3rd Qtr. Essentials

I Can….
I Will…
RL.8.5a I can distinguish the similarities
and differences of two or more texts.
I will compare/contrast the
characteristics of two or more texts.
RL.8.5b I can explore how various
I will explain how text characteristics
characteristics of texts contribute to the such as pacing, flashbacks,
meaning and style
cliffhangers, etc. add to its meaning
and style.
RL.8.6a I can compare/contrast the
I will use a graphic organizer (Venn
points of view of characters with that of diagram, T-chart, etc.) to
the audience/reader.
compare/contrast different
RL.8.6b I can interpret how the
differences in point of view between the
characters and reader/audience can
create effects such as suspense or
I will examine one story from a variety
of viewpoints (writer,
reader/audience, characters).
RL.8.6c I can evaluate the effects of
dramatic irony in a text.
I will identify dramatic irony.
-I will
evaluate the effects of dramatic irony.
RI.8.5 I can analyze the structure of a
- I will examine topic sentences and
elaboration to create meaning in a
- I will critique how writers
purposefully choose points of view to
create effects such as suspense or
- I will outline a paragraph to create
the best meaning and understand the
RI.8.6a I can determine an author’s
point of view and/or purpose.
RI.8.6b I can analyze how the author
represents conflicting viewpoints.
RI.8.8 I can dissect an argument and
analyze its support.
- I will recognize an author’s
perspective by:
Determining author’s
point of view
Examining the overall
Exploring personal bias
- I will outline the author’s:
Key ideas
Supporting details
Word choice
Persuasive language
-I will critique arguments for relevant
and irrelevant details.
-I will identify patterns in how an
argument is arranged and supported.
Writing Focus Qtr. 3
I will write a formal paper that
includes stated argument, alternate
W.8.1 I can devise arguments with clear, points of view, organized reasons, and
concise details and supporting evidence logic evidence.
- I will apply words, phrases,
transitions to create cohesion within a
formal writing style.
- I will formulate a concluding
statement and paragraph.
W.8.1a I can introduce claim,
acknowledge, and distinguish the claim
from alternate or opposing claims, and
organize the reasons and evidence
I will introduce claim, acknowledge,
distinguish the claim from alternate or
opposing claims, and organize the
reasons and evidence logically.
W.8.1b I can support claim with logical
reasoning and relevant evidence, using
accurate, credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the
topic or te
- I will support claims with logical
reasoning and relevant evidence, using
accurate, credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of
the topic or text
W.8.1c I can use words, phrases, and
clauses to create cohesion and clarify
the relationships among claim,
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
I will use transition words, phrases,
and clauses to clarify the relationships
among claim, counterclaims, reasons,
and evidence.
W.8.1d I can establish and maintain a
formal style.
- I will establish and maintain a formal
W.8.1e I can provide a concluding
statement or section that follows from
and supports the argument presented.
I will write a conclusion that supports
the argument presented.
W.8.6a I can use technology, including
the internet, to produce and publish
I will use technology (including
internet) to create/produce a piece of
W.8.6b I can use technology, including
the internet, to present the
relationships between information and
ideas efficiently.
I will use technology (including
internet) to present the relationships
between information and ideas.
W.8.6c I can use technology, including
I will use technology (including
the internet, to interact and collaborate internet) to contact and work with
with others.
W.8.8a I can gather relevant
information from print and digital
I will gather relevant information.
W.8.8b I can accurately locate resources I will find resources from advanced
by using advanced searches.
searches to locate appropriate and
relevant information.
W.8.8c I can quote and paraphrase
information accurately to avoid
I will correctly reference direct quotes
and paraphrase information without
SL.8.3 I can evaluate a speaker’s
I will identify factual evidence.
I will recognize information unrelated
to the topic.
I will distinguish evidence that
supports the speaker’s claims.
SL.8.4 I can present my position
- I will present important points using
good speaking skill
SL.8.5 I can use multimedia aids to make - I will choose appropriate multimedia
presentation clear.
aids to illustrate my points.
8.L.8.3 I can apply what I know about
I will use verb tenses correctly (past,
language and its conventions to writing, present, and future)
speaking, reading, and/or listening.