THE READING ROOM, MERIDEN ROAD, BERKSWELL Registered Charity No. 1090721 Dear Parent / Carer, Welcome to Berkswell Pre-School. Please find enclosed our Registration Pack which includes the following: Registration form Consent form All about me form Please complete these and return them as soon as possible. The registration fee is £25.00 and is required with the registration forms to secure your child’s place. We regret we will be unable to accept your child without the relevant forms ad fees. If you have any questions or concerns surrounding them, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the staff at Pre-School. There are currently four staff working over the three days: Claire Sargeant; Nicola Fox, Kristy Webb and myself Rachel Macbeth-Webb. We all live locally and have children who have once themselves attended Pre-School, and who now go to the local school. As parents, some of us have been on the committee and some of us help in school with reading etc. On behalf of the team may I say we look forward to seeing you soon and hope your child will enjoy their time with us. Rachel Macbeth-Webb Pre-School Manager 01676 530735 07816361590 PRE-SCHOOL PHONE: 07944 205741 (For use on Pre-School days from 8.00am to 2.00pm). BERKSWELL PRE–SCHOOL GROUP REGISTRATION FORM Please complete this form and send it to Rachel Macbeth-Webb, Berkswell Pre-School Group, The Reading Rooms, Meriden Road, Berkswell. CV7 7BE as soon as possible to ensure the place and days you require. Rachel can be contacted on 07944 205741 in pre-school hours and 01676 530735/07816361590 at other times or via Email: All details that are provided are kept strictly confidential Child’s full name: Child’s date of birth: Full name and address of parent(s) / carer(s) with whom the child lives: 1. 2. Does this individual/these individuals have parental responsibility? (please delete) YES/NO YES/NO Does this individual/these individuals have parental responsibility? (please delete) YES/NO YES/NO Email address(s): Telephone No: (home) Mobile No(s): Work No(s): Full name and address of parent(s) / carer(s) with whom the child does not live (if applicable) 1. 2. Does this parent have parental responsibility? (please delete) YES/NO YES/NO Does this parent have legal access to the above named child? (please delete) YES/NO YES/NO Email address(s): Telephone No: (home) Mobile No(s): Work No(s): Family Doctor: Address: Telephone No: Emergency Contact Details Please could you provide details of at least two people that in your absence could in an emergency collect your child from Berkswell Pre-School. Please give the details of people you authorise to collect your child from Berkswell Pre-School (e.g. Aunt, grandparent, family friend, child minder) together with a password for each. Name & Relationship Address Telephone No’s Password Personal Details of your child Does your child have any allergies/intolerances or a medical condition of which the staff should be made aware? YES/ NO (if yes please give details) Please give details of any special dietary needs or preferences for your child Does your child need medication administered whilst at Berkswell Pre-School Group (e.g. Inhaler etc.)? YES/NO (if yes please give details – attach to form if easier) Does your child drink milk? YES/NO Does your child have any special needs? (If yes please give details – attached to form if easier) Are there any other agencies involved with your child? (If yes please give details – attached to form if easier) Is there any other information that you think might be useful to help us get to know your child/settle them into Berkswell Pre-School Group? (e.g. favourite toys, activities, games, TV characters etc) Does your child attend any other Early Years Setting or childminder? YES/NO If so, please provide us with their name and contact details below: How would you describe your child’s ethnicity or cultural background? (e.g. White British, Indian, Chinese) What language(s) is/are spoken at home? If English is not the main language spoken at home, will this be your child’s first experience of being in an English-speaking environment? YES / NO What is the main religion in your family if applicable? (e.g. C of E, Catholic, Muslim) Are there any festivals or special occasions celebrated in your culture that your child will be taking part in and that you would like to see acknowledged and celebrated while he/she is in our setting? OBSERVATIONS Whilst at Pre-School, Staff will carry out observations on your child in line with Ofsted requirements. This helps staff to establish what developmental stage they are at and if learning objectives and aims are met. All observations are carried out without any hindrance to the children and are confidential. They enable us to provide detailed feedback about your child’s progress. Parents are able to see any notes regarding their child at any time. Please sign below to give your authorisation for staff to observe your child in the setting. Signed Name Relationship to child Date *PREFERRED START DATE: (child should be at least 2 years old on this date) PREFERRED DAYS: (please tick) We will try to accommodate your preference subject to vacancies. You will be contacted to confirm days. We require a deposit of £25 which will be credited to your child’s first invoice. SESSIONS: 9.00-12.00 (£15.00 per session)* Tuesday Thursday Friday SESSIONS TO INCLUDE LUNCH CLUB: 9.00-1.00 (£20.00 and you send your child with a packed lunch and drink)* Tuesday Thursday Friday SESSIONS TO INCLUDE LUNCH CLUB: 9.00-3.00 (£30.00 and you send your child with a packed lunch and drink)* Tuesday Thursday Friday *Please note that we would require at least half a terms notice in writing if you decided to withdraw your child from the setting. Invoices are raised half termly and payable in advance. We do accept childcare vouchers, please ask us for details. USE OF IMAGES CONSENT FORM Pre-School I/We understand that as part of OFSTED’s requirements my/our child will be observed and monitored as part of their development planning, including the taking of photos and occasional the use of video. Records will be kept strictly confidential. Arrangements may be made to view these records if I/we wish. We give permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped whilst in the care of Berkswell Pre-School Group for this purpose, as well as for displays, staff coursework and other activities related to the running of the pre-school:Signed Name Relationship to Child Date Publicity During the year there are opportunities to publicise Berkswell Pre-School Group which may involve the use of an image of your child. This could be a photograph, video, DVD, CD or website image. It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act that we have to have your consent to this. Berkswell Pre-School Group has adopted certain safeguards in order to minimise any risk to your child. We will avoid publication of your child’s name with any image on any of our material/ website/ Facebook group pages etc. Only appropriate images will be taken – i.e. children will always be fully dressed and in designated areas. Images will be kept securely and destroyed after their required time, Any external photographer will have the validity of their organisation checked. Appropriate levels of supervision will be undertaken at all times. Please note that Berkswell Pre-School Group does not have control of how images taken by the media are published. I give consent to my child having images taken of them according to the above guidelines. Signed Name Relationship to Child Date (Please note that video recording and the taking of photographs are not permitted during Pre-School plays, productions or events. This is due to Pre-School’s safeguarding and data protection policy. We thank you for your understanding.) Thank you for your co-operation. The safe use of images can be a source of pleasure and pride and a valuable record of the achievements of your child. AUTHORISATIONS & CONSENT I give permission for my child to be taken out on walks within Berkswell Village. I give consent, in the event of an emergency, for appropriate medical advice/treatment to be sought/given - e.g. qualified first aider/doctor/paramedic etc Please note – in the event of your child being injured or taken ill whilst at Berkswell Pre-School Group, a member of staff would immediately attempt to contact the child’s Mother, Father or carer and if unable to make contact, would then try the emergency contact you have nominated. Signed Name Relationship to Child Date PARENT / CARER COLLECTION I understand there is a late pick-up fee of £10.00 which I agree to pay if I am late collecting my child. I understand that the pick-up time is 12.00 pm, 1.00 pm or 3.00pm. Signed Name Relationship to Child Date ALL ABOUT ME! Welcome to Berkswell Pre-School group. We are looking forward to you joining us very soon. In order for us to get to know you better, would you please answer some questions about yourself? My name is I like to be called I am years old. I was born on Here is a drawing of me I have hair and I have eyes. My parents/carers are called Who I call I have brother(s). I have sister(s). My pets are My favourite toy is I like to play (e.g. jigsaws, painting, dressing up etc.) My favourite song is My favourite book is Other activities I like are My favourite food is I don’t like At pre-school I need (please write any special requests and/or needs e.g. help with toileting, beaker etc) Do you have any friends who come to this group? If so, what are their names? Thank you for answering our questions. We look forward to meeting you soon. Rachel Macbeth-Webb Pre-School Manager 01676 530735 07816361590