Unit of Study: Introduction to Ancient China Essential Questions: How does the geography influence the development of ancient civilizations? How do ancient cultures influence our world today? Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 China Map Project – http://www.ellenjmc henry.com/homesc hoolfreedownloads/histo rygames/chinamap.p hp Brainstorm: Students will discuss the definition and purpose of walls. Teacher will list student responses on board or chart. Teacher will guide students in discussing the following: a. What is a wall? b. List different kinds of walls 1) Wall of a building or room 2) Fire walls 3) Tsunami 4) Hail 5) Wall cloud 6) Wall Street (actual walled street in pre-Revolutionary New York City 7) Walls lining the Read excerpts from the books The Great Wall by Elizabeth Mann (?) or You Wouldn’t Want to be a Great Wall Builder. Read Ms. Frizzle’s Adventures: Imperial China by Joanna Cole. Most of the inventions run along the bottom of the pages. Show the Chinese inventions you brought in. Highlight the boundary of China, the Yellow and Yangtze River, the Great Wall, the Himalayan Mountains, Beijing and Shanghei Brainstorm why they think the Great Wall was built. Compare and contrast the two accounts of the building of the Great Wall. Read and discuss pp. 9 and 10 of the mini-book on Ancient China. Assessment: Pages 12 and 13 of the mini-book intestines 8) Land forms such as mountains, rivers, oceans, etc. 9) Ideas (prejudice) 10) Feelings (anger, disappointment, fear) Introduce the term dynasty: a succession of rulers from the same family - Explain who was the emperor that began the building of the Great Wall of China (Qin Shihuangdi, first emperor, begins construction of Great Wall)