PLANNING GUIDE Weekly Lesson Plans for Aviator Science Tuesday Standards Objective(s) SWBAT … Standard(s): 3.1.6.A1: Describe the similarities and differences of major physical characteristics in plants,animals, fungi, protists, and bacteria. Standard - 3.1.6.A4: Recognize that all organisms are composed of cells and that many organisms are unicellular and must carry out all life functions in one cell. S7.B.1.1.1: Describe levels of biological organization from cell to organism. Objective(s): SWBAT: Describe the levels of organization of a complex multicellular organism Materials/ Resources Projector Ribbon of Life CD – ROM (FOSS) Ribbon of Life packet Ticket out the door slips Tracey McGillian Week of_December 6__ Vocabulary Students’ Learning Activities / Differentiated Instruction (D.I.) / Pre-scripted HOTS Questions Atoms Molecules Organelles Cells tissues Organs Organ systems Complex multicellular organism Activity #1: Pair share – One interesting bit of information they learned at the computer lab yesterday with the “Ribbon of Life” Activity #2: Projector – Review the answers on the “Ribbon of Life” using the multimedia from FOSS Activity #3: Ticket out the door, “Why might some people say all life is aquatic?” Mitosis Centrioles Chromosomes Prophase Anaphase Telophase Interphase Citokinesis Activity #1: Journal Type 1 “ We all started as one cell. How did we grow into the complex multicellular organism we are today?” Activity #2: Identify the stages of mitosis by completing a cloze paragraph and reading about mitosis in the sciencesaurus book. Activity #3: Create a flip book showing the mitosis Assessment(s) Ribbon of Life Packet (CW – 15pts) I will D.I. by …visually showing the correct answer on the projector, chunking, preferential seating, providing choices HOTS Ques.: How does each cell get the resources the cell needs to survive? HOTS Ques.: Some people say all life is aquatic. Explain what they mean. Essential Ques.: How are complex multicellular organisms organized? Wednesday Standard(s): 3.1.7.A4 Explain how cells arise from preexisting cells Objective(s): SWBAT: Identify the phases of mitosis and create a flip book demonstrating the process Essential Ques.: How do cells divide? Sciencesaurus book Journals Flip books I will D.I. by …chunking, graphic organizer – flow chart, preferential seating HOTS Ques.: What instructs the cells to divide? HOTS Ques.: Do all cells divide the same way? Flip book (CW 10pts) Friday Thursday PLANNING GUIDE Standard(s): S8.B.2.2.1: Identify and explain differences between inherited and acquired traits. S8.B.2.2.2: Recognize that the gene is the basic unit of inheritance, that there are dominant and recessive genes, and that traits are inherited. Objective(s): SWBAT: Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis Essential Ques.: Why do we look like our parents? Standard(s): S8.B.2.2.1: Identify and explain differences between inherited and acquired traits. S8.B.2.2.2: Recognize that the gene is the basic unit of inheritance, that there are dominant and recessive genes, and that traits are inherited. Objective(s): SWBAT: Identify their own features and traits Essential Ques.: Why are traits varied? Projector Learn.Genetics website (University of Utah) Meiosis Sex cells (sperm and egg) Fertilization mitosis Overhead of data chart Teacher observation HW: Human Traits Survey I will D.I. by …presenting material to meet different learning styles, making connections, positive reinforcement, graphic organizer HOTS Ques.: Why do we have traits from both our parents? HOTS Ques.: Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis Genetics Packet Genetics packet Activity #1: Journal Type 1 “Why do we look like our parents?” Activity #2: Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis leading to a clip from (NOVA) Activity #3: Learn Genetics – Multimedia What is mitosis and What is meiosis Tracey McGillian Inheritance Features Traits Chromosomes Genes DNA Activity #1: Journal Type 2 “Why do sex cells reproduce differently than other cells?” Activity #2: Take “An inventory of my traits” survey (p. 3) Activity #3: In traduce the difference between features and traits and collect data. (p. 4 and 5) I will D.I. by …monitor completion of journal, basketball shot for motivation, allow tables to discuss features and traits HOTS Ques.: HOTS Ques.: Do you think features vary throughout the world? HOTS Ques.: Explain trait differences within the classroom. Are features as varied? Teacher observation (journal entry) Quiz Tuesday Monday PLANNING GUIDE Standard(s): S8.B.2.2.1: Identify and explain differences between inherited and acquired traits. S8.B.2.2.2: Recognize that the gene is the basic unit of inheritance, that there are dominant and recessive genes, and that traits are inherited. Objective(s): SWBAT: Use an online application, Prezi, to organize their thoughts on traits and features Explain what heredity is Essential Ques.: Why don’t I look exactly like my brother or sister? COWS Genetics Packet Features Trait Heredity Chromosomes Genes DNA Activity #1: OMR – Packet p. 6 and 7 Activity #2: Prezi – Make a prezi representing the differences between traits and features. Activity #3: Learn. Genetics – What is heredity? – Complete questions relating to this multimedia software I will D.I. by …chunking, checklist, providing handout to guide instruction HOTS Ques.: How have farmers applied knowledge of heredity to produce more favorable crops and livestock? HOTS Ques.: Do you think features vary throughout the world? Tracey McGillian Quiz tomorrow