For the samples

CMS Tracker Humidity Improvement Project:
Radiation test of Aluminium tape,
double-sided Kapton tape, and vapour
barrier material
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 16 October 2012
Contact persons
For the samples:
Antti Onnela, CERN-PH-DT
Tel: +41-76-4870673
For the irradiation campaign:
Markus Friedl, HEPHY Austria
Materials used in the samples
Aluminium tape
o Product: 3M type 425,
o Soft aluminium with acrylic adhesive, total thickness 0.12 mm.
o CERN stores item scem:
Double-side “Kapton” tape
o Product: Nitton Denko type P-223,
o Polyimide film of 0.025 mm thickness with silicon adhesives on both sides.
Vapour barrier foil
o Product: TECHNONORM-Dampfsperre by Korff AG,
o Two layers of 0.018 mm thick aluminium foils joined by 15 g/m2 low-density
polyethylene and 5 x 5 mm net of glas-fibre reinforcement.
Aluminium sheet
o 99.5% Aluminium, ISO Al 99,5 EN AW-1050 A
o Thickness 0.5 mm
o CERN stores item scem:
20 samples in total
o 10 samples with 2 layers of aluminium tape + aluminium sheet
o 10 samples with 2 layers of Vapour barrier foil + 2 layers of Double-sided Kapton
tape + aluminium sheet
Samples are grouped in 5 sets, with 4 samples in each set, see photo below.
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Expected total absorbed dose
The samples should receive a dose of 5 – 10 MRad. The same for all the 5 sample sets.
Supplied by Federico Ravotti, CERN-PH-DT Irradiation test laboratory.
Sample set 1: Dosimetry bag 2863 contains TLDs series nr: 31691 and one RPL
Sample set 2: Dosimetry bag 2864 contains TLDs series nr: 31692 and one RPL
Sample set 3: Dosimetry bag 2865 contains TLDs series nr: 31693 and one RPL
Sample set 4: Dosimetry bag 2866 contains TLDs series nr: 31694 and one RPL
Sample set 5: Dosimetry bag 2867 contains TLDs series nr: 31699 and one RPL
TLD = Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
RPL = Radio-Photo-Luminescent dosimeter
Fig 1: The samples are grouped in 5 sets, 4 samples in each set (two back-to-back pairs side by side).
Each set has TLD and RPL dosimeters and are enclosed between two Kapton tape foils.
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