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Installation Guide
Provided by DataSplice, LLC
Phone: 1.800.377.1974 ext. 1732 (toll-free)
Phone: 1.970.232.1732 (sales)
The information contained in this document is intended to describe the DataSplice Mobility Suite. This information is subject to
change at any time, without notice. We would be pleased to provide a quote or a proposal to address specific project needs, upon
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
MAXIMO PLUG-IN ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................. 4
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 5
VERIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 6
DATASPLICE INSTALLATION STEPS ................................................................................................. 7
DATASPLICE LICENSE INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 8
CONFIGURING DATASPLICE5.0 ..................................................................................................... 13
CONFIGURING THE ADO.NET DATA SOURCE ..........................................................................................................13
CONFIGURE THE MAXIMO PLUGIN .........................................................................................................................14
LOADING THE OUT OF THE BOX CONFIGURATION FILES ..............................................................................................16
INITIAL SECURITY CONFIGURATION.........................................................................................................................17
TESTING THE APPLICATION INSTALLATION .................................................................................. 17
LDAP CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................ 19
DESKTOP CLIENT INSTALLATION .................................................................................................. 19
HANDHELD DEVICE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................... 20
TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................................................................... 21
CONNECTION TROUBLESHOOTING .........................................................................................................................21
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
DataSplice® and InspecTMI® are registered trademarks of DataSplice, LLC.
Maximo® and Maximo Everyplace® is a registered trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States
and other countries.
DataSplice is an IBM Advanced Business Partner. IBM is not responsible for the content or accuracy of
this information or for the content, performance or quality of DataSplice products or services.
Microsoft®, Visual Studio®, Windows®, and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Other names and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Section A. Maximo Plug-in Architecture
The following diagram demonstrates how DataSplice integrates with a Maximo application server for
mobile access:
Note that only the server communicates with Maximo, the clients do not directly access any of the
Maximo components
Data queries use a native database connection for performance reasons and are processed by
the same database user
All transactions to modify data are committed through the Maximo Business Object (MBO) layer,
which ensures that user permissions, customizations, etc. are respected
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Section B. System Requirements
DataSplice Server
Remote Client on
Win32 PC
Remote Client on
Mobile Device
or later
1 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM (1
GB or more)
Windows XP (Home or Professional) service pack 2
Server 2003 family
Server 2008 family
500 MHz (1 GHz or faster
256 MB RAM (512 MB or more)
250 MB (1 GB or
36 MB
48 MB
Windows CE
Pocket PC
Mobile, Windows
Mobile 5.0 and
Handheld PC running
Windows CE.NET 5.0
or newer
300 MHz (400 MHz or
32 MB ROM (64 MB
or more)
64 MB RAM (128 MB
or more)
32 MB or greater
(including SQL CE
data engine ;nonvolatile storage
ActiveSync version
4.2 or newer if
manually installing
the DataSplice
Remote Client on
mobile devices
Microsoft .NET
Framework version
3.5 or newer
SQL Server CE Data
Engine version 3.0 or
newer (included with
DataSplice Windows
CE component files)
 Microsoft .NET
Framework versio
n 3.5
 Oracle
ODP.NET provider
10.2 for Oracle
8.1.7 (32-bit
support only) only required if
Maximo database
is Oracle
 Oracle
ODP.NET provider
11.1 for Oracle 9,
10 and 11 -only
required if Maximo
database is Oracle
 Java Runtime
Environment 1.6
or 1.7
Microsoft .NET
Framework vers
ion 3.5
 SQLite is built in
to the Win 32
desktop Remote
Client for offline
Microsoft .NET
on 3.5
 Microsoft
6 service pack 1
or newer
SQL Server
2005 Express
Edition Can also
be used.
TCP/IP networks (Ethernet, 802.11x, CDPD, etc.)
ActiveSync connection (USB, serial, etc.)
Access to port 4100 (or other port if altered from default configuration)
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Section C. Verification of Requirements
Before starting the installation of DataSplice verify that the server where you will be installing the
application has the following installed:
1. Java 1.6 or 1.7- 32 bit:
a. In the case the installation is on a 64 bit OS server, you still have to install the 32
bit version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
2. .NET - minimum 3.5:
a. To verify the installation of .net and the versions perform the following steps:
i. Open windows explorer and navigate to:
ii. There you will find a set of folders that are named based on the versions
of .net installed.
iii. If you are working on a 64 bit os the path will be:
3. SQL or Oracle Driver:
a. If using SQL as the database the SQL driver is installed as part of the OS.
b. If using Oracle as the database you will likely need to install the ODP.NET driver.
The latest version of ODP.NET driver supports database versions 8.1.7 through
11g and is available for download from Oracle's website.
4. If the servers that DataSplice is being installed are in Workgroups instead of Networks
the port should be open.
5. If the installation is being performed in a network, verify that the following ports are open
in the firewall:
a. On the Maximo server that DataSplice will connect to:
i. 13400 and 1099
b. On the server where DataSplice will be installed:
i. 4180
c. NOTE: These ports are 100% configurable the ones listed above are just the
default ports.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Section D. DataSplice Installation Steps
1. Create a folder on the target server called DataSplice5.0, this folder can be crated on the primary
drive or any other drive.
2. Copy the .zip files DS-5.0.X and DSMaximoPlugin-4.2.X to the target server.
a. The DS-5.0.X file contains all of the application files including the server and client
b. DSMaximoPlugin-4.2.X contains all of the files required by DataSplice to “talk” to
3. Extract the file into the DataSplice 5.0 folder.
4. Extract DSMAXIMOPlugin-4.2.X into the DataSplice 5.0 folder. All of the required files to continue
the installation are now loaded in the server.
5. Now we need to create the DSSplicer.exe.config file. To do this perform the steps shown below:
a. Using Windows explorer navigate to:
b. Double click on post_install_setup.bat:
This will create the necessary files and display the command window shown below.
Press any key to close this window once the process is complete.
Edit the DSSplicer.exe.config file:
a. Navigate to: <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Server
b. Right Click on the DSSplicer.exe.config file.
c. Select the ‘Open With’ option.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
d. In the popup window select Notepad.
e. Change “<add key="ServerInstanceName" value="DEFAULT" />” to “<add
key="ServerInstanceName" value="ds_server_name" />”. In this example (“ <add
key="ServerInstanceName" value="DSSTAGE" />”. )
This will listen on port 4180. You can create multiple instance on a single server but
each instance must listen on a separate port (ex – 4180 and 4181).
f. Save and close the file.
Installing the DataSplice Service:
a. Open up a command prompt as an Administrator.
b. Navigate to: <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Server
c. Type the following: Dsservice.exe –install ‘ds_server_name’
i. Where ‘ds_server_name’ is the server name used in step 6 (It has to match
100% to the value in step 6).
ii. In this Example DSSTAGE:
iii. After installing the service exit the command prompt.
8. This completes the installation of DataSplice.
Section E. DataSplice License Installation
1. Start the service.
a. This service will be set to Automatic after when the configuration is complete.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Run the administration Client
a. Navigate to: <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Clients\Desktop
b. Double click on the DSAdmin.exe application.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Logging in to the DataSplice Administration client application:
a. Enter User Name = Admin and password = changethis
i. You will be required to change the password immediately after you log in.
b. The Domain will always be DataSplice since you are logging in to the Administrative
c. DataSplice Server = the server name or IP of the server where DataSplice is installed.
i. In the case that you are running the DataSplice Admin Client on the same server
that the DataSplice application is installed you can leave the localhost default.
ii. If the port was changed in Section D 6.e, then that port number will need to be
added to the end of the server address. Ex: localhost:4185
d. Click “Connect”.
e. You will get an error prompt “The server license is not valid or has expired”.
Change the Admin Client password.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
4. Requesting new server licenses
a. Copy the Server Key and e-mail it to DataSplice Technical Support at Include enough in the e-mail so they know who the client is,
which server you are working on (DEV, STAGE, etc).
b. DataSplice support will email the server licenses. On Production servers you will receive
two licenses:
i. One for the activation of the product
ii. One for the License count
5. Installing the received Server licenses:
a. In the Admin Client, Navigate to the DataSplice Suite.
b. Click the Actions Button, select Install License.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Copy and paste the Server License key into the Install License box. Click OK.
d. The Date Issued will appear indicating the license was successfully added.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
e. Repeat steps b and c for the product license key (note: Demo licenses do not need this
f. The license shows up in the “Product License Information”.
g. Now we are ready to configure DataSplice.
Section F. Configuring DataSplice5.0
Configuring the DbPlugin Data Source
Setting up the connection profile - After setting up the connection profile DataSplice can query
data from the Maximo database.
1. Click on DbPlugin option on the left pane in the DataSplice Administration client.
2. Click on the
in Connection Profiles.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
3. Enter the following values:
a. Name = maximo
b. Driver:
i. The dropdown will display all of the installed drivers.
ii. If using Microsoft SQL server, select it from the list.
iii. If using Oracle it will also display here. Note: If you are using an Oracle
database, the DataSplice server must have the ODP.NET client installed. The
latest version of ODP.NET driver supports database versions 8.1.7 through 11g
and is available for download from Oracle's website.
c. Database Server:
i. If using SQL = Enter the name of the database server.
ii. If using Oracle = Enter the following:
1. Ex: oracledb_serv:1552/MXdb
d. User Name = Enter a database username with a minimum privilege of read only.
e. Password = Enter the password for the Username used on step 3.
f. Initial Catalog in this example (mx-stage):
i. If using SQL = Database name
ii. If using Oracle = Leave blank
4. Click save
Configure the Maximo plugin
1. Click on the Maximo Plug-in.
2. Enter the following values:
a. Session Timeout: the time that a session will stay open before disconnecting
b. User Authentication Cache: the time that information regarding a user or group is cached
by the server.
c. ActualDateOffset: creates a date offset that can help prevent future date errors.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
d. JVM DLL Path: the path to the jvm.dll from the 32 bit java installation.
i. The value will show up on the dropdown list no need to type it in.
ii. If the value does not show either Java is not installed or the class path not set
e. Java class path: this is a pointer to the Maximo MBO’s.
i. The Java class path must point to the Maximo MBOs either on the Maximo
server or you can copy them to the DS server.
ii. The common path for the java class path is:
iii. If you are installing against Maximo 7.1:
1. You will need to add the class path for log4j-1.2.13.jar and mail.jar. The
common paths for those are:
a. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\log4j1.2.13.jar
b. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\internal\mail.jar
iv. If you are installing against Maximo 7.5:
1. You will need to add the class path for log4j-1.2.13.jar, mail.jar and
icu4j.jar. The common paths for those are:
a. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\log4j1.2.13.jar
b. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\internal\mail.jar
c. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\icu4j.jar
v. If you are installing against Maximo
1. You will need to add the class path for log4j-1.2.16.jar, mail.jar and
icu4j.jar. The common paths for those are:
a. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\log4j1.2.16.jar
b. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\internal\mail.jar
c. C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\lib\icu4j.jar
f. Java Memory Megs: the maximum memory available to the Java run time
g. Maximo Authentication Domain Name: the name of the authentication domain provided
by the plug-in.
h. Maximo Server: this is the Maximo server IP or Name, the port that the RMI is listening
on and the application server name.
i. The format for this entry would be:
1. (Server_name or IP):RMI_port/Application_server_name
ii. If the Maximo instance will be clustered it is recommended to set up a JVM just
for DS connections. This server should be configured to start first and have the
RMI configuration fixed.
i. Maximo User Name: the account used to connect to Maximo.
j. Maximo User Password: the password for the User name used.
k. Authentication Token Provider: the provider of the authentication tokens when using
application server authentication.
i. If using LDAP please refer to Section H: LDAP Configuration.
l. SSO Domain: the domain that houses the user accounts.
m. UserNameText: forces the case of the password sent for authentication
n. Maximo Database Connection Profile: name of the DbPlugin connection used to query
directly from the database rather that going thru the MBO layer.
o. Click Save.
p. Below an example of a configured Maximo Plug-in:
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Verify 4 OK statuses in the Plugin Status Message box (a service restart may be required
to make the database connection.
Loading the Out of the Box Configuration files
1. Stop the DataSplice Service.
2. Navigate to: <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Server\Resources\Maximo 7.5
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
3. Copy the Configuration files which are the three folders that you will find in this location.
4. Navigate to: <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Server\Storage and paste the copied
folders in this location.
5. Start the DataSplice Service.
Initial Security Configuration
1. Log in to the DataSplice Administrator Client.
2. Click on the Edit accounts Icon.
3. Adding the Maxadmin group to the DataSplice Internal Roles:
a. The 3 primary Internal Roles in DataSplice are Maximo Condition Monitoring, Maximo
Inventory, and Maximo Work Order.
b. Add the Maximo Maxadmin security group as a member of these three Internal Roles:
i. Select the internal role from the left column.
ii. Change the Domain Name to Maximo.
iii. Browse for the MAXADMIN_GROUP.
iv. Select the MAXADMIN_GROUP.
v. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
vi. Save the change.
vii. Repeat the steps for all three internal roles.
Section G. Testing the Application Installation
1. Run the Remote Client
a. Navigate to: <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Clients\Desktop”
b. Double click on the RemoteClient.exe application.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Log in to the Remote Client:
i. Username: Maxadmin
ii. Password: <Maxadmin Password>
iii. Domain: MAXIMO (Note: Always use MAXIMO all upper case)
iv. DataSplice Server: the server name or IP of the server where DataSplice is
1. In the case that you are running the DataSplice Remote Client on the
same server that the DataSplice application is installed you can leave the
localhost default.
v. Click Connect.
vi. The application will log you on and will display the views you are authorized to
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Section H. LDAP Configuration
How to configure Maximo and the DataSplice plug-in to utilize LDAP integrated authentication. In this
case the application server (Web Logic or WebSphere) is responsible for authenticating users, typically
against another backend system such as LDAP, before connections can be established with MAXIMO.
1. Identify the .jsp file for your version of MAXIMO (6 or 7).
2. Copy <DataSplice_Installation_Drive>:\Server\AppServerSecurity\token_mx7.jsp
<DataSplice_Installation_Drive>:\Server\AppServerSecurity\token_mx6.jsp into the
t\utility\ folder.
3. Rebuild the MXES ear files, restart the MAXIMO server, and redeploy the MAXIMO application.
4. Start the DataSplice server and connect with Administration client.
5. Edit the options for the MAXIMO Integration plug-in and update the following settings:
a. MAXIMO User Name/Password - Specify an account that can authenticate with the
Application Server.
b. Auth Token Provider - Specify the web address for the deployed token_mx7.jsp or
token_mx6.jsp file. For instance:
6. Save the settings and restart the DataSplice server. The Maximo Integration Plug-in should now
initialize properly and you should be able to log in to DataSplice using the MAXIMO domain.
Section I. Desktop Client Installation
1. Install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later. This can either be installed through Windows
Update, or by downloading the installer from Microsoft's website.
2. If the workstation will be used to provision and maintain handheld devices, install Microsoft
ActiveSync (available from Microsoft's website).
Local Installation
1. Create the target folder for the clients. Similar to the server installation, it is recommended to
create a folder for each instance (C:\Program Files\DataSplice5.0\Dev\). This allows you to
run different (and possibly incompatible) version on the various instances as part of development
and testing.
2. Copy the Clients folder from the <Installation_Drive>:\DataSplice5.0\Server location to
the target location on the clients PC:
a. If the user is not an administrator delete the DSAdmin.exe file form the C:\Program
Files\DataSplice5.0\Dev\Clients\Desktop\ location.
3. If desired, use the add_admin_shortcut.bat and add_remoteclient_shortcut.bat scripts in
the C:\Program Files\DataSplice5.0\Dev\Clients\Desktop\Resources\Scripts\ folder
to create shortcuts that will show up in the Programs menu.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Section J. Handheld Device Installation
Windows Mobile
This used to be called Pocket PC, and is the most commonly used shell for handhelds. The shell is highly
optimized for the small form factor of devices, having the menu and toolbar at the bottom of the screen
(which is easier to reach with the stylus).
Windows CE (Windows Embedded Compact)
This is often referred to as Handheld PC. This shell is more similar to desktop windows than Pocket PC,
with a task bar at the bottom of the screen and toolbars and menus at the top. This shell is often more
difficult to use than Pocket PC, but it has the advantage of supporting displays larger than the typical
240x320 for factor.
Installing DataSplice on Handheld Devices
The first step is to connect the handheld to a computer using ActiveSync. This will create a Mobile
Device entry under My Computer in Windows Explorer.
Launching Cab File Installs
Most applications are distributed as CAB files that install a package on the device.
1. Copy the desired cab file to any location on the handheld (\Temp\ works well) using Windows
Explorer on the desktop.
2. From the handheld, run File Explorer and navigate to the location used above and tap on the cab
3. If storage cards are available this will prompt for the desired location to install the files.
a. Install system prerequisites into <Device> and DataSplice packages on the storage card.
Installing DataSplice
1. Install prerequisites. Depending on the device, these packages may come pre-installed as part of
the firmware:
a. The necessary cab files to install the prerequisites are grouped in folders based on the
target platform. The first step is to determine the platform being used, then you will
typically install all the available cab files within the target folder:
Mobile\CabFiles\PPC5\ - Windows Mobile version 5 and later
Mobile\CabFiles\PPC4\ - Windows Mobile/Pocket PC version 4
Mobile\CabFiles\CE5\ - Windows CE.NET version 5 and later
b. For each platform the following prerequisites need to be installed:
Microsoft Compact Framework 3.5 - Installs or updates the Microsoft .NET
Compact Framework on the device. Install NETCF3.5.<platform>.cab
Microsoft SQL Server Mobile - Provides Mobile SQL Server to support offline
installations. Install sqlce.<platform>.cab and sqlce.repl.<platform>.cab
c. Cab file Installation - This is the quickest and easiest way to install DataSplice. This cab
file supports all platforms and mobile operating systems.
Install Mobile\CabFiles\
d. Manual Installation - This supports installing to custom locations, multiple installations, or
other modifications to the distribution files if desired:
Create the target folder on the handheld for the application
Copy the contents of
the <DataSpliceRoot>\Clients\Mobile\Binaries\ folder to the target.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
You will need to manually create shortcuts and place them in \Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\ if desired.
Section K. Trouble Shooting
Connection Troubleshooting
If errors are encountered when connecting to the DataSplice Server, make sure you obtain the exact error
message that is displayed. The message in question is very helpful in determining the underlying cause,
which is essential to fix the issue.
The following error messages indicate issues connecting to the DataSplice server:
Invalid server address or name lookup failure: The server name specified could not be
resolved as a network address. This typically indicates problems with the DNS configuration or
other network connectivity issues.
Failed to establish a connection with the server: DataSplice could not open a network
connection with the specified server. This can mean the server is not running, or a firewall, etc. is
blocking the connection.
Authentication timeout!: The authentication process did not succeed in the allowed time period.
This can indicate that the backend servers are overloaded, and can also be caused by network
connectivity problems.
Other error messages mean a connection to the server was established, but a session could not
be created for the specified account:
The server rejected the connection. Invalid authentication domain: The
provided Domain value does not match a configured authentication domain.
The server rejected the connection. Authentication failure (or "User ID and password and
not valid. Please try again."): The authentication source rejected the provided User
Name or Password.
The server rejected the connection. The account does not have permission to access any
views. Please contact your system administrator: The account authenticated properly, but is
not configured to access to views. This typically means that the account is not a member of any
roles in DataSplice that provide view permissions.
The server rejected the connection. No licenses are available for this user. Please contact
your administrator or try again later: All available licenses are in use. The Administration
Client can be used to free stale licenses if any appear to be abandoned, or this could be an
indication that not enough licenses are available to server the current usage patterns.
The server rejected the connection. Failed to load the Maximo Plug-in: This indicates that a
Maximo account is trying to authenticate with DataSplice and a connection to the Maximo
application server could not be successfully established. Check the plug-in status to identify the
underlying error message, and verify that the Maximo services are operational.
DataSplice Mobile Computing Software – Abstract Brief
DataSplice  414 E. Oak Street  Fort Collins, Colorado 80524