CWU Science Honors Research Program Application

Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
The Application must contain the following seven elements. Incomplete or
inaccurate applications will be returned with out review.
The student provides a pdf version of sections 1-6:
1) CWU Science Honors Research Proposal Cover Sheet, including signatures of mentor and Dept.
Chair (section 1 of the application form); McNair joint application (if applicable)
2) Science Honors Research Proposal Summary Form (section 2 of the application form);
Be sure to write your abstract so that it is understandable by everyone on the committee, avoid
jargon that is specific to your field
3) Research Project Description (five pages, maximum) formatted as described in section 3 of the
application form. Be sure to define any terms that you use that a scientist in another field may
not know.
4) Complete budget description: budget cover sheet plus detailed list and budget justification as
described in section 4 of the application form;
5) Animal/Human subjects clearance, if necessary (section 5 of the application form); You must obtain a
letter from the Human Subjects Review Committee prior to submitting this application.
6) Student Academic Record, and statement of career goals
a) Copy of unofficial CWU transcripts,
b) Complete the table listing science and math courses completed and currently enrolled,
showing grade received
c) GPA of major classes listed in table as well as cumulative GPA
d) Statement of career goals, and list of extracurricular activities.
One page maximum, as described in section 6 of the application form.
7) The mentor(s) separately provide a pdf version of section 7, including:
7a) Mentor Cover Sheet
7b) Letter(s) of endorsement from mentor(s). This should emphasize qualities of the applicant,
including leadership activities that will contribute to success in the Science Honors Research
Program. If there is more than one mentor, each mentor must provide a letter
7c) Mentoring experience (1 page max)
7d) Mentoring plan (1 page max)
7e) CV of each faculty mentor(s) (emphasize any undergraduate advising experience and/or
potential). Not to exceed 2 pages each.
7f) Explanation of request for exception (if applicable) (attach pdf file)
7g) Mentor financial support option (section 7g of the application).
7h) Co-Mentor form if more than one faculty member will be sharing mentoring responsibilities, the
mentors must include a written description of the co-mentoring plan.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
Science Honors Research Program Application
1) Student Section Cover Sheet
Student Name __________________________________________________
Student ID number ______________________________________________
E-mail address __________________________________________________
Academic Department ___________________________________________
College/School _________________________________________________
Project Title ___________________________________________________
Total Amount Requested for Research Expenses $______________(not to exceed $500)
I assume responsibility for the project activities outlined below. I understand the current guidelines
regarding expenditures related to this proposed work. I agree to participate in a 9-week, full-time
(40 hours per week) research project and present the results at SOURCE. I agree to submit a
Science Honors Research Thesis by the close of the second week in May during my second year in
the program.
Student Signature ________________________________________________________
Faculty Mentor _________________________________Mail Stop_________________
Faculty Mentor e-mail ______________________________Phone _________________
Faculty Mentor Signature __________________________________________________
Department Chair Signature ________________________________________________
Include a scanned copy of a signed version of this page with the electronic application.
Include the original, signed, page with the application delivered to the COTS Deans office.
These signatures ensure that the proposal has been reviewed and the work approved.
Note that incomplete or inaccurate applications will be returned without review
Will animal subjects be used in any part of this research project?
(Check one) ______YES
If yes, attach approved or pending animal subjects clearance form to this application.
Will human subjects be used in any part of this research project?
(Check one) ______YES
If yes, attach a pre-review letter from the Human Subjects Review Committee.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
McNair Scholar-SHRP joint application
Eligible students can use this application material to apply to both the McNair Scholars Program
and the Science Honors Research Program
McNair Scholars is open to undergraduate students committed to pursuing a doctoral degree that are
 first-generation, low-income students who meet certain income requirements AND/OR
 a member of a group underrepresented in post-baccalaureate education. Additionally, you
must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident to qualify.
For more information on the McNair Scholars Program, visit the web site
Science Honors-McNair Scholars will receive their research, housing and board stipends through
Mentors will receive reassigned time and stipends through Science Honors Research Program.
Research funds for the scholars' projects will be provided by Science Honors Research Program
If you believe that you qualify for the McNair Program, and would like to apply to both the Science
Honors Research Program AND the McNair Scholars Program simultaneously, please indicate
1) __________Yes, I am applying to both the Science Honors Research Program AND the McNair
Scholars Program.
2) Go to the website where you will find
online and printable versions of their application. On it indicate that you will be applying to
both programs, and complete the contact and demographic information portion of the
3) Submit a copy of your Science Honors application materials to the McNair program office
in Hertz 201 (email:
McNair application materials will be reviewed by the McNair Program, and you will be asked to
interview with the McNair Advisory Committee.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
2) Science Honors Research Proposal: Summary Form
Project title: _________________________________________________________
Summary: in the space below summarize the proposed research. This document should standalone, and provide reviewers a quick summary of motivation, hypotheses, experimental
and/or analytical design, and expected outcomes and dissemination plan. (not to exceed 150
words): (Be sure to write your summary for a general scientific audience. Avoid terminology that a
scientist in another field is not familiar with.)
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
3) Science Honors Research Proposal: Project Description
(maximum of 5 typed pages, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins)
Remember that the review committee is comprised of faculty from a broad range of scientific
fields. Be sure to define any terms that may be unfamiliar to a scientist in another discipline. Be
sure that your rationale is understandable (and compelling) to a diverse collection of Science
Your project description should include the following sections:
Title of Project.
List a brief title that describes the project.
Goals and Objectives.
Include a clear description of what question(s) or hypothesis(es) the research proposed in
this application is intended to address. One-half page is recommended.
Background and Significance.
Briefly discuss the background leading to the present application, critically evaluate existing
knowledge (using literature citations), and specifically identify the gaps in knowledge that
the project intends to fill. Concisely state the importance of the research described in the
application by relating the background to the objectives. One page is recommended.
Research Design and Methods.
Describe the research design and the procedures to be used to accomplish the objectives of
the project. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Describe any
new methodology that will be used. Discuss potential difficulties and limitations of the
proposed procedures and alternative approaches that could be used to achieve the objectives.
As part of this section, provide a tentative sequence or timetable for the project. Point out
any procedures, situations, or materials that may be hazardous to personnel and the
precautions that will be taken. Be sure to discuss how the data will be analyzed and how the
results will be used to address the research question or hypothesis. Two to three pages are
Dissemination Plan.
State where and when the results will be presented to the scientific community and to the
CWU campus community. One short paragraph is recommended.
Literature Cited.
Cite the peer-reviewed literature used to develop the background and significance of the
project. Citations from the internet are not considered peer-reviewed and must not make up
the majority of the references. Literature citations are not included in the page limit.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
4) Science Honors Research Proposal - Budget Cover Sheet and Justification
Project title:
The Science Honors Research Program will provide up to $500 for each accepted student to help
cover expenses associated with the student’s research.
Summarize your expenses in the table below:
Supplies and Materials
Funding from nonSHRP sources*
Funding requested
from SHRP
Project-related travel
*note if pending or received
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
Budget Justification: Below, provide a detailed list of the equipment, supplies, travel, or other
items that are necessary for your research project that you are requesting funding for (do not include
travel to conferences). List each item separately, specify its cost, and briefly describe why it is
necessary for your project. Also describe other sources of funding for which you have applied in
support of this project.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
5) Animal and Human Subject Clearance (if necessary)
For research projects involving live, vertebrate animals: Research proposals must be approved
in advance by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. For more information and forms,
go to
For research projects involving human participants: CWU is required by the federal
government to follow strict guidelines when human subjects are involved in research projects. For
the purposes of this research application, human subjects research is defined as follows: Studies
that use: (a) data collected through interventions, interactions, or observations with human
participants (e.g., surveys, interviews, or observational procedures); and/or (b) existing data sets
containing any individually identifiable personal information (e.g., medical, educational, or voting
records). For more information, go to
If you will need a human subjects review clearance, or are unsure, call the Human Subjects Review
Committee staff at 963-3115 to request an advising session regarding your proposed project at least
two weeks in advance of the Science Honors application deadline. Mention that you are
applying for admission to the Science Honors Research Program. You should have ready a nearfinal draft of the project description you are using for this application. At the advising session, the
HSRC staff will look over your project description and discuss with you the proposed
methodologies or procedures that may pose a risk of difficulty passing the human subjects review
process and will suggest modifications that will lessen such risk. You may incorporate these
suggestions into your project description. After this advising session, the HSRC staff will provide
you with a letter summarizing what was discussed. This letter must be included with your
application to the Science Honors Research Program.
If you are accepted into the Science Honors Research Program, you will still need to submit a
complete Human Subjects Review Committee application and receive final approval before
commencing your research or receiving funding from the Science Honors program. Note that the
HSRC cannot approve studies retroactively. For more information, go to
Animal subjects clearance: _____ (attach letter from Institutional Animal Care and Use
Human subjects clearance: _____ (attach HSRC letter; see instructions above)
Project Title________________________________________________________________
Name of Undergraduate Researcher: ________________________________________
E-mail address: _______________________________
Name of Faculty Mentor:
E-mail address: _______________________________
Phone: ___________________
Phone: ___________________
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
6) Student Academic Record
Include an electronic copy of your unofficial transcripts.
Fill in the spreadsheet below listing courses that you have taken (or are currently
taking) that count towards your major (electives or required courses). This includes
courses taken at CWU or elsewhere.
GPA of major courses listed in table below___________
Cumulative GPA_______________
Course Name
Course Quarter,
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Completed?In Progress?
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
Statement of career goals, and list of extracurricular activities.
Briefly discuss your career goals and any extracurricular activities that are relevant to your research
and/or career goals. Insert in the space below, double-spaced, 12 pt font. Do not exceed space
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
7) Science Honors Mentor Materials
Mentor Section Cover Sheet
Although faculty may mentor more than one student in the program, full funding
from the Science Honors Research Program is usually limited to one student per
faculty mentor in any one round of applicants.
Mentor Name _____________________________________________________________
Mentor Email address _____________________________________________________ _
Student Name _____________________________________________________________
Project Title ______________________________________________________________
Student’s math/science GPA_________ cumulative GPA_________
(It is the mentor’s responsibility to verify the grades listed by the student)
Note that incomplete or inaccurate applications will be returned without review!
As a mentor in the Science Honors Research Program, you will assume a critical role in the
scholarly development of your student and their research. We recognize the significant effort that
you will be putting into your student’s success, and the Science Honors Research Program helps to
offset this effort through financial support and work load reassigned time.
As a SHRP mentor you will assist your students as they prepare, conduct, and finalize their
research. It is expected that you will meet regularly with your student as they prepare for their
summer research (we recommend meeting at least 3 times during the spring quarter); closely
monitor their research experience during the summer quarter, as well as participate in the summer
semi-weekly SHRP meetings; and continue the regular meetings with your student during fall and
winter quarter as they finalize their research and begin writing their thesis. Spring quarter will once
again require significant interaction as your student prepares to present their research at SOURCE
and finalize their thesis that will be due in May 2016.
Mentors of successful proposals receive 3 WLU’s of reassigned time, and a $2000 stipend disbursed
during the summer of 2015.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
Mentor letter(s) of endorsement (attach pdf file)
Briefly (maximum of 2 page) describe the attributes of your student that you believe will lead to
their having a successful and meaningful research experience that culminates in a Science
Honors Thesis. Discuss the student’s contribution to and the development of the research project
and the preparation of the proposal, especially note if the student approached you concerning a
research project.
Mentoring experience (attach pdf file)
Briefly (1 page max) describe any past mentoring experience, or mentoring potential. If you
have previously mentored Science Honors students, state the outcomes (Science Honors Thesis,
oral and/or poster presentations, publications).
Mentor plan (attach pdf file)
Briefly (1 page max) describe your mentoring plan.
We anticipate that mentors will provide (as is appropriate):
 initiation and training of students to the local environment of the laboratory (e.g., safety
training, review of protocols, discussion of available resources, expectation setting
regarding development of technical and/or scientific expertise)
 regularly scheduled meetings with the student (weekly/ biweekly/monthly) to discuss
research findings, progress, and career direction
 opportunities for scientific exchange including laboratory/departmental/school journal clubs,
 colloquium series, meetings for which students are invited or required to present their
research with members of the local scientific community
 feedback mechanisms and schedule
 mechanism of performance evaluation and discussion of goal setting, training expectations,
and future career direction
 dissemination of research results (conferences, group meetings, etc)
Mentor CV(s) (attach pdf file)
Emphasize any mentoring experience or mentoring potential. Not to exceed 2 pages!
Explanation of request for exception (if applicable) (attach pdf file)
In order to insure a successful and meaningful research experience, preference will be given to
students that meet the following criteria
 Have a Grade Point Average of 3.0 in science/math at the time of application (see
application form for math/science GPA calculation).
 and
 Have completed 11 credits of upper division course work in their at the time of application
o or
o Have completed 11 credits of upper division course work in their major at the time of
entry to the program (beginning of spring quarter), on the condition that they have
maintained a 3.0 cumulative and math/science GPA.
If your student does not meet these criteria, or any other expectations, please address the
deficiencies and justify why your student should be considered for the program.
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
Mentor Financial Support Options
The CWU Science Honors Program is dedicated to optimizing the number of eligible students that
can receive the benefits of a Science Honors Research experience. To this end we encourage faculty
to make use of external funds for student support, i.e., NSF’s REU funds, etc. If you have access to
funds that could help support an Honors Student, please consider using these funds for your student.
If some student are externally supported, then more students can be accepted in the program and a
larger student cohort will benefit all participants.
Note that mentor financial support will in no way affect the review of a student’s application.
Name of Undergraduate Applicant__________________________________________
Name of Faculty Mentor(s)________________________________________________
Project Title_____________________________________________________________
Faculty Mentor’s External Support (please check one):
 I have non-SHRP funding and will fully support this project from these funds: $3500 student
stipend + $500 supplies + faculty stipend (All mentors will receive 3 WLU reassigned time.)
 I have non-SHRP funding and will partially support this project: $___________ towards
student stipend and supplies and faculty stipend (All mentors will receive 3 WLU reassigned
 I cannot provide non-SHRP financial support for this project (All mentors will receive 3
WLU reassigned time.)
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
h) Co-Mentor form (if applicable, attach pdf file of co-mentor plan)
If more than one faculty member will co-mentor the research project this form and a
description of the co-mentor plan must be prepared by the faculty mentors and included with
the application.
Student Name _____________________________________________________________
Project Title_________________________________________________________________
Provide a brief justification for co-mentoring this research project.
What portion of the summer stipend will each faculty mentor receive?
What portion of the 3 hours academic year reassigned time will each faculty mentor receive?
Attach to this form a plan for co-mentoring the project. The plan, at a minimum, should identify
specifically how each of the mentoring responsibilities will be divided, including assisting the student in seeking
additional resources necessary for successful completion of the research, directing and providing support and resources
for the research during the summer and during the academic year, directing the thesis writing, assisting in thesis
revision, and preparing the student for professional presentation and/or publication of the research.
Faculty Mentor A:
Email address: _______________________________
Faculty Mentor B:
Email address: _______________________________
Phone: ___________________
Phone: ___________________
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Application, CWU Science Honors Research Program, 2015-2016
Application Checklist: The student provides a pdf version of sections 1-6:
 1) CWU Science Honors Research Proposal Cover Sheet, including signatures of Mentor
and Dept. Chair (section 1 of the application form);
 2) Science Honors Research Proposal Summary Form (section 2 of the application form);
 3) Project Description (five pages, maximum) formatted as described in section 3 of the
application form;
 4) Complete budget description: budget cover sheet plus detailed list and justification, as
described in section 4 of the application form;
 5) Animal/Human subjects clearance, (section 5 of the application form); if necessary you
must obtain a letter from the Human Subjects Review Committee prior to submitting
this application.
 6) Student Academic Record, and statement of career goals
 a) Copy of unofficial CWU transcripts,
 b) Complete the table listing science and math courses needed for the major that are
completed and currently enrolled, showing grade received. Includes courses counting
for the major taken at other institutions.
 c) GPA of science/math classes listed in the table and the cumulative GPA
 d) Statement of career goals, and list of extracurricular activities.
One page maximum, as described in section 6 of the application form.
 7) The mentor(s) separately provide a pdf version of section 7, including:
 7a) Mentor Cover Sheet
 7b) Letter(s) of endorsement from mentor(s). This should emphasize qualities of the
applicant, including leadership activities that will contribute to success in the
Science Honors Research Program. If there is more than one mentor, each mentor
must provide a letter.
 7c) Mentoring experience (1 page max)
 7d) Mentoring plan (1 page max)
 7e) CV of each faculty mentor(s) (emphasize any undergraduate advising experience
and/or potential). Not to exceed 2 pages each.
 7f) Explanation of request for exception (if applicable) (attach pdf file)
 7g) Mentor financial support option (section 7b of the application).
 7h) Co-Mentor form if more than one faculty member will be sharing mentoring
responsibilities, the mentors must include a written description of the co-mentoring
This form was last updated Dec. 2014
Deadline February 23, 2015 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time