What are some supplies you should have to be prepared for an Earthquake? To be prepared for next big earthquake make sure you have the following: First Aid Kit Enough water for 1gal/per person per day for two weeks. Non-perishable foods Canned Foods Over the counter drugs Prescription medications What is the cause of earthquakes? Earthquakes occur all over the globe, and could affect you no matter where you are. Earthquakes are a result of Plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is the movement in the earth’s lithosphere within the crust and the upper mantle. The movement of the rock in crust and upper mantle are the cause of earthquakes. There are many different plate boundaries within the earth crust that all move in different directions. How can you prepare your family? You should always be prepared for the worst. Make sure you and your family has an escape plan just in case of an emergency situation. Make sure to educate family on safe places to be when an earthquake hits. Convergent Plate- where two parts of the lithosphere move together and collide. Divergent Plate- when two plate boundaries are moving away from each other. Transform Plate- Where two plates are moving side by side in opposite direction. All of these different plate movements are what are creating what we know as earthquakes. Earthquake!! Are you prepared? Link Loma Prieta Earthquake (San Francisco) Magnitude 7.1 Group 2 Paul Pereira Casey O’neil Arty Koburyan Jazmin Maldonado Link Link When was the last “BIG” earthquake in Southern California? \ Link Websites to contact for more information: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/di saster/earthquake http://www.calema.ca.gov/planning andpreparedness/pages/earthquake -preparedness.aspx http://www.ready.gov/prepared201 4 Several large earthquakes occurred in the 1990’s but the most famous of these is most likely the Northridge earthquake. Taking place on January 17th 1994, this earthquake peaked at a 6.7 magnitude. As a result there were 63 deaths associated with the quake, and over $15 billion dollars in damages. Freeways were destroyed as well as homes and businesses. The Northridge earthquake was a stunning event that put in perspective the unexpected nature of this phenomenon and its deadly consequences. Sources http://seismo.berkeley.edu/outreach/be_pr epared.html http://usinsuranceagents.com/earthquakepreparedness/ http://whybecausescience.com/2013/05/22 /plate-tectonics-the-ends-and-beginningsof-the-earth-part-1/ http://www.geo.mtu.edu/UPSeis/why.html http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/eqsc ience.php http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/eqsc ience.php http://www.usgs.gov/faq/categories/9827/ 3273 http://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit Are there anyways to prevent earthquakes from occurring? There are currently no ways in preventing earthquakes from happening. However, the USGS has the earthquake early warning system, which could give a few seconds to minutes of warning allowing people to prepare and protect themselves. We might not be able to prevent when earthquakes will occur but you can always be prepared for the unexpected.