F12 OwlSim User Manual

OwlSim User Manual
COMP 410 Fall 2012
Rice University
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
This manual describes how users can access the functionality of the Rice COMP 410
Fall 2012 class project, OwlSim.
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………1
Tabs and their functionalities
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
I. Introduction
To first reach the website go to owlsim.cloudapp.net. The site contains several tabs for
a user to select. These include a model, results, and timeline tab. The model tab
displays the energy model to be executed. The results tab displays whether or not the
energy model and plan met the listed constraints and also displays graphs for more
details of the simulators results. The timeline tab allows users to see and add events
that affect the energy plan during the 50 year time sequence.
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
II. Definitions
A. Energy Model
The energy model defines how the operations that will occur throughout the simulation
process work. The energy model is represented by modules in the Model Tab. Modules
have different computations that represent different aspects of the system including a
producer, consumer, environment, infrastructure, price, and blocker computation. Within
each of these systems, more modules are nested with their unique
computations. Modules interact with each other by passing output computation values
to each other through output terminals. Output terminals are connected to input
terminals of a module. Thus the result of one computation can supply the input of
another computation. Outputs can supply multiple inputs with a value, but an input can
only receive one value from an output. Input terminals that don’t receive a value from an
output terminal instead are given a default value as instructed by an energy plan.
B. Energy Plan
An energy plan defines the initial values for the energy model. These values include
variables such as population size at simulation start time, population growth rate
throughout the simulation process, average energy usage per consumer,
etc. Corresponding to an energy model, the energy plan sets the initial value for input
terminals of a computation module that do not receive a value from an output.
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
C. Events
Events alter the energy model and plan throughout the simulation. An event is
designated a start and end time and changes a value, such as the number of available
nuclear factories contributing to electricity production or the average income of a
consumer, at some point in time during the simulation. In other words, an event alters
the variables and computations during a simulation of the energy model and plan.
D. Blueprints
A blueprint represents an energy model to select and load. All saved energy models
are represented as blueprints. In the Model Tab a user may select a blueprint for editing
and simulation and click Load Model to load up the energy model for editing and
execution. Blueprints also represent potential modules to create and add to the model
once is it loaded. Within the palette of the Model Tab exists a listing of all blueprints for
a user to select, create, and connect into the energy model.
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
III. Tabs and their functionalities
a. Model
Within the model tab exists several features. There are drop down menus for a
user to select an energy model and an energy plan. Once the desired energy
model is selected, the user has the option to select the load model button. Within
the main window in the model tab, the selected energy model will load and
display for the user to see and edit its behavior, connections, and
functionality. The model is displayed within the main window, and to the right of
the main window is a palette that shows all available blueprints to create and add
to the current model. After a user has loaded a model, they may also select an
energy plan from the drop-down energy plan menu. The energy plan will set the
variables of the energy model not receiving a value from a module output. A
loaded energy model will already have values assigned to its variables, but
loading an energy plan will reset these variables to the values specified by that
energy plan.
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
b. Result
When a model is loaded in the model tab, saved and the run button is hit then
on the results tab appears two drop down boxes which consists of all the
variables in the model. A graph between any two variables can be plotted.
Also there is an option to view previous runs data. This is useful to compare
between the different scenarios( best case, worst case).
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
A plan may consist of a number of predefined events, to view these
events we developed a timeline tab which displays all the events
associated with the loaded plan. Along with viewing the events, users
are allowed to create their own events and run the model. After the
user right clicks a model and selects “create a new event”, it directly
switches to the timeline tab. Here there is a drop down box of
variables associated with the model on which an event can be created.
An event is tied with a time period, So there are 4 text boxes where
you can enter the start month, start year, end month, end year. *step
up factory*. Once an event is created it appears on the timeline and is
saved along with the plan loaded only if the model is saved.
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
IV. Editing
If a user wishes to compare a simulation of an energy model and plan to a potentially
new energy model and plan, they may create a new model and plan. Whenever an edit
is made involving a module connection, disconnection, addition, or deletion, that edit will
automatically be saved to the current energy model loaded.
Add a new module: the user should select a blueprint from a drop down box on main
window in the Model Tab. Clicking the add module button will create the module in the
Main Window and add it to the energy model currently loaded.
Delete a module: the user should select the particular module to be deleted and press
the delete key on the keyboard.
Connecting two terminals: you can only connect input terminals and output terminals
of a module. Left-click and hold on either a non-connected input terminal or any output
terminal, output terminals may be connected to multiple input terminals, and drag your
mouse to the desired terminal you want to connect to. Then release the mouse and a
confirmation window will appear asking if these are the terminals you wish to
connect. The connection, once confirmed, will automatically be saved to the current
energy model.
Disconnect two terminals: simply click on the wire between the terminals and the wire
will disappear. The disconnection will automatically be saved to the currently selected
energy model.
Editing terminal values: Connected input variables already receive a value from an
output source. Non-connected input terminals have a value assigned to them as saved
COMP 410 OwlSim User Manual
by the loaded energy model or set by the selected energy plan. A user may change a
non-connected input terminal’s value by double-clicking on the terminal. The user will be
prompted to enter a new value and click okay or cancel. Cancel will cancel the edit
process, and okay will perform a check on the new value. If the value is confirmed to be
a valid number for the terminal, the value of the terminal will change, and the new value
will automatically be saved to the currently selected energy plan.
Saving a model and plan: A user, after loading a model, may click the Save Model
button. This will save the current model as a newly labeled model in the system. After
clicking the button, the user will be prompted to enter in a new name for the model. The
cancel button will cancel the save process, and the okay button will check to see if the
name is not already in the system before saving the current model under the new
name. The newly named model will then become the selected model. Any edits done to
model will be saved to this model until a new model is selected and loaded. The
previous model will not receive any changes from future edits, as the edits will be saved
the new current model.
The exact process applies to an energy plan. Any edits to variables will be saved to the
currently selected energy plan. If the user clicks the Save Plan button, the user will be
prompted to enter a name for the new energy plan. After confirmation of non-existence
in the system, an energy plan with the provided name will be created and loaded as the
current energy plan. Any future edits will be saved to this newly created plan until a new
plan is selected and loaded. The old energy plan will not have any edits performed upon
it until it is selected and loaded.