
Salvaging America's Wealth, Part Two
Silver, Gold, and paper money are fiat currencies representing assets which may or may-not have value.
We are brainwashed to value these things and our minds skip over the details. It doesn't make sense so an
explanation is necessary. At the most basic level, something with intrinsic value is something that helps
keep you alive. A perfect example would be the siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. The historian Josephus
recounts that a loaf of bread could buy a bag of gold. For you see, gold cannot sustain life and is
worthless if there is no food to buy. But if you have food, you have life. Therefore, food has an intrinsic
value because it is able to sustain life. Other things have intrinsic value as well. Sand and gravel are a
good example. You can use sand and gravel to build houses, roads, factories, etc., all of which can be
used to support life.
In 2000, $5.39 billion dollars' worth of sand and gravel were dug up and sold in the United States. That
sand and gravel directly contributed to the survival of the nation by providing homes, roads for
transportation of food, and factories to provide necessary goods and services. That same year, only $3.09
billion dollars' worth of gold was mined in the United States. Our nation processed over a billion tons of
sand and gravel to support our society, but only 355 tons of gold. Most of the gold was shipped overseas
without any benefit to our own country at all. Sand and gravel are assets that have intrinsic value and are
more valuable to the survival of the United States than is gold. These illustrations help reorient our
thought process.
The goal is to examine the actual intrinsic value of the United States' resources and use that as a fortress
against the impending economic collapse. The dollar will become worthless overnight by design. We
will be told the debt created by the Federal Reserve Board is the debt of the American people. It is not.
This debt was manufacture by design for the purpose of enslaving the nation and gaining control over our
vast resources. It is an intentional trap. But, we can ensnare the Banksters in their own device.
During the Great Depression banks with poor banking practices were forced out of business. Everyone
with money in those banks suffered financial loss. But, the banks couldn't tell their customers, "You need
to pay back all the money we lost!" The banks were responsible for the loss and went out of business.
Since the Federal Reserve Board owns and controls our fiat currency, the debt they have created is
actually their debt not ours. If we refuse responsibility for the Federal Reserve Board's debt, they will be
forced to absorb their loss, not us.
The banking term for this is "sovereign default". This is when a sovereign government refuses to pay
their debts. In 1971 President Nixon took the American dollar off the gold standard. The U.S. would no
longer pay debts with gold, as was promised when the debts were made. This was considered a sovereign
default. We would still pay-out paper dollars, but we wouldn't send out actual gold. Similarly, if the
American Citizens exercise our Sovereignty and independence from the Federal Reserve Banks and their
debt, we can refuse to pay their debt.
To be continued.