Document of The World Bank Report No: 58534-CN RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF HEILONGJIANG DAIRY PROJECT LOAN NUMBER 4815-CHA December 14, 2005 TO THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS FMR HABC IBRD ICB M&E MR MTR NCB PAD PPMO USD Financial Management Report Heilongjiang Animal Breeding Center International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Competitive Bidding Monitoring and Evaluation Milk Recording Mid-term Review National Competitive Bidding Project Appraisal Document Provincial Project Management Office United States Dollars Regional Vice President: Country Director: Sector Manager / Director: Task Team Leader: James W. Adams Klaus Rohland Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez Andrew D. Goodland 2 CHINA P086629 CONTENTS Page A. SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 4 B. PROJECT STATUS .............................................................................................................. 4 C. PROPOSED CHANGES ...................................................................................................... 5 D. APPRAISAL SUMMARY.................................................................................................... 7 ANNEX 1: RESULTS FRAMEWORK AND MONITORING ................................................. 9 ANNEX 2: PROPOSED REVISED PROJECT COSTS ......................................................... 12 ANNEX 3: PROPOSED REVISION TO FINANCING PLAN .............................................. 13 ANNEX 4: PROPOSED CANCELLATION OF FUNDS UNDER IBRD LOAN…………….14 ANNEX 5: PROPOSED REALLOCATION OF ITALIAN GRANT FUNDS……………..…15 ANNEX 6: IMPLEMENTATION PLAN……………………………………………………………….16 3 RESTRUCTURING PAPER A. SUMMARY The Ministry of Finance and Heilongjiang Province have proposed the following changes to the project: i) extension of the closing dates of the IBRD Loan (4815-CHA) and Italian Grant (TF053533) by twelve months, from December 31, 2010 to December 31, 2011; ii) reduction in the scope of activities and the cancellation of USD30 million from the IBRD Loan; iii) reallocation of funds under the Italian Grant; and, iv) the revision of indicators and targets in the monitoring table to reflect these changes. The proposed changes are justified by the numerous delays, mostly from external factors beyond the control of the project, which have hampered project implementation, and also changes in the dairy sector which have reduced the demand for the project activities, notably the reluctance of small-scale farmers to invest in dairy cattle. B. PROJECT STATUS The project was approved by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on January 24, 2006 and became effective on June 29, 2006. The project is financed by a USD100m IBRD loan and cofinanced by a USD5.5m Italian Grant under the “Trust Fund for Environmental Protection in China”. The implementation has been delayed at various points during implementation due to the following external events and shocks: i) Initial start-up of the project was delayed due to an unfavourable market structure and conditions in the dairy sector which had led to a decline in farm gate prices shortly after the project was approved and hence a reluctance of farmers to invest in dairy production. Policy measures introduced in the second half of 2007 corrected these conditions and led to improved market conditions. ii) The global and China milk market was hit hard in 2008 from the global economic downturn which further dented confidence and financial returns in the sector, and also reduced demand for dairy cattle. iii) In October 2008, it was revealed that large scale contamination of milk powder with the industrial compound melamine had occurred in China. Although there was only one isolated incident of contamination detected in the province, the price of Chinese produced dairy products fell sharply, again affecting demand. iv) From December 2009 to July 2010, all movements of livestock within and between provinces was banned due to fear of the spread of infectious disease, which delayed the delivery of livestock procured under the project. The above external shocks demonstrate the vulnerability of the sector and help to explain the reluctance of smallholder farmers to take on debt to purchase dairy cattle. Also during the course of the project, and largely in response to the melamine scandal, the structure of milk production has changed. Government and the large milk processing companies are increasingly concerned about quality issues in the sector, and this is leading to a tightening of controls throughout the system. Milk processors are favouring larger units over smallholder production and village milking stations, and this trend is also been followed in Heilongjiang. This switch to larger scale units has repercussions for the project design and remaining implementation and has reduced demand from smallholders. 4 The prospects for the dairy sector in China are positive: growth trends in domestic demand remain strong despite the short term setbacks described above, averaging close to 7 percent per year. Forecasts predict this growth continuing for the foreseeable future, with an estimated growth of over 40 percent in terms of total market value from 2008-2013 (to an anticipated value of US$14 billion). There are concerns that supply will not be able to keep pace, though this provides good news for producers, who will likely see prices rise in the absence of further external shocks. Farmers who have participated in the project are benefitting from increased incomes. Procurement problems, especially for importation of dairy cattle also caused delays in project implementation. At the start of the project, genetic improvement in the province was to be achieved through three means: i) importing high quality dairy cows; ii) importing high quality bull semen for insemination; and iii) developing a performance monitoring and a provincial dairy breed improvement program. The procurement of imported dairy cows proved problematic: i) identifying suitable suppliers; and ii) logistical issues for selecting and transporting animals. Furthermore, the assumption that farmers would be willing to pay for imported animals was wrong. For the remainder of the project, it is now agreed that dairy cattle would be purchased domestically, which is more cost effective for farmers. The focus of the provincial genetic improvement is on developing a local system for performance monitoring, with improved genetics imported via bull semen. Disbursement under the project has accelerated from a slow start. In January 2009, after 2.5 years of implementation, the IBRD Loan disbursement stood at USD13.9m (14 percent). By the MidTerm Review in November 2009 it had reached USD31.3m (31 percent). As of November 2010, it has reached USD45m (45 percent). Disbursement of the Italian Grant stands at USD2.3m (41 percent) as of November 2010. With regard to the quality of implementation, the main issue raised during the MTR (in November, 2009) and follow up environment review mission (June 2010) concerned livestock waste management, which unless adequately addressed in the dairy farms and parks supported under the project, would impact the viability of the production units. C. PROPOSED CHANGES Project Development Objective This is unchanged and remains as stated in the PAD and Loan Agreement: The objective of the project is to assist the Borrower to: (i) improve the financial viability of dairy operations in selected areas of Heilongjiang Province; and (ii) demonstrate innovative technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration in selected areas of Heilongjiang Province. Results/indicators. Some of the indicators for of project targets are proposed to change to reflect the current status of the project. See below and Annex 1 for details. Components Component 1: Dairy Production Component. Under this component, the project supports different types of dairy production units: i) household farms, with associated milking stations; ii) dairy parks; and, iii) demonstration farms. The following changes are proposed: Works: the original design included allocation of funds to support works associated with the construction of milking sheds for household based production units and the construction of 5 the dairy park facilities and required access roads for new dairy parks. This is no longer required: all works have been completed with counterpart funding. Scope: The number of units that the project would support is proposed to be reduced as follows: i) household farms from 5,500 to 4,000; due to lack of demand from farmers; ii) dairy parks from 50 new and 20 rehabilitated, to 40 new and 1 rehabilitated. The reduction of new parks is due to lack of demand; the reduction in rehabilitated is due to there being no suitable additional dairy parks. iii) demonstration farms from 7 to 5, due to lack of demand. iv) milking stations from 55 to 41, also due to lack of demand. Component 2: Breed Improvement. Under this component the following changes are proposed: Objective: The component objective, as stated in the PAD is that “A sustainable dairy herd improvement program established and producing proven bulls through contract mating programs”. While the establishing of a dairy herd improvement remains the core objective of the component, there is insufficient time for the system to produce proven bulls. This requires: i) that the milk recording system is fully functional; ii) that the system has been used to identify a nucleus of high productivity bull mothers; iii) that bulls born to these bull mothers have reached maturity and have been mated; iv) that the milking cows born have reached maturity; and, v) performance of the cows has been assessed (under the milk recording system) to identify proven bulls. This was an unrealistic target set at during preparation given these biological constraints, which would require a minimum of five years to achieve. With some initial delays in the establishment of the milk recording system, any hope of reaching the objective to produce proven bulls was lost, even with a twelve month extension. The system development is, however, progressing under the component. The proposed revised objective therefore reads: “A sustainable dairy herd improvement program established, capable of producing proven bulls through contract mating programs”. PDO indicator #2: This currently reads as, “A sustainable system of bull selection and progeny testing is functioning”, in line with the current objective. If the objective is revised as above, this would be modified to “A sustainable system of milk recording is functioning, with plan for bull selection and progeny testing in place”. Intermediate outcome indicator 2: The current indicator reads as, “Level of semen production and Inter-bull ranking of HABC bulls”. As noted above, progeny tested bulls would not be produced until after the project closes, there it is recommended to drop this indicator. Scope: the following changes in scope are proposed: i) reduce the amount of imported semen from 840,000 doses to 340,000 doses, due to import quota restrictions. ii) reduce the target for number of cows under milk recording from 150,000 to 120,000, reflecting the initial delays in implementing this component and the limited capacity of the Animal Breeding Centre. Component 3: Climate Change Mitigation. Note that this component is fully financed by the Italian Grant (TF053533), which it is proposed would also be extended by 12 months. Under this component the following changes are proposed: i) The area of pasture to be rehabilitated would be increased from 16,500ha to 20,000ha, due to increased demand and availability of suitable degraded pastureland; 6 ii) iii) iv) The number of manure treatment units established will be reduced from 20 to 16, due to the reduction in the number of demonstration farms and dairy parks supported under the project; The number of crop treatment facilities established would increase from 5 to 9, due to increased demand for good quality silage; and, The number of research topics funded would increase from 6 to 16, due to the success of this sub-component in identifying innovative technologies for application by farmers. Financing Project Costs: Project costing is proposed to be revised, in line with the changes in scope described above. The proposed changes are detailed in Annex 2. Financing Plan: The financing plan is proposed to be revised, reflecting the change and reduction in scope described above. The proposed changes are detailed in Annex 3. Reallocations: For the IBRD Loan, no reallocation is proposed, though USD30 million would be cancelled (see below). The proposed change in expenditure categories are detailed in Annex 4. There is proposed reallocation under the Italian Grant Agreement to reflect the modifications to the scope of Component 3 above. The proposed changes are detailed in Annex 5. Cancellations: It is proposed to cancel USD30 million from the IBRD Loan amount. As noted in the Section B above, there has been a fall in demand from farmers and therefore it is prudent to cancel outstanding funds. Note that the request to cancel these funds would be effective from the date that the letter request was received from Government, which was December 3, 2010. Procurement As noted above, procurement issues have been one of the sources of delay under the project. This was largely due to difficulties faced in implementing ICB and NCB procedures, and the preference for farmers to be more engaged in procurement of their cattle (for which they purchase with loans under the projects). A proposed revision to the Procurement Plan received in July 2010 was considered by the Bank and a procurement team visited the Province in August 2010 to review current practice. On September 30, 2010, the Bank issued a no objection to the revised procurement plan, under which the remaining cattle to be procurement under the project would follow the Community Participation in Procurement process agreed between the PPMO and Bank team. Closing date It is proposed to change the closing dates of both the IBRD Loan and Italian Grant Agreement from December 31, 2010 to December 31, 2011 due to the delays in implementation Implementation schedule Based on the restructuring proposal, a revised implementation plan has been prepared by the PPMO. It includes, for each contract, the latest cost estimates, start and finish dates and financing requirements. This is included as Annex 6. With this plan, the outstanding USD25 million (after cancellation) can be disbursed during the extension period. Of this, approximately USD10 million is already contracted and delivery is expected by March 2011. The remaining USD15 million would be used to procure cattle. With the change in procurement method described in the Procurement section above, this would be done with Community Participation, which is a relatively fast procurement method. 7 D. APPRAISAL SUMMARY There are no expected changes in the nature of impact of the project, other than the reduced scope as described above. Risks: The PDO is to improve the financial viability of dairy operations in Heilongjiang. During the project’s original appraisal, it was concluded that the market risk to achieving this was low. This needs to be reassessed in light of the external shocks experienced during the lifetime of the project described above. None of these could have been foreseen when the project was designed, and mitigation measures would have been difficult to put in place but market risk should have been further highlighted. It is possible that further shocks may occur during the extension period; at this stage the most damaging would be further restrictions on the movement of livestock in the country, as this would prevent the delivery of cattle procurement contracts. The approval of the revised Procurement Plan (see above) increases flexibility in selection of sources for livestock. Other market shocks which in the past have reduced demand and/or viability of dairy operations are possible, though the longer term market trend is for increasing demand. 8 ANNEX 1: Results Framework and Monitoring CHINA: HEILONGJIANG DAIRY PROJECT Project Development Objective (PDO): The objective of the Project is to assist the Borrower to: (i) improve the financial viability of dairy operations in selected areas of Heilongjiang Province; and (ii) demonstrate innovative technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration in selected areas of Heilongjiang Province. PDO Level Results Indicators* Core Revised Project Development Objective: no revision D=Dropped C=Continue N= New R=Revised Cumulative Target Values** Unit of Measure Baseline Frequency YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR4 YR5 Indicator One: Targeted dairy farmers participating in smallholder and Dairy Parkbased milk production sell more high quality milk. C Target set Litres 13.0 15.5 [Note that no target was set during preparation] Semiannual progress reports Indicator Two: A sustainable system of milk recording is functioning, with plan for bull selection and progeny test in place Indicator Three: Targeted dairy demonstration farms and parks are equipped with functioning manure treatment units and selected pastures. R n/a No system in place MR system in place and functional End of project Indicator C; target revised # of farms 0 41 farms 40 parks Semiannual progress reports 3 farms 6 parks 7 farms 14 parks 7 farms 20 parks 7 farms 20 parks Data Source/ Methodology Regular project M&E Responsibility for Data Collection PPMO PPMO –HABC Regular project M&E PPMO INTERMEDIATE RESULTS Intermediate Result (Component One): From PAD: About 10,000 targeted smallholders are efficiently producing greater quantities of quality of milk on their farms or in dairy parks. Revised Intermediate Result (Component One): About parks. 7,000 targeted smallholders are efficiently producing greater quantities of quality of milk on their farms or in dairy Intermediate Result indicator One: Targeted number of smallholder dairy farms, dairy parks and demonstration farms established. C Targets revised # of farms / parks 0 Smallholde rs: 1,650 farms Dairy parks: 15 new, 1 existing Demonstrat ion farms: 3 Intermediate Result indicator Two: Anticipated increase in dairy productivity at household and parks dairy levels achieved. Intermediate Result indicator Three: Number of dairy farmer associations established. C Liter / day 0 13 C # of associatio ns 0 C # of trained 0 Intermediate Result indicator Four: Number of technicians and farmer trained. Intermediate Result indicator Five: Credit monitoring and collection of loans 350 technicians 3825 farmers As defined in operations manual C Smallhold ers: 2,000 farms Dairy parks: 35 new, 1 existing Demonstr ation farms: 5 13 400 technician s 5000 farmers As defined in operations manual Smallhold ers: 2,500 farms Dairy parks: 40 new, 1 existing Demonstr ation farms: 5 15 Smallhold ers: 3,500 farms Dairy parks: 40 new, 1 existing Demonstr ation farms: 5 15.2 Smallholders: 4,000 farms Dairy parks: 40 new, 1 existing Demonstration farms: 5 Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E PPMO / CPMOs 15.5 Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E PPMO / CPMOs 30 70 82 Regular project M&E PPMO / CPMOs 500 technician s 6000 farmers As defined in operations manual 600 technician s 7000 farmers As defined in operations manual 700 technicians 8000 farmers Semiannual progress reports Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E PPMO / CPMOs Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E PPMO / Fin Bureau As defined in operations manual Intermediate Result (Component Two): A sustainable dairy herd improvement program established and producing proven bulls through contract mating programs. Revised Intermediate Result (Component Two): A sustainable dairy herd improvement program established, capable of producing proven bulls through contract mating programs. Intermediate Result indicator One: Number of cows under milk recording (MR). Intermediate Result indicator Two: Level of semen production and Inter-bull ranking of HABC bulls C # cows 0 10,000 40,000 80,000 120,000 120,000 Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E D Intermediate Result (Component Three): From PAD: Environmentally and commercially sustainable systems for pasture development and dairy manure treatment are established. 10 PPMO Revised Intermediate Result (Component Three): not revised Intermediate Result indicator One: Area of pastures renovated Intermediate Result indicator Two: Number of manure/waste treatment units established Intermediate Result indicator Three: Number of crop treatment for feed (silage) facilities established. Intermediate Result indicator Four: Number of research topics funded C hectares 0 3,000 6,500 11,000 16,500 20,000 C # units 0 6 14 16 16 16 C # units 0 1 3 5 7 9 C # topics 0 2 6 10 14 16 Semiannual progress reports Semiannual progress reports Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E PPMO Regular project M&E PPMO Regular project M&E PPMO Semiannual progress reports Regular project M&E PPMO Intermediate Result (Component Three): from PAD: PPMO and PMOs implementing project activities, monitoring outputs and impact, and providing timely progress and financial reports, annual plans and budgets. Revised Intermediate Result (Component Three): not revised C 0 1 semiannual progress reports 2 FMRs C 0 1 baseline survey Intermediate Result indicator One: Project progress, financial and procurement reports are initiated and submitted in a timely manner; Intermediate Result indicator Two: Project impact/outcome monitoring indicators regularly updated. Annual work plan 2 semiannual progress reports 2 FMRs Annual work plan 2 semiannual progress reports 2 FMRs 1 midterm review report by June 30, 2008 1st impact survey Annual work plan 2 semiannual progress reports 2 FMRs 1 semi-annual progress reports 2 FMRs 2nd impact survey 1 completion report *Please indicate whether the indicator is a Core Sector Indicator (see further http://coreindicators) **Target values should be entered for the years data will be available, not necessarily annual 11 Annual work plans Semiannual progress & Fin. Managmt. Reports Regular project M&E PPMO Baseline survey Socioeconomic surveys PPMO Annex 2: Proposed Revised Project Costs Component Dairy Development Household Dairy Farms Milking and Collection Stations Dairy Parks Demonstration Farms Training and Technology Transfer Dairy Farmer Associations Breed Improvement Climate Change Mitigation Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Total Baseline Cost Physical Contingencies Price Contingencies Total Project Costs Front-end Fee Total Financing Required Local US$ Million 97.27 56.6 5.1 23.77 10 1.5 0.3 2.5 5.6 Revised Foreign US$ Million 28.93 11.3 0.8 6.03 10.2 0.6 0 4 4.9 Total US$ Million 126.2 67.9 5.9 29.8 20.2 2.1 0.3 6.5 10.5 1.1 0.8 0.3 1.1 165.3 3.8 9.6 178.7 0.25 178.95 106.17 0.8 1.3 38.13 1 1.3 144.3 1.8 2.6 0.0 108.27 0.25 40.68 0.25 148.95 Local US$ Million 83.5 47.7 5.6 20.3 8.1 1.5 0.3 2.5 4.6 Current Foreign US$ Million 64.7 41.2 1.1 8.6 13.2 0.6 0.0 4.0 4.9 Total US$ Million 148.2 88.9 6.7 28.9 21.3 2.1 0.3 6.5 9.5 0.8 0.3 91.4 2.8 5.3 99.5 0.0 99.5 73.9 1.0 4.3 79.2 0.25 79.45 Annex 3: Proposed revision to Financing Plan Source Borrower IBRD Italian Grant Sub-borrowers Local farmers organizations Total Local 22.20 35.80 2.20 22.30 17.00 99.50 Current Foreign 2.95 64.20 3.30 5.50 3.50 79.45 13 Total 25.15 100.00 5.50 27.80 20.50 178.95 Local 22.20 44.57 2.20 22.30 17.00 108.27 Proposed Foreign 2.95 25.43 3.30 5.50 3.50 40.68 Total 25.15 70.00 5.50 27.80 20.50 148.95 Annex 4: Proposed Allocation of Cancelled funds under IBRD Loan Category of Expenditure Current Revised (1) Civil No change works (Except for Parts A.1 and A.4 of the Project) (2) Goods No change (Except for livestock) Allocation Current 7,400,000 Revised 0 8,950,000 8,600,000 (3) Livestock (4) Consultant services (5) Training and study tours overseas (6) Fee No change No change 82,000,000 900,000 60,550,000 100,000 100% of No change foreign expenditures, 100% of local expenditures (exfactory cost) and 75% of local expenditures for other items procured locally. 100% No change 100% No change No change 500,000 500,000 100% No change No change 250,000 250,000 Amount due under Section 2.04 of this Agreement No change 100,000,000 70,000,000 TOTAL % of Financing Current Revise 25% No change Annex 5: Proposed Reallocation of Italian Grant Funds Category of Expenditure Current Revised (1) Competitive No change Research Subgrants under Part C.4 of the Project (2) Goods under No change Part C of the Project Allocation Current 600,000 Revised 670,000 2,200,000 1,940,000 (3) Works under Part C of the Project (4) Consultants’ services under Part C of the Project (5) Training under Part C of the Project Total No change 2,300,000 2,380,000 100% of foreign No change expenditures, 100% of local expenditures (exfactory cost) and 75% of local expenditures for other items procured locally 50% No change No change 350,000 380,000 100% No change No change 50,000 130,000 100% No change 5,500,000 5,500,000 15 % of Financing Current 55% of amounts under Competitive Research Sub-projects Revise No change Annex 6 Implementation Plan of the Heilongjiang Dairy Project: IBRD Loan (2010.12-2011.12) Currency: USD Series No. 1 Contract Type Dairy cow GT-IM-209004 Unit Price Amount Cost Estimate Procurement Contract Amount Down Payment Payment on Shipment Payment on Final Acceptance Note 2955.9 410 1211919.31 ICB Contract signed; withdrawal application and disbursement is expected to be completed by January 2011. Ongoing 2 Dairy cow GT-IM-209006 2943.96 1587 4672064.52 ICB Contract signed; withdrawal application and disbursement is expected to be completed by January 2011. Ongoing 3 Dairy cow HDP-ICB-2009-115 1870.72 2530 4732921.6 ICB Contract signed; withdrawal application and disbursement is expected to be completed by March 2011 Ongoing 4 Purchase of dairy cow 2272.73 1425 3238636.4 CP Due to fluctuation of dairy cow price in domestic market, discrepancy between estimated cost and the actual contract value may exist. The expected contract date is around December 15, 2010 and delivery in May, 2011. planning 5 Purchase of dairy cow 2272.73 2700 6136363.6 CP Due to fluctuation of dairy cow price in domestic market, discrepancy between estimated cost and the actual contract value may exist. The expected contract date is around December 15, 2010 and delivery in May, 2011. planning 6 Purchase of dairy cow 2272.73 2265 5147727.3 CP Due to fluctuation of dairy cow price in domestic market, discrepancy between estimated cost and the actual contract value may exist. The expected contract date is around January 15, 2011 and delivery in July, 2011. planning 7 Purchase of dairy cow 2272.73 540 1227272.7 CP Due to fluctuation of dairy cow price in domestic market, discrepancy between estimated cost and the actual contract value may exist. The expected contract date is around January 15, 2011 and delivery in July, 2011. planning Total 26,366,905. 16 Note: 1. Dairy cow community procurement (PC) of 12224 cows in total will be conducted in four independent batches. Liquidity permitting, disbursement for the four batches can be done at the same time. 2. PC payment shall be handled by relevant PMOs and Finance Bureaus following the code of the domestic dairy cow sector and with flexibility in the local context. However, the procurement process and documentation shall be under strict scrutiny of the PPMO. 3. PC payment will be allocated from the special account. Extension of account closing date is needed to complete all disbursement given the size of procurement and limit of the special account. 17 Implementation Plan of the Heilongjiang Dairy Project: Italian Trust Fund (2010.7 - 2011.12) Series No. 1 2 Contract Type Pasture Improvement 100,000 mu(180,000mu completed) Waste Management Facilities Package Unit Price Amount 160822.2 - 10.0 - Cost Estimate Procurement 1608222.5 SOE 1600000.0 ICB (Currency: USD) Payment on Final Acceptance 90,000 mu are completed; 10,000 mu are to be completed next year; disbursement for 180,000 mu out of the 280,000 mu is in process and will be done by May, 2011. Tender sold on October 15, 2010. Contract expected to be signed in December. Completion and disbursement by April, 2011. Contract Amount Down Payment 1st Installment 2nd Installment Note In process In process 3 10 Competitive Studies 36275.7 10.0 362757.0 Competitive Studies Topic selection done. Review and implementation will start soon. Disbursement to be completed in December, 2011. 4 9 Straw Processing Projects 40000.0 9.0 360000.0 Competitive Studies - - 49000.0 CQS - - 82000.0 CQS 2 pilots were completed, and 7 contracts were signed. Disbursement to be done in October, 2011. 20%,2010.8. 30%,2010.1 30%,2011.3 20%,2012 49000.0 13 2.30 .30 .3.30 20%,2010.8. 40%,2010.9 20%,2011.5 20%,2011 82000.0 30 .30 .30 .12.30 - - 87000.0 CQS 87000.0 20%, 2010.8.13 30%, 2010.12.30 30%, 2011.3.30 20%, 2011.11.30 In process 77000.0 CQS 77000.0 20%, 2010.8.5 20%, 2010.10.20 40%, 2010.12.31 20%, 2011.12.30 In process 89000.0 20%, 2010.8.5 20%, 2010.10.20 40%, 2010.12.31 20%, 2011.12.30 In process Training program is being developed for WB review soon. Disbursement to be completed from February – April, 2011. 5 groups 5 6 7 8 9 10 17-month TA by Pasture Specialists 15-month TA by Waste Management Specialists 15-month TA by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Specialists 25-month TA by Straw Processing Specialists 25-month, Grant Financial Management Specialists and Environmental Specialists Domestic Training 300 person*day Total - - 89000.0 CQS 120.9 300.0 36275.7 SOE 4351255.1 18 In preparation In process In process In process Note: 1. Waste management facilities include 4 large dung blocking machines, 4 small dung blocking machines, 16 tractors, 16 loaders, 16 solid-liquid separators, and 16 sewage pumps. 2. Extension of account closing date is needed given that project activities and disbursement totaling US$4.35 million need to be completed within 2011. 19