Temperate Deciduous Forest

Intro to Physical Geography
Intro to Physical Geography
The Physical Earth
______________– made up of the Earth’s crust and solid
upper mantle.
______________– More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is
covered by water.
______________– Around the Earth is an envelope of gases
known as the atmosphere.
______________– refers to all life on Earth
______________- The Earth’s crust forms a thick skin
around the Earth.
Broken up into tectonic plates
The ______________of these plates shapes the Earth’s
Mountain Building- When two land plates (Continental
Plates) slowly ______________ into one another, they fold
upwards, creating mountain chains.
Seafloor Spreading and Rift Valleys-In the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean, the ______________ of plates is causing the
seafloor to spread.
As the plates move apart, ______________ rises up through
cracks in the ocean floor, creating a mountain ridge.
______________-In a place where tectonic plates diverge or
where one plate dives under another, pressure in the Earth’s
mantle is reduced and some of the hot, solid rock turns to
This liquid______________is looking for a weakness in the
Earth’s crust to vent.
Volcanoes-When the magma breaks through and reaches the
earth’s surface, it is called ______________.
Most volcanoes are located on the______________of plates
______________-The wearing down of rocks at the Earth’s
surface by wind water ice and living things.
______________-The process by which rock sand and soil
and broken down and carried away.
______________-The same forces that erode one place can
deposit particles and sediment in another.
Rivers carry sediment downstream and deposit the sediment
where the river meets the ocean ______________
Ocean waves can bring______________to a beach
Soil: A building process
______________ breaks down rocks
Broken down rocks mix with______________plants and
animals (humus), water, fungi, bacteria etc.
Different types of soil
Ability to hold water
Ability to ______________ vegetation
______________ - often formed by the collision of tectonic
plates, can be thousands of feet high in elevation
______________– a flat highland whose sides drop suddenly
because of erosion
______________ – long, low areas between mountain
ranges, hills or uplands, often created by erosion
______________– a deep gorge or ravine between cliffs,
often carved by a river
More than ______________of the Earth’s surface is covered
by water; 97% of this water is in the oceans; Most of the
remaining 3% is frozen in the polar ice caps
Less than 1% is found in the ______________, ground water,
lakes or streams
Ocean______________occur at the surface and below
@ the Equator the Earth’s rotation pushes surface water
toward the ______________ – sets in motion large circular
surface currents
Water heated by the sun moves toward the poles
The ______________Stream carries warm water towards
Great Britain making it warmer than it normally would be
Under the surface, cold water sinks, then slowly moves
toward the ______________, pushing warmer water away
This water slowly______________heat
Circulation takes ______________ of years
The Atmosphere
The ______________ of gases surrounding the Earth;
Absorbs solar radiation; Moderates temperature; Distributes
Climate Regions
High-Latitude Climates –______________
Near the poles; Very cold
Mid-Latitude Climates – ______________
Warm summers; Cool winters
Low-Latitude Climates - ______________
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Develop in Temperate/ ______________zones
Ample rainfall; Moderate temperatures with cool winters
______________change colors in fall; Trees lose leaves in
Wide range of plant and animal life
______________Rain Forest
Develop in Tropical/ low-latitude zones
Ample rainfall; Warm temperatures year round; Large trees
form ______________
______________and diverse plant and animal life
______________/ Savannas/ Steppes
Exist where climate is drier; Not enough rain to support
large amount of trees; Dominated by______________;
Large grazing animals – cattle, ______________, bison
*Savannas are grasslands with some trees (Africa)
Receive less than 10” of rainfall per ______________;
Tropical/ low-latitudes; ______________ that has adapted to
the lack of water (cacti) and store water in their stem
Found closer to the polar regions; ______________ –
permanently frozen soil; Grasses and small shrubs; Trees
cannot grow