COURSE TITLE: Professional Development and Experience II COURSE NUMBER: PHA 314 SEMESTER HOURS: ONE and a HALF (1.5) REQUIRED: Yes PREREQUISITES: PHA 312 Professional Development and Experience I BULLETIN DESCRIPTION: JUSTIFICATION: Professional Development and Experience is a course during the first curricular year that introduces and reinforces basic pharmacy practice elements and professionalism. The experiential component introduces students to the pharmacist’s role in various pharmacy practice environments through shadowing and observing pharmacists in community, hospital, and various specialty practice settings. Students will have opportunities for professional growth and development through attending professional meetings and participating in health related service followed by reflection on their experiences. The top 200 prescription drugs will be introduced by the students learning the trade name, generic name, and pharmacologic class. Core Ignatian Values are introduced and thoughtful reflection is utilized to increase student self-awareness as the basic foundation for becoming a reflective practitioner. Pharmacists are expected to exhibit professionalism in all aspects of practice, as well as their personal life. The development of these professional traits may not occur automatically for all students, but rather should be explicitly ‘taught’ as an integral part of the curriculum. The foundation upon which all facets of professionalism are built is competence. The experiential component is necessary for professional growth and development to allow students to integrate and apply didactic material in ‘real world’ pharmacy practice settings. Creighton is a Catholic, Jesuit university committed to forming men and women of conscience and compassion. Learning about and reflecting upon Ignatian Values are foundational to pharmacy professionals living the Creighton mission. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Course Objectives At the completion of this course, the student shall be able to: 1. Identify exemplary models of various pharmacy practice environments. Competency (ies) Educational Outcome 2.4 (I,R) Professionalism, Citizenship, and Leadership 7.2 (I) 7.9 (I) Dispensing Medications Educational Activities Lecture Group Discussion Site Visits Service Learning Professional Meetings Assessment Measures Reflection Questions 2. Describe the pharmacist’s role, responsibilities, and potential career opportunities within various pharmacy practice environments. 3. Identify the opportunities and challenges facing pharmacists in contemporary pharmacy practice. 4. Integrate Ignatian Values into professional and personal decisions and behaviors. 5. Develop an awareness of geriatric populations in health care. 6. Exhibit professional behavior in the pharmacy practice environment. 7. Outline the skills necessary to be successful in the didactic curriculum. 8. Demonstrate the ability to critically self-reflect about pharmacy practice issues and responsibilities. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: 2.1 (I); 2.2 (I); 2.4 (I) Professionalism, Citizenship, and Leadership Lecture Group Discussion Site Visits Service Learning Professional Meetings Reflection Questions 7.2 (I); 7.3 (I); 7.5 (I); 7.6 (I); 7.7 (I); 7.9 (I); 7.10 (I) Dispensing Medications Reflection Questions Professionalism, Citizenship, and Leadership Lecture Group Discussion Site Visits Lecture Group Discussion Service Learning 4.2 (I/R) 4.3 (I/R) Communication Group activity 2.1 (I,R); 2.2 (I,R); 2.3 (I,R) Professionalism, Citizenship, and Leadership 4.1 (I,R) 4.2 (I,R) 4.3 (I, R) Communication Site Visits Service Learning Professional Meetings Reflection Questions Preceptor Evaluation 2.1 (I/R) Professionalism, Guest Lectures Citizenship, and with structured Leadership active learning Various Classroom Assessment Techniques (See Active Learning and Course Outline) Professionalism, Citizenship, and Leadership Reflection Questions Preceptor Evaluation 2.1 (I); 2.2 (I) 1.1(R) 1.3 (I) 2.5 (I) 2.1 (I,R) Professionalism, Citizenship, and Leadership Ignatian Values Lecture Group Discussion Site Visits Service Learning Professional Meetings Reflection Questions This course will utilize lecture, discussion groups, and guest lecturers. Through a series of presentations and activities students will have opportunities to incorporate what their current and future role is in the profession of pharmacy. Distance students will attend class by reviewing the video/audio capture of the campus presentations and complete the same classroom assessments via Blueline. Students will also complete two site visits (4 hours each) with structured activities, discussions with preceptor and peers, and personal reflection. The site visits will be in two of the following pharmacy practice settings: community, hospital, and specialty pharmacy practice. Campus students will be scheduled at these sites on Thursdays either in the morning or afternoon on two different dates during the semester. Distance students are required to schedule these site visits during the semester in two of the following pharmacy practice settings: community, hospital, and specialty pharmacy practice. (see site visit requirements document). Campus students will complete the site visit requirements in the Omaha/Council Bluffs and/or surrounding areas within a 75-mile radius of Omaha. Distance students will complete site visit requirements in their geographic area. Distance students will have a face-to-face orientation session when they are on campus in the summer prior to the P1 year. A reflection/discussion session will be completed through a web conferencing tool (e.g., Wimba) for the Distance students. Students are required to participate in healthcare related service activities and professional pharmacy meetings throughout the P1-P3 years. The requirements for the service activities and professional meetings are described on the Pharmacy Office of Experiential Education website ( Throughout the P1-P3 years, the professional meeting requirements must be obtained from a combination of local and regional/state/national pharmacy meetings. The professional meeting requirement cannot be fulfilled by attending only one meeting type (i.e. all local, all regional/state, all national meetings). Distance students will be able to complete the healthcare related service and professional meeting requirement either in Omaha/Council Bluffs area or in other geographic areas. ACTIVE LEARNING METHODS: GRADING: Group Discussions Pharmacy Practice Site Visits Health Related Service Learning Pharmacy Professional Meetings Mixture of Classroom Assessment Techniques (Angelo and Cross) Focused Listing One Minute Papers Best of/Worst of Fuzzy Points Portfolio Entries Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading system will be used. A satisfactory grade will be achieved by completing all of the following: 1. Attendance is required and will be documented by the completion of the weekly assessment. (In class for Campus or on-line for Distance students) Students will be allowed to miss 1 assessment throughout the semester. 2. Attendance/participation is required for all orientation sessions, site visits, and discussion sessions. Active participation in discussion sessions with preceptors, instructors, and fellow students is expected. 3. Completion of all Site Visit, Service Learning, and Professional Meeting reflection questions in MyFolio (E*Value). If a student does not complete any of the above requirements, he/she will receive an Unsatisfactory grade for the course. Students who exhibit unprofessional behavior at any time in the classroom or on an experience will earn an Unsatisfactory grade for the course. EXAM ATTENDANCE POLICY: There are no exams in this course. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is required for PHA 314. For the classroom portion, record of your attendance will be based on the completion of the classroom assessments. Failure to notify the instructor (Dr. Tilleman) of an absence prior to the start of class will result in loss of credit for that session. For the experiential portion, attendance is required for all orientation sessions, site visits, and discussion/reflections sessions. If you are sick, have car trouble, etc., please contact either Dr. Jones or Dr. Coover (via phone or e-mail) before the scheduled orientation session, site visit, or reflection/discussion session. If Dr. Jones or Dr. Coover do not hear from you before the start of the scheduled site visit or session and you do not show up, you will receive a Professional Behavior Citation and an Unsatisfactory grade for that particular requirement. INSTRUCTOR: Responsible for Classroom Portion Jennifer A. Tilleman, Pharm.D. 402-280-3692 Responsible for Experiential Portion (Site Visits, Service Learning, Professional Meetings) Kelli L. Coover, Pharm.D. 402-280-3167 Rhonda M. Jones, Pharm.D. 402-280-2020 TEXT(S): No Required Text The latest policies, including those regarding students with disabilities and misconduct can be found on the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions’ website at Each student is responsible for adhering to all of the latest policies. "Faculty reserve the right to make changes in the course that they deem necessary, and will provide a copy of such changes to the Pharmacy Program Curriculum Committee for review before the next offering of the course."