Event related fields evoked by vocal response inhibition: a comparison of younger and older adults Leidy J Castro-Menesesa,b *, 1, Blake W. Johnsona and Paul F. Sowmana, b,1 a Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders (CCD), Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, 2109 NSW, Australia b Perception in Action Research Centre (PARC), Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, 2109 NSW, Australia. Table of Contents 1. Amplitude analyses: main effect of condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) ................................ 2 2. Amplitude analyses: interaction of group by condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) ................ 3 3. Amplitude analyses: main effect of group .............................................................................................. 4 3.1. Independent sample t-test for each condition across groups ................................................................ 4 4. Latency analyses: 2 x 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA ............................................................................................ 6 Table of Tables Table 1: Amplitude analyses: main effect of condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) .............................. 2 Table 2: Amplitude analyses: interaction of group by condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) ................ 3 Table 3: Amplitude analyses: main effect of group. .......................................................................................... 4 Table 4: Independent sample t-test for each condition across groups ............................................................... 4 Table 5: Latency analyses: 2 x 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA ....................................................................................... 6 Author contributions: LCM, PFS designed the experiments, collected and analysed the data. LCM, PFS and BWJ wrote the manuscript. * Corresponding author: ARC Centre of Cognitive Science and its Disorders (CCD), Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, 2109 NSW, Australia. Tel.: +61 02 9850 2951. E-mail address: leidy-janeth.castromeneses@students.mq.edu.au (L. J CASTRO-MENESES). 1 These authors contributed equally to this work This material contains the results for the 2 x 3 factorial ANOVA with 2 between-group factor (younger and older group) and 3 within-subject factors (ignore-stop, successful stops and failed stops). It also contains the results for the independent samples t-test across groups for ignore-stop, successful stops and failed stops. 1. Amplitude analyses: main effect of condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) This material contains significant clusters found in the analysis of the main effect of condition in the 2 x 3 factorial ANOVA. Table 1: Amplitude analyses: main effect of condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) T-contrast of conditions Cluster-level Peak-level p-value Peak coordinates** Null hypothesis Cluster FWE(H0) T Peaks size* correctio X Y n Failed stops = Ignore-stop < 0.001 4,174 5.9 3 -51, -66 -62,8 -21 to < 0.001 18,769 5.2 16 -11 to 50 40 < 0.001 7,712 5.1 5 21 to 51 -68 to -6 Ignore-stop = Failed stops < 0.001 6,348 7 5 47 to 60 -34 to 34 < 0.001 23,656 6.3 14 15 to 47 -19 to 67 -51 to < 0.001 7,723 5.3 9 -65 to 5 17 -42 to Successful stops = Ignore-stop < 0.001 13,643 6 14 5 to 50 19 -62 to < 0.001 8,555 6 4 -30 to 24 49 -57 to < 0.001 7,268 5.6 4 45 to 19 11 Ignore-stop = Successful stops < 0.001 17,947 9 4 23 to 40 -21 to 21 -57 to < 0.001 10,245 7 12 -76 to -6 19 Failed stops = Successful -32 to < 0.001 8,152 7 3 -6 to -1 stops 34 Successful stops = Failed -55 to <0.001 5,030 5.8 11 -36 to 26 stops 11 <0.001 5,868 5 5 26 to 34 -11 to 10 * Comma indicates thousands ** Peak coordinates refer to spatial locations in the 2D topographic sensor-space SPM Time (ms) 240-300 445-615 350-390 190-255 450-615 285-390 445-500 200-270 285-335 450-540 285-460 620-700 100-195 620-700 2. Amplitude analyses: interaction of group by condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) Table 2: Amplitude analyses: interaction of group by condition (2 x 3 flexible factorial ANOVA) T-contrast of main effect of conditions Cluster-level Peak-level Null hypothesis p-value Peak coordinates** Cluster (H0) T Peaks Time (ms) FWEsize* X Y correction (Successful stops - Ignorestop)younger = (Successful stops < 0.01 2,931 5 4 55 to 68 -60 to-6 280-317 Ignore-stop)older < 0.05 1,849 5 2 -21,-36 -81,-62 135-145 (Failed stops - Successful stops)younger = (Failed stops < 0.05 20 5 1 32 40 100-105 Successful stops)older * Comma indicates thousands ** Peak coordinates refer to spatial locations in the 2D topographic sensor-space SPM 3. Amplitude analyses: main effect of group Because the main effect of group is statistically invalid in the flexible factorial ANOVA in SPM, we conducted an independent sample t-test of the two groups by averaging together the 3 conditions (i.e. ignore-stop trials, successful stops and failed stops) for each group. Table 3: Amplitude analyses: main effect of group. T-contrast of conditions Cluster-level Null hypothesis p-value (H0) Cluster size* T Peaks FWEcorrection Peak-level Peak coordinates** X Y Time (ms) Younger group = older group <0.05 1,850 4.6 5 -28 to -42 -11 to 8 370-475 Older group = younger group <0.05 2,386 6.1 3 30 to 38 -62 to 60 130-150 0.053 1,545 4.8 1 23 -14 430 2 15 21 270-200 <0.001 uncorr at peak level * Comma indicates thousands ** Peak coordinates refer to spatial locations in the 2D topographic sensor-space SPM 3.1. Independent sample t-test for each condition across groups We conducted an independent sample t-test for each condition because the main effect of group gave significant differences across groups but we could not know what condition was driving the differences between younger and older group. Table 4: Independent sample t-test for each condition across groups Independent sample t-test of conditions (t-contrast) Cluster-level Peak-level Null hypothesis p-value Peak coordinates** Cluste Peak (H0) r T* Time (ms) FWEs X Y size* correction (Ignore-stop)older = (Ignore< 0.05 1,924 5.5 1 23 -68 135 stop)younger (Successful stops)younger = < 0.05 1,477 5.2 1 -28 -9 440 (Successful stops)older (Successful stops)older = (Successful stops)younger (Failed stops)younger = (Failed stops)older (Failed stops)older = (Failed stops)younger < 0.05 unc 1,001 4.4 2 21, 23 -17, -6 265-280 < 0.05 2,086 5.6 3 30 to 40 -62 to 60 130-155 < 0.05 2,231 5.3 2 -26, -34 -9, 2 455-470 < 0.01 2,547 5.5 3 < 0.05 unc 1,247 4.8 < 0.01 uncorr at the peak level 1 19 to 21 38 -14 to 22 -60 3 -2 to 15 18 * Comma indicates thousands ** Peak coordinates refer to spatial locations in the 2D topographic sensor-space SPM 430-530 155 205-250 4. Latency analyses: 2 x 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA We conducted four 2 x 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA with the within subject factors of two region of interests (ROI, left and right) and 3 peaks (Ignore-stop, Successful stops and Failed stops) and with the between subject factor of groups (younger and older). Each mixed ANOVA was done separately for the dependent variables of M2 peak, M3 peak and M4 peak. Table 5: Latency analyses: 2 x 3 x 2 mixed ANOVA DV M2 M3 M4 Factor and interaction ROI ROI * group Peaks Peaks * group ROI * peaks ROI * peaks * group Group ROI ROI * group Peaks Peaks * group ROI * peaks ROI * peaks * group Group ROI ROI * group Peaks Peaks * group ROI * peaks ROI * peaks * group Group DV = dependent variable df = degrees of freedom ŋ2p = Partial eta-square ROI = region of interest F(df) F(1,39) = 2.8 F(1,39) = 0.5 F(2,78) = 9.4 F(2,78) = 1.9 F(2,78) = 0.05 F(2,78) = 0.7 F(1,39) = 10.9 F(1,39) = 2.7 F(1,39) = 0.3 F(2,78) = 2.2 F(2,78) = 1.7 F(2,78) = 1.7 F(2,78) = 1.9 F(1,39) = 43.8 F(1,39) = 3.43 F(1,39) = 0.01 F(2,78) = 17.2 F(2,78) = 0.44 F(2,78) = 0.17 F(2,78) = 1.77 F(1,39) = 24.6 ŋ2p p-value 0.1 0.5 < 0.001 0.7 0.9 0.5 < 0.01 0.11 0.6 0.12 0.19 0.18 0.15 < 0.001 0.07 0.9 < 0.001 0.65 0.84 0.18 < 0.001 *** ** *** *** *** 0.07 0.01 0.2 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.23 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.53 0.08 0.01 0.31 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.39