Annual Report (.doc) - California State University, Northridge




Deadline for submission: September 15, 2014

Academic Year:

Name of Center/Institute:

Name of Director:

Mail Drop:

Website address:


Institute of Gender Globalization and Democracy

Jane H. Bayes



Gender and Women’s Studies, College of Humanities

Political Science: College of Social and Behavioral

Year Chartered:

Charter Expiration Date:





List office or space utilized by center:

Provide a paragraph on how the center/institute’s reported activities meets or aligns with the centers stated goals:

The four major goals of the Institute of Gender, Globalization and Democracy are: 1) To foster research on issues of gender and democratization, gender and immigration, gender and human rights, gender and the informal economies of Los Angeles and elsewhere, gender and the demise of the welfare state, globalization and changing family structure, gender and education, sexual trafficking and gender and community organizing; 2) To hold seminars and workshops that will integrate the interests of academics and community activists locally, nationally and internationally; 3 )to develop core syllabi and supporting teaching materials that address the issues involved in gender, globalization and democratization and to share this with others around the world using distance learning and other technology; and 4 ) to raise money for ongoing support for research and outreach on gender, globalization and democratization topics.

During 2013-2014, the Institute of Gender, Globalization and Democracy (IGGD) has engaged in the following activities that address the goals of the IGGD: 1) In October, 2013, IGGD organized a panel at the International Social Science Council’s World Social Science Forum held in Montreal, Canada on “Teaching Gender and Globalization in the Digital Age” with presentations as follows:

“Digital Education in Morocco: Status, Challenges and Prospects” by Slaoui, Souad - Sidi

Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco

“International On-Line Teaching In Latin America” by Breny Mendoza Centro de Estudio de la

Mujer, Honduras/ California State University, Northridge

“The Gender and Globalization Syllabus Project “ by Jane Bayes, California State University,


“Developing Women's Global Health Online Certificate Program” by Mary Hawkesworth,

Rutgers University

Hawkesworth, Mary- Rutgers University, United States

“The Digital Agora as a Linchpin for Equitable Inclusion and Democratic Consolidation” by

Leslye Obiora

LEAD, Nigeria .

This presentation in Montreal addressed the goals numbers 1,2 and 3 above.

2) In March 2014, Jane Bayes attended the UN meeting of NGOs in New York of the

Commission on the Status of Women where she researched transnational women’s non governmental organizations and their activities as part of goal number 1 and to help meet a commitment to the International Social Science Council that had requested information about transnational women’s research networks.

3) On 1 April 2014, the Institute of Gender, Globalization and Democracy addressed goals numbers 1,2, and 3 above by organizing and hosting a” CSUN Special Event on Sex

Trafficking in Los Angeles” with the following community speakers:

Estela DeLosRios Executive Director of CSA, San Diego

Imelda Buncab, Consultant, Anti-Trafficking and Gender Based Violence

Dr. Stephany Powell, Executive Director Mary Magdalene Project and retired LAPD Officer

Ronald Schloegel, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Heng K. Liv, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation

4) During the spring semester of 2014, Jane Bayes researched, organized and wrote a grant proposal to the International Social Science Council for a grant for 30,000 euros on gender and sustainability. This addresses goals numbers 1,2,3 and especially 4 above. This project is underway in several countries: (Morocco, Kenya and Sri Lanka, Japan, Korea and Brazil) with students in those countries under the supervision of IGGD faculty partners gathering information and gender and environmental NGOs and their activities.

5) In May, 2014, IGGD hosted two visiting scholars from Morocco, Fatima Sadiqi and Moha

Ennaji, who each presented a talk on “The Consequences of the Arab Spring in North Africa” to a group of scholars from CSUN, UCLA, and UCSB concerned with globalization, gender and democracy at a private home in Los Angeles (CSUN classes were not in session.). This event was co-sponsored by the CSUN Center on the Middle East.

6) On May 9-11, 2014, the IGGD organized a panel on “Global Feminist Activism in Los

Angeles” as a part of the International Feminist Journal of Politics Annual Conference at the

University of California that addresses goals 1,2, and 3 above.

Chair: Jane Bayes, California State University, Northridge

*Nayereh Tohidi, California State University Northridge. “Political Activism in the

Iranian Diaspora in Los Angeles and the World”

*Breny Mendoza, California State University Northridge. (“GLEFAS, Political

Research and Education Network in Latin America”

*Elahe Amani, California State University Fullerton, “Political Activism of the

Coaliton of Women from Asian and the Middle East (CWAME) in Los Angeles and the World”

* Janette Robinson, Black Women for Wellness, Los Angeles, “Political Activism of

Black Women for Wellness”

*Imelda Buncab, “Activism against Sex Trafficking in Los Angeles and the World”

*Jane Bayes, California State University Northridge, (“Bridges Project of the ISSC’s

Committee on Gender Globalization and Democratization”

*Laura Gonzalez, Indiana University, Pennsylvania. “Women’s Activism in the

Mexican Diaspora Politics in Los Angeles and the United States”

7) Jane Bayes presented a paper at the International Political Science Association meetings in

Montreal, Canada, July 24-29, 2014 on “Women’s Networks and Prospects for Gender

Politics in Times of Transition: A Comparison of the Recent African and Latin American

Experiences.” On a panel entitled. “Gender Politics and Types of Democracy.”

List faculty associated/affiliated with center:

Jane Bayes, Political Science, Director

R. Dianne Bartlow, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Florence Kyomugisha, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Marta Lopez-Garza, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Sheena Malhotra, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Lara Medina, Chicana/o Studies Department

Breny Mendoza, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Mary Pardo, Chicana/o Studies Department

Nayereh Tohidi, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

List Advisory Board or Community Board Members:

R. Dianne Bartlow, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Florence Kyomugisha, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Marta Lopez-Garza, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Sheena Malhotra, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Lara Medina, Chicana/o Studies Department

Breny Mendoza, Gender and Women’s Studies Department

Mary Pardo, Chicana/o Studies Department

Nayereh Tohidi, Gender and Women’s Studies Department
