Create or revise standards calendars for math grades K-12
Communicate the purpose, uses, scheduling and reporting of short cycle assessments to all stakeholders.
Teacher will begin each lesson by communicating a learning target to students.
The district RTI committee will be re-established to develop a common RTI process.
Teachers and administrators will use short-cycle assessment data to analyze and aggregate subgroup data in order to provide action plans on the Data Day reflection form.
Best practices from pilot schools will be compiled.
Provide professional development for district initiatives such as; Marzano
High Yield Strategies, formative assessment, TBT, use of data to guide intervention, instructional strategies, etc.
Provide teachers and administrators time to collaboratively discuss and analyze short cycle assessment data
Implement co-teaching across the district. Provide professional development and support across the district.
Continue to develop and adapt short cycle assessments.
Create or revise standards calendars for reading grades
Communicate the purpose, uses, scheduling and reporting of short cycle assessments to all stakeholders.
The district RTI committee will be re-established to develop a common RTI process.
Teacher will begin each lesson by communicating a learning target to students
Teachers and administrators will use short-cycle assessment data to analyze and aggregate subgroup data in order to provide action plans on the
Data Day reflection form.
Best practices from pilot schools will be compiled..
Provide professional development to teachers/staff regarding RTI.
Provide professional development for district initiatives such as: Marzano
High Yield Strategies, formative assessment, TBT, use of data to guide intervention, instructional strategies, etc.
Provide teachers and administrators time to collaboratively discuss and analyze short cycle assessment data
Universal screening measure will be identified/developed along with a method of progress monitoring.
Implement co-teaching across district. Provide professional development and support across the district
Continue to develop and adapt short cycle assessments.
Provide professional development to teachers/staff regarding
Universal screening measure will be identified/developed along with a method of progress monitoring.
Teachers in grades K-5 will complete the District
Literacy Plan Tracking
Sheet for each student.
Complete, publish, and distribute the District
Literacy Plan grades 6-12.
Provide professional development to teachers in grades 6-12 regarding how to implement the District
Literacy Plan.
TBT’s will create/select and use common formative assessments.
An elementary Math plan will be developed by teachers to enhance mathematics instruction.
Additional research based interventions will be investigated in order to expand the options available..
TBT will create/select and use common formative assessments.
Additional research based interventions will be investigated in order to expand the options available.
Elementary : Read Aloud,
Shared Reading, Guided
Reading, Independent
Reading, Write Aloud,
Shared/Interactive Writing,
Guided Writing,
Independent Writing, Word
Work, Differentiation.
.Explicitly teach reading comprehension strategies.
(metacognition, schema, inferring, questioning, determining importance, visualizing, synthesizing).
Teachers 6-8 will administer and report reading levels 3 times a year as measured with a Reading assessment/universal screener.
Vocabulary Acquisition,
Writing, Reading , and
Comprehension Strategies will support instruction in all content areas.
K-6 classrooms will implement the Second Step program.
Grades 7 & 8 classrooms will implement Project Alert
Grade 9 classrooms will implement Booster lessons for
Project Alert.
Provide professional development for teachers on: community resources, Second
Step refresher (K-6), Project
Alert (7-9) bullying and other mental health issues.
Mental health counselors/administrators will provide services to students who missed 12 or more days of school the previous or current year.
All Buildings will develop and implement an attendance improvement plan.
Secondary buildings will develop and implement a plan to increase the graduation rate of students with disabilities.