1 HERITAGE TORONTO MINUTES (approved June 18, 2014) A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday March 19, 2014 at Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., Committee Room 4 PRESENT: Alexandria Pike, Chair Ross Fair Andrew Himel Donald Loucks Peter Ortved Kevin Plummer Councillor Sarah Doucette John Belyea Patrick Forster Viviana Laperchia Barbara McPhail Brent Pearlman Mark Warrack Jeffrey Clayman Tyler Greenleaf Paul Litt Marta O'Brien Allan Penning REGRETS: Andrew Jeanrie Tanzeel Merchant Councillor Gary Crawford Councillor Adam Vaughan Deborah Lechter Elizabeth Philbert Councillor Mike Layton Kate Marshall Darren Wasylucha ALSO PRESENT: Karen Czaniecki, Administrator Gary Miedema, Chief Historian and Associate Director Stacey Fowler, Director of Marketing Kaitlin Wainwright, Plaques and Markers Coordinator Marta Keller, Intern Alexandria Pike, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm CONFLICT OF INTEREST No conflict of interest was declared for the meeting on March 19, 2014 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES HT14-08 ADOPTION OF MINUTES John Belyea moved, seconded by Ross Fair that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Heritage Toronto on January 22, 2014, be adopted as circulated. (carried) CHAIR'S REMARKS & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT COMBINED 2.1 Verbal Update from Executive Committee The Board Retreat and Strategic Plan is item 2.3. 2.2 Mirvish Gehry Proposal Alexandria Pike reviewed the process for participating at the OMB and suggested requesting participant status. Ms Pike suggested the Board move in camera to discuss the project. HT14-09 IN CAMERA Tyler Greenleaf moved, seconded by Patrick Forster that the Heritage Toronto Board move In Camera, for their discussions regarding the Mirvish Gehry proposal for King Street West for confidentiality. (carried) The Board moved out of the In Camera Session. 2 Preamble to motion: Whereas Ed Mirvish Enterprises Limited and Gehry Architects Int. have proposed redevelopment of an area of King Street in Toronto’s theatre district spanning more than 1 city block (266-270 and 274-322 King Street West). This application is particularly significant from a heritage perspective as it involves the demolition of four designated heritage buildings in a very prominent location. There has been significant public interest and concern regarding the treatment of heritage assets in this proposal. The development application was declined by the City and has been appealed by the applicant to the Ontario Municipal Board. Prior to any OMB hearing, the City initiated the City-Community-MirvishGehry Working Group and HT was invited to, and has been actively participating in, this process. HT has used the working group to make clear its position in support of heritage preservation generally and to oppose the proposal to demolish the four subject buildings. Notwithstanding that the working group's process has not been completed, the OMB proceeding is scheduled to commence with a prehearing scheduled for March 28, 2014. Participant status at the OMB hearing would provide HT with a further opportunity to express its opposition to the development, emphasizing the significance of the current proposal to demolish the four designated heritage buildings. The resources required for such participation are minimal as volunteers would seek status and make the representation at the hearing. Cost consequences are not a risk of OMB participants and participants may withdraw at any time from the hearing (with notice). HT14-10 HERITAGE TORONTO PARTICIPATION AT OMB HEARING FOR 266-322 KING STREET WEST (OMB file # PL130629) Alexandria Pike moved, seconded by Paul Litt that the Heritage Toronto Board confirm support for Heritage Toronto to seek Participant Status at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing involving the Mirvish Gehry proposed development at 266-322 King Street West. Heritage Toronto's response to any variation from the current development proposal will be brought back to the Board for consideration, or if time does not permit, the Executive Committee and the Conservation Committee on behalf of the Board. (carried) 2.3 Strategic Plan – follow up from Board Retreat on March 1, 2014 Alexandria Pike thanked everyone who attended the March 1st retreat. The purpose of the Retreat was to review the Strategic Plan and ground it in what the committees are doing and reporting. This will coordinate the activities of the committees, board and staff. Ryan Maund, VP, Customer Experience Strategy, Workforce Management & Client Insight, Bell Canada, was invited to speak at the Retreat about the client experience. Mr. Maund spoke about the need to create a consistently excellent product and fill in pot holes with good service. Ms Pike said that the Board needs to focus on governance and oversight. We need to streamline what we are doing to enhance our product. We also need to start planning early in the current year for the next year. This report was received for discussion and information. 3. AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE John Belyea, Chair of the Audit and Finance committee changed the order of the reports to the Board. 3.3 Approval of 2013 Financial Statements to December 31, 2013 (pre-audit) Mr. Belyea presented last year’s preliminary (pre-audit) results. Ms Pike pointed out that the Fund Development Committee Chair is now participating on the Finance Committee. The Board reviewed and discussed the statements prior to approval. 3 HT14-11 Approval of the Heritage Toronto Financial Statements to December 31, 2013 (pre-audit) John Belyea moved, seconded by Councillor Sarah Doucette that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the 2013 pre-audit Financial Statements (carried) 3.2 Approval of 2013 Yearend Transfers Mr. Belyea presented the report recommending yearend transfers from the Balance Sheet to the Profit and Loss. The report was presented for information and discussion prior to approval. HT14-12 Approval of 2013 Pre-Audit Yearend Transfers John Belyea moved, seconded by Andrew Himel that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the following transfer of funds at the end of the 2013 fiscal year: 1. That the Board of Heritage Toronto authorize the transfer of $40,500.00 from the Heritage Education Fund on the Balance Sheet to the Operating Account (Profit and Loss Statement) to reduce the pre-audit 2013 year end operating deficit to $296.55, subject to any possible adjustments resulting from the annual audit. 2. That the Board of Heritage Toronto authorize the transfer of $2,500.00 from Community Research and Grants on the Balance Sheet to the Operating Account (Profit and Loss Statement) to reimburse the Operating Account for the four Community Heritage Awards presented at the Kilbourn/Awards Night on October 15, 2013, subject to any possible adjustments resulting from the annual audit. (carried) 3.1 Approval of 2014 Budget Mr. Belyea reviewed the final 2014 Budget with the Board informing them that the Finance Committee has taken a conservative approach. The 2014 Budget was discussed prior to approval. HT14-13 Approval of Heritage Toronto Budget for 2014 John Belyea moved, seconded by Allan Penning that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the 2014 Budget as circulated. (carried) 3.4 Approval of Heritage Toronto Banking and Investment Policy Mr. Belyea presented a banking and investment policy document to the Board. Background: In order to establish proper governance around the management of Heritage Toronto's finances, in particular the designated and un-designated funds, the Finance Committee has researched and prepared a formal policy which establishes: (1) permitted institutions Heritage Toronto may have bank accounts with; and, (2) permitted investments. The report was received for background and discussion prior to approval of the policy. HT14-14 Approval of Banking and Investment Policy John Belyea moved, seconded by Andrew Himel, that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the Banking and Investment Policy (March 18, 2014). (carried) 4 3.4 Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting on January 15, 2014 Mr. Belyea presented the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting on January 15, 2014. The minutes were presented for information and discussion. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 4.1 Update on the St. Lawrence Market Precinct meetings Gary Miedema reported for Karen Carter who is absent from tonight’s Board meeting to attend a meeting about the St. Lawrence Market Precinct. Dr. Miedema informed the Board that Heritage Toronto has been invited to attend the precinct meetings to participate in discussions about the changes that will happen to the entire St. Lawrence Market Complex with the redevelopment. Ms Carter plans to attend these meetings in future as it affects the location of the Heritage Toronto offices in St. Lawrence Hall and to maintain a relationship within the precinct. PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE Patrick Forster, Chair of the Programming Committee gave an overview of upcoming events including Friday May 3rd presentation at the University of Toronto to commemorate Norman Bethune. Mr. Forster also discussed the very successful Black History Month event - Tuning Up: Archie Alleyne, Ada Lee, Brooke Blackburn and Saidah Baba Talibah. This event was supported by the Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC). 5.1 2014 Tours Schedule Mr. Forster gave an overview presentation of the 2014 Heritage Toronto Tours. An ambitious 106 tours have been scheduled for this year. The tours schedule was then distributed. Board members were asked to sign up as Board representative for as many as they would like at this time. The tour season starts on April 26th. 5.2 Minutes from Program Committee meeting on February 4, 2014 Mr. Forster presented the minutes from the Program Committee meeting on February 4, 2014. The Board discussed plans for this year’s Heritage Toronto Awards and the individuals who have been approached to give the William Kilbourn Memorial lecture. Mr. Forster also asked Board members to forward their recommendations for a Special Achievement Award recipient for 2014. Dr. Miedema introduced Marta Keller, an Intern from Centennial College, who is working with us until the end of April. Ms Keller is researching and writing a Heritage Toronto tour for Doors Open and also translating the Creating Toronto tour into Spanish. This report was received for information and discussion. PLAQUES AND MARKERS COMMITTEE 6.1 Approval of 14 Commemorative Plaques Ross Fair, Chair of the Plaques and Markers Committee presented the Board with the Committee report recommending fourteen new commemorative plaques and detailed staff reports for each project for discussion and approval. HT14-15 APPROVAL OF COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE PROJECTS Ross Fair moved, seconded by Barbara McPhail that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the following 14 Commemorative Plaque projects: Cecil Street (Jewish Heritage Initiative) Gallow's Hill (1331 Yonge Street) 68 Broadview Avenue Gallery Moos Dudley Laws 5 General Motors and the Golden Mile Yorkville Music Scene Series The Lost Communities of Toronto Island Manitou Road Lake Simcoe Ice Company North West Mounted Police Dr. John Adams and Toronto's First Dental Hospital Little Malta Raymond Souster (carried) 6.2 Minutes from Plaques and Markers Committee Meeting on March 6, 2014 Dr. Fair presented the minutes from the Plaques and Markers Committee meeting on March 6th. Included with the minutes were reports detailing approvals which occurred at the Committee meeting for the following; 2a Two legacy plaque subjects: Harold Town and Joyce Wieland; 2b An amendment to the Plaque Maintenance Policy to section 6.3.2. to identify Heritage Toronto as responsible for the maintenance of the City of Toronto inventory plaques of larger size (14" x 9" or larger). This amendment puts into policy what had been practice for the bronze plaques. 2c An amendment to the application process of the Plaque Policy and Procedures that proposals will be reviewed bimonthly (change from twice per year). The minutes were received for information and discussion. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (MarComm) COMMITTEE 7.1 "User Profiles" - Tours No report was given. 7.2 Minutes from MarComm Committee meeting on March 12, 2014 Mark Warrack reported for the MarComm Committee. The Committee now has a volunteer pool for press releases, data analysis, social media and photography needs. A tourism industry night is planned which will introduce the Tours program to hotel, destination management companies and Tourism Toronto. A new tour offering has been geared to this market Creating Toronto: The Story of Toronto in 10 Stops, is being offered as a pre-register paid tour for eight Thursday evenings in July and August. Mr. Warrack showed the program cover for the 40th year of the Heritage Toronto Tours brochure. The cover is an artist rendition of the Queen City Yacht Club (QCYC) circa 1910 by artist Darlene Kulig. The minutes were received for information and discussion. FUND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 8.1 2014 Fund Development Calendar Allan Penning, Chair, Fund Development Committee presented the Fund Development calendar outlining the schedule for grant application, sponsorship solicitation and member/donor mailings for 2014. Mr. Penning will note the successes on the calendar at future meetings. Mr. Penning also distributed Fund Development Committee notes from March 18th and highlighted the "Elevator Pitch" for Heritage Toronto which will assist Board members to promote the organization when they are asked questions. The calendar and committee notes were received for information and discussion. CONSERVATION AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE 9.1 Minutes from Conservation & Education Committee meeting on February 5, 2014 6 Paul Litt, Chair, Conservation & Education Committee presented the Conservation Committee minutes from the meeting on February 5th. Meetings have taken place with the Preservation Panels, with the exception of Toronto East York. Plans are moving forward for the state of heritage report. The next panel discussion is on archaeological heritage, titled Before Ontario: Archaeology and the Province’s First Peoples and will be held on April 2nd at the Atrium in the Toronto reference library. The minutes were received for information and discussion. OTHER BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP Jeff Clayman was asked by Deborah Lechter, who was unable to attend this meeting to explain the new reporting for the Membership Committee. Mr. Clayman advised that as part of the strategic plan discussions it was decided that membership would become a subcommittee of programming. LEGACY PROJECT TEAM Peter Ortved informed the Board that he has been asked and agreed to join the Legacy project team. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm Alexandria Pike, Chair KC/