Review of Business unit standards Consultation - closes 18 August 2015 From the following domains: (Please use the tab button to navigate between cells) Organisation Direction and Strategy (ODS) People Development and Coordination (PDC) Systems and Resources Management (SRM) 1. Is your response a personal view or the view of your organisation? Personal view Organisation view 2. Please indicate the stakeholder group to which you most closely relate: Polytechnic or Institute of Technology (ITP) Industry Training Organisation (ITO) Private Training Establishment (PTE) Wānanga Secondary school Community group Student/individual Other (please specify below) 3. Please supply contact information if you wish a personal response to your feedback and/or if you are willing to be contacted to discuss your comments further. Phone: and/or E-mail: Please offer your feedback on as many of the following unit standards as you wish. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 Page 1 of 6 4. New unit standard: needed as an intermediary standard between 18509 and 25778 (refer below) to complete a meaningful suite of Risk Management unit standards. Please provide feedback, with any suggestion(s) for improvement: ID Domain Title Level Credit New ODS Apply risk management in an organisation 5 Feedback 6 Suggestion(s) for improvement 5. Reviewed unit standards (16): likelihood of continuing use, no duplication with new standards for the new qualifications, new planned review date is end of 2020; B-reviews – unit standard outcome substantially unchanged. ID Domain Title Level Credit 7448 ODS Review and report on an organisation’s performance against business plans and objectives 6 10 4 3 4 10 4 4 4 5 Feedback 8495 Suggestion(s) for improvement PDC Develop self to improve own performance in an organisation Feedback 15190 Suggestion(s) for improvement PDC Develop and implement a work team plan Feedback Specific feedback is invited about ER 1.4 – please refer to the annotated standard 16342 SRM Evaluate organisational design and the environmental impact on the organisation Feedback 18337 Suggestion(s) for improvement Suggestion(s) for improvement PDC Determine and co-ordinate training and/or development for a team Feedback New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 Suggestion(s) for improvement Page 2 of 6 18509 ODS Demonstrate knowledge of risk management in an organisation Feedback 23394 PDC Plan for and carry out staff selection PDC Demonstrate knowledge of performance management ODS Develop a framework for managing risk in an organisation SRM Improve the effectiveness of a process in an organisation SRM Manage a contract for service PDC Behave according to organisational requirements 10 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 10 3 4 Suggestion(s) for improvement PDC Demonstrate knowledge of leadership Feedback 27565 6 Suggestion(s) for improvement Feedback 27564 4 Suggestion(s) for improvement Feedback 27557 3 Suggestion(s) for improvement Feedback 27523 4 Suggestion(s) for improvement Feedback 27517 5 Suggestion(s) for improvement Feedback 25778 6 Suggestion(s) for improvement Feedback 24874 4 Suggestion(s) for improvement PDC Train colleagues in the workplace Feedback New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 Suggestion(s) for improvement Page 3 of 6 27764 ODS Envision a future for an organisation Feedback 27767 6 10 6 6 Suggestion(s) for improvement ODS Propose and justify a strategy for achieving an organisation's envisioned future Feedback Suggestion(s) for improvement 6. Reviewed unit standards (2): likelihood of continuing use, no duplication with new standards for the new qualifications, moved from domain SRM to PDC, new planned review date is end of 2020; B-reviews – unit standard outcome substantially unchanged ID Domain Title Level Credit 27567 SRM PDC Demonstrate knowledge of management of change in an organisation 4 4 5 4 Feedback 27568 Suggestion(s) for improvement SRM PDC Implement change in a work team Feedback Suggestion(s) for improvement Do you agree with the change in domain? Yes No The level of each unit standard has been raised by one - do you agree? Yes No 7. Expiring unit standard: because of clear duplication with draft unit standard NZDB53, developed for the New Zealand Diploma in Business (with strands in Accounting, Administration and Technology, Leadership and Management, and Project Management) [Ref: 2459], expiry at the end of 2018 to coincide with the expiry of the National Qualifications in Business. ID Domain Title Level Credit 27763 ODS Analyse the impact(s) of influences and assess their consequences for an organisation 5 6 Feedback New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 Page 4 of 6 8. Expiring unit standards (7): because of low likelihood of continuing use, expiry at the end of 2018 to coincide with the expiry of the National Qualifications in Business. ID Domain Title Level Credit 7461 SRM Plan procurement of material, plant and equipment supplies 6 10 7462 SRM Secure tenders, negotiate, and monitor contracts for supply or maintenance of materials, plant, and equipment 6 10 19030 SRM Demonstrate knowledge of tendering, negotiating, and managing a contract in a business operation 4 5 23395 PDC Assess applicants for staff selection 4 3 25449 PDC Demonstrate knowledge of requirements for managing staff exit in an organisation 4 4 25451 PDC Provide mentoring in an organisation 5 5 26255 ODS Conduct business research 5 10 Feedback 9. Unit standards for revision and rollover (23): not enough evidence of continuing use to justify review, delay review until 2020 to see if the standards are needed/used. Only minimum necessary changes will be made to these standards, including the addition of an explanatory note about the relevance to the new NZ Business qualifications. ID Domain Title Level Credit 1987 PDC Develop strategies to establish and maintain positive workplace relationships 5 5 7449 ODS Contribute to organisational strategy development 4 5 8498 PDC Develop strategies to manage conflict in an organisation 5 5 9735 PDC Demonstrate knowledge of theory in relation to management in organisations 6 10 23397 PDC Plan and monitor performance of others 5 6 25450 PDC Demonstrate skills in managing staff exit in an organisation 5 5 27515 SRM Recommend acquisition of resources for an operation in an organisation 4 4 27516 SRM Analyse and improve the effectiveness of a system in an operation in an organisation 5 5 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 Page 5 of 6 ID Domain Title Level Credit 27518 SRM Control flow of inputs in an operation in an organisation 4 3 27519 SRM Describe a system in an operation in an organisation 3 2 27520 SRM Create a plan for an operation in an organisation 5 5 27521 SRM Manage a plan for an operation in an organisation 5 5 27522 SRM Demonstrate knowledge of planning in an organisation 4 4 27558 PDC Manage professional and ethical behaviour of staff in a business operation 5 5 27563 PDC Describe teams and team leadership 3 4 27566 PDC Monitor staff performance in an organisation 4 5 27762 ODS Identify and explain influences on an organisation 4 4 27765 ODS Demonstrate knowledge of influences on organisations 3 4 27766 ODS Demonstrate knowledge of the business life cycle 4 4 27768 ODS Develop a strategic plan for an organisation's envisioned future 6 8 27769 ODS Demonstrate knowledge of strategic processes in organisations 4 5 27770 ODS Monitor the implementation of a strategic plan in an organisation 6 7 27771 ODS Evaluate the effectiveness of a strategic plan for an organisation 6 5 Feedback 10. Please provide any overall comments: Thank you. If you have any concerns about this consultation or about the reviews themselves, please contact NZQA National Qualifications Services at New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 Page 6 of 6