Bring IT in the Junior Classroom – LDSB Sample Letter Date: Dear

Bring IT in the Junior Classroom – LDSB Sample Letter
Dear parents/guardians:
This year we are going to be a Bring IT classroom! The Limestone District School
Board is inviting students to bring their own devices to school for learning purposes.
Bring IT (Bring Information Technology) will allow students to be the center of their
own learning and empower them to demonstrate learning in their own way, by bringing
in their labelled personal device for educational purposes.
The Bring IT initiative will provide safe, secure, and identified access for students
to the wireless network with any personal device (e.g. laptops, netbooks, tablets, and
smartphones). Students will have access to the internet and the school’s Active Directory
through WebDocs. They may choose to bring their own device, however, if they don’t
have access to one, or choose not to bring it to school, they will still have access to the
technology that they need in class. No student will be left out of the instructional
During our Digital Citizenship class discussions, we discussed that students will
be responsible for any equipment that he/she brings to school. We also discussed online
safety, accountable talk online, sharing of pictures and classroom expectations. Students
are aware that we will not be using these devices at recess or lunchtime unsupervised, and
that they will only bring them out for learning purposes when invited by a teacher.
This is an exciting time in education and we look forward to sharing our learning!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bring IT Expectations Agreement
My child ________________________ has permission to bring their device to school.
We have read and understood the expectations.
Parent/Guardian Signature- _______________________
Student Signature-_______________________________
Date: ___________________