Name: ____________________________________
Date: __________________
If it takes a farmer 3 hours to plow 2 acres, how many acres can he plow in 12 hours?
2. Four chickens produce 7 eggs per day.
a. How many chickens do you need to produce 24 eggs per day?
4/7=13.7/24 (14)
b. How many chickens do you need to produce at least a dozen eggs per day?
4/7=6.9/12 (7)
c. How many chickens do you need to produce at least 10 dozen eggs per week?
4/49=9.79/120 (10)
d. How many eggs will 9 chickens produce in a week?
4/7=9/15.75, 15.75x7=110.25 (110)
3. Six cows produce 15 gallons of milk in 1 day.
a. How many cows do you need to produce 20 gallons per day?
6/15=8/20 (8)
b. How many cows do you need to produce at least 35 gallons per day?
6/15=14/35 (14)
c. How many cows do you need to produce at least 630 gallons per week?
630/7=90, 6/15=36/90 (36)
d. How many gallons will 12 cows produce in a week?
6/15=12/30, 30x7=210
4. Farmer Brown grows tomatoes, squash, and string beans.
a. The production rate for each is as follows: 3 acres of tomatoes produce 10
bushels per day, 2 acres of squash produce 12 bushels per day, and 1 acre of string
beans produces 5 bushels per day. If the proportion of tomatoes to the total
number of bushels produced is 12/27, then what are the proportions for squash
and string beans? Squash=12/27, String Beans=5/27
b. If Farmer Brown increases the tomatoes to 6 acres, how many bushels of tomatoes
will be produced each day? 3/10=6/20 (20)
c. If Farmer Brown increases the squash to 3 acres, how many bushels of squash
will be produced each day? 2/12=3/18 (18)
d. If Farmer Brown increases the string beans to 3 acres, how many bushels of string
beans will be produced each day? 1/5=3/15 (15)
e. How many more total bushels per week will Farmer Brown produce if he
increases the acreage of his crops as indicated in b, c, and d? 20+18+15-27=26