
Multiple Choice Questions Logic
1) A belief is worth accepting if
1- it has not been proven wrong
2-it is accepted by our peers
3-we have good reasons to accept it
2.) Probably the best advice for anyone trying to uncover or dissect arguments is
1-find the premises first
2-find the conclusion first
3-paraphrase the arguments
3.) The function of an explanation is to try to :
1- prove that a statement is true
2-show why or how something is the way it is
3-show that a statement is in dispute
4.) The sentence - "Going to war was a mistake" is an example of :
1-an argument
2-an argument with an implied premise
3- a statement
5.) your beleiveing that something is true:
1- makes it probable
2-makes it true
3-does not make it true
6.) For critical thinkers, the best way to deal with group pressure is to:
1-Proportion your belief to the strenght of the reasons
2- Proportion your belief to the strenght of group influence
3-reject claims endorsed by groups
4-accept only claims endorsed by preferred groups
7.)Research shows that memories:
1-are highly reliable
2-are not exact copies of past events
3-are unalterable
8.) Prejudice is:
1- a belief or an opinion that most people disagree with
2- a judgement or opinion based on insufficient reasonings
3- a traditional belief
9.) an inductive argument is intended to provide:
1-valid support for its conclusion
2-probable supposrt for its conclusion
3-truth preserving support for its conclusion
10.) a deductlivley valid argument can not have:
1-true premises and a falce conclusion
2-false premises and a true conclusion
3- False premises and a false conclusion
11.) The classic argument - " all men are mortal, sacrotes is a manm therefore sacrotes is mortal: is
1-inductivley strong
2-deductilvey cogent
3-deductivley valid
12.) This argument - " If buffalo is the capital of ny, then buffalo is in NY, buffalo is in Ny, therefore
buffalo is the capital of NY " is:
1- affirming the consquent
2-disjunctive syllogism
3-valid modus penens
13.)It is reasoble to accept the evidence provided by personal experience only if:
1-it is backed by scientific evidence
2-theres no good reason to back it
3-everybody else believes it
14.)We fall into fallacious appeal to authority by:
1- checking an experts credentials
2-regarding a non expert as an expert
3-regarding an expert as a non expert
15.)THe error of thinking that previous events can affect the probabilitesin the random event at hand is
known as:
1-THe gamblers fallacy
2-the availability error
3-the appeal to ignorance
16.) When we seek out and use only evidence that cinfirms our views, we are guilty of :
1-fallacious appeals to authority
2-confirmation bia
3-appeal to ignorance
17.) Fallacies can be psychologically even though they are :
1-psychologically ompotent
2- logically flawed
3-deductivley valid
18.) An unwarranted conclusion about an entire group of people os knows as a :
1- straw man
2- red herring
19.)The following paragraph – “ 85% of dentists who suggest that their patients chew gum recommend
Orbit gum. Therefore, 85% of dentists recommend orbit gum” – Is an example of:
1- Valid deductive arguments
2- strong inductive argument
3- fallacy of unrepresentative sample
20.)The following paragraph- “ Computeres will never be able to converse with humans being well
enogh to be indisguinishable from humans: is an example of:
1-nonargument statement of opinion
2-valid deductive argument
3-weak analogy
21.) The following paragraph - “ It’s true that I smoke, but im not going to worry about every habit I
have. I could die tomorrow by slipping on a banana peel, so I will enjoy life today” is an example of:
1- rationalization
2-appeal to ignorance
3-slippery slope
22.) When we reason that just because B followed A, A , must have caused B, we fall for fallacy known
1-faulty analogy
2-Hasty generalization
3-Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
23.) The following paragraph: “I conclude that there is no intelligent lif on other planter anywhere in the
galaxy, since no one has ever confirmed that there is.” Is an example of:
1-strong inductive argument
2-hasty generalization
3- appeal to ignorance
24.) The following paragraph: “ There is no past or future, even in thought, because to think if you hav to
make it present” is an example of:
2-invalid deductive argument
3- fallacy of unrepresentative sample
25.) The following paragraph: “ if we legalize same sex marriage, based on argument that what defices
marriage is love and commitment, then the next thing you know , people will argue they should be
allowed to marry their pets” is an example of:
2-false dilemma
3-slippery slope
26.) The following paragraph: “ During the debate on the equal rights amendment, one of the senators
dismissed arguments by feminists wo testified before congress by referring to these women as smll
band of bra-less bubble heads” is an example of:
1-ad hominem
3-straw man
27.) a fruitful theory is:
1- makes the most sense
2-makes conservative predictions
3-makes novel predictions
28.) If a theory is externally inconsistent, we have reason to believe that it is:
2-internally consistant
3- internally inconsistent
29.) Testable theories include
1- theory of witches
2- theory that natural disasters are gods punishemnet
3- theory that the world will end in 2012