Philippines and Singapore
1. Eligibility
Philippines and Singapore
Under the New Colombo Plan student grants of $5000 toward placement costs in the
Philippines and student grants of $3000 toward placement costs in Singapore are
available for up to sixteen Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) students to undertake
their final field education placement (SOAD 4007). For the Philippines the University
is able to nominate up to five students for Semester 1, 2016 and five students for
Semester 2, 2016. For Singapore the University is able to nominate up to six
students for Semester 2, 2016. The placements in Semester 1, 2016 will take place
approximately between mid-January and mid-April 2016. The placements in
Semester 2, 2016 will take place approximately between end July and beginning
November 2016.
To be eligible to apply students must:
be enrolled in an on-shore campus of an Australian University at the time of
application and throughout their study.
be a Flinders BSW student and have passed all pre-requisites for enrolling in
the final placement topic SOAD 4007.
be an Australian citizen. Students with dual citizenship or permanent
residency or similar in another location/country are eligible, however they
must undertake their study in a third Host Location, of which they do not have
citizenship or residency rights.
be provided with academic credit or be a mandatory component of a Student’s
course at their Home University.
be aged 18 to 28 inclusive at the commencement of the placement. For the
Philippines students older than 28 years may apply, not for Singapore.
hold a current National Criminal History clearance.
hold a current Child Safe Environment training certificate.
be nominated to receive NCP funding by the School of Social and Policy
Studies and are not in receipt of any other Flinders Uni administered
scholarship (this does not include OS-HELP).
be able to commence placement within the provided timelines above. Students
who have already commenced a mobility project overseas are not eligible to
receive a New Colombo Plan grant to continue that project.
Please note:
In Singapore four of the scholarships are only available to female students
due to the nature of the placement.
2. Criteria for selection are:
2.1 Demonstrated academic excellence at the tertiary level
2.2 Quality of answers in Expression of Interest and interview (if students are
offered an interview)
2.3 Strong first placement and referee reports
2.4 Meeting AASW Field Education requirements for final placement and
overseas placements
2.5 Evidence of fitness for placement
Students from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
3. Selection process and timeline:
Students are required to complete an Expression of Interest and return this via email
to by 31 August 2015. Short listed
applicants will be interviewed by a panel comprised of academic and Field Education
For more information read the BSW Overseas Placement Scholarships 2016Information Sheet or send an email to
*Flinders University School of Social and Policy Studies is bound by the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation
Standards for field education programs Depending on the first placement in
Australia eligibility for all overseas placements will be determined on an individual basis taking into consideration first
placement details. Note: An offer may be withdrawn if there are issues with an applicant’s first placement.