Upcoming Events - King William County Public Schools

King William High School
Home of the Cavaliers
King William County Public Schools
80 Cavalier Drive
King William, VA 23086
(804) 769-3434, ex. 699 Fax: (804) 769-2430
Stanley P. Waskiewicz, Ed. D.
March 16, 2015
Dear King William High School Student and Parent:
It has been an interesting winter, but it looks like spring has finally found us. Spring
break is less than three weeks away, and the end of the school year is rapidly
approaching. I wanted to make sure you were aware of some important upcoming
dates and events.
March 20
March 27
April 6
April 6-10
May 5-7
May 16
May 18
May 25
May 27
May 31
June 1-4
June 2
June 5
June 6
June 8-11
June 9-11
June 11
June 15-18
Scheduling forms are due back to your counselors
ACT registration deadline for April 18 test
SAT registration deadline for May 2 test
Spring break
Senior Term Grad SOL testing
Junior/Senior Prom (ACCA Temple)
SOL testing begins (See the KWHS website for details)
Memorial Day Holiday (school closed)
Academic Awards program begins at 6:30 PM in the gym (This is a
change from May 28 to accommodate Chesapeake Bay Governor’s
Baccalaureate, 6:00 PM, in the KWHS gymnasium
Senior exams
Spring athletic awards in the gym at 6:00 PM
Senior graduation practice/senior picnic
Graduation at 10:00 AM (admission by ticket only.)
Underclassmen exams
1:10 dismissal
Last day of the school year
Summer SOL testing
Stanley P. Waskiewicz