NDE Training Session 10: Exercise 10 – Sample 1 To distribute to participants for conducting the exercise Annex 4: Request Submission Form for CTCN Technical Assistance (version 1.0) COUNTRY: Egolo APPLICANT/CONTACT: National Designated Entity: National Agency for Climate Change TITLE: livestock farming in semi-arid regions GEOGRAPHICAL FOCUS: Community-based Sub-national National Multi-country SECTOR/THEME PROBLEM STATEMENT Mitigation: Adaptation: Energy Forestry Transport Water Resources Industry Coastal Zones/Oceans Agriculture Terrestrial Ecosystems Forestry Human Health Waste Infrastructure/Human Settlement Cross-sectoral Tourism Early Warning/ Businesses Disaster Reduction Education Agriculture/Fisheries Cross-sectoral Arid and semi-arid or subhumid zones are characterized by low erratic rainfall of up to 700mm per annum, periodic droughts and different associations of vegetative cover and soils. Interannual rainfall varies from 50-100% in the arid zones of the world with averages of up to 350 mm. In the semi-arid zones, interannual rainfall varies from 20-50% with averages of up to 700 mm. Regarding livelihoods systems, in general, light pastoral use is possible in arid areas and rainfed agriculture is usually not possible. In the semi-arid areas agricultural harvests are likely to be irregular, although grazing is satisfactory. The need to reduce the sector’s emissions and its environmental footprint has become more pressing in view of its continuing expansion to ensure food security and feed a growing and more urbanized NDE Training Session 10: Exercise 10 – Sample 1 To distribute to participants for conducting the exercise population. Possible interventions to reduce emissions are therefore to a large extent based on technologies and practices that improve production efficiency at animal and herd levels. Unfortunately, farmers do not have access to information, technical assistance nor to subsidies to help them transform their farming operations into more sustainable systems. In response to this, the government formed a multi-stakeholder working group to develop a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA). This working group has indicated that, while it has a good general overview of the sector, its problems and opportunities, it lacks the technical expertise to develop a NAMA for the livestock sector that includes validated, locally appropriate mitigation actions for the livestock sector. DEVELOPMENT OF THE REQUEST The government prioritized the livestock sector due to its high contribution to emissions and high additional negative impacts on the environment, while, based on experiences in other countries, this sector offers great opportunities to reduce these emissions at a relatively low cost, contributing at the same time to restoration of degraded lands and increasing rural well-being. Subsequently, a multi-stakeholder sectorial working group was set up to develop a NAMA for the livestock sector. This working group, however, does not have the technical expertise to fully develop the NAMA, which led to the formulation of the current request. ASSISTANCE REQUESTED Egolo is requesting technical assistance from the CTCN to strengthen its capacities to identify, validate, and implement appropriate climate-smart technologies (CSTs) and practices adapted to its livestock sector in order to reduce their emissions and negative impacts on land quality and resilience. The results of the above assistance will serve as a basis to develop a livestock NAMA that should lead to a reduction of GHG emissions from an increasingly sustainable and economically viable livestock sector by about 20% over a 5 year period with an expected investment volume of USD 20 million. In particular, the NAMA will aim to encourage the use of CSTs and remove the barriers for their widespread adoption in the livestock sector in Egolo (e.g. Information technology, innovative financing schemes, efficient forms of sharing technological knowhow). The NAMA may also lead to the marketing of carbon emission reductions at a later stage, increasing the sustainability of the actions. ALIGNMENT WITH NATIONAL PRIORITIES This request reflects the prioritization of areas and sectors for immediate action, based on the national GHG inventory and developed within the context of the National Climate Change Plan (NCCP), formulated by an inter-ministerial commission consisting of ministerial representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MINRE), Ministry of Energy and Transport (MET), Ministry of Finance (MoF), the Ministry of Social NDE Training Session 10: Exercise 10 – Sample 1 To distribute to participants for conducting the exercise Affairs and Culture (MSAC) and representatives of the Office of the Vice-President for Development and Environment. Through deforestation, the cattle producers are encroaching upon indigenous people living in forests. The proposed activities will also help the country to comply with safeguarding the rights of indigenous peoples. Thus the proposal has the potential for quadruple-win interventions. PAST AND ONGOING EFFORTS Based on the latest national GHG inventory (2012), the government of Egolo intends to develop a series of NAMAs for different sectors. After national consultations, the livestock sector was prioritized, and this is the first NAMA to be implemented in the country. EXPECTED BENEFITS Thanks to CTCN assistance, it is expected that these efforts will translate into the utilization of CSTs by livestock producers in the country, which will directly reduce GHG emissions from that sector. These efforts will thus reduce the contribution of the country to climate change. Technologies will be identified from existing best practices and case studies from Egolo and other countries with similar conditions through a literature review, explorative workshops with local stakeholders and investigation of successful local experiences. In addition, the request for technical assistance aims to enhance national capacities to implement these practices as well as to develop and implement low cost mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the impacts of the CST on GHG and on a reduced set of indicators of local welfare. The set of locally appropriate CSTs and practices will be accompanied by a tool for prioritizing those practices of low-emissions and high additional benefits. EXPECTED TIME FRAME We expect that the activities can be completed within one year after the first explorative meeting. KEY STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholder Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment National Association for Cattle Farmers National Center for High Technology Role in the response Defines national agricultural strategy Defines national environmental strategy Convenes all national cattle farmers Experts in technology options MONITORING AND EVALUATION By signing this request, I affirm that processes are in place in the country to monitor and evaluate the assistance provided by the CTCN. I hereby understand that these processes will be explicitly identified in NDE Training Session 10: Exercise 10 – Sample 1 To distribute to participants for conducting the exercise the Response Plan in collaboration with the CTC, and that they will be used in the country to monitor the implementation of the CTCN assistance. I understand that, after the completion of the requested assistance, I shall support CTCN efforts to measure the success and effects of the support provided, including its short, medium and long-term impacts in the country. DATE AND SIGNATURE NDE: National Agency for Climate Change Date: 2 December 2013 Responsible person: Signature: **PLEASE LIST ANY RELEVANT BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AND PROVIDE THEIR WEB LINKS (IF WEB LINKS ARE NOT AVAILABLE PLEASE ATTACH THEM TO THE APPLICATION) Second national inventory of GHG, 2012 Consultative workshop minutes and lists of participants National Climate Change Plan (NCCP) The completed form shall be sent to the CTCN at ctcn@unep.org