4D Worksheet


Unit 4D Worksheet

1) Lymphatic trunks are formed by the union of the largest collecting ducts. The right lymphatic duct drains the right upper ________and right side of the _________and ________and empty into the junction of the right ___________vein and the right internal ___________vein. The thoracic duct arises from the __________ ___________and drains the rest of the body and returns the lymph to the blood at the junction of the left _____________vein and left internal


2) Lymphoid cells are mainly lymphocytes ___cells and ___cells that protect the body against______________, which are anything the body perceives as foreign, such as __________ and their toxins, __________and mismatched transfused RBC or other transplanted _________ as well as cancer cells.

3) T cells orchestrate __________responses in which the T cell, that mature in the__________, attacks and destroys ________________cells, while B cells produce ____________cells which secrete ____________which are proteins that bind____________, tagging them for removal from the body. B cells mature in the bone______________.

4) Other lymphoid cells are ______________that _______________foreign substances and help _____________T cells, along with _____________cells which are __________looking cells that function similar to macrophages that start out as______________.

5) Lymph nodes are embedded in the parietal and visceral____________. The parietal lymph nodes are found in the _______________membrane and the visceral lymph nodes are found in the_______________, and also the parietal and visceral lymph nodes of the___________.

6) The functions of the lymph nodes are _____________of macrophages which destroy microorganisms and debris entering via the ______________lymphatic vessels and ________ system activation which monitor for _____________and initiate their removal.

7) Lymph nodes have two distinct regions, the _____________which is the outer region and the

______________which is the inner region. The cortex contains follicles with _____________ centers where you find __________B cells and _____________cells. Housed deep within the cortex are _______cells in transit. These T cells circulate continuously surveying__________, lymph _____________and the lymphatic stream.

8) The medullary cords extend from the cortex and contain ___cells, ___cells, and _________ cells, while the lymph sinuses which are crisscrossed by _____________fibers throughout the node where __________________reside along with phagocytize foreign matter.

9) Circulation in the lymph node where the lymph is ____________, has the lymph entering via the ______________lymphatic vessels where it stagnates so the lymphocytes and __________ have time to carry out their _______________functions, and exits the node at the _______via the _______________vessels.

10) The spleen which is the ____________lymphoid organ functions are the site of __________ proliferation, ____________surveillance and response (white pulp area), along with, cleansing the__________, stores and breaks down products of old RBC’s referred to as___________, stores ____________for later use by bone marrow, it is the site of fetal _______________ production which normally ceases after birth and store blood ____________(red pulp area).

11) The thymus secrets the hormones _____________and ______________which are required to mature T lymphocytes to become___________________. The thymus does not directly fight

_____________, its function is to _____________T lymphocytes.

12) MALT or ____________-___________ ___________ ____________ are found in the

___________ ____________of mucosa membranes of the _____________and ___________ tracts which protect these systems from foreign matter.

13) The tonsils are the ____________lymphoid organs which contain ____________ with germinal centers that are not fully_________________. Epithelial tissue overlying the tonsil masses invaginates (in foldings) which form blind-end___________, which trap and

___________ bacteria and particulate matter.

14) Aggregates of lymphoid follicles are _____________Patches which are isolated clusters of

_______________tissues, similar to tonsils found on the walls of the small _____________and appendix. Their functions are to _______________bacteria, preventing them from breaching the intestinal wall and generate “memory” _______________for long term____________.

15) Lymphatic organs arise from the ______________except the thymus which is

______________ in origin. Other than the spleen and the tonsils, lymphoid organs are poorly

_______________ at birth.

Courtesy: mbmadsen
