Universal Theme Analysis Essay Rubric Student Name: __________________________________ Text: _______________________________ Date: __________________________________________ Communication and Information Literacy CCC Look For Engagement of the Reader (x4) 4 3 2 Hooks the readers and captures attention in a way that demands to be read. Generates interest early on and maintains it throughout. Presents in a lackluster manner, generates ambivalence in the reader. Fails to hook the reader and capture attention. Evidence (x5) Context is thorough, and events are shownnot told or listedproviding ample and accurate evidence of theme in works. MLA format is used correctly and consistently in citing quotations from text. Context is attempted. Elements and events in the story are told and/or listed; little evidence of theme is provided. MLA format is attempted in citing quotations from text. Context is inadequate. Elements and events are under developed; lacks connection of theme in works. MLA format is used incorrectly and inconsistently (or not at all) in citing quotations from text. Organization (x3) Includes effective introduction, developed body (with topic sentences), and satisfying conclusion; functions as a whole with a clear flow and purpose. Consistently free of errors with grammar and mechanics. Context is adequate. Some elements and events are shown; other elements and events are told; providing adequate evidence of theme in works. MLA format is sometimes used correctly and consistently in citing quotations from text. Includes adequate introduction, body, and conclusion; essay moves forward purposefully. Some errors in topic sentences. Includes introduction, body, and conclusion but in an inconsistent manner. Focus shifts from theme. No clear introduction, body, and/or conclusion; lacks focus. Reasonably free of errors with grammar and mechanics. Inadequate control of errors with grammar and mechanics. Egregious errors with grammar and mechanics. Critical Thinking Grammar and Mechanics (x3) 1 Critique (x5) Critique of evidence thoroughly proves the (theme) claim. Critique of evidence partially proves the (theme) claim. Critique of evidence inadequately proves the (theme) claim. Critique of evidence not available or offers no proof of the (theme) claim. Common Universal Theme (x5) Universal theme is the sole focus throughout and discussed in a way that enhances the reader’s understanding of its importance. Universal theme is adequately developed and discussed in a way that generally makes the case of its importance. Universal theme lacks the attention and development warranted to make the case for its importance. Universal theme is undeveloped, inaccurate, or difficult to determine and does not make the case for its importance. Total Points Earned: ___________ Grade __________ Comment: ____________________________________________