Campbellsville University School of Education TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM CURRICULUM GUIDE P-12 Art Major with Teacher Certification 08/15 Name Advisor___________________ Ethnicity___________ Gender: M/F Address ______________________________________________________ ID# __________________________Telephone Number ______ E-Mail Address _________________ Semester/Year admitted (SOE) ___________________ CAP I_____ CAP 2/Praxis (CASE) _____ CAP 3/Portfolio____ CAP 4/Portfolio_____________ PRAXIS Subj. Assess. Art Content/Analysis (5135) _______ (161 passing) Date Taken_______ PRAXIS Subj. Assess. PLT Exam (5622 or 5623 or 5624) ________ (160 passing) Date Taken_______ Praxis Disclaimer: Kentucky educator certification requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the test(s), please check the Education Professional Standards Board website at for current test requirements and current cut scores. You may also contact 502-564-4606 or toll free at 888-598-7667. Reminder: *A minimum overall GPA of 2.75 is required for admission to the TEP. *A CAP 4 Portfolio meeting all KY Teacher Standards is required for program completion/exit. *Art Program Assessment Requirements: a.) Videotape of 6-15 high school art pieces, b.) Written Pre-Test, c.) 3-5 pieces from Art 101, 120, 202, 221 d.) Videotape of Senior Exhibit, e.) Written post-test. *Any sophomore (56-72 hrs.) has to pass a sophomore review of their work before they can be permitted to do an art major or an art area. A portfolio of work has to be viewed by the Art Faculty at a specific time. Professional Courses 33 Hours Foundation Coursework: 12 hours Pedagogy Coursework: 9 hours Sem/Year _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Sem/Year _______ _______ _______ Grade _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ED 199 Entry to Teacher Preparation (0) ED 102 Introduction to Education(3) ED 210 Basic Concepts and Phil. of Ed(3) ED 300 Human Dev. & Learn. Theory(3) ED 310 Instructional Technology(3) Grade _______ ED 325 Teaching Diverse Learners(3) _______ ED 390 Assess. & Instr. Strategies (3) _______ ED 416 Curriculum and Methodology(3) Clinical Practice: 12 hours _______ _______ ED 450 Student Teaching (12) P- 12 Art Certification 36-37 Hours _______ _______ ART 302 Drawing III (3) Art Courses: _______ ART 101 Drawing I (3) _______ _______ ART 314 Painting II (3) _______ ART 120 Elements of Design (3) _______ _______ ART 315 Ceramics II (3) _______ ART 202 Drawing II (3) _______ _______ ART 320 Photography (3) _______ART 214 Painting I (3) _______ _______ ART 322 Sculpture II (3) _______ ART 221 3-D Design (3) _______ _______ ART 333 Jewelry Design II (3) _______ ART 310 Art History I (3) _______ _______ ART 335 Printmaking I (3) _______ ART 311 Art History II (3) _______ _______ ART 350 Watercolor I (3) _______ ART 410 20th Century Art History (3) _______ _______ ART 390 Special Studies in Art His. (1-3) _______ ART 432/433 Studio Problems I/II (2-3) _______ _______ ART 411 World Art (3) _______ ART 470 Senior Exhibit (1) _______ _______ ART 414 Painting III (3) _______ _______ ART 421 Graphic Design III (3) Total: 36-37 Hours _______ _______ ART 422 Graphic Design for the Web (3) Free Electives Total: 3hrs ______________ __________________ _________________ _______ _______ ART 435 Printmaking II (3) _______ _______ ART 442/443 Studio Problems II (2-3) b. Art Education Courses: _______ _______ ART 450 Watercolor II (3) _______ _______ ART 330 Elementary School Art, P-5 (3) _______ _______ ART 460 Supervise Field Exp. in Art(1-4) _______ _______ ART 431 Sec. School Arts & Crafts (3) _______ _______ ART 490 Spec. Studies in Art His. II (1-3) Total: 6 Hours Total: 9 Hours c. Art Electives (choose from the following): _______ _______ ART 121 Graphic Design I (3) Grand Total : 114-115 hours _______ _______ ART 321 Graphic Design II (3) General Education: 42 hours _______ _______ ART 215 Ceramics I (3) Professional Ed.: 33 hours _______ _______ ART 222 Sculpture I (3 Free Elective: 3 hours _______ _______ ART 233 Jewelry Design I (3) Art Field: 36-37 hours _______ _______ ART 300 Stagecraft II (3) My signature below indicates I hereby recognize it is my responsibility to review and ensure I complete the above requirements for successful continuation in and exit from the Teacher Education Program. _________________________________________ ________________________ Signature Date _________________________________________ ________________________ a. _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 1516 Campbellsville University School of Education TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM CURRICULUM GUIDE SHEET P-12 Art Area with Teacher Certification Revised 9/15 Professional Courses 33 Hours Foundation Coursework: 12 hours Pedagogy Coursework: 9 hours Sem/Year _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Sem/Year _______ _______ _______ _______ Grade _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ED 199 Entry to Teacher Preparation (0) ED 102 Introduction to Education (3) ED 210 Basic Concepts and Phil. of Ed(3) ED 300 Human Dev. & Learn. Theory(3) ED 310 Instructional Technology(3) Grade _______ ED 325 Teaching Diverse Learners(3) _______ ED 390 Assess. & Instr. Strategies (3) _______ ED 414 P-9 Classroom Mangmnt. (3) OR _______ ED 416 Curriculum and Methodology(3) Clinical Practice: 12 hours _______ _______ ED 450 Student Teaching (12) Free Elective: 3 hours _______ _______ ________________________________ P- 12 Art Certification 54-55 Hours d. _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Art Courses: _______ ART 101 Drawing I (3) _______ ART 120 Elements of Design (3) _______ ART 202 Drawing II (3) _______ART 214 Painting I (3) _______ART 215 Ceramics I (3) _______ ART 221 3-D Design (3) _______ ART 222 Sculpture I (3) _______ ART 310 Art History I (3) _______ ART 311 Art History II (3) _______ ART 314 Painting II (3) _______ ART 321 Graphic Design II (3) _______ ART 410 20th Century Art History (3) _______ ART 432/433 Studio Problems I/II (2-3) _______ ART 470 Senior Exhibit (1) Total: 39-40 Hours e. Art Education Courses: _______ _______ ART 330 Elementary School Art, P-5 (3) _______ _______ ART 431 Sec. School Arts & Crafts (3) Total: 6 Hours f. Art Electives (choose from the following): _______ _______ ART 121 Graphic Design I (3) _______ _______ ART 233 Jewelry Design I (3) _______ _______ ART 300 Stagecraft II (3) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ART 302 Drawing III (3) _______ ART 314 Painting II (3) _______ ART 315 Ceramics II (3) _______ ART 320 Photography (3) _______ ART 322 Sculpture II (3) _______ ART 333 Jewelry Design II (3) _______ ART 335 Printmaking I (3) _______ ART 350 Watercolor I (3) _______ ART 390 Special Studies in Art His. (1-3) _______ ART 411 World Art (3) _______ ART 414 Painting III (3) _______ ART 421 Graphic Design III (3) _______ ART 422 Graphic Design for the Web (3) _______ ART 435 Printmaking II (3) _______ ART 442/443 Studio Problems II (2-3) _______ ART 450 Watercolor II (3) _______ ART 460 Supervise Field Exp. in Art(1-4) _______ ART 490 Spec. Studies in Art His. II (1-3) Total: 9 Hours Grand Total : 132-133 hours General Education: 42 hours Professional Ed.: 33 hours Free Elective: 3 hours Art Field: 54-55 hours My signature below indicates I hereby recognize it is my responsibility to review and ensure I complete the above requirements for successful continuation in and exit from the Teacher Education Program. _________________________________________ ________________________ Student Signature Date _________________________________________ ________________________ Advisor Signature Date 1516