Guide to the Annual Chemical & Hazardous Substance

Guide to the Annual Chemical & Hazardous
Substance Register Audit
very year, all QUT work sections are required to reassess our risks from storage of
hazardous substances, dangerous goods classed products and other chemicals held
for use in FM operations. Mostly this applies to maintenance, grounds and cleaning
sections. But any sections that have quantities of hazardous substances should also
participate in the chemical audit program.
Step 1
Use the Haz Subs Register form F 805_004 to do an audit or inventory
of all substances (including gas bottles, bulk containers, small containers or tins of
products ) that are used or stored on site and which are either directly under your
responsibility or others that you supervise. This includes contractors’ stores on our
campuses. If the inventory was completed the year before, you can simply use a
copy of the previous year’s audit and adjust as necessary.
Step 2
If you find substances in your section that you don’t use anymore, use the
opportunity to remove the product from the site entirely. Dispose of the substance
appropriately through the QUT Chemical Waste Disposal Scheme. .
Step 3
Filling in the Hazardous Substances register:
1. Column A – describe the actual place the substance is stored. Try to be specific with
buildings and room numbers ( if more than 1 location)on campus
2. Column B –this is general or commonly used name given by the manufacturer. This
is the name of the product as you know it.
3. Column C- Name of the manufacturer or supplier if manufacturer is unknown
4. Column D **Approx maximum quantity you have on site – e.g.: you may actually
have 10 bottles of a product X 500 mls per container = 5 litres at present but
normally have 20 bottles - so 10 litres is your quantity.
5. Column E **DG Class - Usually found on label ( or on MSDS ) – ranging from Class
2 to 8 – there may be more than 1 DG class – record sub risk classes also. E.g.:
Maybe Class 8 –Corrosive but also Class 3 – flammable – note both
6. Column F **Packaging group is on label and is written in Roman Numerals – PG I ;
II or III. Not all products have one, but note down if there is one.
7. Column G The UN Number – a 4 digit number associated with International
identification of main ingredients
8. Column H Is this product Hazardous according to ASCC criteria – Answer Yes or
No – you should find this on the label or it should be stated clearly on the MSDS – it
should be towards the top / beginning of the MSDS near the title( but not always)
9. Column I If you have an MSDS – Yes or No
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Guide to the Annual Chemical & Hazardous
Substance Register Audit
10. Column J The MSDS must be less than 5 yrs old by WH & S Regulations. Find the
issue date by the manufacturer – sometimes at the end of the document. If you don’t
have an MSDS – make a note in your comments column that is missing and seek one
from your supplier etc or you may find one on the QUT Chemwatch site.
**These 10 items of information are important for updating the emergency services
Step 4.
Change the current years records, and save back to the current year folder at
I:\FM_Sections\Health & Safety\Chemical Registers & Manifests FM.
Do not save over the previous year’s records. Save with different file name
in Excel format.
We need to retain information about substances used during that time period.
If you have any questions or need assistance in accessing related folders or storing files/
record, please contact FM Health and Safety Senior Technical Officer , Janelle Hobbins Ext
88600 or Naomi Hewitt -Waste Mgt – Campus Services Ext 88603 or Ms Julia Callaghan QUT
Sustainability Co-ordinator - Ext 83196.
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