Becky, Tissue Recipient

National Donor Sabbath
November 14-16, 2014
Burn Survivor and Tissue Recipient Finds Strength in God After Horrific Accident
“On May 28, 2011 while visiting friends on Memorial Day weekend, a citronella gel fuel
accident caused an exploding fireball to engulf my whole body. I did not realize I was on
fire until my friends started screaming my name; then, the pain started. After trying to
stop, drop and roll to no avail, I ran. My husband and friends ran after me and tackled
me to the ground to dampen out the fire, but because the fuel was made from a gel, it
stuck to my body like napalm. While lying on the ground, the only words I could say
were, ‘God help me.’ Those were the last words I would be able to speak for two
“In horrific pain, terrified and trying to process what just happened, I knew the only thing
that could help me now was my faith in God. I was flown to a burn center, where they
determined that 60% of my body was severely burned and the odds of my survival were
slim. I was put into a coma and during that time I felt the presence of God.”
“Over the next three months of hospitalization, I had several skin graft surgeries, which
included donated tissue. I thank God every day for those who chose to give the gift of
life by registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor. Tissue donation saved my life;
without my donors, I would not be here today.”
- Becky, wife, mother of two, burn survivor and tissue recipient
Story provided courtesy of American Association of Tissue Banks