officer Uribe been wearing a ballistic face shield, I probably would not be adding his nmame to this sad list). The officer dropped straight back to the ground, unconscious and fatally wounded. He was helped by numerous passerbys. Wilson and another friend of Delahanty told a jury that Delahanty had it in meth brain that killing a cop would be a big kick 907. Police Officer Derek Kotecki, 40, Lower Burrell Township PD, on October 12, 2011, police knew that Charles Post was going to be in a vehicle and that he was armed and had said he wanted to kill police officers. Officer Derek and his canine dog Odin approached the vehicle when Post, who was hiding in the back seat, sat up and fired through the car’s window hitting Officer Kotecki in the head while he was not wearing a ballistic face shield. No one told Officer Kotecki not to approach the vehicle without a ballistic face shield on his head as a precaution in this extremely high risk situation. The face shield and helmet would have cost about $550. $550 would have probably saved Derek’s life. This face shield/helmet below would probably have saved Derek’s life and he would be with his family and us and Odin today. ADDITIONAL COMMENT BY STANLEY COHEN I might get in trouble for saying some of the things I say below, but I am compelled by the justice in saying them, for Derek who was shot in the eye. I hope that police officers reading this will forward these comments to Police Chiefs and other government decision makers. The above are the facts about Officer Kotecki’s murder as reported by the news media. But, in my opinion, the whole story as far as I am concerned has not been told. It is as follows: (1) One very good officer is dead forever and his family, very especially the innocent kids who never heard of Charles Post, and brother officers everywhere will suffer mentally forever. Personally, I still feel bad about losing Officer Donald Martin in the 60's when I was a Cincinnati, Ohio, Cop. (2) money is more important than the life of one very good police officer. The citizens involved are more concerned about the cost of ballistic face shields than they are about one very good police officer being shot in the eye. How barbaric that is. To trade one very good police officer’s life for money that is saved by not buying a ballistic face shield that could have stopped the bullet from hitting Derek in the eye; (3) The decision makers, from the politicians at the federal, state and local level, down to the Police Chief and other command officers who were sufficiently forewarned about the risk of one very good police officer being shot in the eye if he responded to a known potential killer without having a ballistic face shield to put on before he left his cruiser: A fire Chief would never send his firefighters into a burning building without oxygen and fire retardant coats and strong helmets. Yet the citizens and Police Administrators sent crime fighter Derek into a "burning building" (sent Derek to confront a known killer, just like fire flames and collapsing buildings), but, unlike fire fighters, without ensuring that he could put on at the least a ballistic face shield to stop the bullet that ended the life of Derek and the lives his family members emotion-wise. If I know Derek, and I never met him, but wish I had, I believe he is forgiving every one of the above referred to persons who played a role in the bullet that ended Derek's life on earth. Let us all pray for Derek, his family and the thin blue line. Let us pray that decision makers will immediately apply for and obtain grant money and buy ballistic face shields and helmets for first responder police patrol officer from the thin blue line before other officers like Derek lose their life due to a bullet to the head. Let us pray that the death of Derek, and the deaths of 907 other police officers shot in the head and killed in the line of duty, will not be in vain and will inspire and motivate decision makers to get ballistic face shields and helmets into the cruisers of first responders ready for use in high risk situations like Derek faced. Stay alert, stay alert, safe, Stan OTHER CRIMINAL JUSTICE OFFICIALS SHOT IN THE HEAD 1. Judge Rowland Barnes, Georgia Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia, March 11, 2005, was sitting inside his court room, when a man entered the court room with a firearm he stole from a guard he overpowered when she released his handcuffs before placing him in a cell, pointed the firearm at the Judge and shot him in the head and killed him. He then pointed the firearm at a court room worked and shot her in the head and killed her. I started this new category to show that the bad guys are probably aiming at the heads of police officers. When I was a Cincinnati, Ohio Police Officer, acting on special assignment by Chief Stanley R. Schrotel, as the Police Department Liaison Officer, in 1966, I was observing police officers in the court room as one of my duties and I noticed that the police officer who stood beside defendants to control them whose case was called and who was standing before the judge and within several feet of others in the court room including police officer witnesses waiting for their case to be called, this police officer wore his firearm in a holster secured only by a single strap snap fastened on his left side, and the defendants, some of whom were charged with murder, etc, were on the left side of the officer with his hands not handcuffed just inches away from the officer’s firearm. It was obvious to me that what happened to Judge Barnes many years later in 2011 could happen to the judge and others in the court room. I reported this to the Chief and afterward the court officer controlling defendants did not wear a firearm while standing alongside defendants. It is sad that supervisors allowed a single guard armed with a firearm to remove the handcuffs from the suspect without a backup officer to assist. 908. Private Security Guard Reginald Lanier, 54, a store seurity guard, 11/10/11, Chicago, Ill, confronted two men who entered to rob the store and he was shot in the head. 909. Constable Edward Flora, Warren County Constable’s Office, KY, October 26, 1990, Constable Flora was investigating an auto accident looking for the drive when a juvenile came from behind and shot him the back of the head. 910. Police Officer John David Dryer, East Washington, Pa, PD, made a traffic stop December 19, 2011. When the officer learned that the car was not validly registered and there was no insurance, he told the driver he was going to tow the car.and asked the driver if he was armed and he said yes. The officer told the driver to get out of the car and when he did the driver immediately fired at the officer hitting him in the groin. He then walked over to the officer who was on the ground and shot him in the side of the head. 911. Police Officer Peter Figoski, New York City PD, 12/12/2011. he responded to a burglary in progress, and saw a robbery when he arrived and was shot in the face by one of the robbers 912. Sgt. David Enzbrenner, Atchinson, Kansas, 12.9.2011, was assisting a code enforcement officer serve a nuisance order when a man appeared and shot the officer in the head. The officer did not have a ballistic face shield/helmet on. 913. Police Officer Arnulfo Crispin, 25, Lakeland, Fl, PD, responded 12/18/11, to report of suspicion males. He asked the males for permission to pat them down for weapons and drugs and one of the suspects shot him in the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. Before leaving his cruiser to confront the men by himself, had he put a ballistic face shield/helmet on his head (assuming he knew facts that indicated they may have been dealing with narcotics, and that he intended to pat them down for weapons, which would have constituted a high risk shot to the head. If an officer suspects a person is armed and dangerous, this is a high risk situation shot to the head and the officer should put a face shield on to prevent being shot in the head. If he is wrong and they do not shoot, nothing has been lost except the inconvenience of putting it on for several minutes, but if he did not put one on, and he is wrong and they do shoot him in the head, he has lost more than 70 years of living and enjoying family, (children) friends, fellow officers. When you weigh the cost of the inconvenience of putting a face shield/helmet on against the inconvenience of being shot in the head unprotected by a face shield, it is obvious which inconvenience is the greater. My hope is that the political leaders of Lakeland city and the Lakeland Chief of Police immediately find money and buy every police patrol officer in the Department a ballistic face shield/helmet to put on in high risk situations, so that Arnulfo’s death was not in vain. If his death motivates city officials to buy face shields for the living officers, he will be happy, and if one of the officer’s life is saved by one of those face shields, he will be even more happy. 70 years. 914. Police Officer Scott Richardson, 33, Aiken, SC PD, on 12/22/2011, stopped a car, and a suspect got out and shot the officer in the face, and shot his partner in the chest who was saved by his vest. Had Officer Richardson been wearing a ballistic face shield it is probable that he would have been saved. It is not known what facts the officers knew before the stop. Richardson lost 33 33. A total 0f 109 years of living lost by Scott and Arnulfo. years or more of living. 915. Police Officer Clifton Lewis, 41, Chicago Police Department, was working while off duty as securtity in a convenience store when two males entered and attempted to rob the store and one of the suspects shot the officer in the head and killed him in the line of duty. 916. Police Officer Shawn Schneider, 32, Lake City, Minn PD, December 26, 2011, responded to a domestic dispute with another officer, INVOLVING A FIREARM AND WAS SHOT in the face WHILE NOT WEARING A BALLISTIC FACE SHIELD BY Alan Sylte, Jr. Sylte, in was reported, was offered help by the military, but it was not stated for what. If it was for mental reasons involving a potential for dangerous behavior on his part, had this been required to be reported to local police for their information, and had police known he was the person involved, this information could have been made available to the responding officers so they could have been extra alert. But, even without such information, any domestic dispute can be considered high risk for the potential for involvement of firearms and a ballistic face shield should be worn by responding officers for the same reason they wear a sidearm. The Chief of Police of Lake City Minn PD, and the government officials of that City, responsible for the safety of its police officers were aware of or should have been aware of available public information that since 1974 there have been 26 police officers shot in the head in domestic dispute dispatches, and other domestic disputes have resulted in head injuries to officer like Shawn. Notwithstanding this public information, and the highly dangerous nature of domestic disputes for first responder police patrol officers, the Chief and government officials allowed, required, Shawn and the other officer to respond without providing them with a ballistic face shield that may have saved the officer from being shot in the head, and if our prayers are not satisfied, he may die. Chiefs of police and government officials nationwide are aware of this information. Chiefs of Police have no higher duty and obligation, in my opinion, than to not spare any effort or money that can be sought for and obtained to ensure the personal safety of the police officers in his/her police department during the performance of their duty to protect citizens in high risk situations, so that not only will the lives of innocent citizens will be saved by first responder police patrol officers, but the lives of the officers themselves, by buying ballistic face shields and requiring the officers to wear them in high risk situations (A high risk situation is one in which the officer knows or information is available before entering the situation that indicates there is a high probability that firearms will be or are being used by the suspect to kill or injure innocent citizens.) 52 PER CENT OF THE OFFICERS IN 2011 WERE SHOT OR STABBED TO DEATH TO THE HEAD 52 PER CENT OF THE OFFICERS KILLED OR WOUNDED IN 2011 WERE SHOT OR STABBED TO THE HEAD Please buy and wear ballistic face shields/helmets in 2011 and 2012 and beyond so that the deaths and woundings of these officers will not have been in vain and stay alive for yourself, your family (especially the kids), colleagues and officers, and citizens Stan Cohen The following article was written by Rachel Swaby, a freelance writer in San Francisco. I do not know how much of the facts she states have a medical basis, but I felt it compelling and wanted to share it with you with only one sole intent: That it motivate at least one police officer, hopefully more, to get a ballistic face shield and that that shield save the officer’s life in a high risk situation. Stan ______________________________________ Article by Rachel Swaby You may or may or may not see it coming, but it doesn't really matter. You're not going to have time to react. Because a bullet can travel at speeds exceeding 3200 feet per second, which is too fast to duck or yell or plead. Hang in there. Taking a cap to the dome means that it will be over faster than a fatal wound anywhere else. The bullet with your name on it slides past hair, skin and muscle before it smashes into one of eight cranial bones engineered to keep your brain safe. Unfortunately, it's too late for that now. Bullets beat bones. The projectile's entrance into your skull makes easy shrapnel of your calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and collagen case. As a souvenir of the opening, you gain a circular hole rimmed with abraded skin. Distance matters, too: The closer you are to the bullet, the more the gun's smoke and powder could burn your flesh. But enough about the blemish; the real work happens deeper. The connective tissue and fibrous membranes that act as internal cushioning are split open just before the bullet dives into your cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid serves as a shock absorber. It, with some other structures, allows you to ride roller coasters and join mosh pits without injury. But again, because your 3.4-pound control system is being taken out, this will be your last head bang. The bullet travels through your brain faster than the speed at which your tissues tear. This means that it's actually pushing tissues out of the way, stretching them beyond their breaking points. When high velocity long arms are responsible, bullets traveling at thousands of feet per second will exit your body before your tissues have a chance to rip. The ability to process information and solve problems? All gone when the bullet shoves its way through your prefrontal cortex. Your ability to index memories? Gone with your hippocampus. In the bullet's wake, a long temporary cavity is left. When the tearing finally does happen, your tissues will snap back toward the initial opening and overshoot their original position. You know that back and forth thing that happens when you kick one of those springy door stops? Well that's what your tissues do when the shock waves kick them. Then the passage collapses. The high-speed firearm that produced the bullet created a disruption in your brain 10 times its diameter. But you're lucky, relatively speaking. If you were shot in the heart, your blood pressure would quickly drop, but it would take 10 to 15 seconds to lose brain function. In that time you could draw your gun, utter last words, or spend some time thinking about your unfortunate situation. But a shot to the brain is different. Your brain stops functioning almost immediately. In just a fraction of a second, you're gone. HTU Rachel Swaby is a freelance writer living in San Francisco. UTH 917. Park Ranger Margaret Anderson, 34, United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, 1/1/2012, hearing that a suspect in a car broke through a road block set up in the park to check cars for tire chains, was blocking the road with her cruiser to stop the suspect. The suspect made a turn upon seeing the Ranger’s vehicle, stopped his car and got out of his car and fired a firearm at the Ranger striking the windshield and hitting her in the head. Neither Ranger apparently knew at the time that the suspect had been involved in a shooting about 100 miles away. It is difficult to say what if anything many other officers would have done in Margaret’s situation that could have prevented oneself from being shot and killed in the manner she was. But, in retrospect, I would like to think that when a person breaks through a road block, (the killer, one Barnes, may or may not have known it was just to check for tire chains, but he could have thought it was for the shooting he was involved in 100 miles away earlier), and then makes a U-turn to avoid the roadblock to avoid capture, the officer at the road block would or should think the worst about the suspect, (that he is wanted for murder rather than just breaking through a tire chain check point and is armed and desperate enough not to be arrested that he would shoot and kill a police officer trying to arrest him to avoid arrest), and then act accordingly. Had the officer thought this way, however remote or unlikely it may have been, rather than looking at it as just a person who broke through a road block because he did not have tire chains on his car, the officer would have placed a ballistic face shield on his her head, and removed his/her pistol from the holster, and hold it in the ready position on their lap, and be instantly ready for anything to happen that might happen if the person was wanted for something worst then just no tire chains, but for murder or a felonious shooting or crime elsewhere, even though there were no reports of such a shooting or crime. And, at the first sign that the suspect was getting into a position of possibly shooting at the officer, like getting out of his car as Barnes did, the officer would instantly take the defensive action of pointing her firearm through her windshield at the suspect or taking some other defensive position behind the cover of her cruiser and be ready to fire at the suspect before the suspect could fire. I think that Margaret’s death should not be in vain and that police officers critique it and condition their minds to react one way or the other when involved in a similar situation before the situation occurs so there is minimum need to think about how to react depending on the various facts that could develop. 918 Sgt. Abimael Castro-Berrocales, 40, Puerto Rico police Dept, Puerto Rico, 1/1/2012, stopped a speeding vehicle and when he reached the driver’s side, he was immediately shot twice in the face. He was a 20 year veteran. 919. Police Officer Edward R. Byrne, 22, New York City PD, 2/26/88, was assigned to guard a citizen who had reported crimes in the area and threatened and firebombed. He was sitting in his cruiser when a car pulled up alongside his and two men got out and one went to the passenger side and knoicked on the window (to set him up for a head shot murder by a man on the driver’s side). The man shot Eddie, the officer’s nick name, in the head five times with a 38 cal pistol (which a ballistic face shield/helmet today would probably have stopped the bullets and saved his life. Eddie was in a high risk situation in that he knew there ahd been attempts to use violence to kill the guarded citizen and there was a probability that further violence would be used either on the citizen or on the officer. Officer Byrnes, by being shot in the head and killed, lost 56 years of living (22 yrs old and life expectancy 78). Had he had a ballistic face shield/helmet and worn them the entire time (taking them off once in a while for a break) of his shift, 8 hours, and he had not been shot, he would have been inconvenienced unnecessarily for 8 hours.) That is very little inconvenience compared to the inconvenience of unnecessarily losing 56 years of living. If he had been right to wear them, the shots to the head would probably have been stopped and he may have had time to return fire. He would be alive today probably enjoying beautiful grandchildren and a wife. I hope Eddie’s death was not in vain and police officers obtain and wear ballistic face shields/helmets in high risk situations. Since the time of his death, numerous other officers have been shot in the head and killed while sitting in their police cruisers. Officers should not lower their caution and alertness inside cruisers believing they are safe inside a cruiser. It just presents a bigger target for killers of police. Money can be obtained from the federal fund named for Eddie in honor of him. Officers can further honor him by obtaining and wearing ballistic face shields/helmets in high risk situations, perhaps with money Chiefs can obtain from Eddie’s federal fund. Eddie would be pleased in Heaven and smile. 920. Master Cpl. Sandra Rogers, Aiken, SC, PD, 1/28/2012, responded to a resport of suspicious activity and was shot in the head by the suspect. 921. Police Officer Abimael Castro-Berrocales’, Puerto Rica PD, stopped a car for speeding and when he got to the car the driver shot him in the face. He probable had a body vest on, but no ballistic face shield. It is hard for me to understand why an officer would protect his body against a bullet, but not his face,, especially since 50 per cent or more of the officers killed by firearms in 2011 were shot in the head. 922. Police Officer Justin Sollohub, 27, Anniston PD, Alabama, 8/24/2011, Officer Sollohub was on patrol at about 11:00 am on August 23, 2011, when he stopped his vehicle to make contact with a pedestrian near the intersection of 19th Street and Moore Avenue. It is not known why the officer decided to talk to the pedestrian. (Although most officers would not have put a ballistic face shield/helmet on before exiting his/her cruiser, especially not in a non-high risk shooting situation, in retrospect had Justin put that on before exiting his vehicle, and had them on when the suspect fired at his head, the bullet would probably have been deflected and Justin would probably be alive today). As Officer Sollohub exited his patrol car the man fled on foot. As Officer Sollohub chased the man around the side of a house he was shot once in the head. (A former student of mine, FBI Agent Gregory Spinelli, was shot in the head many years ago as he too rounded a corner chasing a robbery suspect. A fellow police officer of mine, Donald Martin, was shot in the head and back with his own weapon years ago when he went into a used car lot to investigate a man who took his weapon and shot him. Had Donald worn a Ballistic face shield/helmet before he went in, he would probably be a grandfather like me today) A responding officer located him and immediately began tending to his wound. He was transported to a local hospital before being flown to Birmingham. He remained on life support until his organs could be donated. 923. Police Officer Michael Briggs, 35, Manchester, NH, PD, October 16, 2006, responded to a domestic disturbance involving shots fired. The suspect shot the officer in the head. 924. Deputy Sheriff Barbara Pill, 52, Brevard County Sherrif’s Dept, March 6, 2012, stopped a car on a report of stealing furniuture from a motel, and when she ordered the driver to get out, the driver started shooting hitting the officer in the head and neck. 925. Police Officer, not yet identified pending notification of family, Austin Texas Police Department, April 6, 2012, responded as first officer on the scene to a Wall Mart on report of a drunk man walking through the store. The officer confronted the man, a fight broke out, and the man produced a gun and shot the officer in the neck. 926. Police Chief Michael P. Maloney, 48, Greenland, N.H. Police Department, April 12, 2012, was shot in the head by the suspect in the house while assisting in the serving of a search warrant for drugs. He was scheduled to retire in 8 days. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield which probably would have saved his life. The ballistic face shield and helmet below would probably have saved the Chief’s Life. The cost of both is about $500.00. His life and future retirement, both of which have been lost, were worth way more than $500.00. If his death could have been foreseen, the $500.00 could have been found and spent on the ballistic face shield/helmet and placed on his head before approaching the house, and he would probably be here with us today. 927. Police Officer Michael Walters, 37, Pearl City Police Department, Mississippi, May 1, 2012, and other officers were serving an arrest warrant and search warrant on Carnell Gaines, jr., for sexual battery on a 9 year old child and child pornography, when they found him in a bathtub and when he resisted they were ready to apply a taser to him when he drew a firearm and shot Police Officer Michael Walters in the face and murdered him. Gaines cheated Mike’s wife Jeanne and 9 year old daughter Bailey of having their husband and father for the rest of their lives, as well as his fellow officers, and citizens. Before going to the home to serve the warrants, the police knew (or had accessible to them) the following information about Gaines: He was convicted of resisting arrest, being a felon in possession of a firearm, burglary of a home, domestic violence, felony conviction of possession of marijuana, drug crimes. The warrant was for sexual battery of a 9 years old child. Knowing this information (or having it accessible to them), the Chief of Police and City government of Pearl, Mississippi, encouraged and ordered Michael Walters and the several other officers to go to the house to take Gaines into custody without first making available ballistic face shields, such as the one shown above and below which would have probably saved Officer Walters life and enabled him to go home at the end of the shift to his loving Jeanne and Bailey, and continue to work with his fellow officers. Such information about Gaines was sufficient to make it foreseeable that Gaines would be highly likely to have a firearm and that he would use it on Officer Walters to prevent being arrested. Yet, the Chief of Police and Pearl City Government still ordered and encouraged Police Officer Michael Walters to expose his head to Gaine’s firearm and the bullet that murdered him without providing and ordering Police Officer Michael Walters to wear them before arresting Gaines. The cost of providing Officer Michael Walters the ballistic face shield and helmet shown below would be about $500.00. The value of Officer Walter’s life was priceless. ... ... . . .... . . .. ...... . ... . . .... ....... .... ........ ..... ..... . ...... .. ... . . . .. . . . . .. 928. . Police Officer Caswell Matthews, Topeka, Kan, PD, May 5, 1912, was staked out at a train station .. .... . ..... . . .. .. .... . .......... . ... .. ... . .... . . ... . ... .. ...... .. . . ... ...... to look for .. and arrest two persons suspected of... robbing a.city marshal in.. Bonner City a. few .. . . . . . .. . .. .... ... ... . . . .... . . ..... .... . . . . . .... .. . . ... . . .. ...days . . ... earlier. He stopped two suspicious persons and when he told them they were wanted they drew a . . . .. ... ... .. .. ... . . . . . .. .. .... .. . firearm and shot the officer in the neck. .. ... . . .... . . .. ... . . . ....... ... ... . ........ . .. ... . . .. . . ... ...... ..... .... .. .. 929. Probation Officer Jeffrey McCoy, 32, Oklahoma Dept. of Corr ections, May 18, 2012, went ..... ..... . . . . ..... ... . . . . . . .. ..... .. ... ... .. ..... . . .. ... . .... .. ... ..to . .a.. . home to do a pre lease supervision check at the home, when a male who lived at the home, but ..... .. ... ..... .. ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . ...... . ... ..... ......... . . . . . ........ ... . . . .. .. . . was not focus of the officer’s visit, answered the door and immediately pushed the officer off . ... . . .the ... ... . . . . ... . ... . . . . ... ........ .. . . ... .. ... ... . the porch and obtained his service weapon and shot him in the head. .. . . . .... . . .. .... . .... . ... ...... ... . . .... . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . . ... ..... . . . .... .. ........ 930. . Poilice Kevin Ambrose, 36 year police veteran, Springfield, MA, PD, 6/4/2012, responded ....Officer ... . . .. . . .. . . . ... .... . . . . .... . .. .. . . .. .. .. ...... .. . . .. . ... .. . . .. . .... ... . to a domestic call after a. lady called 911 to.report that she was in fear for her life.. from a.. man at . .. .. ... . .. ... ... . . . . .. . . . .... ... . ... .. ... ... .. . . . . .. . . . . ... ... . .... her home. When the officer he saw the lady and a.. man in front of the home and since he. .... . . .. .. ... .. . .. . . . ...arrived .... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. .. ... . . .. . ... ... ... ... . .. . had a right to get his clothes under a restraini ng order, the officer escorted the man and ladyto her ... . .... . ... ...... .... ....... ... . .. .... . .. ............ ... .... . . .. ..... . .... .. .. apartment, but when they reached the front door, the . man pushed the lady into the apartment and . . ..... ... .. . ..... . ... . . . .. .. . . ... ... . . . .. ... ... . .. . . ... .. . ... . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . .. .. . closed the door, when the officer tried to enter, the man shot through the door hitting the officer . ... .... .... ............ ..... ....... .. ... . . . .. .. .. ...... ..... . . . .. ...... . in the arm, then the man opened the door and shot the officer in the head. The officer was not ... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . .. ... . ...... ...... .... . . ..... . .. ..... . .... .. . . . . . . . ..... wearing a. ballistic face shield/helmet, even though the . .. . ... . ..... . ... . ... .. . . . .... . .... . . .. ... . Chief and other government officials knew there would be a high risk of violence, and firearms. ...... . ..... . . ... . . . .. ....... .. .. ............... .. ......... . 931. A Denver, Co police officer was shot in the head by a suspect in June 2012. .. . . .... . . .. ... . . . ... . . . . ....... . .. . .... ...... . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . .. .. ... . ...... . .. . 932. Police Offfcer Gerard Carter, NY PD, 7/26/1998, was patrolling in his cruiser looking a a murder ...... ............. . ....... ........ . .. ........ .... .. ... . . . .. .. .. ....... . . ..... .. suspect and when he approached the suspect, the suspect shot the officer in the head through the . . .... . . . . . windshield.. .... . ... . .... . .. ....... .. ... . ... . ... ..... . . ... .. . ... ....... . . ... . . . .. ..... . . Looking fo r. a. murder suspect is high risk of shooting incident and a.. police officer should ... .... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . ... .. . . . .. .. . .a. . . . .. . .... .... . . . . .. ..... . . .. . .... ..... .. . . . . .. wear a. ballistic shield /helmet while in. his. cruiser and especially approaching a suspect fitting . .... . . . ....face .... . ... . . ... . . ... . . . .. .. ....... .. .. .. ....when .... . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. the shooting suspect. Other police o fficers have been shot in the head while in their cruisers in high risk .... . . ... .. . ... . . . shooting incidents. ... . .... . .... . . . ... . . . .. ... . .. . . ... ... . ........ . .... . . . . . ... . . .. ... .. ... . ... ..... . 933. Deputy Sheriff William Mast, Jr., Watauga County Sheriff’s Off i. ce, July 26, 2012, . .... ..... .. . . . . . . ...... .... ..24, .. . . ........ .. . .. ..... .. . . . . . .N.C., . . . ... ... . . . . .... . . . . . . . respon d ed to a trailer on an open 911 call and as he approached th e trailer without wearing a ballistic . ..... . . . . .. . . ... ....... . ........... .. .. ... ...... ........ . .......... ..... . . . .... face shield, (like ... . . . .. . . . . . . . the one below) he was shot in the face by the suspect, who was shot and killed by another officer. .. .. . .... .. .... ......... . . .. ......... ... . . .... ........... . . .......... .. I.learned that an. “open 911 call” is when 911 is . called but no one Thus when the . ... .. . .... . . ... . . . .. . . . . . .. .... .. .... . .... .... . ... .. ..answers. . ... . . . ... .... . .. . . .. .... . . respondi ng police patrol officer responded he/she does not know who is. calling or.. why. While it.could .... . . . . . .. . ..... . .. .. ... . . . .. ...... .. . ... . .. .. ... . . . .. . .... . .... . . . . . . .. . .... . be entirely innocent, in my opinion, SOP be that the first responding police officer should .. . .... .. ... . . .. . .. .. . .. . .... ... .should . .... . . .. ... . .. .... .. . ...... . ... . . .. . . .. ........... assume that a firearm is involved and that he will be shot as he approaches the situation, as happened . ..... . .... . ....... ....... . ...... . .... ... .... .. ...... . .. .. . . . ... . . .... . .. . .. ... to Deputy Mast. Assuming he would have lived to 88, he lost 64 years of life, during which time he ... . ...... . . .... .... . . .. . .. . . ... . ... ... . . . . .. ... . ..... .... . . .. . .... . .. . .... . . ... .. . . .. . . would have raised the child his wife Paige is carrying, watched the child graduate from college, held his . . ..... . . ..... . . .... . . . .. ... ...... . . . ....... ... . ... .. . ...... . . ......... ...... . . ... . . grandchi ld who his/her Grandpa Bill. I. cannot help cry as I .. write and I never knew Bill but I . . ..... .. . ..kissed . . ... . . .... . .... . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . ...but . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . wished I had. I pray for Deputy Mast, his wife, family, and fellow police officers. ... ... . . .... . . .. ............. . . ..... ... . . . . . . . .. . ....... . . . . .. . . . .. ... . . ...... . ...... . 934. Officer Kenyon Youngstrom, 37, California Patrol, 9/ while checking a. deer .. . ..Police ..... . .. . ... .. ... . .. .... . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . ...Highway . .. ... .. ..... .5/12. .. . . . ... .. . .... . . . . . ... carcass on the side of the road, another officer radioed to. himthat he was pulling a.. vehicle for ... . . .. . . .. . ... ... . . . .. . .. .. . . . . ... . . ..... . ...... . . . .... . .. . . . .. . .. .. .over . ... ... ... . an obstructed license plate (in my opinion this should have alerted both officers that the suspect was . . .... . ... ... . .. . .... . . .. . . . .. .... .. . . .. ... . ... . ... ... .. . .. .... . ...... . . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . probably dangerous, and the officer checking the der carcass should have placed a ballistic face shield ... . ....... . . . .. . ... . ... ..... . . . . . .... ..... . . . .... . ........ . . .. ....... . . ... .... . . . . . ... on his head before stopping the vehicle) .. As the. vehicle approached Officer Youngstrom’s position, he . . .. . . . .. ... . . .. .. ... . . . .. .. . ... . .. . .... . . . ... . .. . . . .. .... . . . . .. . ..... ... . . .. . ...... . . .. signaled the driver to pull in behind his parked patrol car. Afte r the vehicle stopped, Officer Youngstrom .......... . ... . . .. ... . . .. ...... ....... . . ................ .. ... .. ....... . . ..... .. began speaking with the driver when the man pulled a... handgun and shot him in the head through the . . .... .. .... . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. ... .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .... . . .. window. (The driver probably intentionally aimed at the Officer’s head rather than the protected vested . . ... .. .... . . .. . ..... . ...... .. .. ..... . ... . ..... . ... .. . ... . .. ... . . . .. .. . .......... . . . area of the Officer, knowing a shot in the vested area would not disable the officer like a head shot. ) ... ... . . .... . . . . ... . . . .... ... . .. ... .... .. . .... . . . . ...... .. .. . . . .. .. ...... . ... ....... . . . 935. Police Offcier Patrick O/Rourke, 39, West Bloomfiield PD, Mich, 9/9/12. responding to a. domestic . . ... . .... . .... . . . .... . .. . . ... . ... .. . ... . ....... . . . ... .. . .. .... . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . ... . .. dispute And respots of shots fired from inside the house (thi s. should have alerted the officer that a.high . . . .. . . .. . . ... ... .. . . . .... .. .. .... ... . .. . .. .... . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . ... . . .. . risk situation was involved and that he should place a ballistic face shield before intervening into the . . . .. . . .. .. ........ ....... ... ...... . ....... ........ . . . .. . . . . .... . .. . ..... .... . . . . . . . situation. If. he. had not on, he would have put one on. before interevening. Why not a. ballistic . ..... . . . . . ... . ..had ...vest . . .. . . .. ... .. .. . .... . .. . ... ...... .... . . .... . . . .. . .. . . . . .. face shield?) Family members told him that the man inside may have committed suicide. (High risk . . . .. . . ..... . . . ...... . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . ... .. . . . .. . ... . . . ... . .... ....... . . . ... . . . . ... . . situation=putting on a ballistic face shield) The officers enterdd the house and before entering the ... . .... ..... . . .... .. . ..... .......... .. . . ..... ..... .. . . . . .... . . .. ... ... . ... .. ...... . bedroom called out his name. The man shot through the door hitting O’Rourke in.the . .... ..they . ..... ... . . . . . . .. ... . .. . .... .. . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . ..Officer . .. . .. . . ..... . . . head. (I am reminded of Sheriff’s Deputy Steve Cox, King Coiunty, Wa, standing in. front of a bedroom .. .. . ....... . . ... ..... . .... . . . .... .. .. .... .. .... . ... . . ..... . . ... ... ... . . . ... ... knowing a shooting suspect was inside and the suspect shot Deputy Cox in the head and killed him. . . . . . ... ........ ....... .. . . ...... . ........ .... .. . .... . ... . . . . .. . .. . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . Killing the sus pect does not bring Deputy Cox Just ... . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .... . . ... . ... . . ... . .. .back. . ..... . . prevents a trial. Placing a ballistic face shield on initially would prevent him from being hit in the head) ... ... . . .... . . .. ... .. . ..... ... .. . .... . .... ..... . .. . .. ........ . .. .. . . ... . ..... ........ . 936. Police Officer Bradley Fox, 34, Plymouth Twp. PD, 9/13,12, made contact with a hit And run suspec t .... ........ .... .. ... . . . .. .. .. ...... . and the suspect shot the officer in the head. Police Officer Bradley Fox, who was at a t saw his killer pull out into the opposite lane of travel at a traffic jam which is a deperate act for a person to take. It should have indicated to the officer, in my opinion, that the person was desperate and the situation was not routine. Had Officer Fox placed a ballistic face shield/helmet on his head (which he did not have available) as he left his cruiser to chase the suspect (knowing that often suspects wait in ambush style for the officer to appear and then shoot the unsuspecting officer, FBI Agent Gregory Spinelli, and other officers, was chasing a robbery suspect when the robber turned and shot him dead), the bullet that hit him in the head would probably have been deflected and he would have survived. With practice a face shield/hel can be donned hurriedly while exiting a cruiser in pursuit of a fleeing suspect. Police Chiefs should immediately equip their patrol officers and k-9 officer first responders with life saving ballistic face shields/helmet before another officer is lost. The following is a statement Chief Frank Monaco, Plum Borough, Pa. Police Department, gave me at my request and should be weighed very carefully by Chiefs of Police everywhere: "I recently purchased ballistic helmets and face shields for every officer in my department. I was able to do this thanks to the efforts of my long time friend, Stan Cohen , who got a wonderful deal for us. The same deal is available to all other departments. I had been considering purchasing the helmets for some time. I am somewhat sensitive to the issue as I lost two officers who worked for me in my previous incarnation in the State Police (Tpr. Joseph Sepp in 2002 and Cpl. Joseph Pokorny in 2005). I also know a good friend from the State Police who was permanently disabled in 1998 when shot in the face at a domestic call. I was finally motivated to move with the tragic death of Officer Derek Kotecki from Lower Burrell last year. My officers were among the first at the scene and could easily have been involved had they come upon the scene. I had some forfeiture money that I had planned n buying other equipment with, but, with the help of the borough and Stan Cohen’s discount, I was able to purchase helmets for everyone. I have seen more dead cops and grieving families than anyone should ever have to see and, in the case of Sepp and Pokorny, have always wondered if there was something I could have done to prevent such a horrible thing from happening. I sure didn’t want to go to another funereal knowing that, had I done something else like buying equipment, would have saved a spuse, child or a parent from such a loss. Chief Frank Monaco Plum Borough Police Department 4575 New Texas Rd. Plum, Pennsylvania 412-793-7400 fmonaco@plumboro.com . ` .. . . . . . . ....... Ballistic Face Sh ... ..... . ........ .... . ... ... ... . ....... . .... . . . . . .... . ... . .. . .... . 937. Deputy Thomas B. Dunigan, 37, County dept, . ......... .. . . . .. . . .... . . .. . . ... .. . . .. ..... .. .Morgan ...... ... .. .Sheriff’s . ...... . 12/26/1975, responded to active riobbery, tried to arrest suspect and was shot in the head. ... ..... .. .......... ... . .. ... .... . . .. . .... . . ...... . .... . .... . . .. . .. ........ .. ..... . 938. Agent Ivan G. Roman -Matos, Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico, November 7, 2012, . .... ..... ... . .. . . ..... . . ...34, ... .. .. ... .. ... . .. .... ...... .. .. . . . .. .. . ... . .. .. . .. responded to a... robbery and pursued one of . two suspects when the fired four shots Ivan . . . . . ... ... .. .... ... ... . ... ... . . . . ..... .. . . ... ..suspect .. .. ... . . . . . .. . . .. ..at .. . . . . .. . hitting him in the head and neck. He was wearing a vest which none of the bullets hit. In my opinion, . ........ . ..... . ... ... . . . .. ... . ..... .. ..... .. ..... . . . .. . .... . .. . .. . ..... .... . . .... the suspect, knowing the officer wore a. vest aimed at the unprotected vulnerable head. Again, had . .... . ...... . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . .... . ... . ... . . . . . ... . .. . ..... .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . ... . . . .... . . Ivan placed a ballistic face shield on extending into the neck area as he left his c ruiser, the bullet would . . .... . .......... . ............. . .... . . .. ....... .. .. . . . .. . .... .. .. ......... . . .. . . . probably have been stopped and he would be My count of. officers shot in.. the head on list ...... .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .... . .. . .. .. .. . . ..alive. ... .. . ... .. . .. . . .... . . .... . . . .... . . .this .. .. shows that ...... . officers everywhere are most often shot responding to robberies and while chasing the suspect ... ... . . .... . . .. ........ . ... . . .... ... .. . .. . ...... . . ... ... . . ...... . .... . ...... ..... . 939. Police Officer Sean Louis Callahan, 24, Clayton County, Ga, Police Department, dec 12, 2012, . ......... ....... . . .. . . . . . ...... .... . . ..... . . ... .. . . .. .... . . .. . ....... ......... responded to a.. domestic disturbance at a.. motel and tried to arrest a.male person who ran away and . ... . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . ........ . . . .. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ... . .... ... . . .. ... .. . . . .. .. . ... . the officer chased after the man who fired at the officer hitting him in the head t wice. The officer did not .. .... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ..... . . . .... . . .. . . ..... . . ... . . .. ... . . . . . ..... . . out a ballistic face shieid on before confronting dealing with the disturbance. . ... ... . .... . .... . .. ... ....... ... ... . . ...... . .... . . ........ ... ..... ...... . . .. .. . .. . . . . 940. Cpl. David Gogian, 50, Topeka, KA, Police Departmenty, 16, 2012, Officer Atherly, . .... .... . ... . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . . .... . . .. . ... ... . .December . ...... . . . .. . ....and . .. . . . .. ... . ... . .. responded to. a. grocery store parking lot to. i. nvestigate a. report a. possible deal (this is.. a. high risk . . . .. . . ... .. . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . .. . ..... . . . . . .. .... . . . ...of . .. . ......drug .. . . . .. .. . . ... . . . . . . . . situation requiring the officer s to place a ballis tic face shield on theitr head s bef ore leaving their cruiser . ..... . .. .... . .. ........ . .. . . .. . .......... . . .... ... . . . .. . ... . . .. . ... . ....... . . . .. .. . .. to ensure they live ). when David Tiscareno opened on the officer s while Ti scarena was . . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... ... .. . .... . .fire .. . . . . . .. . ...... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .still inside his car, hitting both officers in the head which were not protected by a ballistic face shield. .... . . . .. . .... . .. . .... . .... . . ... ........ .... . . .. . .. . ...... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . .. .. ... . . . .. . . The officer s would probably be alive today had the Chief provided a ballistic face shield to the officer s ........ . ... ..... .. .... ... . ... . ... . . .. . . .... . ......... . ... . ..... . .... . . . .. . .. . ..... . . . and mandated they put it on in a high risk situations like a suspected drug deal. Dealers are frequently . ... . . armed. ... ... . . .... . . .. ... . .. . .. . . . ... ....... ... ... . . ...... . .... . . ........ ... ..... ...... . . .. . 941. Polic e.. Officer Atherly, Topeka, KA, Police December 16, 2012, and Officer ... . . . .. . .....Jeff . ... . ... . .29, . . . . ... . . . .. . . .. .. ...Departmenty, . . . .. . ... ... . .. ...... . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . .. .. Gogian, responded to a. grocery store parking to . investigate a. report of. a. possible drug deal (this is a. . . ... . .. . . . .. . . ... . .. . . ... ... . . . .. . . . .. . ..lot ... . . . . . . .. .... . . . ... . . ....... . . . . . . ... . ... .. . high risk situation requiring the officer s to place a ballis tic face shield on their head s bef ore leaving their . . . . .. .. ..... . .. .... . .. ........ . .. . ... . .......... . . .... ... . . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . ....... . . . . cruiser to ensure they live ) when David Ti scareno opened fire on the officer s while Tiscarena was still . .. . ... . ... . .. . . . . ... ... . . . .. . .. .. ...... .. . .... . ... .. . . . .. . ....... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . inside his car, hitting the officers in the head which were not protected by a ballistic face shield. . ... ... . . .... . . .. .... . .... . .. ....... ... ........... ... ..... ..... . . . .. ... . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .942. Police Officer David Gogian, Topeka, KA, PD, December 16, 2012, and officer Jeff Athe rly, also ............. ......... ... . ... . .. . . . ... . . . ... . .. .. .... . . .. . ... ... . .. ...... . . . .. . ..... . Topeka Ka. PD, ,. responded to.. a. grocery store parking lot to . investigate report of. a. possible drug deal . . . . .. ... . .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . . ... ... . . . .. . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . .. ...a.. . . . ... . . ....... . . . . . (this is a. high risk situation requiring the officers place a. ballistic face on their heads before . ... . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. ..... . .. .... . . . .. ....to .. . .. . .. . ...... ...shield . . . ... . ... . . . . . . ... . . . leaving their cruiser to ensure they live) when David Tiscareno opened fire on the officers while . . ... . ....... . . . . . .. . ... . ... . .. . . . . .... . .. . . . .. . .. .. ...... .. . .... . ... .. . . . .. . ....... . . . . . . . Tiscarena was still inside his car, hitting both officers in the head which were not protected by a ballistic . ..... . . . . . face shield. .... . . . .. . .... . .. . .... . .... . . ... ........ .... . . .. . .. . ...... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . .. .. ... . . . .. . . The officer s would probably be alive today had the Chief provided a ballistic face shield to the officer s ........ . ... ..... .. .... ... . ... . ... . . .. . . .... . ......... . ... . ..... . .... . . . .. . .. . ..... . . . and mandated they put it on in a high risk situations like a suspected drug deal. Dealers are frequently . ... . . armed. ... ... . . . . . . . .. . ....... . . . ... . . .. . ... . . . .. . ... ........... . . .. ... .. .. ...... . . . .... ... . . . 943 .. California Highway Patrol Officers Walt Pence,Jr (Shot in.. the head) .,Roger ... . .. . . ... .. ... .. .. . .... . ... . .. .. .er ..Frago, .. . . . ..James .. . . .. . ....... .... . . .. .... . . . . . . . .Gore, .. . . . . . George Alleyn, (Shot in . the head) were shot and ki.lled April 1970 by. two heavily armed killers. ... . . . . . .. ... . . ... .. . . .. . .. ... ... ... . . . . ... . . .. .6, .. .. ... . . .. . ..... ..... . . . .Earlier .. . . . .. a. motorist reported to police a.man had pointed a. firearm at. him after the man made u.. turn cutting . . . .... . . . . . ...... . . .. .that .. .. .... ... ... .. . . .. . ... .. ... . .. .. . .... .. ..a .. .. . . ... . off the motorist and a verbal exchange was made. Officers Gore and Frago stopped the suspec ’ ts car ..... . .... ..... . . . ..... ... ........ . . . and were shot and killed by the two suspects. .. . . .. .. . . ... .. . . . ...... ........ ...... . . ... ... . . .. . .. . ........ . .. . . . .. ... . . . .... . ...... . Officer Alleyn, arrived the scene of.a shooting of Officers Frago and Gore after receiving a. broadcast . .... . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .on . . . . ... ..... . . . . ..... . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. ..... .. .. . . . . ... . . .. . .. of... shots fired .. Officer Alleyn a. position behind . ... .. . . . ..... .. .. .took . ... . ..... . . . .. . Officer Gore’s cruiser and as he returned fire from the suspects, he was shot in the face and killed. ... ... . . .. ...... ... .. . . . ...... ........ ...... . . ... ... . . .. . ... . ..... . ... ....... . ... . . 944 . Officer Pence, 23, arrived on the scene of a shooting of Officers Gore and Frago, was behind his . . . . .. ............. .. .. ... .. ........... . . . ..... . ... . .. . . . .. .. . . . ... . ...... . .... . ... . . cruiser when he was shot in the leg, and was behind cruiser re -loading (He probably only ..... ... .. ... . .. . . .. . .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . .squatting . . ...... . ....his .. . . .. .. ... . .. . ... . . ... . . .... .. ... had a. 6. shot revolver in those days.that is Stan had from .... . .. . . . . . ...... .... . ...... . .all . ... .. . ... .. .1960 -67 in the Cincinnati, Ohio, PD), when one of the killers came upon him and shot him in the head. ... ... . . .... . . .. .... . .. ..... ... ... . ... . . ...... . .... .... .. . .. . .. ..... .... . . .. . . ... 945. Police Officer A.. Tonn, 35, Galt Police Department , CA, 1/15/13, was investigating a. .. . . . . . .. .. . . ...Kevin .. . ... . ..... . . . . ... ... ... .. . .. .... . . . .. ...... .. . . ...... .... .. .. burglary at 11:20 am.,, a witness pointed to a man nearby. As Officer Tonn approached the man, the .... . .............. . . .... . .. . .... .. . . . . .... . . . .. ...... .. ...... ...... . . .. .. . ... .. man produced a. gun and fired a single shot Ofrfi cer Tonn in.the head. The Officer died at a .... . . . ..... . . . ... . . . . .. ... ... . . . .. .hitting ... . .. .. . . . .. . . . ... ... . . .... . . . .. . hospital a short time later. The man fired at another officer htne committed suicide. ... ... . ....... . . ... ... ....... ... ......... . .... . . . . . .... . . .. . .. . .. .. ......... . ..... . . . 946. Sgt. Lance Allen “Lou” McLean, 38, Hood Sheriff;s Dept., 6/29/13, to . domestic . . . . . . .... ... . . ... .... .... . . . . .. . . . .. . .County ..... . . .. . ... . . . .... . ... . . .. .responded .. . ....... ...... disturbance c. all .. A.. man was.. awaiting trial for sexually assaulting a.. juvenile female and he showed up . .. ... .... . . . .. .... ...... ... . . ... ....... ... . .. . .. . ... . . .. . ... .. .. .. ...... . at the juvenile’s home. He was known to police because of a previous criminal trespass at the home. ..... . ..... ... . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. ..... ............ . . ..... . . ... ... .. ...... .. .. .... . . The Sgt. Was the frist . officer to arrive, and the man opened fire shooti ng him the head. If.. the Sgt. .... .... .. . . .... . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . .. .. ... .... .... . . . . . . .... .. ...in .. . . .. .... .. . . . Had been wearing a ballistic face shield it may have sved his life, as do body vests when shot in th .... . . chest. INJURIES TO THE HEAD AND NECK (None of the officers was wearing a ballistic face shield) 2. York City police officer responding to loud party complaint went to rear of building and was questioning persons when someone on second floor dropped a heavy pot onto the officer’s head. 3. Responding to a fight, officer shot in the jaw. 4. Idaho Trooper Chris Glenn, made traffic stop in December 2006, and was shot in the neck. He is paralyzed from the chest down. 5. Officer Esh, Glendale, Arizona was shot in neck in February 2007, and survived. 6. Officer Cruz March 15, 2007, NYPD officer asked suspect to put out cigarette in subway and suspect stabbed officer in the face with a knife. 7. Officer from NYPD on 2/5, 2007, was hit in the head by a suspect with a baseball bat while on foot patrol. 7 Sgt. Jon Brough, 49, of the Belleville, Missouri, Police Department, was shot in the face and survived on November 10, 2006, when he and other officers stormed a house to arrest a man wanted for killing two persons. The officers survived but lost sight in both eyes and his sense of smell. 8 Sgt. Enedina Martinez, Laredo Texas, Police, was shot in face by suspect in shooting incident. May 1, 2007. 9 Officer Walter Gonzalez, Laredo, TX police shot in face at shooting incident. 10.Officer Raul Medina, Laredo TX Police shot in face by suspect May 1, 2007. 11. Sheriff. Dep Angel Perez, 28, on June 4, 2007, was shot in the mouth during a drug raid and will survive. 12. Sgt. Pinzer, North Greenbush, NY, on 6/4/07, was hit in the head by a falling tree during a storm. 13. Chief Deputy Tommy Martin, Douglas County, Ill, was shot in the face when he responded to an armed robbery and tried to stop the suspect. 14. Deputy Hernandez, Broward County, Fl. Was shot in the head 8/10, 07, when he stopped a car for a traffic violation. 15. Officer Abel Marquez, Odessa, Tex, while responding to a domestic disturbance call, was shot in the face by the suspect and survived and is fighting for his life. 16. Officer Elijah Rodgers was getting out of his cruiser to investigate two men crouched next to a car when one of them attacked him and punched him in the head several times. 17. Officer Richard Decoatsworth, 21, Philadelphia PD, Pa. 9/25/07, approached a motorist driving a car suspiciously, and was shot in the face and chased the suspect before collapsing. He is expected to survive. The suspect was arrested. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 18. Officer Mark Barry, of the Santa Clara, CA PD made a traffic stop of a car reported as suspicious on September 22, 2007. and was sprayed in the face while he was talking to person in the car. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. The person got out of the car and advanced on the officer who fired shots at the person, and the person escaped. The officer’s shooting was approved as in self defense. 19. Deputy Sheriff Lawing, 31, Burk County, N.C. was shot in the neck while trying to serve involuntary commitment papers to remove a woman from her home. 20. Officer James Veenstra, 51, of the LAPD, CA, on February 6, 2008, was shot in the face as he and his partner entered a home to arrest a killer of several persons. His partner Randy Simmons was shot and killed by a shot to the neck. Officer Veenstra survived the shooting. 21. Police officer Antonio Duncan, 37, was searching for a man wanted on a paternity warrant on February 15, 2007, when the suspect shot him grazing his face. He survived. 22. Officer Nicholas Rodgers, Jacksonville, Fla, 9/10/07, was answering a call about a suspicious person, possibly armed, sitting on a street corner, chased the man, and was shot in the mouth by the man during the chase. 23. A sheriff deputy, Kershaw County, SC, was shot in the head and wounded by a suspect who came from behind him at a stop of two men who were hitchhinking. 24. Officer Andres Gonzales, 25, New Orleans PD, on May 22, 2006, and his partner stopped a car for tinted windows, when sa passenger ran from the car and the officer chased him and the passenger shot the officer in the neck several times. The officer survived. 25. Capt. Terry, Lehi, Utah, Police Department, stopped a reckless driver in a parking lot of a service station June 24, 2008, when the female driver suddenly pulled a gun and shot the officer in the head two times. Additionaol officers shot the woman when she exited her car still holding the gun. The officer is expected to recover after surgery. 26. Police Officer Jason Fishburn, 29, Indianapolis Metro PD, was shot in the line of duty on July 11, 2008, he was shot in the head and take to a hospital and was operated on. He was serving a arrest warrant when he was shot. 27. Sept 22, 2008, A Miami police officer was confronted by a man at a gas station and the man hit the officer in the head with a rock. The officer is in serious condition but expected to be ok. 28. Sept 26, 2006, Officer Houts, 30, Montgomery, Ala, police officer approached a vehicle during a traffic stop and shot in the face by the suspect. 29. Officer Ryan Chrysler, 34, Columbus, Oh PD, stopped his cruiser to question three men about a report of shots fired in the area. As he stepped out of the cruiser, he was shot in the face in the chin at such close range he had powder burns. He and his partner returned fire and killed the shooter. The officer was released from the hospital. 30. Police Officer Graham Kunisch, 26, of the Milwaukee Police Department, and his partner, stopped a bicyclist June 9, 2009, on suspicion and was shot in the head by the suspect. 31. Police Officer Bryan Norberg, 21, of the Milwukee Police Department, and his partner, stopped a bicyclist June 9, 2009 on suspicion and was shot in the head by the suspect. 32. Police Officer Jason Fishburn, Indianapolis PD, one year ago in 2008, was pursuing a man wanted for several murders, when he was shot in the chest, which was deflected by his vest, and one in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. He has recovered and is working on a limited basis in the police academy. 33. Police Officer Marc DiNardo, 37, Jersey City, NJ, PD on July 16, 2009 was watching a car suspected in a robbery and when a person walked toward the car, officers moved in and the suspect fired hitting the officer in the face. He is undergoing surgery. 34. Police Officer Michael Camacho, 25, Jersey City, NJ, PD on July 16, 2009 was watching a car suspected in a robbery and when a person walked toward the car, officers moved in and the suspect fired hitting the officer in the neck. He is undergoing surgery. 35. Two Newton County, GA, deputies responded to a home of a man who threatened suicide. On 8/3/09, and as they approached the house, Deputy James trent, 50, was shot in the lower jaw. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 36. Police Officer Matthew Skradski, Omaha, Nebraska PD, 8/3/09, responded to a domestic disturbance and confronted a man who punched him in the face knocking him unconscious. 37. Police Officer Shawn Loontjer, Omaha, Nebraska PD, responded to a domestic distrurbance and when he tried to use a taser on a man who punched his partner in the face knocking him unconscious, the man punched Loontjer in the face and began choking him from behind. Officer Skradski regained consciouness and used the taser on the man ending the confrontation. 38. A Memphis , Tenn. PD officer,, 3/12/1977, tried to arrest a suspect who had fired shots at persons and was shot in the face. 39. Trooper Ginger Marshall, Indiana State Police, on August 16, 2009, madea traffic stop for DUI, and the driver began to run away and the officer tripped him and got on ehandcuff on him, and he turned around and hit her in the head with his fist. He then ran away. 40. Police Officer Phil Hurton, 32, Framingham MA PD, on 4/14/09. responded to an armed robbery, chased the suspect behind a building, was shot in the jaw and neck by the suspect. The officer, knowing an armed robbery had occurred, exited his cruiser without a ballistic face shield covering his head and neck. 41. A Columbus Oh, police officer was shot in the face September 7, 2009, trying to stop a DUI, who left the car and fired a rifle at the officer and the bullet hit the officer in the face. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time. 42. Police Officer, Warren, Mich Police Department, Nov 8,2009, responded to a disturbance at a car wash, and when he netered a home to look for the suspect, the suspect stabbed in the head several times. 43. A gunman opened fire early Thursday on a SWAT team that burst into a home during a drug and gun raid, wounding four officiers while spraying bullets from atop a staircase, authorities said. One officer was critically wounded. 44. A police officer was shot in the head on November 14, 2009, in Basseterre, St. Kitts,(in the West Indies) when he intervened in an altercation on Frigate Bay Strip to stop a gang fight among young persons. 45. A police officer was questioning a suspect on August 1, 2006, about a vehicle when, after the officers took his eyes off the suspect for one second, seeing his chance pulled weapon and shot the officer in the face, even though the usepoct had been searched by two officers minutes before. This was reported by Brian McKenna in Policeone.com. 46. Police Chief Eddie Jaggers, Fayetteville, NC, tried to taser a man during a chase, the taser did not work, and the man hit the chief in the head. 47. Police Officer Jason Austin, Gunterville, AL, PD, stopped a vehicle in September 2009, and during a police chase, the suspect shot Officer Austin in the head. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 48. A San Francisco area transit police officer who removed an unruly passenger from a train suffered cuts and a concussion when heavy-duty glass fell as the officer attempted to place the man under arrest, authorities said Sunday. 49. Officer Daniel Clark, 28, Winston salem, NC, PD was shot in the neck by a man he was chasing who was wanted on warrants. 50. Sheriff Depurty Nick Hauser, 43, Pierce County, WA, was shot in the neck by a suspect while responding to a domestic dispute. 51. During a narcotics investigation, one New York City police officer was shot in the cheek when a fellow officer shot at an attacking pit bull dog when the bullet ricocheted. 52. Police Officer Rick Salter, Houston TX PD was erving a drug warrant and was shot in the face by the suspect after the door was breached. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 53. Police Officer Jim Mullen, Chicago, Ill. PD, on October 16, 1996, was shot through the cheek and paralyzed by a bad guy. The officer started a company selling applesauce and his company is doing well. 54. Police Officer Michael Schmitt, Clevelan Oh PD, was shot in the face on duty on August 8, 2002, when he and his partner got a call that an employee at a business attacked an employee. The victim declined to sign a complaint and the officers gave the suspect a ride to catch a bus. After he was dropped off, the suspect high on PCP, grabbed the officer’s gun and shot the officer in the jaw and into his brain. He survived. The partner shot and killed the shooter. 55. On January 11, 2010, a police officer in Omaha, Neb, saw a car with expired license plates and tried to pull the car over. A second vehicle pulled alongside his cruiser amd swerved toward the cruiser nearly colliding with it. The officer pulled the second vehicle over and the driver refused to give his driver’s license and refused to get out of his car. When the officer tried to pull him out, the driver hit the officer in the face several times. He was arrested. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 56. An Oxford, AL Dec 30.2009, police officer was shot in the head and wounded. 57. A police officer was accidentially shocked in the head with a stun gun. Reported by Canadian doctors. 58. Sheriff Deputy Jeffrey DeGrow, 33, Charleston, SC, January 21, 2010, took a burglary report, then saw and chased three suspects, and was shot near his eye and arm. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield during the chase. 59. Sheriff Deputy Joe Buice, Spalding County, GA, January 22, 2010, the deputy drove up to a house he was responding to concerning an attempted suicide call. As he drove up the suspect shot the Deputy in the face. He was taken to a hospital. 60. Police officer Jeremy Esh, Glendale, Ar, PD, December 16, 2009, pursued three suspects in a car, they ran from the car, the officer chased one, the suspect turned and fired and shot the officer in the neck. (Editor Note: The larger, more logical place on the body would have been the chest area of the officer, but that was protected by a bullet proof vest, which most people know. Instead, the shot was placed in the unprotected neck area. A ballistic face shield extending to the bottom of the neck would probably have stopped the bullet, fired from a hand gun. The officer reported that fractions of an inch to the left or right and he would have been killed). 61. Officer Brian Hale Hazelwood (MO) PD Date of incident: 08-18-98 Incident summary: Officer Hale was assisting a motorist at approximately during the early morning hours of 08-18-98 when a minor dispute between the motorist and a friend of the motorist arose. While investigating this incident, Officer Hale became suspicious that the motorist might be wanted. As Officer Hale attempted to verify the motorist’s identity, he briefly turned away from him, at which time the motorist drew a .38 revolver from the back of his waist and shot Officer in the face with it. Officer Hale recovered from his wound, and returned to work about three months later. The suspect was later arrested, tried, and convicted of first degree assault on a police officer. 62. Deputy Steven Rankin: Crisp County (GA) Sheriff’s Department Date of incident: 02-04-06 Incident Summary: After stopping a motorist for playing his car stereo too loud, Deputy Rankin approached the car to warn him about the violation. As the deputy stood near just behind the driver’s door, the motorist turned toward him and shot him in the face. While Deputy Rankin lay on the ground, the suspect exited his car, and tried to shoot him again, but his gun jammed. The suspect then began kicking and punching the deputy, and eventually tried to disarm him. At that point, Deputy Rankin got to his feet, retreated a short distance, drew his gun, and began firing at the suspect, who by then had returned to his car and was speeding away. The suspect was later apprehended, tried, and convicted on several felony assault charges. Deputy Rankin recovered from his wound, and returned to work several months later. 63. 64. 65. Police Officer Anthony Diponzio, 22, Rochester, NY PD, jan 31, 2009, was shot in the back of the head while investigating complaints of drug activity in a Rochester neighborhood. He underwent brain surgery. Police say DiPonzio and two fellow officers had questioned a group of people on the street. As they turned to walk away from the group, shots were fired. State Trooper Scott Johnson, a 25 year police veteran, WA State Police, 2/13, 2010, was processing the car of a person arrested for DUI by another officer after midnight, in downtown Long Beach, Pacific County, when a scruffy man came out of the dark and mumbled something, and the Trooper acknowledged him. When the Trooper turned his attention back to the car, the man drew a small caliber pistol and shot the Trooper twice in the back of the head, once in the ear and ther other in his head. The man ran away and has not yet been arrested. The Trooper weas taken to the hospital and surgery was performed. The Trooper was not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet at the time. The four Lakewood WA police officers were recently shot in the head by a man who entered the coffee shop and pretended to buy coffee, but he turned and shot each officer in the head as they sat at a table preparing reports on their laptop computers. They were not wearing ballistic face shields/helmets at the time. Like Trooper Johnson, the officers were involved in what appeared to be very low risk situations (they were not responding to a domestic dispute with shots fired or an armed robbery, etc.), yet they were shot killing four and wounding one. Weeks earlier, a Seattle WA police officer was sitting in his cruiser with another officer, and not involved in a high risk situation, yet a man pulled alongside the officer’s car and shot him in the head. These were low risk situations. The question that arises is : Is there such a thing as a “low risk” situation where police officers easily identified as police officers by their uniforms are openly exposed in the general public and anyone who has a gun and an intent to shoot a police officer. 755 police officers have murdered since 1974 by shots to the head (1975 thru 1985 have not yet been counted, so the number is probably higher), and many of these were in “low risk” situations. A strong argument could be made, it seems to me, for police officers wearing a ballistic face shield/helmet on the entire 8 hour shift while their bodies are exposed to the general public outside the station (the only time they would be removed would be on entering the station). The body vest is worn the entire shift, regardless of whether they are involved in high risk or “low risk” situations. Doing this would result in a number of officers living who would otherwise be shot in and killed or severely wounded in the head in “low risk” and high risk situations. An example: When a police officer sees furtive movements in a car lawfully stopped, courts rule the officer has reasonable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous and may search the passenger area for weapons. Yet, the officer with back up officers, knowing they have reason to suspect the occupant-s may be armed and dangerous, walk up to the car without wearing a ballistic face shield, even though one of the occupants may shoot at the officers from the car and hit one or more of them in the head. This is a high risk situation. 66. Sheriff Deputy Christopher Dewey, 26, Mahnomen County Sheriff’s Dept. N.D., February 17, 2010, responded to a “shots fired” call, a high risk situation, and was not wearing a ballistic face shield, was shot in the head and stomach. 67. Sheriff Deputy Jeffrey DeGrow, Charleston County, 2/18/10, responded to a burglary, a high risk situation, and was not wearing a ballistic face shield and was shot in the head by a suspect. He was chasing three men and when he rounded a corner of a mobile home, he was shot in the head, should and arm 68. A Sheriff’s Deputy, Fresno County, CAL, 2/25/10, responded to assist serving a search warrant in connection with arsons and shootings, was shot in the head by the suspect, who also killed a police detective at the scene. The deputy is on life support. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield in a high risk situation. Everyone pray for this officer and his family. This is true for all the officers wounded on this list. 69. Deputy Sheriff Jeremy Marcantel, 32, Librty County, TX, 3/9/10, was responding to a shots fired call, a high risk situation for police officers, wearing only a buulet proof vest and not wearing a ballistic face shield, was shot and wounded in the head several times. Anotgher officer was also wounded. A chief of police once told me that the duty of a chief of police is to ensure that his police officers stay safe and are able to leave the shift in good health and go home. Since responding to high risk situations, such as shots fired, involve a high risk of police officers being shot in the head and other parts of their body, and 770 police officers have been murdered by shots in the head and 71 have been wounded by shots in the head, police chiefs should attempt to provide his/her officers with ballistic face shields which are capable of preventing such deaths and injuries. 70. An officer, Baltimore PD, MD, 3/21/10, his Department not announcing his identity, stopped a vehicle for a traffic offense, was shot in the face not wearing a ballistic face shield at the time by a 25 cal bullet, which a ballistic face shield would have stopped. 71. A police officer, Citrus Heights PD CA, 3/20/10, responded to a domestic dispute cal and received a blunt force trauma injury to the head, while not wearing a ballistic face shield and helmet at the time, which would have prevented the injury. 72. Sgt. Robert Ralston, 46, Phildelphia PD, 4/5/2010, tried to stop two men on railroad tracks, one stopped and pointed gun at the officer’s head and the officer immediately hit it away sustaining a wound in the shoulder. 73. Detroit PD police officer was wounded with shot to the head on February 5, 1999 by suspect. 74. Police Officer Carlos Castillo, 37, a 15 year veteran, stopped defendant’s car for a traffic violation, when the officer tried to arrest defendant’s girlfriend, defendant, walked away, And returned shortly carrying a large cinder block and hit the officer in the back of the head. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield/helmet at the time. Castillo was working an undercover detail at the time, but a full explanation of what thy were weatching him for was not released. There was a possible high risk situation known to the officer before stopping defendant. Lakewood Patrolman Jonathan Wilson was shot in the face during the raid, and was in critical but stable condition at a local hospital. 75. May 1, 2010, a Saint Paul MInn, a police officer was hit in the face and receive a broken nose and broken eye socket by a suspect who shot and killed a police officer. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield, but probably could not have one on as he was engaged in a physically fight with the suspect. 76. June 18, 2010, two LA , CA police officers were hit in the head with rocks and other objects. 77. Mailwaukee police officer was punched in the face and knocked unconscious Juen 28 2010, at a concert. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 78. July 4, 2010, Detective Jami Brown, Muncie, IND was working a detail at fireworks display and trying to arrest a person for DC when the person, who the officer wa trying to handcuff, swung the handcuffs and hit the officer in the face. 79. Detective Jon Garcia, Buffalo, NY, PD, 2/1/10, was shot in the ehad while not wearing a ballistic face shield while negotiating with a hostage-taker. 80. A Georgia Capital police officer was shot in the head July 21, 2010, while taking a man into custody, who may have been involved in an earlier shooting nearby. 81. Detective James Melson, Fort Smith, Ark PD, 9/18/10, while serving arrest warrants for rape, was stabbed in the neck by a suspect and was not wearing a ballistic facr shield at the time. 82. Police Officer Mike Kralicek, Coos Bay, Or, PD, was shot in the head by a hit and run suspect in 2005. 83. A Nampa, Idaho, police officer, December 16, 2010, was serving a felony warrant, when he was shot in the head and wounded, while not wearing a ballistic face shield. 84. Police Officer David Rathband December 17, 2010, in England, was shot in the eyes by a sawed off shot gun as he sat in his patrol car by a suspect who had killed two persons shortly before. 85. Police Officer in England November 7, 2009, went to car wash on complaint of man wiping car windows who refused to leave. When officer entered a home the cut the officer’s face. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 86. A Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy was shot in the face by a gang member. He was shot in the right eye. The deputy and a training officer were on “routine” partrol, (There is really no such thing as “Routine” as long as a police officer is exposing his/her body to the public). , especially since it was in an area of repeated gang violence. They saw a man and woman in a car parked in a red zone. When they got out of their cruiser, the man got out of his car and fired at the deputies, hitting the one officer in the eye. The training officer shot and killed the shooter. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield before he left his cruiser or while approaching the car. Since this was an area of repeated gang violence, which no doubt meant the discharge of firearms, this could be considered a high risk area (an area with a high risk that shots would be fired at a police officer.) Yet, the officer’s government and administrators had not issued any ballistic face shields to the officer, nor made I mandatory they be worn in high risk situations, such as the one they were in. It was foreseeable that the man in the car could fire a firearm at the officers. The Police Chief of Red Bluff has issued ballistic face shields to his police officers. He told me he invites other police officers to call him for information as to how the face shields were bought. I have set out information about him as follows:He should be commended as a police administrator who acts to protect his officers from known dangers. 87. Police Officer John Garcia, Albequerque, NM PD, in 2006, was shot in the head at a traffic stop. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 88. Police officer Josh Otzenberger, Albequerque, NM PD in 2006 was shot in the head while not wearing a ballistic face shield. 89 and 90. Two police officers, Detroit. MI PD, 1/24/11, were shot in the head inside a police station by man who walked in and started shooting. 91. Police Officer Tony Howard, Athens Clarke County Georgia Police Department, March 22, 2011, and another officer, Police Officer Elmer Christian, were searching for a suspect in a carjacking and kidnapping, a very high risk situation, when the officer stopped a car involved in the crime. The driver was arrested, but a passenger got out of the car and shot the officer in the face, wounding him. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield. The shooter then shot another officer in the head as he sat in his cruiser and murdered him. It is not known if the officert killed in the cruiser was shot in the head. Needless to say a person wanted for carjacking and kidnapping, knowing that if he is arrested, he is likely to go to prison for a long time, is desperate enough to want to shoot any police officer to prevent him from arresting him. This is a high risk situation and a police officer knowing this before confronting such a person should/must protect him/her self from being shot and killed by such a person by wearing both a bullet proof vest and a ballistic face shield and helmet. 92. Deputy Keith Bellar, 27, Dickson, Tenn, PD, June 6, 2011, stopped to assist a suspect’s wife during a domestic dispute, and the husband shot the officer in the head and then killed himself. The suspect had been following his estranged wife, who works as a 911 dispatcher, in his car and ran her off the road when the deputy stopped. The deputy thought he was on the scene of a car accident, but then the suspect started shooting at him. Lesson for police: a scene is not always what it seems to be, and officer should always be ready for the worse to develop in one split second. Stay alert safe, Stan "Service with Integrity" WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF The Red Bluff Police Department is a full-service Police Department that is currently staffed with twenty-two sworn police officers and ten civilian employees. The Department is divided organizationally into two Divisions. These Divisions are the Operations Division and the Support/ Special Services Division. The Operations Division consists of the uniformed Patrol Unit and Dispatch Unit. The Support/ Special Services Division consists of the Investigations Unit, Records Unit and the Community Service Officer Unit. The purpose of the Police Department is to provide for the safety and security of the citizens of Red Bluff. Our goal is to maintain a well equipped and well trained department that can provide a high level of service. The Members of the Police Department are committed to providing “ Service with Integrity .” T T The Red Bluff Police Department remains committed to Community Oriented Policing. We continue to work with Neighborhood Watch Groups. Our Police Officers participate in the Random Citizen Contact (RCC) Program, which is designed to encourage officers to make contact with citizens in an informal setting. The Department maintains a Community Field Office Program that allows officers to complete some of their reports out of the office and within the community. We remain committed to our Mission Statement, which reads, “ We, the members of the Red Bluff Police Department, are committed to being responsive to our community in the delivery of quality services. Recognizing our responsibility to maintain order, while affording dignity and respect to every individual, our objective is to improve the quality of life through a community partnership that promotes safe, secure neighborhoods throughout our city.” T T Please take the time to spend some time on our website to learn more about us and the services we provide. Email questions and or comments to the Chief of Police at pnanfito@rbpd.org . HTU UTH Paul Nanfito, Chief of Police Added to these officers are the hundreds, thousands of loved ones and millions citizens who are affected by the death of those officers, which further clearly show the present need for officers to carry helmets with bullet proof face and neck shields secured in the front seat of their cruisers and wearing them when confronting citizens in situations in which there is a risk of being shot in the face or neck, such as routine traffic stops, which can unpredictably and instantly lead to a shooting in the face or neck Further evidencing a need wearing such a helmet is an article from the December 21, 2006, Seattle Times. in which it was reported that a rapper convicted of killing two undercover police officers, “boasts of leaving .45 caliber slugs in the heads of his enemies.”, apparently referring to police officers. Response to Lanc.SERT’s comments posted on December 16, 2006 In undertaking the research on head shots and wearing bullet proof face shields, I personally know and feel the loss of a brother police officer and it is with this personal feeling in mind that I am trying to suggest a tool that will, in spite of the inconvenience of wearing it, prevent an officer from losing his/her life and the terrible sadness felt by brother officers and family members at the loss. In 1963, Patrolman Donald Martin, 27, who was on the same shift as myself, and whom I knew very well, in District 6, Cincinnati, Ohio, Police Department, was investigating something he saw in a used car lot when someone grabbed his service revolver and shot him in the back several times as he ran toward his cruiser to call for help. In 1963 we did not have issued radios on our chests. When we arrived at the scene Don was on his back, bleeding from several wounds and trying to talk but could not get any words out. He died and the suspect has never been arrested. We conducted an intensive search and investigation of the area but to no avail. I cried. Still do when I think about him and the fact that he was engaged and scheduled to marry in three weeks. In looking at the argument of one of the officers reacting to my idea, he stated that “There must be balance of armor and mobility to maximize ones mobility.” This is certainly true. I engaged in many fights in arresting persons and know firsthand the importance of being able to move quickly in any direction to subdue the person or persons. There was an analogy made between wearing such a helmet with medieval knights wearing armor from head to toe which made them incapable of movement. This is true too. That is, that knights weighted down heavily with 60 or more pounds of steel and other armor and metal helmets could not move as quickly as officers today need to be able to move to overcome a person’s resistance to an arrest. But, the comparison is not exactly accurate because the weight of a helmet with a bullet proof face shield does not weigh over 60 pounds. I found a helmet with a bullet proof face shield good against 9 millimeter bullets that weighed 5.5 lbs. A photo of this helmet and face shield is below. It would seem that a police officer in good shape should be pretty mobile and agile with a 5.5 pound helmet with a bullet proof face shield. Conceding the fact that some suspects might outrun a police officer wearing such a helmet due his/her wearing the helmet, this price is not as heavy and serious and long lasting as an officer being shot or stabbed in the face and dieing due to the absence of a bullet proof face shield covering his/her face. I also found a suitable helmet with face shield, at bulletproofme.com. I posed some questions to a representative at the Company concerning the shield and he provided some answers. I have attached my questions and his answers in an email to me to be continued in Part Two as follows and attached photos of the helmet and face shield. See Part Two attachment. 92. Sgt. James Kelemen, Conroe, TX, PD, April 2, 2011, responded to a disturbance knowing the suspect there was threatening violence to persons on the scene. He was the first officer to arrive and when he confronted the suspect, the suspect shot the officer in the face and eye. The officer was taken to a hospital and the suspect was killed by return fire from other officers. The officer was not wearing a ballistic face shield or helmet. Had he placed one on his head before leaving the cruiser, the shotgun blast would probably not have injured his eye. The officer’s eye was removed during surgery. 93. Monterey Park, CA, Police Officer Gilbert Alvarez, 4/25/11, sustained a grazing wound to the head. 94. A car crash and road rage triggered a stabbing and a running gun battle that ended with the suspect dead and a Monterey Park police officer and three other people hospitalized, authorities said Monday. Edgar Battad's gun fight with police began Sunday when he rear-ended a driver and fled the scene, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Sgt. Michael Thomas said. The HTU UTH man followed the 63-year-old Battad by car to confront him and Battad stabbed him in the leg before running to his apartment . HTU UTH Police were called to the scene in Monterey Park, 10 miles east of Los Angeles, and gunfire started almost as soon as officers arrived. Battad used a pistol to fire several rounds through a door and continued firing as he ran through a back HTU UTH door, Thomas said. He was fatally shot by officers during a brief foot chase. Monterey Park police officer Gilbert Alvarez sustained a grazing wound to the head, and two bystanders who were struck in the legs by stray bullets were hospitalized in stable condition on Monday, Thomas said. 94. Cpl Darrell Campbell, 41, Snyder, Texas, 7/12/2011, responded to a shots fired radio report, and while he was in the front yard speaking with severalpeople, the suspect shot the officer in the head wounding him. The suspect was killed by return fire from another officer. 95. Two Chicago, Ill PD, July 18, 2011, police officers were shot in the head and wounded and are recovering in a hospital, when the officers saw what they believed to be a drug deal (When drug deal is in the mind of an officer, he automatically should don Ballistic face shields/helmet. Drugs and guns are “married”) and when they got out of their crusiers (without a ballistic face shield on their head) they were both shot in the head. Were these drug dealers aiming at the heads of the officers? Only the suspect knows for sure. But, the circumstances indicate they were. One officer shot in the head could be a lucky chance shot. But a second officer shot in the head is, in my opinion, pushing too far to think the suspect was not aiming at the heads. If drug suspects, all of whom know that shooting at the vest will land them in jail and not freedom, they will aim at the unprotected head will will more likely result in freedom from arrest and in freedom to continue to sell drugs. By not wearing a face shield, a police officer who is shot in the head and prevented from arresting the drug suspect, is prevented from performing his duty of arresting drug suspects. Same goes for an officer, who arrives at a home on a domestic dispute call where gunshots were heard and he knows this, and he hears screaming when he pulls up, and he gets out of his cruiser without wearing a ballistic face shield, and is shot in the head at the door, and killing goes on inside. By not wearing the face shield he is prevented from performing hi duty of saving the lives of innocent citizens. It is my hope that experiences like this change the attitudes of police officers and result in wearing ballistic face shields and saving their precious lives for themselves, their families and their fellow officers, and the citizens they serve. 96. A private security guard, on July 18, 2011, was shot in the eye while patrolling a building complex, and is expected to recover. 97. Deputy Joe Bruice, Spalding County, Georgia, January 29, 2010, drove up to a house responding to an attempted suicide call, when the suspect came out of the house firing an assault rifle and shot the Deputy in the face as he sat in his cruiser, and he went to a hospital and was in critical condition. (A ballistic face shield should be kept in the front seat area of a cruiser). 98. A Rapid City, SD, Police Department police officer was shot in the face during a routine (there is no such thing as a routine stop) by one of four suspects. Another officer was killed. Non of the officers was wearing a ballistic face shield. 99. On August 12, 2011, a police officer in Darlington, County Durham, England, responded to a call that a man was acting suspiciously when the man suddenly stabbed the officer in the head. 100. On July 18, 2011, two police officers, Officers Ruben DelValle and Jeffrey Friedlieb, Chicago Ill PD, saw two men engaged in a drug transaction in an alley and they stopped and left their cruisers to investigate. They did not place a ballistic face shield on their head as they left their police car. When they went to the alley, one of the men pulled a revolver from his waistband and shot both officers in the head. They were treated at the hospital and released. Neither officer placerd a ballistic face shield/helmet on their head before going to the high risk situation (a drug sale). Drug dealers are often armed with firearms. 101. On August 23, 2011, Police Officer Jarred Slocum, El Cajon Police Department was dispatched to investigate a man waving a gun and shooting the gun. (This was a high risk incident and, in my opinion, the officer should have been preparing his ballistic face shield/helmet to immediately put on his head either before arriving (officers have been shot in the head before they got out of their cruiser) or ariving arriving but bfore leaving the cruiser. The officer’s exposed face is a target for a bullet) As the officer approached the house he was fired at and hit in the neck. .. . .. ..... . . . ...... ... ... . ..... . .. . .... . ...... . ...... .... . . . .. .. .. . ... . . .. .. . ..... .. .. This face shield and helmet below would probably have stopped the bullet that Officer Slocum the .... . . .. .. .... .. . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... .... . .... . ..... . ... . .. . . . .. .hit ... .. .. . . . .....in . .. ... . neck. It. is made by United Shield (USI) and the wholesale if.. bought through me is $536. . ..... . . . .... . .. . . ... . ....International . . .... . . ... . .. . ... .. . ..... . .price .... .. . . .. . .... . .. .. .. .. ... If.. I. generate 10.. orders, USI has agreed with me.. to. give me (as my only compensation) one free set of face . . . . .. ... . . .... . . ... .. . .. .... . . ... . .... .. .. .. . .. . .. ... ... . . ... .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . shield/helmet which I will donate back to the Department that orders the 10 sets. USI will mail the free set. . . . .. . . .. .. ...... . .... .. ...... . .. ............ .. ... ... ...... .. .... .. ..... . . . ... . ..... . . directly to.. the Department at.. no.charge. As you can see, the lower edge of the USI shield extends well ..... . . ... .... . .... . . ...... . . ... . .. . . .... . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .face . . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . ... down into the area and have probably stopped bullet that hit Officer Slocum. . By clicking on . ... . . ... . ..neck .. . . .. . ... .. .would .. . .... ... . .... . . . . .. . ...the ... . . . ... .. . . .. ...... . the link below I tried to get the video showing Officer Slocum getting shot in the neck. THTTU http://www.10news.com/video/28933914/index.html UTTHT 102, Sgt. Howard Cooley, Deputy Sheriff, Trusdale County. TN, responded to a domestic dispute and was shot in the face by the suspect. The officer was taken to the hospital and survived. He was not wearing a ballistic face shield. 103. Police Officer, Kevin Brennan, New York City Police zDepartment, February 1, 2012, responded with two other officers to a report of shots fired to a location and when they arrived they saw three men run from a building. Officer Brennan followed one of them into a building and the door locked behind him. The suspect turned and shot Kevin, who was not wearing a ballistic face shield, in the head wounding him. Shots fired is a high risk incident for police officers that should require responding police officers, like Kevin, to place a ballistic face shield on the head, as much as the body vest they wear, before the officer physically enters the situation exposing his body and head to suspects. The ballistic face shiled should be secured in the passenger area to permit officers easy and immediate access to it and placement on the head. Admittedly, this is a very difficult task when in the heat of an active chase, but if it is practiced like target shooting in spare time as part of training, it should be able to be done fast and not interfere too much with the chase. And, if it does delay getting out of the cruiser a second or two longer, these several seconds could make the difference between dying and being dead forever, or getting hit in the shield and living to return fire and going home to the officer’s family instead of to a morgue. Officers owe themselves and their family taking steps to ensure they stay alive when keeping their oath and doing their duty as much as they are obligated to do their duty and stay loyal to their oath. 104 Police Officer Kasey Burrell was shot in the head in Ogden Utah serving a warrant for drugs. 105 Police Officer Ron Workman, Dallas, Texas, arrived at a scene in his cruiser, and before he could leave the car the suspect fired at him hitting his mic on his chest which saved the officer’s life. The bullet then went into his neck and lodged in his jaw. 106 A Las Vagas NV PD Police Officer, on March 23, 2012, responded to a Medical Center to investigate the report of a child who was shot in the face as a result of a domestic disturbance as her home. A shot went through a wall and hit the child in another room. The officer found blood outside of the home. When they entered the house, they were met by gunfire, and one officer, who was not wearing a ballistic face shield or helmet was grazed in his head by a bullet. This would not have happened probably had he been wearing a ballistic helmet and face shield. The officer was taken to a hospital an treated. The officer shot arrived at the house before SWAT. He knew a firearm was involved and he saw blood outside the house. Still, knowing this, the officer entered the house without putting on a ballistic face shield and helmet. The Chief of Police and the City Administration allowed this officer to enter the house in this high risk situation without ensuring that he was properly equipped with a ballistic face shield/helmet so that he would not be wounded or killed by a shot to the head. He no doubt had a bullet proof vest on, but no ballistic face shield/helmet had been provided to him with SOP requiring them to be worn in such a high risk shooting situation. This was allowed in spite of the fact that 921 officers have been shot in the head and killed and 106 have been shot in the head and wounded, a combined total of 1,027 police officers shot in the head, the greatest majority not being SWAT officers. Ballistic face shields and helmets should and must be provided to police patrol officers who are not SWAT officers but who will be the first to arrive at a scene of a high risk shooting situation. 107. Detective Richard Wade, Hopewell, VA, Police Department, April 1, 2012, was attempting to serve a warrant of arrest for a crime he was on the most wanted list when the man stabbed the officer in the head and neck, while he was not wearing a ballistic face shield, which would have probably prevented the injuries. 108. Police Officer Eder Loor, 28, New York NY PD, April 17, 2012, responded to an emergency call from a mother about her son, which she said was bipolar and she wanted him taken to a mental hospital. When Loor and the other officer told the son his mother wanted him to go to a hospital he said he will go by himself and walked away. The officers caught up to him and without any warning the man stabbed Officer Loor in the right temple of his head and the knife penetrated his brain. He had pled guilty in 2006 to assault with a knife. (It is not known if the dispatcher learned this before dispatching the officers so they could . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . be ready to expect that.) Surgery saved the officer’s life. .. .. . . .. . . .... . .. . .. . . . ... .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . The stabbing would probably not have happened if the officers placed a ballistic face . . . . . . . . . ... .... . . .. . ... .. . . ... . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . ... . . shield/helmet on like the one below below before approaching the man. ... ... . . .... . . .. ... . . . ..... . ...... .. . . . . .. .......... .. .. ...... ...... .. . . .. .. ....... . . 109. Police Officer Nelia, Key Biscayne, Florida, PD , was shot in the neck, by a car hijacker suspect, ........ ......... .. ... ....... . .. ... . . .... ..... ... . .. ...... . . . ... ..... . . . .. . .... . when she responded to the ..... .. . . .. . . . ... .. .. . . .scene where the hijacker was located. The bullet missed vital organs. shooter killed ... .The . . .. .. ..... ...himself. . . .. ..... .. . . . ... . . .. ... . .. ..... .. . ............ .. . ..... . . . ... .. 110. Trooper Joseph Marsh, Conn. State July 2012, stopped a.. suspect fo r suspicion of a. . .... . ...... . . . ... . . . . ..... ...Police, ...... ...2, . ... . . . .. .. .. ... ... . . .. ... . . . .. ... .. . robbery committed earlier and the man punched the officer in the face while the officer was not ... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . ..... ......... ....... ... . . . .. ..... . . .. . .. ... . . ... . . . . . wearing a.ballistic face shield, and the man was . ... . . . .. ..... . . ... ..... ... . .. .. .. . . ..tased . ... .by the officer and arrested. Fortunately, officer was only and not shot in. the face. ... .the .. . . ... . .. ... ...punched . . . ... ... ... . ... ... . . ... .. . .. ..... .. ......... .... . . . . .. ...... . 111. Police Lt. Randy Pepitone, 54, Toledo, Ohio, PD, July 6,.. 2012, responded to.. a. burglar a home, .......... . ..... ........ . . . .. .... . . ..... . . ... . ... ....... . .. ... .at . ... ... . he checked around the first then forced entry the home owner shot him the head. ... ... . .. . ... .. . ..house ... . . . . .... ... . . .. .. . . . . .when . ... . . ... . . . . . ... . . . ... . ..in . . . ... .. . . .. He was treated at the hospital and expects to return t o work. A burglar call is a high risk shooting . .. . ... . ... .. ... . . . .. .. ......... . . ... .... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ......... incident, yet the officer responded without wearing a. ballistic face shield. !9.officers have been . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. ... ........ ..... ..... .. . ..... . ... . .. ... . .... .. .. ... . . . .. . . killed with firearms in 2012 and 11 have been shot in the head. That is 58 per cent of the . . . . ..... . . .. ..... . .... .. .. .............. ..... . ... .... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ... officers killed by firearms were shot in the head because they were not wearing a. ballistic face .. . . . . . .. ... . ... .. . . ... . . . . . . .. .... ...... .. .. . .... .. .. ..... ... ... ........ . . shield/helmet. Numerous officers have been shot in the body vest and saved. The same would ....... .. .... . . . .. ... . . ..... . .... . .. .. . ... . . .... . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. ....... . ..... . .. . . . . happen if. the Chiefs of Police would equip their police officer first responders and all first . ...... . .. . . .... . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . .. . .. ... . . ...patrol .... . ..... .. . .. .. . . ... .. ... . . . . . . responders with a. ballistic face shield. Eleven very good persons would be alive today if . their .. . . . ..... . .. . . .. ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. ... .. . .... ... . .. .. .. . . Chiefs had provided thm with a ballistic face shield. Or, the officers themselves should use their .... ........ .... . .... .... . .. ..... . .... . . .. ... ..... . . . .. ..... . .. .......... .. .. own fu. nds and resources to equip themselves with face shield to.. ensure they go home at the .... . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .... .. .... . ... ..... .. .the . .. . ... . . .... .... .. ... . . . . ..... .. end of their shift , instead of to a morgue. The cost of the equipment cannot compare in any way . .. .... . ... .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . ....... .... . .... . ... ... . . ... ...... ...... . ... .. . . . . . . to the value the officers’ life. The cost would be .. like. the blink of an eye, compared to eternal . . . . . ... .. .of .. . . . .. . . ..... .... ... ... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .. . . . .. closing of . .. . ... . . the officers’ eyes caused by a bullet to an unprotected head in a high risk shooting ... .incident. .. . . .... . . .. ... . .... ... . . . . . . . .. .. . ... ...... . ... ..... ..... . . . ... ....... . . . . . .. . ... . . 112. Police Officer Matt Fox, Indiana, PD, 27, 2012, was trying to.make a. traffic stop for .. . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . ..Fortville, .... ... . . .. .. . . . ...July . .. . .. .. ...... . .. .... ... . . . . . ... . . . . ... . a. taillight not. working, when the driver refused to stop, then he stopped momentarily, Officer . . .. ... .. . ... . ... ..... .. . . ... . ...... .. . ... . ... . .. .. .... .... ....... ... ..Fox told him to stick his hands out of the window, he did not and then the suspect sped away the . . . . .. .. ... . .. . . .. . ..... . . . .. ............ .. . . ..... ...... . ...... .. . . ..... . ... officer pursuit. (In my opinion, when a.. suspect refuses to.show his hands, th. is.. should .... . .in . . . ... . .. . . . ... .. . . ... . . . ... ..... . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .... . ... .be ..... .. considered a high risk shooting incident and a ballistic face shield/helmet should be put on by the . . . . .. . . ...... ........ ....... . .. . ...... . ... . ...... . . . . . ... ... ...... . ........... . officer). Then the suspect suddenly stopped his car, immediately got out and held a.. hangun at . . ..... ... .. ... . .. .... ... . . . .. ..... . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .... . . ... . . . .. .. . . ... ... . . .up ... his eye aiming (he was a trained shooter aiming to. kill a. police officer with head shots) and .. . . . ..level . .. .. . . . .. .. ... . . . .. ..... . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . ... . . ... . .... . . . . ... ... . . .... . . pointed it at Officer Fox while Fox was still in his cruiser, and fired at Fo x hitting him in the vest ....... ............ . . . . . ... .. ........ . . .... . . . ......... . .. .. . . . .. . .... . ....... .. and head . Fox gave description of the suspect’s vehicle and when other officers approached him . ...... ..... . . . ... ... . . . .... . . ..... .... they shot and killed him after he fired on them. . ..... . . . .. .. . ....... ...... ........ .. . . . .. . ......... . . ..... ... .. . ...... In my opinion, Stan Cohen, when the suspect first stopped and refused to put his hands .. .. ... . ....... . .. . ...... . . .. .... ....... . . . ... .. ... . ... . . .. ... . . ... .. . ... . ... .. ... .. .. out the window as ordered by Officer Fox, he was trying to locate a firearm without crashing to shoot . . . . .. .. . . . ..... . . ...... . ... . ...... . . ... . . .. . . ...... ... . . . .. ..... . ...... . ....... . . . . . . . the officer with, and this was a. high risk shooting situation and the should have placed a. ballistic . ... .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. ... . . .. . .. . . .. .. ... ....... . .. . . ..officer ..... .... . . . ... ... ... .... ... . facer shield/helmet on before or while in the second pursuit. Had he done this, when the suspect got .. .. .. . ... ............. . . ... ... ..... . . . .... . ...... . .... . ... ......... . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . out his. car and began shooting the face shield would have pr the head shot. Also, officers ...of . . .. ... .. . .. . . .... .... .. . . .. . ... .... . ..... .. ... .evented ...... ... . ... .. .. . .... . . .. . .. . . . should have their left hand on their car door as the suspect car comes to a stop to be ready to instantly ..... ..... .. .. ....... . . . ... .. . . ..... . .. ... . . .. ... ... ..... . . .. . open the door to take a position to fire should the driver get out shooting. ....... ........ .. . . .. ... . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . ... . . . .... ..... . . . . . .. ... ..... . . . . . To do what I. suggest will.. requir e.. officers to. train putting a.. face shield/helmet on.quickly ..... . . . ... . . .. .. . ... . . ... ... . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . ..... .. . .... . . .. .... .. .... and safely while seated behind the wheel of their cruiser, which may be moving while they do so, and .. . . ..... . ... .. . ....... ........ ..... . ... . ... . .. ... . .. .. . ... . .. ... ..... ..... .. .... . . while their eye on the suspect and car. This is. a. lot of in . a. tense time b. ut. it.. could . . ...keeping . .. ... . . ..... .. .. . . . .. .... . . . ...his . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .trouble .. ..... . . . ... . .. . . . ... . prevent the tragedy of.. an officer death .. I. could be wishful thinking, but I do not think so. Professional .. . . ... . . . .. . .. . ... . . .. ... . ... . . . .. .. .. .. . ... . . ...... .. . . . .. . . . . .... ... .. ... ...... . police officers are capable of being trained to do whatever is necessary to survive and get the job done. . . ... . . . ... . . . Stay alert safe, . . .. Stan ... .. . ... . .... . ... ... ...... ...... . . ......... .. ..... .. ......... ..... . . ...... . . ... 113. Lt. Brian Murphy, 51, Oak Creek , Wis., PD, August 5,. 2012, responded an.. active shooting a.. .... ... ... .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. ..... .... .. .. .. ........to ... .. . ... .. .... . and was one of the first officers to arrive, and he was shot in the cheek and neck area of the head, .. . . ... .... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . .. ... .... . ..... while not wearing ballistic face shield. he placed a ballistic face shield/helmet on.. his head ..... .. . .....a . . . ... . . . ... . . . ... . .Had . . . . . . .. ...... ... ... . ... . . ... . .... . .. . .. . . such as the one below before exiting his cruiser or as he was leaving it, he probably would not ................ .. ...... . have been wounded in the head. ... .... . . .... . . .. .. . ... .... . . ... . ..... . . ...... . .... . .... . .. . .. ...... .... ... ....... 114. A Police from. the Baltimore MD Police Department, on 8/14/12, was cut on the. face .. . ....Officer ..... ... . . . . . ..... . . . . . .. .... .... ...... . .. ... . . . ... .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .when ... he responded to a burglary complaint. The suspect was shot and killed by another Officer. The .. . . .. .. ..... ........ ... . . . .. . .. ..... ...... ...... .. ... . . . .. ...... .. ..... .. . ... . Officer found the man on the third floor and the man lunged at the officer and cut him on the face. ... .. . . .... . . .. ... . .... ... . . . . . . ..... .. . ... ... . ... ... ..... ..... . . . ... ....... . . . . . . 115 Police Officer Matt Fox, PD, Indiana, Oc tober 13, 2012, was to make a. traffic . . .. . ...... . . .. . .. . . . . .. .Fortville ...... .. .. .... .. . .. ..... .. . . . .. . . . ...trying . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . stop, a.. pursuit started, and when ....when . . ... . .. ... ..... ... . . . . it ended, the suspect fired through the officer’s windshield wounding him in the head and wrist. ... ... . ..... . ... . ... . . . ... ......... . . ...... . .... . ... . .. . .... .. ......... .... . . . . . .. . 116. . Sgt, Robert Carpenter, 46, Tucson Police Department, 11/19/2012, responded to.. a. burglary . .. . .... . . . ....... ... .. .. ... .... .. ........ . ..... .... . ... . ... . . . .. . in progress alarm and was shot in the by the suspect who escaped. Sgt. . Carpenter . ...... . . . . ... . ... . . .. . .. . . . ..head . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ..... .. . . . .... . . . ... . . . . . . .. ...is.. . . . .... recouperating from surgery at the University of Arizona Medical Center. A b allistic face shield and .. ... .... ... . . . .. . . ........ . .. . .... . ...... . .... . ... ........ .. . ..... . helmet on the officer’s head would probably have prevented the wound to his head. ... ..... . .... . . . ... .. ...... . . .... . ....... . .... . . . . . .... . .. . . . ........ . . . .... . ... . . 117. . Deputy Sheriff Brent Beavers, Madison Dept, Ala., a. vehicle wanted for . . . . . .. . ... . . .. ... . . . .. .. . .. .... ..County .. ....Sheriff’s . ... . . .. ... .. . ...saw .... . ..... ..... . . .... earlier robbery, The officer stopped the car and the driver got out and kneeled down an ... ... .. ... . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . ... ... .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . .. ... ... . .. .. ...and .. .fired . .. .. AK 47 at the officer in his cruiser hitting him in the face. The officer was able to back out of the . . . .. . . ...... . ....... . . . . . ... .. ........ ........ . . . .. . . .. . .. . situation and give a description of the suspect who was later arrested. .... . . . .. ...... . . ...... . ... . ...... . . ... .. . ... ... . . . .... . ...... .... . . .. . .. . . . . . ..... The officer knew this was a high risk shooting incident before he stopped the car. With training and . . .. . . .. .... . . . .. . ... . . ... . .. . .... . . . . . .... ... . ... . .... .. ... . .. ..... . ..... . .. .. ... . practice, an officer, while watching a training car being brought to a stop, should be able to reach . . ..... . ...... . . . .. ........ . . . . . . .. ..... . . . .. ..... . .. .. . ... . ... . . .. . . .... . . ... . .. . .. for place his/her a.. ballistic face shield in an actual high risk situation whi. le. watching . ..and .... .. . . .on .. . .....head .... . ..... . . ... . . . . .. .. . . .. ... . .. . . ... . ... .... . . ........ the suspect’s car. Back up should be called before making the stop, then the face shield shoud be ........ . . .... . ... .. ... . . . .. . ..... . . ......... ..... . ...... . .. . .... . .... . .. . . . ... .. donned while seated in the cruiser. Had this been done, Deputy Beavers probably would still have . ... . .......... . . ..... ... ..... . . . ... . ... . .... . .... . ... .. . ....... ... .... ... . . received a wound through the face shield which probably could not stop an AK-47 round. But, .. . . . ... . ..... . .. ... . . . .. .. . ... ......... ....... . ... ....... ..... ... . . .. ....... before being shot, the officer did not know a.. AK -. 47. was going to be used. Had the firearm been a .... . .... . .. ... . . . . .... . .. ... . . ... . . . ... . 9 mi or 40 cal, the shield would have stopped the round. ... ... . . .... . . .. ... . . ...... ... .. . ..... . . . ... ....... . .. . ... ..... .. . .............. 118. Police Officer Peter Laboy, 45, Alexandria, PD, Fe bruary 27,. 2013, stopped a.. cab whose . . . .. .. ..... . ... . ...... . ... ... . ... . .VA, .. . . . ... . . ..... .. .. . . .. .... .. . . . . . . .. .. .. driver was wanted for annoying or harassing store employees. The driver shot the officer in the ............. . .... ...... . . . ....... . . . .... . head and he was flown to a hospital and operated on. ... . ..... . ....... ......... ............ . ... POLICE WHO WERE SHOT IN THE HEAD BUT LIVED .....OFFICERS ........ .... ... . ... .. . . .. . .... ... . ... BECAUSE THEY.. WER E WEARING A.BALLISTIC . ... ....... ....... FACE SHIELD WHICH STOPPED THE BULLET .......... .... ........ . . ... . .. . . . ... . . .. ... . ... . TROOPER BRIAN KING, Pennsylvania State Police, July 19, . ......... ......... . ........ .... . ... . .. .... . .... responded to a home where a suspect wanted for robbery was .. . . . ..... .......... .. .. ......... ........ ...... ... . . . .. barricaded, and was shot in the head by the suspect when he entered . .. . . .. .. ........ . .... . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ... . ... ... . . . .. .... to arrest the suspect. A ballistic face shield which the officer was ... . . ... . ...... .... . . . .......... . .. . . . . wearing stopped the bullet and saved his life. .. . .. .. ... . . . ....... .. . ... .. . ............. . .. . . ... . . . .. . . This is.the first known incident since I. have been officers ... .. . ... ... . ... . ..... . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . ..tracking . . .... . .. . . . .. . shot in the head in.. which a. ballistic face shield, ..... ... .... .. ... .. ..... .. . .. . . . .worn by the officer when he was shot in the head, saved his life. . . .. .... . . . . . .. .. ....... . . ... . . . .. . ...... . .... .. .. ...... All or a majority of the 946 police officers who were shot in the head .... . . . ... . ............. . .. . . ..... . .. . .... . ...... . .... .. and killed since I. have been tracking would probably lived. and ... .... . .... .... . . ... ....... . .... .....have . . . .... . . . . . . . many would would be alive today had . .... . . . . .. .... .. .. .. ..... . . they been wearing a ballistic face shield when shot in the head. .... . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . .. . ... . . ... . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .... . . .... . . . .. . . . .. . Hopefully, in the future all police officers, including police patrol officer . . . . .. ....... . . ..... . .... .. .. ....... . . .. . ... . ... . .... .. . .. first responders, who are shot in the head will live like Trooper King ........ .... . . ...... . . ..... . . . . . . .. ... . because they will be wearing a ballistic face. ..... . . . .. . .... .. . ........ . . ..... . . . . ....... . .. . . . . . ... .. The shield Trooper King was wearing shattered when hit injuring the . . .. .. . . .. .. ... . . . . .. ... . . . . ... ....... .. ... .. . . .... . . . Trooper’s eye. Surgery was performed and he is.recovering well. ..... . . . .. ... . .. . . ... . .. .. . .. . . .. . ... . . . . . . .... . . .. .. The shield hit with a.. high velocity . ... . . .. ..was ... . .. ... . . . . .....round fired from a firearm similar to an AK-47. The shield was a . `