WESSEX WATER BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN PARTNERS PROGRAMME - PHASE 5 (2015 TO 2020) SMALL GRANT SCHEME APPLICATION PACK We originally launched our Wessex Water Biodiversity Action Plan in 1998 in response to the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP). The Wessex Water BAP (WWBAP) can be found on our website at www.wessexwater.co.uk. We are now entering into the Fifth phase of our BAP Partners Programme and are looking for new projects to support from April 2015. In Phase 5 of the Partners Programme, we are offering a Small Grants scheme. This comprises individual small grants (single payments between £2500 and £5000) for standalone projects applied for and awarded every 6 months from April 2015 to October 2019. Types of Projects We wish to support projects that help us deliver the WWBAP and positively enhance biodiversity across the Wessex Water region in three core areas: 1. Catchment based approach; 2. Ecosystem Services; 3. Science & Research. The Small Grants Scheme is designed to fund short term, smaller scale practical projects under the broad headings below, such as habitat creation/restoration, ancillary conservation works (e.g. fencing, support services for grazing), land management actions to improve water quality, provision of land management advice, dissemination/communication of information, or to meet immediate research or monitoring needs. The grant can pay for costs of the projects, such as materials, research and surveys, habitat management, technical advice and on-site interpretation. It should not pay for core funding for a group or to deliver works subject to other funding or agreements (for example, agri-environment funding from ELS/HLS or Countryside Stewardship, delivery of planning conditions or obligations). Examples of eligible projects could include: Funding Area Catchment based approach Ecosystem Services Science & Document1 Project Scope Projects working at a river catchment scale, in partnership and following a holistic approach, which aim to solve key problems at source and deliver wider benefits (including enhancing biodiversity and progress towards achieving targets under the Water Framework Directive). Actions or proposals arising from Catchment Partnerships plans or the River Basin Management Plan should be considered as part of these projects. Possible areas of correlation could include: River restoration, chalk stream health; Land management resulting in improved water quality, reduced run-off or reduction in nutrients/pollutants to watercourses/estuaries coupled with biodiversity enhancement tackling diffuse pollution affecting priority habitats; liaison with landowners to encourage complementary work on private land; Stakeholder engagement in catchment management; Management/creation of wetland habitat (e.g. reed beds or wet woodland) for water treatment and biodiversity; Management of aquatic habitat/species or habitat/species. Projects which provide methodologies and practical outputs which bring together and enhance the services which the environment provides in our region (for example, food production, flood attenuation, biodiversity, climate regulation) and how these services can be more effectively built into future Wessex Water planning and costing structures. Examples could include: Research or methodologies into how ecosystem services concepts could be included in business planning; How targets on water, soil, landscape, flooding, food production and wildlife can be met at a catchment scale whilst supporting natural systems and resources; Methodologies and practical outputs from a Payments for Ecosystem Services approach – e.g. funding for a guaranteed ecosystem service provision that would benefit biodiversity, water quality etc. Field based projects which will actively survey, monitor or promote understanding of a habitat Page 1 Research or species of biodiversity importance within the Wessex Water region or undertake research surrounding the catchment based approach or ecosystem services. Potential project examples could include: Projects to further understand specific species habitat/management requirements; Research to further understand the scope/extent of biodiversity sites in landscape scale conservation to mitigate climate change and species migration; Research to clarify/quantify impacts of existing habitat/species management techniques; Research projects involving habitats/species linked to Wessex Water’s key activities/BAP (e.g. shellfish, rivers, estuaries, fish, invasive alien species, algae); Species/habitat specific monitoring projects. Who can apply Applicant projects may be existing ones involving non-governmental organisations, rivers trusts, wildlife trusts and academic institutions; or new projects proposed by these organisations or others. Applications from private companies, individuals or Government organisations would not normally be accepted. Some projects may already have funding allocated from other sources, but require additional (or match) funding, or be seeking total funding through the Partnership Programme. Match funding can include voluntary labour or in-kind funding. Small Grants Scheme - Level of Funding There is up to £10,000 per annum available in two application windows per year (in April and October) under the Small Grants scheme. It is intended that each application window will have funding to a maximum of £5,000. Within the terms above and with regard to project time span and money available annually for grants, applicants can be as flexible in their approach to a funding request as they feel necessary. However, ideally, Wessex Water is seeking to fund in each application window: Between 1 and 2 Small Project Awards – either two projects funded at £2,500 or a single project at £5,000 in a single payment (applicants seeking less than £2,500 should apply to Wessex Water’s Watermark Award scheme); Funding will either be made available (depending on the nature of the project at Wessex Water’s discretion): o In advance of work (as a single payment) during May/June or November/December annually in each application window (from May/June 2015 to November/December 2019), or: o Upon successful completion of the works (as a single payment); Funding will be granted subject to conditions, including satisfactory completion of each project and reporting. Our intention is for the awards to be spread as equally as possible across both the identified funding areas and geographically across the Wessex Water region. However, this will depend on the projects submitted. Projects submitted should be deliverable either within the period of the grant (6 months) or be capable of delivering a final output within 12 months of the award. Partnership Requirements If you are successful in securing Small Grants Scheme funding you will be required to: Complete the project within an agreed timescale; Produce a short final report (including budgets & accounts) at the end of the project, to be submitted within 1 month of project completion; Produce evidence (including agreed reporting metrics) of how your project has met its targets & outcomes set at the commencement of the project and how it has contributed to wider objectives; Share findings from your work. This may be through a short presentation at an annual ‘Implementers’ seminar, through inclusion in Wessex Water publications, visual media and discussions or other publications; Any publicity for the project (including on site interpretation) must acknowledge the support of Wessex Water; Demonstrate implementation of the project “on the ground” during a field visit involving the Wessex Water Partners Programme Steering Group during the project (this will depend on individual project circumstances); Document1 Page 2 Work with the Wessex Water Partners Programme steering group, any relevant or related Wessex Water projects and other interested parties. Application Information An application form is attached, which we would ask you to complete and submit by 30th April or 30th October Please submit details of up to 2 projects (using a separate form for each) and provide details of any collaborations Please also provide details of your organisation’s or groups Mission Statement or aims We may ask that further information is made available to the Steering Group deciding grant applications. Award letters will be sent to successful candidates in May/June or November/December. Please provide supporting information about the project (no more than 5 sides of A4 but can include text, tables, maps etc) Please complete the application form attached and return it to: Dave Jones Environment & Catchment Strategy Team Wessex Water Claverton Down Bath, BA2 7WW Or e-mail to: env.info@wessexwater.co.uk If you would like to discuss any issues surrounding Phase 5 of the Partners Programme, please contact Dave Jones at the above address, via the env.info@wessexwater email address or on (01225) 52 6183. Document1 Page 3 WESSEX WATER BAP PARTNER PROGRAMME PHASE 5 (2015 – 2020) APPLICATION FORM SMALL GRANT SCHEME Project Name: Applicant(s): Address for Correspondence: Email Address: Submission Date: Project Start Date: Project End Date: Duration: Which Wessex Water funding area does the project seek to address (please tick applicable boxes): Catchment Based Approach Ecosystem Services Science & Research Summary of breakdown of funding requested from Wessex Water (please provide more detailed costings separately): Amount of funding requested from Amount of funding sought/received Wessex Water: from other sources: A: Administration and staff salaries B: Research C: Advice / landowner management plans D: Physical work E: Other (please specify) F: What matched funding arrangements are proposed? (include quantities and sources) Totals Please describe the project aims and description (500 words maximum – please submit a full description separately if necessary): Please specify the location(s) of work for which you are seeking funding – please include a Grid Reference and map: Please describe how your project links to the Wessex Water funding areas (Catchment Based Approach, Ecosystem Services, Science & Research): Please list any partner organisations and briefly outline their involvement with the project: If match funding is required to deliver this project, please describe how this funding has been obtained and provide evidence of the funding’s availability: Please list the priority habitats & species which will benefit from this project: Does the project include research or monitoring/survey work of habitats or species? If yes, please provide details: Please indicate the geographical location(s) associated with your project: Where applicable, please confirm who is the landowner of any land upon which works will occur and indicate whether the landowner has given their consent (please provide evidence, such as a letter or support): Please indicate the main outcomes from the project: Measuring Outcomes – Indicators. Please provide details of a minimum of 2 indicators which will be used to gauge the successful completion of your project – these should reflect the main outcomes of the project, demonstrate the work undertaken and be in a measurable format, such as length of river restored, length of hedgerow planted, area of grassland enhanced etc.): Indicator 1 – Indicator 2 Measuring Outcomes – Verification. Please describe what method you will use to verify each indicator provided (such as reports, surveys, photographs, GIS mapping, film footage etc.): Indicator 1 – Indicator 2 Please outline any risks or assumptions you consider critical and which may prevent the project achieving the expected outcomes. Please also indicate what steps the project will take to minimise each risk: Please indicate whether you are receiving (or anticipate the project receiving) Agri-Environment Scheme funding (e.g. through Countryside Stewardship or ELS/HLS): Please indicate whether the project requires any specific permission or consents and provide evidence that these have been obtained (e.g. planning permission, Natural England Consent for works affecting Site of Special Scientific Interest etc.): How will the outcomes of the project be sustained and/or maintained after Partners Programme funding ends (please provide evidence of agreements etc.)? FOR WESSEX WATER USE ONLY Project Code: Funds committed: Presentation required: Funds disbursed: Note – By submitting this form to Wessex Water, you are confirming that the information supplied is correct to the best of your knowledge.