Title: Functional genomics by integrated analysis of metabolome and transcriptome of Arabidopsis plants over-expressing an MYB transcription factor Author(s): TOHGE, T; NISHIYAMA, Y; HIRAI, MY; et al. PLANT JOURNAL Source: PLANT JOURNAL Volume: 42 218-235 Pages: 218-235 Times Cited: 204 Published: APR 2005 Functional genom TOHGE, T; NISHIY TOHGE, T; NISHIY 42 2 Issue: 2 APR 2005 204 10.1111/j.1365-31 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2005.02371.x W 00022864420000 2005 0960-7412 WOS JOUR 0 added 35 17 16-Dec-09 2. Title: Regulation of sulfur assimilation in higher plants: A sulfate transporter induced in sulfate-starved roots plays a central role in Arabidopsis thaliana Regulation of sulf TAKAHASHI, H; Y Author(s): TAKAHASHI, H; YAMAZAKI, M; SASAKURA, N; et al. 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