FBI Notes

Date_____________ P._____
Food-Borne Illness Notes
What is a food-borne illness?
 __________-_________ ___________- A sickness a person gets as a result of
eating food contaminated by harmful bacteria, a virus or toxin.
Examples of Food-Borne Illnesses:
 Symptoms of food-borne illnesses vary depending on the type of illness
 ____________ (1 in 6) people in the United States get sick from contaminated
food each year!
Food Contaminants
 Contaminant- substance that could be _______________ that has accidentally
gotten into food.
 Two main types of contaminants:
1. _____________ – very small living organism, they live EVERYWHERE!
2. _____________ – a type of tiny germ which attacks the body
Bacterial Illnesses
 Foods may have some bacteria on them when you buy them (HINT: Why it is
important to wash your produce!!!)
 _____________________________________________________________
 Harmful bacteria and food-borne illness pose a greater risk for some groups of
people including:
infants, pregnant women, older adults and people with impaired
immune systems
Bacterial Illnesses [continued]
 Symptoms may appear _______________ or many ___________after eating
contaminated food
 Common symptoms are: abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, ____________,
fever and vomiting
 Typically last for a few days, but can last a week or longer
Viral Infections
 Cause about one half (50%) of the cases of food-borne illness
 Food-borne viral illnesses usually last 1 – 3 days
 Symptoms similar to bacterial illness
How are Foods Contaminated?
 Cross contamination! – occurs when bacteria or a virus on one food/person is
transferred to another food
 Three main ways cross contamination can occur:
1. Food to __________
2. Equipment to Food
3. ____________ to Food
Other Ways Foods are Contaminated
 Contaminated while growing
 Contaminated during processing (slaughter or washed with bad water)
 Food left out, unrefrigerated or stored improperly
 Food not _________________ thoroughly!
 Inadequate __________________________!
After we discuss each of the following statements circle the correct answer: Safe or
1. Use same cutting board and same knife to cut fresh vegetables and raw meat?
2. Use different cutting board and same knife to cut fresh vegetables and raw meat?
3. Is it ok to store raw chicken on the top shelf of a refrigerator with other produce and
foods underneath on a separate shelf as long as the chicken is in a sealed bag?
4. Touching raw meats and then preparing vegetables without washing hands between
5. Using a wet washcloth to clean off an area where raw meat was placed and the
washing the rest of the counter
6. Using a clean knife to cut open a package of raw hamburgers and then cutting the
sandwich you made for lunch?
7. Using the restroom in between cooking tasks and not washing your hands before
returning to cooking.
8. Leaving your raw chicken on the counter to thaw all day while you are at school
Remember How Bacteria and Viruses Spread
 Cross Contamination:
1. Food to food
2. Equipment to food
3. People to food
 Not washing hands
 Improper ways of storing food
 Not cooking to correct temperature
Cook Thoroughly
 Use meat thermometer to check temperatures.
 Always keep hot foods __________and cold foods _____________.
Handle Food Properly
 Prepare foods as directed and properly clean them.
 Clean your hands, utensils and ___________________ before and during cooking
 What are things you should remember when preparing foods? i.e., fruits,
vegetables, meats such as chicken, beef, dairy products?
What Conditions Encourage Bacteria to Grow?
1. Oxygen
2. Moisture
3. ___________________________
Store Food Properly
 Store food at correct temperatures. Know the Danger Zone for certain foods!
 The Danger Zone is the temperature range of ____° - ______° F. where certain
foods could begin to develop harmful bacteria.
 Don’t keep these foods longer than _______________ at room temperature.
 What foods should not be kept in the Danger Zone for too long?
Proper Food Storage… Think about the refrigerator
Store foods ready to eat on the top and raw foods near the bottom. WHY?