ERA 7 Exam Modified

ERA 7 Exam
1. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the theory of divine right was used to justify the…
a. establishment of an absolute monarchy.
b. introduction of free trade policies.
c. supreme power of the Catholic Church.
d. involvement of the peasants in making political decision.
2. Westernization in Russia by Peter the Great brought…
a. customs and traditions from Europe along with new trade opportunities.
b. an invasion of Russia by Sweden.
c. desire of the United States to seek new markets.
d. the acceptance of the policies of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
God hath power to create or destroy, make or unmake, at his pleasure; to give life or send death; to
judge…and to be judged (by) none… the same power is had by kings;…
-King James I of England, Speech to Parliament, 1609
3. Which idea is described by the quote above?
a. Theory of Divine Right of Kings
b. Democracy
c. Social Darwinism
d. Constitutional Monarchy
The Enlightenment:
4. The Enlightenment…
a. was based on the assumption that logic and reason can answer all societal questions.
b. regarded human progress as impossible “in the best of all possible worlds.”
c. rejected the claims of modern science.
d. was widely attacked by scientists for not using the scientific method.
The people are extremely well qualified for choosing those whom they are to entrust with part of their
Baron de Montesquieu, Of Laws Directly Derived from the Nature of Government, 1748
5. Which best summarizes Montesquieu’s view of the responsibility of citizens in a democracy?
to lobby for new laws
to vote for their leaders
to respond to public opinion polls
to take part in election campaigns
Speaker A: Good government stresses the importance of the nation and accepts the rights of the individual
only if the interests of the individual are the same as those of the nation.
Speaker B: The person of the king is sacred and to attack him in any way is to attack religion itself. The
respect given to a king is religious in nature.
Speaker C: All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life and liberty. It is the duty of
government to protect these natural rights of its citizens.
Speaker D: Our goal will not be achieved by democracy or liberal reforms, but by blood and iron. Only then
will we be successful. No nation achieves greatness or unity without the traumatic experiences of war.
6. Which speaker’s statement above best reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment?
a. Speaker A
c. Speaker C
b. Speaker B
d. Speaker D
7. Which statement best describes a change that occurred during both the Renaissance and the
a. Feudalism became the dominant political system.
b. The use of reason and logic were discouraged.
c. Technology and Science were considered unimportant.
d. A new questioning spirit and attitude emerged began.
8. Which of the following would describe a government before the people revolt against it?
a. Governments refuse to modernize their military with advanced technology.
b. Governments that attempt to bring about the separation of government and religion.
c. Governments that fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people.
d. Governments that allow for free elections.
9. Which of the following is an accurate description of the tax system in France before the French
a. Only the clergy paid taxes.
b. The members of the Third Estate paid almost all of the taxes.
c. The nobility paid taxes only on land, not on income.
d. The members of the First and Second Estate paid all of the taxes.
10. Simón Bolívar was a revolutionist in Latin America that was influenced by the Enlightenment
ideas of Locke, Voltaire, and Jefferson. These ideas would lead to independence for the countries
of Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, etc.
Knowing this, what governments was then set-up in these countries?
a. Dictatorship
b. Absolute monarchy
c. Democracy
d. Theocracy
11. Weaknesses of Governmental Power:
 Napoleon’s invasion of Spain
 large division among social classes
 desire for independent, democratic government
 desire for economic independence
Which might be the result of these factors?
a. anarchy
b. socialism
c. revolution
d. mutiny
The Industrial Revolution:
12. Which country is recognized as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution?
a. France
c. Great Britain
b. Germany
d. United States
13. All of the following are necessary for industrialization to occur except…
a. the availability of capital.
c. an adequate supply of labor.
b. profit sharing between workers and owners.
d. the availability of raw material.
14. Referring to large amounts of people moving from rural (farming) areas into urban (cities) for
work and living.
a. Ruralization
c. Unionization
b. Industrialization
d. Urbanization
Economic Systems:
15. Which of the following best describes a market economy?
a. Corporations are incentivized to make a profit, therefore consumers have many choices.
b. There is a mix of privately and governmentally controlled businesses.
c. The economy of a nation is controlled by the government.
d. Allocation of resources is based on rituals, customs, and tradition.
16. Which summarizes the main characteristics of a traditional economic system?
a. central government control, central planning, governmental price control
b. diplomacy, labor participates in managerial decisions
c. private ownership, social control of labor and prices
d. direct trade, no competition, relies on customs and traditions
17. In which of the following economic systems would the government set prices on goods?
a. Market Economy
c. Command Economy
b. Traditional Economy
d. Mixed Economy
The Age of Imperialism:
18. What is imperialism?
a. A stronger country extending its influence and power over a weaker country.
b. A way to choose a new ruler in a new country.
c. A new economic policy brought to native populations.
d. A continuation of politics by all means necessary.
The period of imperialism has witnessed many wars…They have resulted in the taking by force…the
white rulers of the colonies live at the expense of the natives. Their chief work is to organize labor for
their support. In the typical colony, the most fertile lands and the mineral resources are owned by white
foreigners. These holdings are worked by natives under their direction. The foreigners take wealth out of
the country. All the hard work is done by the natives.
J.A. Hobson, 1902
19. According to the author, how did imperialism affect African societies?
a. Foreigners helped the continent by finding its valuable resources.
b. Foreigners took the citizens out of the country to work as slaves.
c. Foreigners used the most fertile land and took wealth out of the country.
d. Foreigners helped the continent by providing citizens with high-paying jobs.
The Renaissance:
20. Which statement describes a direct effect of the Renaissance in Europe?
a. The philosophy of humanism brought about a decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church.
b. Art began to reflect an increased emphasis on religious themes.
c. Nationalistic movements among the minority ethnic groups in the region declines.
d. The feudal system was developed to provide stability in a decentralized political structure.
21. Which of the following most likely resulted from the change in the table below?
European Cities with Printing Presses
1470 – 1500
Number of Cities
a. Higher literacy rates
b. Decline in religion
c. Stronger monarchies (kings and
d. End of the Renaissance
The Age of Exploration:
22. One principle in the theory of mercantilism is that colonies should be
a. acquired as markets and sources of raw materials.
b. considered an economic burden for the colonial power.
c. granted independence as soon as possible.
d. encouraged to develop their own industries.
23. The “Columbian Exchange” refers to…
a. The desire by Europeans to maintain a favorable balance of trade.
b. The control of the Caribbean by Christopher Columbus and the Spanish.
c. The exchange of scientific knowledge between Old and New Worlds.
d. The transfer of people, plants, animals, and disease between hemispheres.
The Reformation:
24. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were …
a. stimulated by a spirit of inquiry and questioning previous beliefs.
b. limited to Italy, France, and Germany.
c. supported by the working class.
d. encouraged by the successes of the French Revolution.
25. Which was a result of the Protestant Reformation in Europe?
a. New denominations of Christian churches were created, weakening the power of the Catholic
b. Spain became a predominately Protestant nation.
c. The Catholic Church accepted the dominance of the new Protestant religions.
d. The Catholic Church continued the practice of the selling of indulgences.
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e. ERA 7 Exam Constructed Response - 5 points
How did the ideas of the Enlightenment time period lead to revolutions around the world?
(Focus on one specific world revolution in your writing. Suggestion: Write about the one you researched…)
Must use these words in your response:
*Absolutism *Enlightenment *Revolution *John Locke *Democracy *Freedoms/Rights