1 Slate Value Report: Slate: ___________________ I ________________________________________ understand that a value report must be submitted by February 13th at noon. Failure to do so will be in violation of SGA Election Rules Chapter 500. I also understand that if I am running on a slate that only one Value Report must be submitted but must include each member’s names on the report. I understand that any attempt at falsifying this document could result in disqualification by the parties involved. Candidate for President: Candidate for EVP: Print- ____________________ Print- _______________________ Signature- ______________________ Signature- _________________________ Candidate for AVP: Candidate for SVP: Print- ________________________ Print- _________________________ Signature- _________________________ Signature- ___________________________ 2 Insert all Candidates names. Table: A Position: Student Body President Services Vice President Executive Vice President Academic Vice President A&S President A&S Vice President Speed Senators Music School President Music School Vice President Education President Education Vice President Education Senator Candidate: 3 Insert all Contributions provided to the slate by candidates. Outside Contributions (NonCandidates) should be inserted in table C. Example: Contributions(Candidates name): Andy Cogswell Amount Allocated: Running Total: $40.00 $40.00 Amount Allocated: Running Total: Table: B Contributions(Candidates name): Total Contributions: $0.00 4 Insert all Contributions provided to the slate by Non-Candidates. Example: Contributions( NonCandidates name) Dylan Smith Amount Allocated: Running Total: $25.00 $25.00 Amount Allocated: Running Total: Table: C Contributions( NonCandidates name) Total Contributions: $0.00 5 Insert all items used for the slates campaign, and the price that was paid for these items. If the item was a donation insert “in kind” in the Price Paid column. If the item is “in kind” and holds value a receipt will be required. Number the receipts starting from one and so on; coordinate the receipt numbers with the scanned receipts that will be attached to this document (See page 6 for Example). Example: Expenditure Items: T-Shirts Receipt Price Paid: Number: 1 $25.00 Running Total: Receipt Price Paid: Number: Running Total: $25.00 Table: D Expenditure Items: Total Expenditures: $0.00 6 I ________________________________________, understand that All Expenditure items receipts must be scanned, and attached to this document with the coordinating receipt numbers from Table C written visibly on the receipt. Example: 7