CROFT MEDICAL CENTRE Patient Participation Group Meeting

Patient Participation Group Meeting
Tuesday 17th November 2015
1. Present
Stuart Ashworth – Deputy Chair
Peter Lister
Sue Hogarth
Kay Bugg
John Redshaw
Alan Spiers
Linda Bushell
Barry Andrews
Fred Edgar
Robert Mair
Elizabeth Sheasby
Anne Kirby
Dr S Dhesi
Karen Malecki – Practice Manager
Sophie Pollard – Practice Administrator
2. Apologies
Norma Lewis - Chair
Peter Haine
Michael Kirby
3. Welcome
Stuart Ashworth opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
In the absence of Norma Lewis there will be no Chair report this month, the meeting agreed.
4. Matters Arising
Minutes of last meeting.
South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group PPG meeting is held once a month. It
was agreed that it is important that a member of this group should attend If possible. SA
asked for volunteers to support NL in attendance and would attempt to attend where
5. Subgroup Reports
PPG Newsletter – SA and KM confirmed the winter addition is on schedule there are plenty
of ideas already for this edition. RM and KM invited ideas from the group.
6. Chairs Report
South Warwickshire GP Federation Evening
John Redshaw reported on the Federation (SWGP) meeting held earlier in the month. The
main agenda item reported was the competitive tendering of community services. SWGP
have signed a memorandum of understanding with Warwick Hospital to bid for this contract.
A consequence of this could mean significant redesign of these services. It was agreed that
the PPG should be involved in the public consultation process.
JR presented the questionnaire for patients to complete as part of the consultation.
KM will confirm Dates of the next meeting open to the general public at the next PPG
Patient Engagement
NL asked if PPG members could put forward any personal interests, for example mental
health, diabetes, and also some thoughts on engaging with Campion school pupils. This
could support the group in future projects, capitalising on strengths.
Action: KM will register interests for the group.
Action: Agreed that KM will contact the Asda Champion
AK reported that Bishop Tachbrook Parish church is conducting a questionnaire in
contributing to the health of the community in reviewing access to sport, leisure and
wellbeing activities. KM welcomed the survey to be placed into Bishops Tachbrook surgery
for patients to complete.
6. Practice Report
Staff- – KM explained that there have been some staff changes in the practice. The practice
has recruited a Health Care assistant from the 14th December 2015, and who will become a
qualified Nurse in March 2016 she will be working 30 hours per week.
A Secretary and Prescription clerk are leaving the practice and the practice this month. To
replace these posts the practice will be recruiting a full time Secretary and a part time
Receptionist for 18 hours per week.
On line services- KM explained that Croft Medical Centre will be able to offer their patients
access to detailed information in their medical record which is in coded form by 31 March 2016 at
the latest as part of the National contractual requirement. This will include diagnoses, signs and
symptoms (such as coughing, headache etc.).
KM confirmed the surgery now fully operates with on line Patient Access, the old
appointments and prescriptions system has been switched off from 1st November 2015.
John Redshaw, Alan Spire , Stuart Ashworth, Fredrick Edgar, Peter Lister and Barry
Andrews will be pilot the scheme and feedback.
Friends and Family Test – KM reported that we have had a good response to our Friends
& Family test; 96 percent recommend the Practice in the October reports. Detailed results
will be available for the group to review at the next meeting. RM is support the practice in
further analysis of comments, looking at themes to consider.
Social Prescribing Project - KM explained the Social Prescribing Project is aimed to help
patients with health conditions by accessing a wide variety of services and activities provided
by The Sydni Centre and local community services.
Social prescribing is part of a wider initiative to use additional resouces to support patients.
The key element is engagement of GPs and reception staff in the Pilot scheme. GPs can
prescribe for example; to exercise groups like “Fitter Futures”, Volunteer centre or “Dementia
friends” depending on the patient needs.
The application deadline with WDC was 30th October The Practice should be informed who
has the winning bid by the 23rd November 2015. The group will be kept informed of the
7. Any Other Business
Flu Clinic home Visits- Flu home visits will be taking place from Friday 20th November with
just over 50 visits to be made.
Shingles vaccine- For 70, 71,72 and 78 year-olds letters have been issued to those eligible
to have the vaccine and who have not previously attended appointments.
Integrated screens- Members of the PPG meeting suggested that the appointments screen
and information screen could be integrated. KM will examine.
Prescription Reviews- Dr Deshi advised that a telephone call and letters can be issued
depending on the drug prescribed. However with most prescription reviews an appointment
will need to be made with the GP. KM is aware of the disparity between actual review date
and those stated on prescription. This has been discussed with the clinical pharmacist and
how this is be rectified.
Extending Opening- Dr Dhesi is now taking bookings on certain days of the week from
7am, and all new staff will be covering 7am starts and late evenings.
PPG meeting review schedule- It was agreed that the PPG meeting times and dates will
be reviewed in the next PPG meeting in December.
8. Next Meeting – Thursday 10th December, 6.30pm