
MINUTES (approved August 26, 2015)
A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday June 24, 2015, St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King
St. E., 3rd floor meeting room
Alexandria Pike, Past Chair
Patrick Forster
Paul Litt
Peter Ortved
Mark Warrack
John Belyea
Jeffrey Clayman
Tyler Greenleaf
Andrew Jeanrie
Barbara McPhail
Tanzeel Merchant
Brent Pearlman
Kevin Plummer
Councillor Mary Fragedakis (left meeting at 6:50 p.m.)
Ross Fair
Kate Marshall
Councillor Mike Layton
Andrew Himel
Councillor Sarah Doucette
Deborah Lechter
Donald Loucks
Councillor Paula Fletcher
Francisco Alvarez, Executive Director
Karen Czaniecki, Administrator
Kaitlin Wainwright, Director of Programming
Michelle Ridout, Plaques and Markers Coordinator
Nancy Luno, Programs and Special Events Coordinator
Michael Kushnir, Development and Marketing Coordinator
Paul Bishop, Intern
Alexandria Pike called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Ms Pike chaired in Kate Marshall’s absence.
John Belyea declared a conflict of interest for Item 6.1, Special Achievement Award.
John Belyea moved, seconded by Tyler Greenleaf that the minutes of the meeting of the Board
of Heritage Toronto on April 22, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
Chair's remarks
Alexandria Pike combined the Chair’s remarks with the Executive Committee report.
Executive Committee
Ms Pike said that the Executive Committee will now be keeping minutes at its meeting and presented the
minutes from the meeting on June 10th to the Board.
This is the final meeting for the current Board. Ms Pike advised that the recommendations from the Heritage
Toronto selection committee were presented to the City's Civic Appointments Committee yesterday and
approved. New Board members are being notified that they have been recommended and that full approval will
occur at City Council in July. The first meeting of the new Board will be on August 26th. Outreach will occur
with new Board members prior to that meeting.
Peter Ortved, Chair of the Selection Committee said that the slate of candidates was excellent. Speaking on
behalf of the other Committee members, Tanzeel Merchant, Gee Chung and Francisco Alvarez, the Committee
were all pleased with the response. There are still a few vacancies - two representatives from Scarborough and
an aboriginal representative. Mr. Ortved informed the Board that the City's recruitment process is now open with
applications are being continually received. Please notify colleagues and friends who may be interested in
Francisco Alvarez also spoke about the new staggered terms. All returning Board members have been approved
for a four year term. New Board members have been approved for a two year term (to initiate the staggered
terms) and are eligible to serve a full two terms following that initial term.
Ms Pike thanked each of the outgoing Board members individually for their contribution to the Board. Peter
Ortved thanked Alexandria Pike for her term on the Board and serving as Chair and public face of the
organization on many occasions.
The report was received for information and discussion.
Executive Director
Report on Activities
Francisco Alvarez presented the Executive Director's report on activities. Mr. Alvarez spoke briefly about the
new budget process at the City and how it effects Heritage Toronto’s reporting. Heritage Toronto is reporting in
two service areas: 1. public education; 2. fundraising and partnerships. Everything is reported through those
areas. Heritage Toronto has submitted a three year budget to the city for 2016 – 2018. The 2016 budget year
has included a 1% reduction in the City’s grant to Heritage Toronto.
The City has also passed a new public service bylaw which has to be approved by the City's Agencies Boards
and Commissions (ABCs) by December 2015. These changes are beginning at the staff level and will come to
the Board for approval through the Executive Committee.
Mr. Alvarez informed that Board that Michelle Ridout is leaving Heritage Toronto to pursue her PhD in
Rochester. The position of Plaques and Markers Coordinator has been posted. The Board thanked Ms Ridout
and wished her well.
Alexandria Pike introduced a new staff member Michael Kushnir who is the Development and Marketing
The report was received for information and discussion.
Audit and Finance Committee
Approval of the 2014 Audit, Welch LLP
John Belyea, Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee presented Heritage Toronto's draft audit for the year
ending December 31, 2014 and the Report to the Board of Directors, prepared by Welch LLP. Mr. Belyea
reviewed both documents thoroughly with the Board. He noted the change that had been requested by the
auditor which was approved at the April Board meeting. The audited statements reflect the last financial
statements for 2014 that were presented to the Board. The auditors are selected by the City of Toronto and a full
audit is completed annually.
Mr.Belyea asked if there were any questions before approval.
Approval of the Heritage Toronto 2014 Audit, Welch LLP.
John Belyea moved seconded by Patrick Forster that the 2014 Audited statements, prepared by
Welch, LLP be approved.
Heritage Toronto Financial Statements to May 31, 2015
Mr. Belyea presented the financial statements to May 31, 2015. In the first five months we do not see a lot of
program revenue. Mr. Belyea referred to the changes to reporting on the financial statements. The statements
now show two comparisons:
 Year-to-date actuals compared to last year’s year-to-date actuals; and
 Full year budget
At the last Finance Committee meeting Mr. Alvarez was asked about his comfort level for our sponsorship and
replied that we are on track with our sponsorships that we expect.
The financial statements were received for information and discussion.
Minutes from Finance Committee meeting, April 20, 2015
Mr. Belyea presented the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting on April 20, 2015.
The minutes were received for information and discussion.
Fund Development Committee
Tyler Greenleaf, Chair of the Fund Development Committee gave a verbal update. The Committee is being
revamped. All Committee members are to take on a project. At this time Mr. Greenleaf has taken on looking to
provide a consistency to funding through finding an endowment for the awards; and establishing a (funded)
historian-in-residence. Mr. Pearlman is currently focussing on support from the real estate sector.
This verbal report was received for information and discussion.
Programming Committee
IN CAMERA: Special Achievement Award (confidential)
Patrick Forster reported for Andrew Himel. Mr. Forster requested that the Board move in Camera to discuss the
Special Achievement Award.
Patrick Forster moved, seconded by Kevin Plummer that the Heritage Toronto Board move In
Camera (closed) to discuss potential recipients for the 2015 special achievement award.
Mr. Belyea left the room for the duration of the discussion.
The Board approved an amendment to the recommendation for Special Achievement Award during the In
Camera Session.
The Board came out of in Camera. Mr. Belyea returned.
Confirmation of In Camera Discussion
Patrick Forster moved, seconded by Kevin Plummer that the Heritage Toronto Board confirm
the discussion that occurred In Camera and approve the recommendation of the Committee with
amendment. The Special Achievement recipient will remain confidential until promotional
material for the event is made public.
(carried, 2 abstain)
Special Events Work Group (Awards Evening)
Kevin Plummer reported on the juries for the awards. All juries are set up with one still short a member.
Materials have been distributes and meetings are being booked.
Canada 150 Programming
Patrick Forster presented the report on the Canada 150 Grant application and the program plans for the grant
application. The grant application will be submitted in August.
The verbal reports were received for information and discussion.
Program Committee minutes, April 14, 2015
Mr. Forster presented the minutes from the Programming Committee meeting on April 14th.
The minutes were received for information.
Plaques and Markers Committee
Approval of Three Commemorative Plaque Subjects
Barbara McPhail, reported for the Plaques and Markers Committee. Ms McPhail presented the Board with the
Committee report recommending three new commemorative plaques and detailed staff reports for each project
for discussion and approval.
Barbara McPhail moved, seconded by Jeffrey Clayman that the Board approve the following
three Commemorative Plaque projects:
 75 Markham Street
 Conboy Carriage House
 Toronto Skating Club
Approval of Plaque Unveiling Policy Update
Ms McPhail presented the report recommending revisions for the plaque unveiling policy. The Board discussed
the reasons for the policy change prior to approval.
Barbara McPhail moved, seconded by Kevin Plummer that the Heritage Toronto Board approve
the proposed update to the Plaques and Markers Policy pertaining to plaque unveilings.
Approval of Maintenance Policy Update
Ms McPhail presented the report recommending revisions for the maintenance fund policy. The Board discussed
the reasons for the policy change prior to approval.
Barbara McPhail moved, seconded by Kevin Plummer that the Heritage Toronto Board approve
the proposed update to the Plaques and Markers Policy pertaining to the maintenance fund.
Recent and Upcoming Plaque Unveilings
Ms McPhail presented a report listing the upcoming plaque presentations.
The report was received for information and discussion.
Minutes from Plaques and Markers Committee meeting, April 8, 2015
Ms McPhail presented the minutes from the Plaques and Markers Committee meeting held on April 8, 2015.
The minutes were received for information and discussion.
Marketing/Communications (MarComm) Committee
Report on Website Traffic growth, social media growth and recent media coverage
Michael Kushnir gave a powerpoint presentation on the digital media marketing portfolio. Social media has
shown a healthy rate of growth since 2013. Mr. Kushnir reported that our website traffic had increased
significantly. As a result the website went down at the end of April and May because it exceeded the bandwidth
set by our web designer. Our bandwidth has now been increased to unlimited to ensure the site does not go
down again. This does show that more traffic has been driven to our site which is good.
The report was received for information and discussion.
Data Presentation: Heritage Toronto Awards Nominations
Mr. Kushnir continued his powerpoint presentation with a program review of the awards nominations showing
advancements in the three key areas of analysis:
 Are we increasing participation year over year?
 Are we reaching new audiences year over year?
 Is revenue increasing year over year?
The report was received for information and discussion.
Minutes from Mar/Comm Committee meeting, May 14, 2015
Mr. Kushnir presented the minutes from the Mar/Comm Committee meeting on May 14th.
The minutes were received for information and discussion.
No other business was presented.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Kate Marshall