Honors Program Mentor Program Application Due

Honors Program Mentor Program
Due-date: Oct. 15th; send this to Alisa Clapp-Itnyre on Honors Oncourse site Message Board and
label “Mentor Application” Job will start Nov. 1.
Overview: This is a paid position open to Honors students who have been in the Honors
Program one year. You will be paid $100 to become a mentor for 4-5 new Honors students,
meeting with them at least 3 times: once in fall 2011 and twice in spring 2012 semester. At this
time, we need 9 mentors. If you enjoy this, you could re-apply to do this again next year with
new students.
Expectations: Each mentor would be asked to take their groups on three events, one in fall and
two in spring. These should be done together when possible, or, if separately, please spend 1
hour/person/event. The activities could be anything free on campus: IUE Club activities,
Campus Life, trips, etc. These events could also be those done for culture or participation points
within the Honors Program. Please stay with these students on the activity. Or you could get
together for inexpensive meals together off-campus. Though this is only for one year, we hope
you’ll keep in touch with your mentees throughout their time here.
Assessment: Mentors would need to present proof of activity (ticket stubs, programs, or
pictures), and solicit a few words written up by mentees for each activity. Final assessment
would take place by the end of spring semester: informal (if the new students show engagement
and activity within the program) and formal (survey mentors and mentees).
Payment: You will be paid $100 for the year as scholarship money.
Application Essay: Please write a one-page (double-spaced) essay on why you would like this
job and what ideas you might have to get to know and bond with your mentees. Also explain
what special abilities you have that would make you good at this job! Finally, you might discuss
the various activities you have already done with the Honors Program and/or IUE: how you got
involved and committed to them.