File - Boonah Arts Society

October 2014
A Change of Hands ……….August 2014 saw
Our New Team………….
a changing of hands and a new committee was formed for
BASi to go forward into 2014/2015. We thank the
outgoing committee for the work they have put into BASi.
It can be a difficult task to run an organization of
volunteers as well as dealing with new
exhibitions and having a life of your
own, so we “Thank You” for that
dedication over the past year.
President……Phil Carruthers Welcome back to BASi and
for taking on the role as President as well as being on the
installation team.
Vice-President….Myles Covacevich back for another year
Secretary…..Suzanne Bauer, a very warm welcome to
Suzanne for bravely taking on this role.
Treasurer…..Dayle Joekong a massive Thank You
Exhibition Co-ordinator…..Sue Carruthers also stepping
back into that role and installation team
Volunteer Roster Co-ordinator…….Robyn Lake-Joekong
consenting to stay on for another year.
Promotions & Marketing…………Robyn Christoffel
President’s Report
Thanks to Robyn Lake-Joekong for organizing
this morning tea in July at Café 17.
New members and old enjoyed a delightful
arrange of goodies from Café 17. We also Thank
Mayor John Brent for attending.
Opening Day
My Country
Max Butler
Robyn Lake-Joekong
More photo’s page 4 & 5
As newly elected President, I’d like to Thank You
All for the vote of confidence. I’m looking
forward to a fun and productive year working
with the new committee.
Myles Covacevich continues as Vice-President as
does Dayle Joekong as Treasurer and Robyn
Lake-Joekong as Volunteer Roster Co-ordinator.
Welcome back to Robyn Christoffel & Sue
Carruthers as Exhibition Co-ordinators. Robyn
will also be responsible for promotions. Her past
experience for the gallery will be invaluable.
Suzanne Bauer is our new Secretary, Welcome
and Thank You for taking up the position.
A Big Thank You to the outgoing committee for
their hard work over the past year.
We have had our first committee meeting, so
we are off and running with some exciting new
exhibitions coming up.
After the Members Exhibition the gallery will be
closed over Xmas and New Year. We intend to
do some repainting for a fresh new look going
into the New Year.
Hope to see all at the Xmas Party after the
members exhibition, Saturday December 20th.
Phil Carruthers
Xmas Party
Saturday 20th December 2014
Put this date aside so you can come
and join us for a social afternoon
 20th December 2014
 4.00pm – 6.00pm
 Boonah Regional Art Gallery
 Bring – a – Plate (Drinks
All Welcome
The Committee would like to see all
members join
us for a welldeserved social
Images of the Mind
Members Mixed Media Exhibition
5th November – 20th December 2014
Important Dates to Remember
 Art Registration form returned to
Gallery by 26th October 2014
 Art work delivered to Gallery
Monday 3rd November between
9.30am – 11.30am
 Collection of un-sold work
Saturday 20th December between
4.00pm – 6.00pm
 Xmas Social afternoon Saturday
20th December 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Don’t miss this opportunity
to be part of the yearly
Members Mixed Media
“From The trenches”
7 January 2015 – 15th February 2015
Thank you for the interest in “From The
Trenches”, we have exciting things
planned for this exhibition.
16 exhibitors will participate in this
exhibition and we have a very diverse
range of mediums.
The committee has decided Saturday 10th
January 2015 @ 11.00am will be the official
A light finger food lunch will be served at
BASi committee has submitted an application
for a grant from the Queensland Govt. ANZAC
Centenary. If successful we will have a booklet
printed of all works submitted for the
exhibition. This booklet will be given to all
participants as a memento. This will also be our
legacy to the Centenary Commemorations. If
successful it is hoped to make the book also
available to purchase.
We are also intending to make Red Poppies,
some of these poppies will not have leaves,
visitors and participants may make a gold coin
donation write a name on a leaf and place it on
a Poppy on the back wall, this will become our
“Wall of Remembrance”.
Members Mixed Exhibition Registration Forms
May be posted: P.O. Box 161, Boonah.4310
or delivered in person to the gallery, marked
Attn: Sue Carruthers & Robyn C.
Ritchies Boonah Arts Festival
A week of Art ………………………………
Starting on Saturday August 30th with the
2014 Scenic Rim Art Awards, the Boonah
Cultural Centre is the venue for this
event. This year there was plenty to see,
with some very different entertainment
through the night, all came to see the
whatever form.
Congratulations to
The weeklong festival finishes with Calico on the
Catwalk . Originally all categories were to have
varying elements of calico, but some conditions
have now changed which enables the designer
to…..”let one’s hair down”……
This year Robyn Christoffel and Meredith Stone
entered into 4 different categories.
1. “Failure to Conform” by Robyn
Christoffel & Meredith
2. “Majestic Lace” by Robyn Christoffel
3. “Happy Scrappy” by Meredith Stone
4. “All Tied Up” by Meredith Stone
Colleen Gardener
Failure to Conform
1st Calico Creations
Betty Lankowski Tina Rouvray and
Robyn Christoffel who all took out
awards on the night, well done.
Also to other BASi members………………….
David Lovejoy, M.E.Tate,Kim Miles, Olivia
Bailey, Lyn Hughes, Marta Blaszak, Glenys
Beaman and Meredith Stone, fantastic to
see such a great display from our
Sharna Osborne
“Majestic Lace”
1st Anything Goes
Renee Moore
“Waiting for the Rain”
Highly Commended
Fibre/Textile Art
“Happy Scrappy”
2nd Under The Big Top”
Robyn Christoffel
Kalin Warner
(inside cover)
Foot Note : “Majestic Lace” is made up of all
hand crochet –a 60 year old table cloth, doilies,
duchess sets and table runners. And yes Renee
works for Café 17.
“All Tied Up” consists of 26 men’s tie’s,
revamped into a trendy “cocktail dress”
“All Tied Up”
2nd Revamped
Keegan Bullock
(nature is)
This is a
sample of the
work you can
see at the
Stef Dunn & Ryan O’Donoghue have put
together a collection of 49 stunning
pieces of photography.
This piece is Kalamina Cascade, Karijina
National Park, Western Australia.
There are scenes from Australia ,including
Scenic Rim, USA, England, New Zealand,
Scotland and France.
The exhibition runs until Sunday 2nd November
2014, and is an exhibition not to be missed.
Official Opening for (nature is) effortless was on Sunday 5th October. Approximately 50 people from
the Gold Coast to the North side of Brisbane attended the function (photo’s below).
Stef and Ryan will be in attendance at the gallery on Sunday 12th October at 2.00pm. to answer any
questions. Please take advantage of this afternoon and show your support.
Stef will be doing a demonstration, if you are interested in photography don’t miss out please take
advantage of this great opportunity.
(nature is)
Stef Dunn
Ryan O’Donoghue
Max Butler – My Country
Just a Reminder
Scenic Rim Open Studio Art Trail
“BASi Just Art” will again be part of this event. We
are putting together an application at present to
submit to the Scenic Rim Council. Applications close
on 13th October 2014.
This is a fantastic opportunity for all of us that don’t
have a “Studio Space” available.
The Boonah Cultural Centre is a great location, last
year we saw approx.. 300 visitors come through the
doors. Being in the town centre visitors can stop off
for coffee & cake, lunch or even that cold drink. While
in the town they wonder up and have a look at all the
wonderful artworks and demonstrations on display.
Don’t miss this opportunity , be a part of
BASi Just Art Open Studio Art Trail
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th May 2015
More information email
Info:art trail:attn. Robyn C.
Reception Desk Volunteers
Despite the wonderful amount of work that our
volunteers do we are still desperately short of
people on the weekend rosters. I do a lot of fill
ins myself however this is a bit difficult at times
firstly because I am not always here and my role
of co-ordinating the roster takes up a fair bit of
time and effort. If you are available to do more
fill ins on the weekend in particular it would help
I fill the roster in month by month however if you
see a vacancy in the future that you can
definitely do I will consider filling in advance.
“ Shades of Grey” performed at
Calico on the Catwalk –
Well Done Ladies and Gentleman
And our Member from BASi
I do find from experience that if I fill too far
ahead people’s circumstances change and I am
left with a last minute vacancy.
Robyn Lake-Joekong
Reception Desk Volunteer Co-Ordinator
This is your Society so if there is anything you would like to do or make a difference than Please
contact any of us via the Gallery in person, by phone 07 5463 2999 or email